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Table of Contents

1.0: INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………2

1.1: OBJECTIVE………………………………………………………………………………3


1.2.1: Company Information……………………………………………………………4-5

1.2.2: Vision………………………………………………………………………………...6

1.2.3: Mission……………………………………………………………………………….6

1.2.4 Company Organization Chart………………………………………………………7


1.3.1: Register the Mailing List……………………………………………………………8

1.3.2: Event Management……………………………………………………………9-10

1.3.3: Asset Management…………………………………………………..............11-13

1.3.4: Working with Artifact…………………………………………………………..13-17

1.4: FEEDBACK AND RECOMMENDATION………………………………………………18

1.5: CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………………19-20


University Putra Malaysia (UPM) has introduced Industrial Training as the

main prerequisite in the syllabus for the students to finish his/her study in UPM.

Hence, it can ensure the student to be prepared and adapted in working industry.

Every student needs to undergo training at any chosen company such as Kedah

State Museum. The duration of the industrial training that I need to fulfill is in a span

of two months or eight weeks, started from 24 June until 16 August 2019. It operates

on weekdays from Sunday to Thursday. The operation hours begin from 8 am to 5

p.m. on Sunday to Wednesday, while on Thursday, it begins from 8 am to 3.30 pm.

During the industrial training period, I was placed in the Unit of Administration. I was

required to write down my attendance in a logbook provided by the management of

Kedah State Museum. As an intern, I need to obey the company’s dress code, which

is ‘Baju Kurung’ or the corporate attire. Throughout the internship period, there will

be a supervisor that will supervise and guide the student about any task given.


Industrial Training is created because of many benefits that can be attained

from its implementation. There are objectives that can be achieved from industrial

training period. First, the main objective is giving exposure to students into working

environment. From the training, the student can get the opportunity to know about

how, why, what, how and others related questions about certain company. Hence,

the student will become familiar with the operation, business on how it conducted.

Other than that, the objective of industrial training is to provide a place for

students to gain a lot of knowledge and skills from the staffs and company it. The

student will learn about technical skills, communication skills, and etcetera during

internship. Thus, the students can develop their skills and increase their knowledge

about everything happened in daily life. At every place, the student can learn a lot of

things and it is very good revelation for student.

Subsequently, the other objective that can be achieved from industrial training

is the student can think very creative and precisely in handing the task given from

employer. When having an internship, the employer ought the student to be creative in

solving the problem. It required student to think out of the box and working hard in

managing his/her job. Hence, it also can teach student to be a persistent and endurable

person in doing work.



Figure 1.1: The front view of Muzium Negeri Kedah

Kedah State Museum started functioning since 3 rd February 1957 after it was

officially opened by the then Right Honorable Chief Minister Of Kedah Tan Sri

Tunku Ismail Bin Tunku Yahya. Originally it was knows as Kedah Historical

Museum. It had its humble beginnings at the ground floor of Balai Besar, Alor Setar.

It was shifted to its new premises in Bakar Bata on 30 th December 1961 on July

1964 the Historical Museum was re-named Kedah State Museum. Kedah State

Museum is located at Darul Aman Highway beside the river and opposite of Stadium

Darul Aman. Besides that, Kedah State Museum has other branches which are

Traditional House, The Royal Museum, Kedah State Art Gallery, Padi Museum and

Tunku Abdul Rahman Memorial.

Kedah State Museum Board is a statutory body under the administration of

the Kedah State Government who is tasked with maintaining and upholding the

history and heritage of the Kedah State in particular and Malaysia in general.

Additionally, the Kedah State Museum Board also plays a role to ensure the history

and heritage of Kedah is known throughout Malaysia and beyond to the rest of the


The Kedah State Museum Board also engages the community through

programs, exhibitions and activities as well as providing information on the history

and heritage of the State of Kedah. The Museum Board is involved in programs

organized by the Kedah Government in or outside Malaysia in promoting the tourism

and history of the State of Kedah.

The Museum of State Museum should always ensure and improve workflow

in the current era of technology to produce better productivity and co-operate with

other government agencies and private companies in upholding Kedah's history and

heritage to the world and assisting the Kedah State Government to achieve the

slogan "Kedah Secure Prosperity Together With Transformation".

1.2.2 VISION

Kedah State Museum visions become the leading legacy material management

agency in Malaysia.


Kedah State Museum mission is to managing the materials of history, culture and

nature, the country had to identify, collect, research, preserve and promote the

heritage materials to raise awareness and foster the spirit of love for the country

and nation.



During internship, trainee had been given a task to explore and learn about the

basic office works such as pick up phone call and connect the phone call, record the

letters that receive, how to use the Photocopy machine, being counter reception and

others while helping others staff with their task.

1.3.1 Register the Mailing List

Figure 1.2: The record of mailing list

Every Sunday I will help the staff to register and record the mailing list.

1.3.2 Event Management

i) Eid Mubarak Celebration

Students also assign to assist the staff in handling and managing the

event. I helped to set up, decorated and clean out the hall for event

“Perjumpaan Bulanan Bersama Pengarah dan Jamuan Raya Bersama

Staff Muzium Negeri Kedah “.

Figure 1.3: Internship students with director, En. Suhaidi Bin Shukri

Figure1.4 Internship students clean out the hall after the event

Figure 1.5: Internship students gathering for Eid Mubarak Celebration

ii) Meeting for “Mesyuarat Agong Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia

Cawangan Negeri Kedah”

Students need to handle the event “Mesyuarat Agong Persatuan Sejarah

Malaysia Cawangan Negeri Kedah” at Library Alor Star. We as a

community member, helped to register the attendance and the fees for the

new member.

Figure 1.6: Registration for the event

Figure 1.7: Meeting for “Mesyuarat Agong Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia
Cawangan Negeri Kedah”

1.3.3 Asset Management

Asset management is the process of handling public assets from the acquisition

stage to disposal. The asset was registered and already has the registration

number. Students are given the task checking each asset has a written

registration number attached or written on it and checking the number of the of

asset is same as the number being registered in the form. Student also needs to

locate the location of the asset and update data in the kew-PA7 and reprint for

safe keeping.

Figure 1.8: Update the number of registration for new assets

Figure 1.9: Registration the number of assets

Figure 1.10: List name assets

1.3.4 Working with Artifact

Projects run by students are major projects involving upgrading the content of

museum exhibits. Exhibitions exhibited in this upgrading work are historical

galleries. The main focus of this gallery is from prehistoric times to the 20th


The main tasks that are assigning to students are under the unit of authority of

the registration unit and the museum of the state must. It includes:

1) Analyze the search for information on the list of exhibited artifacts

2) The process of identifying all of the listed artifacts includes collecting storage

stores, invoices and any artifacts in the state museum.

3) Collecting and collecting artifact collection for pre-work

4) The works record the detailed details of each artifact displayed in the historical

gallery including the classification of artifacts, the registration numbers of each

artifact and isolation according to the projection of time and the century.

i) Measuring and Collecting the Data

Figure 1.11: Measure the artifacts

Figure 1.12: Taking pictures of the artifacts

ii) Registrations of New Update Registry Numbers

Figure 1.13: Cutting the warning sticker

Figure 1.14 Packing and label the registration number

iii) Registration for Items Follow the Category

Figure 1.15: Labeling the artifact follows the category

Figure 1.16: Arrange the artifact follow the category

iv) Wrapping, packing, labeling and name the set of Wayang Kulit

Figure 1.17: Wrapping the puppet-shadow

Figure 1.18: Packing and labeling the puppet-shadow

Figure 1.19: Name and describe the set of Wayang Kulit


Working in a real work environment seems more challenging to adapt as the

company tends to adapt to new technology and always up to date to match the

current technology employed. For the recommendations, it is suggested to students

who want to undergo the internship phase; they should be able to face the new

environment other than their studies at university. It is totally different environment.

Then, the students should be able to think wisely and solve the task very well

because there are different tasks assigned in each stage. Anything that someone

experiences, there will be lessons or knowledge will be gained and can be used in

the future ahead.


Industrial training is the essential phase for students to be exposed into real work

environment. Hence, the students should be able to construct themselves mentally

and physically before facing the real challenges at workspace. Since the trainee had

gained a lot of experiences and new knowledge. Apart from that, the trainee also

would be able to see the insight of the company on how they handled and managed

the workload when they got a project and task. The staff always helped the trainee

to complete the task given by company. At the same time, the trainee gets an

opportunity to learn a lot of things from them.

Other than that, the trainee also learnt much knowledge is very vast. It was a great

chance to be able to learn and explore many things during internship period.

Subsequently, this internship allows the trainee to learn real work environment by

improving communication skills, time management skill, endurance skills and others

before entering the real job environment. The trainee can learn from the staff’s

experiences as well.

In a nutshell, industrial training brings a platform for trainee to contribute all the

theories that they learned in university to the company. Later, the trainee also can

enhance their communication skills and produce self-confidence when interact with

the other people. Moreover, the training also helps the trainee to think out of the box

and think creatively in solving some tasks in real work environment. Lastly, these

valuable skills and knowledge would be able to help trainee in the future, facing the

real work environment.


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