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If we plot x against y for the function y = 2x2 + 3 we would get a quadratic curve.

x −2 −1 0 1 2
y 11 5 3 5 11

By converting the above function to Y = mX + c, where Y and X can be variables of y and x or combination of
variable y and x, we can draw a straight line graph. Need to re-calculate a new table of values.

x2 0 1 4
y 3 5 11

To draw a straight line for the above function we plot x2 against y.

From the above function y = 2x2 + 3

Y of the y axis is = y
X of the x-axis is = x2
m = 2 and c = 3


By rearranging the functions below or otherwise, state the Y, X, m and c so as the function is linearly related
to plot a straight line.

(a) y = 3/x + 5

(b) y = 2x − 3x2

(c) y = 2e3x

Example 2
Calculate gradient

Step 2:
Construct equation
Express y in terms of x for the following graphs below.
(a) (b)

(10,25) 5
(6, 3)

ln y
ln x

Example 3.
Variables of x and y are related by the equation ln y
y=e . When ln y is plotted against x, (8,44)
a straight line is obtained passing through (3, 19) x
and (8, 44) as shown in the diagram.
Find the value of a and of b. x

Example 4
It is expected that the variables x and y are related by the equation y = lg (ax + b) where a and b are unknown
constants. Given sets of experimental values of x and y, determine the variables whose values should be
plotted in order to obtain a straight line graph, and explain how the graph may be used to determine the values
of a and b .

Additional Maths Classwork. Topic: Straight Line Graphs.

Variables x and y are plotted such that a straight line graph were obtained going through the points
indicated. Express y in terms of x of the following functions.

(1) xy (4)
(8, 7) y 1
(3, 3)

(2, 3) (5, 6)


(2) (5)
y (y – x)
(3, 13) (5, 11)

(3, 6)
(1, 5)
x2 x2

(3) (6)
x (y + x)
(1, –3)
(2, 1)

(6, 10)
(6, 11)

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