Assignment: Submitted By: ROMAIZA HASSAN Reg ID: ISB-F-171861 Submitted To: Dr. SOHAIB SULTAN

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Submitted by: ROMAIZA HASSAN

Reg ID : ISB-F-171861

Submitted to: Dr. SOHAIB SULTAN

Bandura defined self-efficacy as: ‘People’s judgments of their capabilities to organize and
execute courses of action required to attain designated types of performances.’
Efficacy is about to ability to do something. The word  efficacy  has to do with the
ability or capacity to do something, but not about  how  something is done. Self-efficacy
refers to our overall belief in our ability to succeed. Self efficacy is an intrinsic motivation
that how an individual learn something. Every individual have their own perception and
different learning abilities some students are learner and most of students are slow
learner. Some students learn by doing some activities and from different examples they
learn things easily and quickly.
When student faced with difficult tasks, they are plagued by their personal deficiencies
and the obstacles they might encounter. They decrease their efforts and quickly give up
in the face of challenges. When at time of performing some task so most of students
give up because of difficult task they think they can not perform that task that is why
they give up. For this type of problems in class teacher should motivate their students to
learn and perform activities by themselves. Self-efficacy can also be learned by one
student watching another student succeed. Teacher can promote  self-efficacy is by
creating a stress-free environment in the classroom. Using a less formal and high energy
class review before a big test can reduce anxiety and help the students believe in
themselves. Showing that they can get the right answers in a contest against their
classmates demonstrates that they know the material and will be successful.

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