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ISSN: 2395-6429, Impact Factor: SJIF: 4.656
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Volume 4; Issue 2(A); February2018; Page No. 2969-2971
Review Article
Kanchan Hegde., Ashwini Gaikwad*., Seema Jadhav., Rajlaxmi Patil and Shivani Bhatia
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed To Be University
Dental College and Hospital, Pune


Article History: Endodontic access cavity is one of the most important step for a successful endodontic treatment. The
Received 15th November, 2017 design of the traditional endodontic cavity (TEC) for different tooth types has been established
Received in revised form 21st several decades ago and has remained unchanged with only minor modifications. In TEC, it has a
December, 2017 properly access cavity with straight line access. Whereas in conservative access cavity (CEC), there is
Accepted 23rd January, 2018 preservation of the pericervical dentin and complete deroofing of the roof is avoided.
Published online 28th February, 2018

Key words:
Pericervical dentin, Deroofing

Copyright © 2018 Kanchan Hegde et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Endodontic therapy comprised of three factors and they were
cleaning and shaping, disinfection and three-dimensional
obturation of the root canal system. However, Access cavity
preparation is known to be one of the most challenging and
important step for a successful endodontic treatment.
Figure1 (A–D) Sketches with an ( A–C) occlusal view and (D) sagittal
Inadequate access cavity preparation may also result in view of access cavitty designs of a first mandibular molar.
difficulty in locating or negotiating the root canals,
instrument separation and aberrations of the canal shape (A–D)A traditional access cavity (black line dashed), (A, C,
which may result in inadequate cleaning, shaping and filling and D) conservative access cavity (green), and (B–D)
of the root canal system. This may lead to failure of the ultraconservative ‘‘ninja’’ access cavity (red). Comparison of
treatment. For a long time G. V. Black’s preparations were the 3 access cavity designs in the (C) occlusal and (D) sagittal
totally accepted by the profession. Traditional endodontic view, respectively. The sagittal view shown as a conservative
access cavities (TEC), it emphasizes on straight line access access cavity maintains a robust amount of pericervical dentin.
into the root canals and this helps to increase the B, buccal; D, distal; L, lingual; M, mesial
biomechanical preparation efficacy and reduce the procedure
Traditional endodontic access cavity
errors. However, a concern related to TECs is the amount of
tooth structure removed, which may reduce its resistance to The access cavity preparation depends on the G.V.Black’s
fracture under functional loads.1, 2 The most current evolution principles. One of its fundamental concepts, ‘extension for
is a minimalistic approach to access design by shifting the prevention’, had been followed universally for many decades.
outline configuration toward greater dentin preservation and A little modification of the principles and they include the
idealizing the endodontic-restorative interface.3Recently, Clark outline form, the convenience form, removal of the carious
and Khademi modified the endodontic access cavity design to dentin and the toilet of the cavity6
minimize the tooth structure removal and this was known as
During cavity preparation, the centre of the pulp chamber
the Conservative endodontic access cavity (CEC). The aim of
should be the target of the initial penetration, at a point where
the CEC was to preserve some of the chamber roof and the
the roof and floor of the pulp chamber are at the widest. The
pericervical dentin.4
outline form is then determined by the shape of the pulp
chamber which also determines the occlusal extent of the

*Corresponding author: Ashwini Gaikwad

Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed To Be University Dental College and Hospital, Pune
International Journal Of Current Medical And Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 4, Issue, 2(A), pp.2969-2971, February, 2018

cavity. The convenience form is achieved by removing a necessary to detect canal orifices. This helps in preserving the
certain degree of dentin for specific locations and thus gaining pericervical dentin and part of the chamber floor. The
a straight line access to the root canal orifices. Underlying pericervical dentin is the dentin that is located 4 mm above and
these principles is Black’s concept of ‘extension for 4 mm below the crestal bone and they serve in distribution of
prevention’, which promotes the sacrifice of additional tooth functional stresses in teeth. Thus it is necessary that we
structure to prevent iatrogenic complications and to best preserve this pericervical dentin in order to maintain the
achieve the ultimate goals.6 biomechanical response of the radicular dentin.4,5 The
preservation of this dentin roof above the pulp chamber is
The designs of the traditional endodontic access cavities have
known as the ‘soffit’.
remained unchanged for past few decades. Due to existing
limitations with the diagnostic or the imaging techniques, the
variations and complexities of the root canal are not known.
Thus during the traditional access cavity preparation, more of
dentin is removed in order to explore the expected pulp
chamber floor anatomy and canal openings.

Figure 4 Dotted line shows the typical cut made to remove the entire
pulp horn. Area between the lines should be maintained and is referred to
as the soffit.

Ninja endodontic access cavity

To obtain an access ‘ninja’ outline, the oblique projection is
made towards the central fossa of the root orifices in an
occlusal plane. As the endodontic access is parallel with the
enamel cut of 90⁰ or more to the occlusal plane, it is easier to
locate the root canal orifices even from the different visual
Orifice-directed dentin conservation access cavity
Figure2. (A–F) CBCT 3-dimensional reconstructions and segmentations
The orifice –directed design is also known as the ‘truss’ access
of lower molars prepared with different access cavity designs in (A–C)
the sagittal view and (D–F) the axial view at the occlusal surface. (A and cavity. It is an approach to conservative access cavity where
D) A traditional access cavity (purple), (B and E) conservative access separate cavities are prepared to approach the canals.
cavity (green), and (C and F) ultraconservative ‘‘ninja’’ access cavity
(red) are segmented on CBCT reconstructions.

Conservative endodontic access cavity

David Clark and John Khademi have modified the traditional
access cavities and these new designs are known as
constructed or conservative endodontic access cavities. The
designs are been advocated to minimize the tooth structure
removal. 4,5
The conservative endodontic access cavity was considered as
an alternative to the traditional endodontic access cavity in
maintaining the mechanical stability of the tooth. This Figure 5 A schematic representation of the (A) TEC access (black dotted
mechanical stability helps in the long-term survival and the line) and (B) DDC access (red dotted line) cavity in a mandibular molar.
function of the endodontically treated teeth.
In mandibular molars, two separate cavities are prepared to
approach the mesial and the distal canals. In maxillary molars,
the mesio- and the distobuccal cavities are been approached in
one cavity and another separate cavity for the palatal canal.
The aim of preparing such conservative cavities is to preserve
the dentin ie. Leaving a truss of dentin between the two
cavities that has been prepared. 8
Although traditional access cavity has been established several
Figure 3 CEC in mandibular first molar. The occlusal view; for
decades ago, the conservative access cavity designs mentioned
comparison purposes, the outline of TEC is demarcated with a dotted in this article are also better options in order to preserve
line. pericevicle dentin to enhance the strength of endodontically
In conservative endodontic access cavity, the teeth are treated teeth.
accessed at the central fossa and they are extended only as

International Journal Of Current Medical And Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 4, Issue, 2(A), pp.2969-2971, February, 2018

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How to cite this article:

Kanchan Hegde et al (2018) 'Unusual Ways Usual Destination', International Journal of Current Medical and Pharmaceutical
Research, 4(2), pp. 2969-2971.



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