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Disusun oleh :
1. Bayu Rizky P. (201801096)
2. Ruben Bibaborbir (201801124)
3. Vivin Afriliana H. (201801132)



TA. 2019-2020


1. Jurnal Pertama
 Judul : The Experience of Korean Nurses during the Middle
East Respiratory Syndrome Outbreak
 Penulis : Sook-Bin Im, Steven L. Baumann, Mina Ahn,
Hyunok Kim, Bock-Hui Youn, Minkyoung Park, Ok-
Jaa Lee
 Tahun : 2017-2018
 Jenis penelitian : Fenomenologi
 Volume : 31
 Halaman : 72-76
 DOI : 10.1177/0894318417741119

a) Problem/Population (P)
 Perawat yang terinfeksi MERS-CoV
 Masalah Utama : Pengalaman delapan perawat dari korea yang
diisolasi selama wabah MERS-CoV
 Kriteria Inklusi : Peserta adalah para perawat yang : (a) diisolasi
karena tertular MERS-CoV, (b) antara usia 25-
42 tahun, (c) memiliki pengalaman kerja di ICU
selama 2-19 tahun, (d) bersedia menjadi
 Kriteria Eksklusi : Para perawat yang tidak tertular MERS-CoV
b) Intervention (I)
 Delapan perawat yang diisolasi selama seminggu di ICU secara sukarela
berbicara kepada penulis
 Mayoritas berusia 25-42 tahun
 Memiliki pengalaman 2-19 tahun bekerja di ICU
 Para perawat di wawancarai pada bulan Oktober 2015
c) Outcome (O)
 Feeling Hopeless & Cut Off : Feeling hopeless and cut off reflects the
nurses’ experience of not only being physically isolated and restricted
from contact with others but also existentially isolated and imprisoned by
fear, apprehension, and apparent disregard. While only a few of the nurses
specifically mentioned feeling depressed or hopeless, they all reported
uncomfortable emotional states and altered sense of time passing, as shifts
blurred with their prolonged hours in the ICU, as uncertainty about their
future gave rise to pessimism.
 Feeling Shame & Overworked : The nurses were exhausted by the
workload and long shifts. The use of PPE and N95 masks can be seen in
humanbecoming theory as enabling-limiting (Parse, 2014), in that they
allow nurses to work protected from unseen pathogens, while it makes
doing even simple tasks more difficult.
These South Korean ICU nurses reported that they felt shame of
being stigmatized even while they were working heroically with
considerable risk to themselves and their families. Several said they felt
“the gaze of others” in the hospital, which made them feel like they were
“vermin,” unwelcome creatures that could spread deadly diseases.
 Feeling Pride of Fulfilling a Duty : The nurses’ comments tell a story of
nurses working together as dedicated and courageous employees. It was
for them deeply rewarding. The closeness that developed while jointly
working on what needed to be done also provided the nurses with hope,
which offset the anxiety and depression they were experiencing.
One of the nurses said, “I am a nurse! I did my best.” Another said
everything about it “was not all bad,” and “we even shared a
cheerfulness.” The nurses recognized their work had value, and despite the
hardship and danger, they were happy to be nurses. In their words, “we
finished this situation well.”

2. Jurnal Kedua
 Judul : A multi-faceted approach of a nursing led education in
response to MERS-CoV infection
 Penulis : Jaffar A. Al-Tawfiq, Siobhan Rothwell, Heather A.
McGregor, Zeina A. Khouri
 Tahun : 2017
 Jenis Penelitian : Fenomenologi
 Volume : 11
 Halaman : 260-264
 DOI :

a) Problem/Population (P)
 Perawat yang akan menangani pasien MERS-CoV
 Masalah Utama : Edukasi perawat terhadap pemakaian
APD dan penatalaksanaan Nasopharyngeal
Swab kepada pasien MERS-CoV
 Kriteria Inklusi : Peserta adalah perawat : (a) Emergency
Department, (b) Primary Care, (c) the dedicated
Isolation Unit, (d) and the Hemodialysis Unit
 Kriteria Eksklusi : Perawat yang tidak mengikuti edukasi MERS-
b) Intervention (I)
 Advice and support was provided by the Infection Control and Prevention
Department with regards to disseminating information and developing
processes to assist an interdisciplinary response team. It became obvious
that good infection control and prevention practices would be necessary to
not only care for patients who had tested positive for MERS-CoV but also
for sus-pected cases and to protect staff in the delivery of the required
care. Thus, a new process had to be implemented in order to reduce the
risk of transmission of MERS-CoV.
c) Outcome (O)
 Nurses were re-orientated to the correct process of donning and doffing
PPE including N95 mask through a demonstration process. The nurses
were then shown a video developed by the New England Journal of
Medicine entitled: Procedure − Collection of Nasopharyngeal Specimens
with the Swab Technique. Each nurse joined a skills table where a nurse
educator simulated the procedure, using a mannequin, to obtain a
nasopharyngeal swab.
 Nurses were re-orientated to the correct process of donning and doffing
PPE including N95 mask through a demonstration process. The nurses
were then shown a video developed by the New England Journal of
Medicine entitled: Procedure − Collection of Nasopharyngeal Specimens
with the Swab Technique. Each nurse joined a skills table where a nurse
educator simulated the procedure, using a mannequin, to obtain a
nasopharyngeal swab.


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