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1.1 Background
In college students are required to write a scientific paper, which is paper. There
was also a thesis that is a key demand for a student to complete his studies at the college.
Because theses who will decide whether or not a work of graduate students. Likewise
with the paper writing, students are required to write for the paper will be 'food' day-to-
day for the students in making the task subjects. Each course usually right requires
students to write a paper as a condition of obtaining the value to be presented. Dibuatpun
papers can not be arbitrary, because paper-writing has certain rules in the determination
of the writing. Among them, a paper to be clear of its source, where writing was cited and
who is the author. Papers have certain parts such as the introduction, discussion, and
cover. So understanding the preparation of scientific papers shall be owned by the
students at the College with all the courses are occupied.
In these opening remarks will be explained what the background of the issues to
be discussed. then, the background will be described in the discussion that contains sub-
chapters that discuss more clearly and in more detail from every part of the discussion.
Then the inside cover contains a brief summary of the discussions. and as a complement
to the most terpenitng included also a list of libraries that contain any books used in the
preparation of the paper.

1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this scientific paper is to meet the prerequisite tasks subjects Indonesian
Odd Semester at the University of Mercu Buana

1.3 issues

As in this scientific paper the following issues:

 What is a scientific paper?
 A purpose of the preparation of scientific papers?
 What is the nature of scientific papers?
 What the early stages in the preparation of a scientific paper?
 What is the structure of a scientific paper?

1.3 Method
I created this scientific work using the method of literature study, observation by finding
information in accordance with this scientific papers. obtain from various sources such as
articles, the Internet to add ingredients of this scientific paper.
1.5 Benefits
This paper is expected to provide insight and knowledge on scientific papers. This
analysis can be used as a reference for the students in the preparation of papers ilmmiah
know the qualities of a scientific paper, the stages of preparation, also sturuktur of
scientific papers.
1.6 Systematics
a. Deciding on a theme
b. Determining title
c. Finding and collecting material and said
d. Develop framework
e. Develop a framework of scientific papers
f. Make conclusions and suggestions



2.1 Definition Essay

The scientific work consists of two words and scientific works. Works by Indonesian
dictionary may be grouped under the notion that contain tekait anatara one sense with another
sense. The first means jobs, handiwork, artificial, creation (especially fabricated). Both
creations are not adaptations, copy, or translation. All three creations are not a clone. May
mean that the work is a creation that is not a clone or a copy, which can be the creation of a
written, verbal, and objects. While the nature of science and scientific is in science, eligible
(the rules of) science. Scientific interpreted as being based on sciences.

Many theories that give an idea of what the scientific works, among others:

• Drs. Totok Djuroto and Dr. Bambang Supriyadi said that the scientific work is a series of
writing activities based on the results of research, which is systematically based on the
scientific method, to get scientific answers to the problems that came before.

• According Brotowidjoyo identifies that the scientific work is an invention of science that
presents the facts and written according to the methodology of writing is good and right.

Based on the two above understanding can be concluded that the scientific work is the
series of events that poured through the post according to the Indonesian manner of writing is
good and right. In writing scientific papers, a writer must pay attention to the grammar used,
the systematic writing, writing methodology and theory used. All these aim to mevalidkan
data obtained.

2.2 Purpose Essay

As for some purpose of scientific papers including:

 Interest in the work of Scientific Writing is to provide an understanding in order to be

able to think logically and scientifically describe and discuss a problem and can pour it in
a systematic and structured.

 Cultivate scientific ethics among students, so it is not only a consumer of knowledge, but
also capable of being a producer (manufacturer) thinking and writing in the field of
science, especially after the completion of his studies.
 Scientific papers have been written it is expected to become a vehicle for the
transformation of knowledge between the school and the community, or people who are
interested in reading it.
 Proved the potential and scientific insights possessed by students in the face and solve
problems in the form of the relevant scientific work after gaining knowledge and
education of the department.
 Train basic skills to conduct research.

2.3 The characteristics of Essay

Not all the works written in a systematic and based on facts on the ground is a scientific work
because the scientific work is characterized as follows:

1. Objective.

This objectiveness descry on any facts and the data revealed by the fact that actual, not
manipulated. Also every statement or conclusion based on the evidence presented that could
be accounted for. Thus, anyone can check (verify) the truth and validity ..

2. Neutral.

This neutrality can be seen on any statement or free assessment of certain interests both
personal and group interests. Therefore, statements that are invite, persuade, or influence the
reader needs to be avoided.

3. Systematic.

The description contained in the scientific work is said to be systematic when following
specific development patterns, such as patterns of order, classification, causality, and so
forth. In this way, the reader will be able to follow it up with an easy workflow descriptions.

4. Logical.

The logic of this can be seen from the pattern of reasoning that is used, the pattern of
inductive or deductive reasoning. If you intend to infer a fact or data used inductive pattern;
conversely, if it intends to prove a theory or hypothesis used deductive pattern.

5. Present the fact (not emotion or feeling).

Every statement, description or conclusions in scientific work should be factual, which

presents the facts. Therefore, any statement or expression of emotional (passionate like the
campaign, as the mourning sadness, a sense of excitement as people get prizes, and anger as
the fight) should be avoided.

6. Not pleonastical

That is the words used are not excessive alias saving words or convoluted (right directly
toward the target).

7. The language used is formal variety.

2.4 Important Things to Know Before Starting Making An Essay.

Before discussing in theory, need to know there are several things that the primary
concern in initiating the creation of a scientific paper, including:
a. Authors should do some activity before making a scientific article, including
determining the themes that will be used as a benchmark in writing and conduct
initial data mining.
The first step that must be done if someone were to write a scientific paper is to
determine the theme of an article. There are times in following a scientific writing
competition, the theme of the writing has been determined by the race committee. If
specified, will be directing the author to make a scientific work. Conversely, if the
article has not been determined themes such as in the case of the writing, the author
gets the freedom to decide for themselves the theme of writing he likes or even
understand it. The next step, if it has been determined themes to be studied, the
authors have to do some digging to preliminary data by looking for information on
the themes to be studied or written. Prof. Suharsimi Arikunto explained that there are

three ways that can be done to gather information,[6]To make it easier to remember it
can be abbreviated to Triple P (Three P)
As is the Triple P are:

1. paper: Read the documents, books, magazines, newspapers or other written

material, either in the form of theory, research reports or prior art.
2. person: Meet, ask and consult with experts or human sources.
3. Place: The place, locations or objects around which there is in the study. It means
seeing and observing the fact that there is somewhere or the surrounding

Typically, the third by the object (not necessarily all three of these objects, as they
may be only through one of the objects of the Triple P someone getting preliminary data
that it deems sufficient), an author can collect data necessary for initiating a scientific
writings. It would be very difficult for someone to write a scientific paper if it does not
have preliminary data that will be presented in the background section, this is because the
initial data will show how important such an article that describes a background that
becomes the basis for formulating a problem.

b. Trying to analyze the initial data obtained in the activity before writing so it can be a
good background for the preparation of the scientific papers.
After obtaining the data, the next step is to analyze by way of comparison, looking for
a relationship or correlation between data or look for a gap between the data obtained.
Once analyzed, it will typically appear motivation of the author as well as the reasons
for choosing the theme of the issue. In the end, the tip of the writing background, will
be explained hopes to achieve by an author through the scientific work.
Broadly speaking, it can be concluded that in making a background please note the
following points:

 The background is a brief description of the theme of the research or writing


 The background also had to explain the reason for choosing the theme and title of
the paper, whether the reason for the field ilmi and by factors that attract these
 The background also must explain what is expected to be obtained from the
results of the writing or research.

c. Formulate problems based on this background.

formulate problems can be done in various ways. Among others :

1. The problem is made to find or describe a fact, phenomenon or legal

2. Problems were made to find a relationship between two things or two
phenomena and data.
3. The problems created by comparing two things or phenomena and data.

d. Determining the purpose, benefits and scope of writing, and ultimately formulate or
determine the article title representing the issues to be discussed.

What is to be achieved in an article, it should be stated clearly and unequivocally. It

should also be remembered that among the problems, objectives and conclusions that
would be obtained should be synchronized. That is the purpose made based on the
formulation of the problem, and is closely related to the conclusions to be made.
The benefits of writing can serve to help formulate advice on writing, because
through benefits, the authors have limitations on what a solution for the problem.
While scoping is needed, especially if the titles are made too short, or the motive of
penuis still abstract. Hopefully, through the determination of this scope will facilitate
the author in determining the space and boundaries in order not to widen the
discussion of the purpose of writing.

If the author has been able to determine the first step, then can be drawn a variable
representing the background and the formulation of the problem and its purpose, which is known
as Title Posts. Although in theory, should be written the first title, but in practice, the emergence

of the title can be made later after the author can determine the background, the formulation of
the problem and the purpose of writing.
Things that may need to be considered in determining the title is:

1. Headlines must illustrate or represent problems, can be formulated in brief

concise and clear or it can be as complete as possible. The title is written
completely dimungkinkah if it really wants to represent the problem. Broadly
speaking, the complete title adalam include:
a. The nature and type of research
b. Object studied
c. The research subjects
d. Location or area of research.
2. The title must describe the importance of issues to be raised ..
3. The title should interest readers

2.5 Structure of Scientific Paper

Understanding the structure of a scientific paper can be a way that would help the
writer in presenting his paper. When you are familiar with each of its aspects, is a bit
much to vacate this line of thought the author.
In general, a scientific paper is divided into three major sections. The part that I mean
that introduction, contents, and discussion. Although all three are at the core of the work,
of course, still needed another element, namely the preface to the preface, table of
contents, list of tables / scheme, bibliography, and attachments. Of course completeness-
are not entirely absolute completeness included.
To better understand the structure of scientific papers, then we attach an example of a
scientific paper entitled "Free Children's Hope School of Indonesia"


As the name suggests, this section provides an overview of the topic of research about
to be served. The usual aspects included in this section is described simply below.
a. Background

In this section, the author must spell out what the interest on the object under
study. Therefore, sensitivity to watch the latest phenomena in fields that are being
occupied becomes a necessity. Not infrequently, a paper or thesis received rave
reviews for discussing topics that are hot.
Examples of scientific papers "Hope Free Schools Indonesian Children"



1.1 Background

Education is the key to success for the future are bright. Besides an
education to get a better life, education can shape the mind of a person.

In reality we see today in Indonesia to receive an appropriate education

is not easy, especially for the nation's children who can not afford due to
economic factors, which should be in accordance with the ideals of the
Indonesian Nation on Opening of UUD'45 "Protecting the entire Indonesian
nation and the entire homeland of Indonesia and promote the general welfare,
educating the nation and participate in the establishment of world order ".

Right now the Government efforts in improving the quality of education

by issuing a policy with their free school .Cita that goal can be achieved if the
government and the whole society to work together to realize the ideals of the
Indonesian nation. Education quality improvement issues is not a new problem
in Indonesia.

Problems and limitations

From the phenomenon of interest, authors should raise issues going to be
discussed. Because in the background, who want to discuss issues normally not stated

However, the problem was about to be discussed or researched it remains to be
restricted again. This is done so that the discussion does not overflow area to the
aspects that are far from irrelevant. In addition, restrictions on research problems will
also help in terms of the effectiveness of scientific writing.
Examples of scientific papers "Hope Free Schools Indonesian Children":

c. 1.2 Problems

As in this scientific paper the following issues:

 What is a free school education?

 What purpose the establishment of a free school?
 How did the people of the free school?
 What are the impacts and benefits of a free school?
 Anything that needs to be upgraded from a free school?

Goals and usage

Indicate the purpose and usefulness of the research was undertaken. As far as possible
translated both, both for academia and society in general.

1.3 Objectives

This scientific paper is written to participate in the

Student Senate Faculty of Teaching and Education of
the Indonesian Christian University High School Essay
Competition-SMK in Jabodetabek.
1.5 usefulness

Presumably with this scientific paper can awaken us all

of the importance of education to improve the quality of
education in Indonesia as our nation's next.

d. Method
A scientific paper also contains detailed information about the complete, clear,
detailed, coherent and systematic on data and analysis of an issue that will be raised.
For writing scientific papers, there are many methods that can be used, among others,
as follows:
 The method of writing literature
The method of writing scientific papers to collect the materials, materials, data,
and information obtained from books or journals are available.
 The method of writing a field study
This method is one method that is quite tiring to spend a lot of energy, but the
actual information contained in the field. Such as by conducting interviews,
questionnaires or questionnaires, etc.
 The combined writing method
This method combines the study of literature is also a field study so that the
information obtained is valid and effective.

1.4 Method

I created this scientific work using the book

review, observation by finding information in
accordance with this scientific papers. In addition to
collecting information with a book review, I also
received from various sources such as articles, the
Internet to add ingredients of this scientific paper.


After completing the first part earlier, the research can be continued with more wrestling
with the data that has been obtained. Mengingat on the content, the author should do an
analysis based on questions or problems that arise in the introductory chapter that
developed CHAPTER II into a
whole 2.1 Definition of Free Education discussion
of the form of 2.2 Objective Establishing Free Schools the analyst
and also 2.3 Public opinion of the School Guide theory.
2.4 Impact School Guide
2.5 Constraints and Effort to Improve the
CLOSING Quality of School Free

The concluding
part contains a conclusion or summary of the discussion and suggestions (if deemed
necessary). This section indicates the end of the paper. The writing section covers can be
done using the following technique.

1. Reaffirmation or summary of the discussion that has been done,

without being followed by a conclusion.
2. Draw the conclusion from what has been discussed in the main text
of the paper.
In addition, this section can also be included advice or the recommendation with respect to
the issues discussed. Suggestions should be relevant to what has been discussed. Haris
suggestions made explicit, to whom the advice is addressed and the actions or what it
Bibliography or what is commonly called the bibliography also become an important part.
The assumption is that a scientific study would use a supporting references. There is no
minimum or maximum limits on the use of reference. However, this does not mean that the

researcher can arbitrarily specify a reference. Reference may indicate that too few
researchers do not read much literature supporting or related research results. While when
too much, might be suspected of writing the results are dominated by the expert opinion
than the opinion of the researchers themselves. Therefore, the use of reference should be as
natural and as necessary
Here is an example of how to write a bibliography on writing papers, theses or research and
so forth:
1.WritingReferencesthe retrieval of data from the internet, first; write your name, second;
write (the book or writing made in parentheses) after it gave (point), third; write the title
of the book / writing and give the (point) again, fourth; write the website address using
the word (from) to the initial title of the web, etc. after it put a comma, the fifth; write the
data retrieval date ok. Like the example below:

 Albarda (2004). IT Implementation Strategy for Organizational Governance (IT

Governance). from
option=com_docman&task=doc_view&gid=27&Itemid=30, 3 August 2008

2.Writing a bibliography in obtaining data from books, first; writing the name to use
uppercase early advance after the last name written give (comma), starting from the back
and give a name (comma), followed by the first name, second; year of production or
publication of the book, these three; remember the title of his book is written by using
italics after the title using (dot), fourth; where publication after publication places use
(colon), and fifth; publisher of the book ends with a (dot). Like the example below:

 Peranginangin, Kasiman (2006). Web Applications with PHP and MySql.

Yogyakarta: Andi Offset.
 Soekirno, Harimurti (2005). How to Install Easy Web Server Based Windows Server
2003. Jakarta: Elex Media Komputind

3.1 Conclusion
Based on this scientific paper, we concluded:
 Scientific paper is the result of a series of ideas that are the result of thinking
based on facts, events, and symptoms are conveyed accurately and accountable
 The purpose of scientific writing is to convey something or the results are logical
and systematic thinking to the reader.
 The characteristics of such an objective scientific papers (according to the facts),
neutral (impartial), systematic (sequential, follow a certain pattern), logical,
presenting facts, not redundant (the words are not redundant), the formal
 Important Things to Know Before Starting Making A Scientific Paper, among
others, determine a theme that will be used as a benchmark in writing and conduct
initial data mining, analyzing the initial data obtained, formulate problems based
on background ,determine the objectives, benefits and scope of writing, and
ultimately formulate or determine the article title representing the issues to be
 The structure of the scientific paper is accompanied Pendahaluan background.
problems, goals, methods, usability, systematics. Discussion or content and also
features a cover that conclusion, advice, literature review.
3.2 advice
As for suggestions from us include:
 Preparations in the manufacture of scientific papers is needed, starting with the
theme, title, background, etc thus simplifying the processing of the material that will
be discussed in the written work
 It primarily in the manufacture of a scientific paper is the importance we poured our
thoughts, ideas which will be presented to meet the characteristics of scientific papers
objectiveness, impartiality, systematic, logical, presenting the facts.


 Djuroto, Totok. 2005. Writing Articles and Scientific Work, Bandung: Rosda paper
 E. Arifin. 2006. Fundamentals Scientific Writing. Jakarta: Grasindo
 Winarto Yunita, dkk.2004. Social Scientific papers. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia
 Somad, Adi Abdul. 2008. Active and Creative Indonesian Language Class XI SMA / MA.
Jakarta: Book Center, Ministry of Education.
 Setyoningtyas, Emilia. Trendy 2001. Indonesian dictionary. Surabaya:
APOLLO Surabaya.


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