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1)What is Research Hypothesis? Why hypothesis testing is done?

A research hypothesis is a specific, clear, and testable proposition or predictive

statement about the possible outcome of a scientific research study based on a
particular property of a population, such as presumed differences between
groups on a particular variable or relationships between variables.
ĺnstatistics, a null hypothesis (H ) is a hypothesis set up to be nullified or
refuted in order to support an alternate hypothesis. When used, the null
hypothesis is presumed true until statistical evidence in the form of a
hypothesis test indicates otherwise.The alternative hypothesis H (or
maintained hypothesis or research hypothesis) and the null hypothesis are the
two rival hypotheses whose likelihoods are compared by a statistical
hypothesis test. Usually the alternative hypothesis is the possibility that an
observed effect is genuine, and the null hypothesis is the rival possibility that it
has resulted from random chance.

Hypothesis testing is done to determine whether there is enough evidence in

respect to certain belief.It is a essential method in statistics that evaluates two
statements about the population to determine which statement is best
supported by the sample data.

2)What are Type l and Type ll errors?

Type I error, also known as an "error of the first kind", an α error, or a "false
positive": the error of rejecting a null hypothesis when it is actually true. In
other words, this is the error of accepting an alternative hypothesis (the real
hypothesis of interest) when the results can be attributed to chance. Plainly
speaking, it occurs when we are observing a difference when in truth there is
Type II error, also known as an "error of the second kind", a β error, or a "false
negative": the error of failing to reject a false null hypothesis when the
alternative hypothesis is true. In other words, this is the error of failing to
observe a difference when in truth there is one. This type of error can only
occur when the statistician fails to reject the null hypothesis
3) What is critical region and region of acceptance?
A critical region is also known as rejection region, is a set of values for the test
statistic for which the null hypothesis is rejected I.e, if the observed test
statistics is in the critical region then we reject the null hypothesis and accept
the alternative hypothesis.
A region of acceptance or Acceptance region is just compliment to critical
regionsI.e if the observed test statistic falls in the acceptance region we accept
the null hypothesis and reject the alternative hypothesis.

4) Discuss about various test statistics and their usage?

Widely used test statistics

• t test
• Chi square test
• F test
• Z test
It is most often used when comparing statistical models that have been fitted to a data
set, in order to identify the model that best fits the population from which the data
were sampled. E

The chi-square test is used to analyze a contingency table consisting of rows and
columns to determine if the observed cell frequencies differ significantly from the
expected frequencies.

Z-test is a statistical test where normal distribution is applied and is basically used for
dealing with problems relating to large samples when n ≥ 30.

A t-test is a type of inferential statistic used to determine if there is a significant

difference between the means of two groups, which may be related in certain

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