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General Principles
- It is the inherent power of the sovereign Promotion of
Primarily to
Purpose general
exercised thru legislature to raise revenues raise revenue
to defray the necessary expenses of the
Limited to the
government. Taxes
cost of
Amount of imposed
regulation or
Taxes Exaction depends upon
issuance of
- These are enforced proportional contributions the Congress
from persons and properties levied by the state No direct
by virtue of its sovereignty for the support of the benefit but
government and all its public needs. Improves the only a safer
Benefits general community
Purposes of Taxation Received condition of and healthy
1. Primary- to raise funds in able for the state to the society economic
promote general welfare and protection for the standard of
It is inferior to
2. Secondary or Non-Revenue Superior to
Non- the non-
 Sumptuary or Regulatory- taxation may be impairment of impairment
the non-
used as an implement of police power to impairment
Contracts clause of the
promote the general welfare of the people. clause
 If the main purpose of charging a particular No transfer of
fee is to raise revenue for the government, property
Taxes paid will
it is taxation. But if the main purpose of Transfer of rights, but a
be deemed a
charging a particular fee is to regulate an Property restraint in
part of the
Rights the exercise
activity, it is an exercise or implementation public funds
of property
of police power. rights
 Taxation can be used in the exercise of Covers all Covers all
police power. For example, sin taxes (high persons, persons,
excise taxes imposed on cigarettes) are for the Scope properties and properties,
purposes of raising revenues and at the excises rights and
same time to regulate the consumption of (privilege) privileges
3. Compensatory- the progressive system of
taxation prevents the undue concentration of TAXATION v. EMINENT DOMAIN
wealth in the hands of few individuals.
 It is system of progressive taxation because TAXATION
more taxes are collected from those who
have more wealth than those who have few. Taking a
Primarily to particular
Nature of Taxation raise revenue property for
1. Inherent attribute of sovereignty public use
 No need for constitutional conferment. General
benefit of the
Constitutional provisions do not give rise the Compensation citizens for
power to tax, but merely imposed limitations compensation
and guidelines on the exercise of taxation. society
 It is not inherent to local government. The Applies to
Constitution authorizes LGUs to impose classes of
taxes subject to laws that may be persons, Applies to
promulgated or passed upon the legislature. properties and particular
2. Legislative in character excises as property to be
may be expropriated
 It is the Congress which can pass upon the
determined by
tax. the legislature
 Extent of authority of the legislature: CONES
Coverage, Object, Nature, Extent, Situs

1 |g j u
Theories and Basis of Taxation 1. INHERENT LIMITATIONS
1. Lifeblood Doctrine
 Without taxes, the government can neither 1. Public Purpose- for the promotion of general
exist nor endure. welfare.
 No injunction rule: As a general rule,
collection of taxes cannot be the subject of Illustration:
injunction Taxes are collected to support a sugar industry. The law
 Cannot be subject of Compensation or was questioned because it does not comply with the
prohibition against set-off of taxes, as a public purpose requirement of taxation. The Supreme
general rule. Court explained that public purpose does not necessarily
2. Necessity mean that it should benefit all, as long as it satisfies the
 The exercise of power to tax emanates from “general welfare” of the public.
3. Benefits-Protection or Symbiotic 2. Legislative in nature- the power of taxation is lodged
Relationship in the Congress.
 Involves the power of the state to demand - Exceptions to the non-delegability of power to
and receive taxes based on the reciprocal tax:
duties of support and protection between the a. Imposition of local taxes by the local
State and its citizens. government units, which is expressly conferred
by the Constitution under Sec. 5, Art. X.
Basic Principles of Sound Tax System (Canons of b. Delegation of power to the President under
Taxation) FAT Sec. 28, Art. VI in fixing tariff rates.
1. Fiscal Adequacy
 Every tax system, for it to be considered Q: It is provided in the VAT Reform Act that the VAT
sound, must be able to collect sufficient rate is 10%. The same law confers to the President
amount of taxes/revenue in order to defray the authority to increase it to 12% upon
the expenditures of the government. recommendation of the Secretary of Finance, upon
2. Administrative Feasibility meeting certain and identified criteria. Is there a
 The tax system should be capable of being violation of the non delegation of legislative
effectively and efficiently administered authorities to the President?
and enforced for the least inconvenience to A: NONE. There is a valid delegation because what was
the taxpayers. delegated is not really the determination of the law, but
merely the implementation. The president, thru the
 Example is the cause-benefit analysis
Secretary of Finance, merely implemented the provision
3. Theoretical Justice
of the law.
 The taxes to be collected must be based on
the taxpayer’s ability to pay.
3. Territoriality- the taxing power of the country is
 Progressive system of taxation, the higher limited to persons, properties and privileges exercised or
the income, the higher tax to be collected; located within the jurisdiction. It is in consonance with
lesser income, lesser tax to be collected. the benefit-protection theory.
 Regressive system of taxation, higher
income, lesser taxes to be collected; lower 4. International Comity- refers to the respect accorded
income, more taxes to be collected. by nations to each other because they are sovereign
- Rationale: To motivate low income equals.
earners to work harder to raise them up to
higher income bracket. Illustration:
Can we impose taxes over properties of the US
LIMITATIONS IN TAXATION Embassy located in the Philippines? NO.
1. INHERENT limitations exist by the very increment of 5. Exemption of government entities, agencies and
taxation. instrumentalities.
2. CONSTITUTIONAL limitations are found in the - unless a law expressly provides otherwise.
constitution. - GOCC‟s, unless a law specifically provides
NOTE: Both are applicable to national taxes only otherwise, are taxable.
3. STATUTORY limitations are applicable only in local
taxes- found in the Local Government Code which sets
out specific limitations and guidelines for levying and
imposition of local taxes.

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2. CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS the dissolution or cessation of the corporate existence of
such institutions, their assets shall be disposed of in the
Article III. Section 20. No person shall be imprisoned manner provided by law.
for debt or non-payment of a poll tax.
- Poll tax (cedula or community tax) is levied on Illustration:
persons who are residents within a territory of a 1. UST is exempt from real property tax and income tax,
particular taxing authority without regard to real without any exception. There must be a proof that the
property, business or occupation. income is actually, directly and exclusively for
educational purposes to be able to claim exemption.
Article VI. Section 28. 1. The rule of taxation shall be
uniform and equitable. The Congress shall evolve a 2. A lot, owned by UP, was leased to Ayala. Ayala
progressive system of taxation. introduced improvements. Real property tax is not
- Uniformity- taxable particulars of the same imposed only on land. It can be imposed on buildings
class should be taxed at the same rate. and improvements. The basis of imposition of real
- Equitability- taxation must be based on the property tax is not on ownership, but on usage.
ability to pay of the taxpayers- the higher the
capacity of the taxpayer to pay, the higher the Q: A government agency leases a portion of its land
income tax that must be levied upon him. to McDonalds. Is the lot exempt from real property
- Taxation is progressive when the tax rate tax?
increases as the income of the taxpayer A: NO.
Article VI. Section 28. 4. No law granting any tax
Illustration: exemption shall be passed without the concurrence of a
A particular taxpayer is earning P100 a day. The VAT is majority of all the Members of the Congress.
12pesos. The disposable income is 88pesos. This is - Voting separately- majority of the Senate,
regressive because it is more detrimental to those majority of the House.
belonging to lower bracket.
Article VI. Section 27. 2. The President shall have the
3 kinds of Taxation: power to veto any particular item or items in an
1. Progressive appropriation, revenue, or tariff bill, but the veto shall not
2. Regressive affect the item or items to which he does not object.
3. Proportional- a fixed rate imposed regardless of - “Item veto”
Article X. Section 5. Each local government unit shall
Article VI. Section 28. 2. The Congress may, by law, have the power to create its own sources of revenues
authorize the President to fix within specified limits, and to levy taxes, fees and charges subject to such
and subject to such limitations and restrictions as it may guidelines and limitations as the Congress may provide,
impose, tariff rates, import and export quotas, tonnage consistent with the basic policy of local autonomy. Such
and wharfage dues, and other duties or imposts within taxes, fees, and charges shall accrue exclusively to
the framework of the national development program of the local governments.
the Government.
- “Flexible tariff clause” Q: Can the Congress abolish the power to tax by the
Article VI. Section 28. 3. Charitable institutions, A: NO. The authority is granted by the Constitution.
churches and parsonages or convents appurtenant
thereto, mosques, non-profit cemeteries, and all lands, Article VI. Section 24. All appropriation, revenue or
buildings, and improvements, actually, directly, and tariff bills, bills authorizing increase of the public debt,
exclusively used for religious, charitable, or educational bills of local application, and private bills shall originate
purposes shall be exempt from taxation. exclusively in the House of Representatives, but the
- Only pertains to real property taxes, unless Senate may propose or concur with amendments.
exempted by a particular law. - Substituted bill from the Senate does not
violate the Constitution, as long as there is an
Illustration: originating bill from the House.
A particular charitable institution is earning an income. It
is exempted not under the Constitution but under Article III. Section 1. No person shall be deprived of life,
Section 30(E) of NIRC. liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall
any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.
Article XIV. Section 4. 3. All revenues and assets of - Substantial due process- intrinsic validity of
non-stock, non-profit educational institutions used the law itself.
actually, directly, and exclusively for educational - Procedural due process- right to be heard.
purposes shall be exempt from taxes and duties. Upon
3 |g j u
- It must be for public purpose, and not arbitrary shifted or passed to another. (e.g. value-added
and confiscatory. tax, other percentage taxes, documentary stamp
- Equal protection tax)
a. There must be substantial distinction.
b. Applies to present and future conditions. 3. As to tax rates
c. Applies equally to members of the same a. Specific Tax- which imposes a specific sum by
class. the head or number or by some standard of
d. Classification must be germane to the weight or measurement and which requires no
purposes of the law. assessment beyond a listing and classification of
the subjects to be taxed (e.g. taxes on distilled
1. Levy/Imposition- enactment of the tax laws
(Congress) b. Ad Valorem- tax upon the value of the article or
2. Assessment and Correction- implementation of the thing subject of taxation (e.g. real estate tax)
tax law (Executive, i.e., BIR or BoC)
3. Payment- by taxpayer c. Mixed- a choice between ad valorem or specific
4. Refund* depending on the condition attached.

CHARACTERISTICS of TAXATION 4. As to the imposing authority

1. Enforced contributions a. National (internal revenue taxes)- taxes levied
2. Generally payable in money by the National Government (e.g. national
3. Proportional in character, since taxes are based on internal revenue taxes)
one’s ability to pay
4. Levied on persons, property, or exercise of a right b. Local (real property tax, municipal tax)- taxes
or privilege levied by the local governments subject to such
5. Levied by the State having jurisdiction guidelines and limitations as the Congress may
6. Levied by the legislature provide (e.g. real estate tax)
7. Levied for a public purpose
8. Paid at regular periods or intervals CONSTRUCTION AND INTERPRETATION
1. Tax Laws
KINDS of TAXES - As a general rule, tax laws must be construed
1. As to subject or object strictly against the government and liberally
a. Personal, capitation, or poll tax- taxes of a in favour of the taxpayer.
fixed amount upon all persons of a certain class  Exception: If the tax law refers to a grant of
within the jurisdiction of the taxing power without tax exemption, in which case, it must be
regard to the amount of their property or the strictly construed against the taxpayer
occupations of businesses in which they may be and liberally in favour of the government.
engaged (e.g. community tax) - But this statutory construction applies only in
case of doubtful interpretation of the law.
b. Property Tax- taxes assessed on all property or (General rule: If the law is clear and there is no
all property of a certain class within the room for interpretation, apply the law)
jurisdiction of the taxing power (e.g. real estate
tax) 2. Tax Exemption, Tax Deduction, Tax Refund
- Construed strictly against the taxpayer and
c. Excise or privilege tax- taxes laid upon the liberally in favour of the State.
manufacture, sale or consumption of
commodities within the country; upon licenses to Tax Exemption
pursue certain occupations and upon corporate - Is a grant of immunity, express or implied, to
privileges (e.g. value-added tax) particular persons, corporations or taxpayer from
which similarly situated taxpayers are obliged to
2. As to burden or incidence pay, while the others are still liable to pay taxes.
- Impact- who is the responsible party to remit the - Majority vote of the Congress, voting separately,
tax to the government? is required to grant tax exemption.
- Incidence- who shoulders the burden? - Requisites, before a taxpayer can claim tax
a. Direct Taxes- wherein both the tax liability as exemption:
well as the impact or burden of the tax falls on  There must be a law clearly specifying the
the same person (e.g. corporate and individual tax exemption being claimed by the
income tax) taxpayer; and
 The taxpayer must be able to prove that the
b. Indirect Taxes- wherein the tax liability falls on particular provision of law applies to him.
one person but the burden thereof may be
4 |g j u
Tax Deduction b. Where the facts subsequently gathered
- Applies to all taxpayers situated in the same by the BIR are materially different from the
class. facts on which the ruling is based; or
c. Where the taxpayer acted in bad faith.
Tax Amnesty
- Grant of immunity granted to a particular Sources of Tax Laws
member of class only. 1. Constitution
3. Tax Rules and Regulations 3. Tariff and Customs Code
- Construed strictly against the taxpayer and 4. Local Government Code
liberally in favour of the government. 5. Local Tax Ordinances
6. Tax treaties and international agreements
Revenue Regulations (RR) Issuances signed by the 7. Special Laws
Secretary of Finance upon 8. Jurisprudence
Example: RR 2-98 recommendation of the 9. RRs and administrative rulings issued by BIR or
- It is the second Commissioner of Internal BoC
revenue regulation in Revenue that specify,
the year 1998 prescribe and define rules
and regulations for the Q: Can a tax law be contained in a resolution?
effective enforcement of the A: NO, it must be in the form of ordinance.
provisions of Tax Code
Revenue Memorandum Issuances that provide Double Taxation
Orders (RMO) directives and instructions - There is no constitutional prohibition against
prescribe guidelines and double taxation.
outline processes, operations, - 2 types:
activities and procedures in
the implementation of policies 1. Strict sense (Direct)
of the BIR.
- Unconstitutional, in violation of equal
Revenue Memorandum Issuances that publish
Circulars (RMC) pertinent and applicable protection and uniformity clauses
portions, as well as, of the Constitution.
Example: RMC-50-2018 amplification/clarification of - Two or more taxes are imposed on:
- Clarifications in the laws, rules and regulations. SPA-JPK
TRAIN Law a. Same subject matter
b. Same purpose
Q: There is an error committed by previous c. Same taxing authority
Commissioner in the issuance of RMO. Can this d. Same taxing jurisdiction
error be rectified by subsequent Commissioner? e. Same taxing period
A: YES, because the government is not estopped from f. Taxes are of the same kind and
the mistakes of its agent. character

APPLICATION OF TAX LAWS 2. Broad sense (Indirect)

- Tax laws, including its rules and regulations, are - Permissible
applied, as a general rule, prospectively. - Some elements of direct double taxation
 Exception: If it is expressly contained in are missing.
the statute that there would be retroactive
application. Q: Upon the death of A, his estate was passed on to
 Exception to the exception: If it is nullified his successors, subject to estate tax. Aside from
on the ground of violation of due process, estate tax, transfer tax is also to be paid for the
because the law is harsh and oppressive. conveyance of the property. Is there a direct double
- Sec. 246, NIRC provides for the non-retroactivity taxation?
of rulings. Any revocation, modification or A: NONE. The taxing authority for the estate tax is the
reversal of the rules and regulations national government, whereas, the transfer tax is the
promulgated in accordance with the Tax Code, local government. Moreover, the subject matter of estate
or Circulars promulgated by the Commissioner, tax is the privilege to transfer thru succession, whereas,
shall not be given retroactive application, if the the subject matter of transfer tax is the property. Lastly,
revocation, modification or reversal will be estate tax and transfer tax are of different kind and
prejudicial to the taxpayer. character.
 Exceptions:
a. Where the taxpayer deliberately misstates
or omits material facts from his return or any
document required of him by the BIR;

5 |g j u
Q: Income receipts are subject of income taxes, at TAXES DEBTS
the same time, of VAT. Is there double taxation? Cannot be subject of
A: YES, but it is in its broad sense. The subject matter of compensation for the reason
income tax is the privilege of earning income, while, VAT that the government and the
These are due to the
is the privilege to engage in business. Also, both have taxpayers are not creditors
government in its corporate
and debtors of each other.
taxing periods- income tax, annually, while, VAT, These are due to the
quarterly. government in its sovereign
Modes of Eliminating/Minimizing Double Taxation The money judgment against
1. Tax Credit- is an amount subtracted from the The payment of taxes arises the government is the
taxpayer’s tax due to arrive at the tax liability from law. obligation which will arise
payable to the BIR. from a contract.
- International Double Taxation- two
different taxing authorities- one is in the TAX AMNESTY v. TAX EXEMPTION
Philippines and the other is abroad. TAX AMNESTY TAX EXEMPTION
 If a resident citizen pays income tax abroad,
it may be deemed as a tax credit in the The immunity
covers criminal,
Philippines. civil and The immunity
2. Tax Deductions Scope administrative covers civil liability
3. Tax Exemption liability arising from only.
4. Tax Treaties non-payment of
Escape from Taxation General pardon to
Granted in favour
1. Shifting Grantee of a particular
all taxpayers.
- Transfer of the burden of the tax by the class only.
original payer on whom the tax was Application Retroactively. Prospectively.
assessed or imposed to another.
- Applicable only for indirect taxes, e.g., Compromise
VAT, Excise tax, Percentage tax - A contract whereby the parties, by
reciprocal concessions, avoid litigation
2. Tax Avoidance or put an end to one already
- A scheme to minimize tax liability within commenced.
the limits provided by law. - Taxpayer represents himself, and the
- Example: One can claim 40% Optional government is represented by the
Standard Deduction (OSD) even without Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
presenting a receipt. - Sec. 204, NIRC: Compromise on
internal revenue taxes may be granted
3. Tax Evasion on the following grounds:
- It minimizes or eliminates tax liability a. Reasonable doubt as to the validity of
using fraudulent or illegal means. assessment against the taxpayer.
b. Financial incapacity of the taxpayer.
Equitable Recoupment
- There is an application for tax refund Taxpayer Suit
which must be filed within 2 years from - Requisites:
payment. The period has lapsed. On the 1. Public funds arising from collection
other hand, there is an existing tax of taxes are illegally disbursed or
liability. There can be no offsetting of allocated.
the prescribed tax refund against such 2. Taxpayer is affected.
existing tax liability.
- It is inapplicable in the Philippines
No Injunction Rule
Compensation and Set-off - As a general rule, a taxpayer cannot file
- Art. 1278, NCC: Two persons, in their an injunction case to prevent the action
own right, are creditors and debtors of of the government in its assessment or
each other. collection of taxes.
- Taxes are not subject of o Exception: Only when the case is
compensation/set-off because are not before the CTA
debts. - Rationale: Lifeblood Theory
- Applies only to taxes imposed only
under the NIRC/national taxes.

6 |g j u

Income Taxation Q: A, a Filipino, has a bank deposit in US. What is

the income component?
SITUS OF TAXATION (Sec. 42, NIRC) A: Interests from bank deposits. In a bank deposit, the
- “Place of income”. It determines whether your creditor is the depositor and the debtor is the bank. The
income is from within or from without. bank is in US. Therefore, the interest income is an
income from without.
Sources of
Within Without Dividends declared by a foreign corporation:
Gross Income
- Gross Income from PH sources
a. The loan was
Gross Income Global
used here in the
Other than those - If GI from PH sources is greater than or
Interests derived from equal to 50%, the corresponding
sources within. percentage would be the income from
b. The debtor is
within; but if less than 50%, it is without.
in the PH.
a. From a
Q: GI from PH is 70M and GI from worldwide is 100M.
The dividends declared by the foreign corp. are
Dividends 1000. How much income from within and how much
regardless of
(cash/property) - from without?
the place of
Return on A: 70%, multiplied by 1000=700, within; 300, without.
investments. declaration. If less than
50%, 0 from
Note: Stock b. From a foreign within.
dividends are not Q: GI from PH is 30M and GI from worldwide is 100M.
corporation, if GI
taxable. Taxable only The dividends declared by the foreign corp. are
upon sale. from PH
1000. How much income from within and how much
sources is
from without?
greater than or
A: 30%. Hence, income from within is 0, and from
equal to 50%.
without is 1000.
Performed in the Performed
PH outside PH TAXPAYERS (Sec. 23, NIRC)
a. Rentals of a. Rentals of
personal/real personal/real INDIVIDUALS
Rentals and property located property located Filipino citizens and residing
Royalties in the PH. outside the PH. Resident (RC)
in the Ph
Filipino citizens but residing
Royalties- are
income paid for a
b. In case of b. In case of outside PH.
use of a right or royalties, where royalties, where - Who establishes to the
privilege, e.g., the the satisfaction if the
franchise. rights/privileged rights/privileged Commissioner the fact of
is exercised in is exercised his physical presence
abroad with intention to
the PH. outside the PH.
reside therein;
Sale of Real Located outside - Who leaves the PH
Located in PH
the PH during the taxable year
Sale of Personal to reside abroad either
Property as an immigrant or for
employment on a
permanent basis;
Note: Purchased Non-resident (NRC)
- One who works and
(buy and sell; derives income from
abroad and whose
Produced The place of sale employment requires
The place of him to be physically
(manufacturing; is outside the
sale is in the PH. present abroad most of
conversion)- PH.
determining factor is the time during the
place of taxable year;
manufacture and - Who has been
place of sale. previously considered a
Hence, income is
partly from within and
NRC and who arrives in
partly from without. the PH at any time
during the taxable year
to reside permanently in

7 |g j u
the PH with respect to PASSIVE INCOME- income derived from within the
his income derived from PH, subject to final tax.
sources abroad.
Individuals whose residence Passive Income on Citizens
Resident Alien (RA) is within the PH and are not Final Tax
and Resident Aliens
citizens thereof. 20%
Non-resident Alien engaged
in trade/business (NRAETB) Except:
- interest under the expanded
Non-resident Alien not Interest on bank deposits,
foreign currency deposit
engaged in trade/business yields or other monetary
system, 15%
(NRANETB) benefits

NOTE: A NRA who stays for more than 180 days in the - interest on long term
deposits (maturity of more
PH, they shall be deemed as NRAETB.
than 5 years), EXEMPT
G.R.: 20%
Importance of knowing individual taxpayers: Xpn: 10%, for sale of literary
RCs are taxable for their income from within and without Royalties
works, books and musical
PH sources; others are taxable from within only. compositions
G.R.: 20%
Corporation Xpn: Regular income tax
Incorporated and organized subject to Sec. 24(A), for less
Domestic under PH laws, regardless of than or equal to 10,000
place of business G.R.: 20%
Incorporated and organized Xpn: Exempt, for PCSO
Foreign Other winnings
under foreign laws winnings amounting to less
Engaged in trade/business in than or equal to 10,000
- Resident (RFC)
the PH Dividends declared by 10%
- Non-resident Not engaged in domestic corporations
(NRFC) trade/business in the PH Share in net income of 10%
NOTE: Domestic corporations are taxable for their partnership
income from within and without PH sources; Others are
taxable from within only. Illustrations:
Sec. 42 Sec. 23 Sec. 24
Q: BMW, organized under the laws of Germany, has Deposit BDO- within RA- within 20%
its distributor in the PH organized under PH laws. Foreign deposit- without RA- within no
Can the distributor be considered domestic or Interest on foreign bank RC- within
Regular income tax
deposits- without and without
foreign corporation?
Royalties from books- RC- within
A: Domestic. 10%
within and without
Prize from tawag ng If 11,000- 20%
Q: Sun Life, as parent company, was incorporated tanghalan- within RA- within 5,000- Regular
under Canadian laws. It has subsidiary corporation income tax
in the PH fully owned by the parent company. But Prize from The Voice RC- within
Regular income tax
the subsidiary is incorporated in the PH. Is the UK- without and without
subsidiary, domestic or foreign corporation? San Miguel Corp.
A: Domestic. Regardless of the existence of a parent declared dividends- RA- within 10%
company, the test is whether the corporation is within
incorporated or organized under PH laws. Foreign Corp declared
dividends; GI
percentage from PH RC- within
Regular income tax
sources over worldwide and without
TAXATION ON INDIVIDUALS (Sec. 24) income is 60%- partly
within and partly without
Tests: Boxing winnings in Las RC- within
Regular income tax
1. Is the transaction taxable in the PH? Vegas- without and without
- Analyze first Sec. 42 and refer to Sec.
2. What is the applicable tax? - Requisites:
- Refer first to Sec. 42 on situs; then Sec. 1. Sale of shares of domestic corporation
23 on kinds of taxpayers; and Sec. 22 2. Not listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange
on tax applicability - If the requisites are met, the applicable tax is
15% of net capital gains
- Net capital gains= Selling price – Cost of

8 |g j u
- If listed in PSE, 6/10 of 1% of gross selling price; Section 24(A)
it is in the nature of a percentage tax. Kind of
Tax Treatment
Tax Base
- If listed in the PSE, exempted from income tax Income Earner Applicability
Purely Compensation Taxable
Illustration: Compensation Income income
Sec. 42 Sec. 23 Sec. 24 Graduated Taxable
Share is not listed, income
15% or
San Miguel Corp.- within RA- within
Business Gross
If listed, .60% Purely Earning sales/Gross
income or
Foreign Corp., sold RC- within from Business receipts
Regular income tax professional
shares in the PH- within and without or Practice and Non-
income 8%
excess of
- Requisites:
1. Sale of real property located in the PH
2. Real property must be classified as capital Compensation Taxable
asset Graduated
income income
- Ordinary Assets (Sec. 39)- assets which are for
sale or use, in the ordinary course of business; AND
all other assets are CAPITAL ASSETS
- Applicable rate, 6% of gross selling price/fair Graduated Taxable
market value Mixed income
- Doctrine of Presumed Gain: no need to prove b. Business or
that there is an income or gain from the income or Gross
transaction. professional sales/Gross
- Exception: Principal residence- Requisites income receipts
a. Sale of principal residence 8% and Non-
b. The proceeds must be fully utilized in
acquiring new principal residence
c. The acquisition of the new principal
residence must occur within 18 months
Taxable income= 1M per year
d. Within 30 days from the date of the sale
Income bracket= over 800K but not over 2M (see codal)
of the old principal residence, inform
130,000 + [30% x (1M-800K)]= 190,000 (Tax Due)
BIR the intention to acquire new
principal residence and intention to avail
Requisites to avail 8% Option:
of the exemption
a. Taxpayer must be non-VAT registered
e. Tax exemption must be availed only
b. Gross sales/Gross receipts and Non-operating
once in every 10 years.
income, should not exceed the VAT threshold
Sec. 42 Sec. 23 Sec. 24
Sale of house and lot
Disqualified to avail 8% Option:
NRA- within 6% a. Purely Compensation income earner
located in PH- within
RC as real b. Taxpayer is VAT registered
Sale of land in c. Gross sales/Gross receipts and Non-operating
estate Regular income tax
Batangas- within
agent- within income exceed 3M
Sale of house and lot in RC- within d. Taxpayers subject to percentage tax other that
Regular income tax
California- without and without Sec. 116.
e. Partners of General Professional Partnership
SECTION 24(A), NIRC f. Those who are exempt from income tax under
special laws
Benefits of the 8% Option:
a. It is an option, in lieu of the graduated income
tax rate.
b. No liability for 3% percentage tax under Sec.

9 |g j u
Passive CGT on CGT on All other
Income Shares Property income Exclusions to the term „corporation‟
Non- -Interest on 1. General Professional Partnership- is an entity the
resident bank sole purpose of which is to exercise common profession.
alien deposits,
- No part of the income is derived from engaging in any
engaged yields or
in trade or other
trade or business.
business monetary 2. Joint venture or consortium- requisites:
benefits  The joint venture or consortium is
-Royalties formed for undertaking construction
6% of
-Prizes projects or energy operations;
selling  There must be a service contract with
winnings 15% of the government.
price/fair Graduated
=10% FWT net
market Income 3. Co-ownership- two or more persons own a property
value Tax for the purpose of co-management of the property.
-Dividends gains
declared by
is higher Q: A and B bought a property. For quite some time,
corporations they sold the same. They gained profit. Is there co-
-Share in ownership or partnership?
net income A: Co-ownership since it is only an isolated transaction.
partnership NOTE: Test of whether it is partnership or co-ownership:
=20% FWT
Habituality of transaction. If so, it is a partnership.

Non- 6% of Q: Why is it important to know distinction of a

resident gross partnership from a co-ownership?
15% of A: A co-ownership is not a taxable entity. The incidental
alien not selling
engaged N/A price/fair 25% FWT income from such co-ownership is not taxable itself, but
in trade or market the share of the co-owners in the income of the co-
business value ownership.

NOTE: Other winnings of NRA-ETB is not included TAX ON DOMESTIC CORPORATIONS (Sec. 27)
PARTNERSHIP (Sec. 26, NIRC) income Shares Lands and income
- The GPP in itself is not a taxable entity because Buildings
it only acts as a “pass-through” entity where its - Interest on General
income is ultimately passed to the partners. bank Rule:
- Distributive share on the net income of the deposits,
partnership: divided equally yields and i. RCIT:
 Apply Sec. 24. other
6% of
30% of
monetary taxable
Q: The distributive share on the net income of the selling
benefits: 20% 15% of Net income
partnership is 300K. A, B and C, all resident citizens, price/fair
Capital or
with 100K each. What is the applicable tax rate? market
- Royalties: Gains ii. MCIT:
A: Graduated Income Tax. They cannot avail of the 8% value
20% 2% of
option. whichever
is higher
-Inter- income
NOTE: The 10% tax rate on distributive share on the net corporate
income of the partnership applies to TAXABLE dividends: whichever
PARTNERSHIPS. exempt is higher
1. Intercorporate: Domestic corporation declaring
dividends to DC or RFC.
2. For DC, the CGT is limited on the sale of lands and
buildings classified as capital assets located in the
3. Application of MCIT: beginning of the 4 taxable
year immediately following the year in which the
corporation commenced its operation.

10 |g j u
1. Excess MCIT is the excess of MCIT over RCIT. CORPORATIONS (Sec. 28-A)
2. Excess MCIT applies only against RCIT.
3. Excess MCIT can be applied only in the immediately 3 Passive income CGT on Shares All other
succeeding taxable years. income

CARRY FORWARD ON EXCESS MCIT - Interest on bank General Rule:

deposits, yields and
Year1 Year2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 i. RCIT: 30% of
other monetary
benefits: 20% Not over 100K: taxable income
Gross 2,000 500 400 2,000 10,000
5% of Net
Income or
Allowable 1,990 450 370 1,980 5,000 Capital Gains
- Royalties: 20% ii. MCIT: 2% of
Deductions gross income
Taxable 10 50 30 20 5,000 In excess of
Income 100K: 10%
dividends: exempt whichever is
Tax Due 40 15 9 40 1,500
RCIT 3 15 (- 9 (-9) 6 1,500
15) (-34)
MCIT 40 10 8 40 200 NOTES:
Excess 37 22 13 cannot 1. Inter-corporate: RFC receive dividends from DC may
MCIT (expires apply also be exempt.
on Year (incurred 2. No CGT on Lands and Buildings because they are
4) new prohibited by law, but they can own a condominium unit,
excess which can be sold as capital asset. However, the sale
MCIT: transaction is not subject to CGT because no such
34) provision under the Code. It can be treated as all other
Tax 0 0 40 1,466
3. MCIT is applicable.
NOTE: Tax Due is MCIT or RCIT whichever is higher.
Q: For February, the net gain is 80, 000; on March,
Reliefs against MCIT
the net gain is 120, 000. What would be the
1. Commences after 4 years.
applicable rates?
2. Secretary of Finance is authorized to suspend MCIT
A: February: 5%.
when the corporation suffer losses on account of:
March: The 100, 000 is subject to 10%; 20, 000 is
a. Labor Dispute
subject to 5%.
b. Force majeure
c. Legitimate business reverses.
Domestic Corporation is not subject to RCIT or
International Carriers 25% of gross Philippine
1. Proprietary educational institution or non-profit
hospital- preferential tax rate of 10% of taxable income Offshore Banking Units exempt
-Exception: RCIT is applied if it fails the Branch for Profit 15% of the total profits
predominance test- if the gross income from Remittances applied or earmarked for
unrelated activities over gross income (total) is remittance
greater than or equal to 50%, RCIT of 30% is applied. Regional or Area exempt
2. Exempt GOCCs, e.g., SSS, GSIS, PHIC, Regional Operating 10% on taxable income
LWD, PhilHealth Headquarters

Q: Company A is a foreign corporation. It

established a subsidiary in the Philippines. This
subsidiary remitted a portion of its income to
Company A. Is it subject to Branch for Profit
Remittance tax?
A: NO. A Branch for Profit Remittance tax applies to a
branch remitting income to its mother company. A
subsidiary corporation is a domestic corporation, not a

11 |g j u
Q: Jollibee Philippines has its branch in Hong Kong. d. In compliance with any loan covenant or pre-
The Hong Kong branch remitted to the Philippines existing obligation;
its income. Is it subject to Branch for Profit e. Distribution of income is prohibited by law;
Remittance tax? -Existence of treasury shares; otherwise, there
A: NO. A Branch for Profit Remittance tax applies to is a violation of Trust Fund Doctrine.
outflow not to inflow. f. In case of subsidiaries of foreign corporations in
the Philippines.
Branch for Profit Remittances; Elements-
1. There is a foreign corporation; Corporations which IAET does not apply: BPI-TENG
2. Has branch in the Philippines; and, 1. Banks and other non-bank financial intermediaries;
3. The flow of the money must be from the Philippines to 2. Publicly-held corporations;
the outside. 3. Insurance companies;
4. Taxable Partnerships;
Regional or Area Headquarters 5. Enterprises duly registered with the Philippine
- These are administrative offices communicating and Economic Zone Authority;
coordinating offices in the Asia-Pacific. 6. Non-taxable joint ventures; and
7. General Professional Partnerships.

TAX ON NONRESIDENT FOREIGN Presumption of Improper Accumulation- the fact that

CORPORATIONS (Sec. 28-B) a corporation is a mere holding company or investment
company shall be prima facie evidence of a purpose to
CGT on Shares All other income avoid the tax upon its shareholders or members.


Not over 100K: 5% of ON CORPORATIONS (Sec. 30)
30% of gross income
net capital gains
Exception: Tax pairing
In excess of 100K: 10%
rule on dividends- 15%
CIR v. St. Luke’s: The income for charity works shall be
exempt from income tax; whereas, the income from
paying patients will be subject to preferential rate of 10%
- According to Sec. 30 (e) and (g), St. Luke’s is exempt.
But according to the last paragraph thereof, any income
Owner/Lessor of 25% of gross income
derived from property, real or personal, or activity
Cinematographic Films
conducted for profit, is subject to income tax.
Owner/Lessor of Vessels 4 ½% of gross rentals,
- The test of taxability is the SOURCE OF INCOME.
chartered by Philippine lease or charter leases
- The last paragraph of Sec. 30 is without force and
effect in so far as non-stack, non-profit educational
Owner/Lessor of Aircraft, 7 ½% of gross rentals or institution is concerned. The test of taxability is the USE
Machineries and other fees OF INCOME.
Q: A group of lawyers formed an association for the
purpose of promotion of good governance. Can this
EARNINGS TAX (Sec. 29) A: NO. The purpose of GPP is the exercise of common
profession. But under Sec. 30 (g), they can be classified
- 10% as civic organization for the promotion of social welfare.
- It is not in lieu of the dividends tax. It is a form of
penalty. CIR v. DLSU: The income from concessionaires is an
income derived from any activity for profit.
“Reasonable Needs” of the business- a defense to - In order to claim exemption under the Constitution,
avoid IAET: there must be a proof that such profit is used actually,
a. Allowance for the increase in the accumulation directly and exclusively for educational purpose.
of earnings up to 100% paid-up capital;
b. For definite corporate expansion NOTE: For non-stock, non-profit educational institution,
project/programs which must be approved by there must be a proof that such profit is used actually,
the Board; directly and exclusively for educational purpose. But
c. Earnings reserved for acquisition of building, for all other corporation, Sec. 30 of NIRC applies.
plants or equipment which must be approved by
the Board;

12 |g j u
GROSS INCOME (Sec. 32) Q: Is moral damages excluded?
A: YES, on account of physical injuries, death or
- It includes all income from whatever source. sickness suffered.

Q: You received money from another through loan. Q: In a libel case, the accused paid for moral
Will that be part of gross income? damages because of the victim’s tarnished
A: NO. It is not a flow of wealth, but only a borrowed reputation. Is the moral damages excluded from the
capital. gross income?
A: NO, moral injuries are not exclusions.
“Capital” is a fund or a property existing at a point in
time which is used to generate the income. 5. Income exempt under treaty

“Income” is a flow of wealth arising from the use of the 6. Retirement Benefits, pensions, gratuities, etc.
capital. - Elements under RA 7641:
1. 60-65 years of age;
“Exclusions” are not considered as gross income: 2. Rendered at last 5 years of service; and
1. They are not really an income but capital or, 3. No retirement benefit plan arranged by the
2. Though they are income component, they are employer.
specifically excluded by the law. - If there is a private benefit plan, can claim retirement
benefits- elements:
“Deductions” are items deducted from the gross 1. There must be a reasonable private benefit
income. plan maintained by the employer, approved by
the BIR;
ITEMS OF EXCLUSIONS 2. Must be employed for at least 10 years;
3. Not less than 50 years of age; and
1. Life Insurance 4. The employee must avail such benefit only
- The amount received by heirs as proceeds of life once.
insurance. - Separation pay- if separated from service involuntarily
- The premium is capital. because of death, sickness or other physical disability or
- Exception: Sec. 36-A (4), premiums paid on any life for any cause beyond the control of the employee, it is
insurance policy covering the life of any officer or exempt from income tax.
employee, or of any person financially interested in any - The provisions of any existing law to the contrary
trade or business carried on by the taxpayer, individual notwithstanding, social security benefits, retirement
or corporate, when the taxpayer is directly or indirectly a gratuities, pensions, received by RC or NRC or RA
beneficiary under such policy is not considered a from foreign government agencies and other
deduction. institutions, private or public.
- If payment of insurance proceeds is by installment, it - Benefits from United States Veterans
bears interest. The interest income component is not an Administration.
excluded income, hence, taxable. - Pensions from SSS and GSIS.

2. Amounts received by insured as return of 7. Miscellaneous Items

premium - Income derived by a foreign government- principle of
- The amount received from the matured insurance International Comity
which was preterminated. - Income derived by the government or its political
3. Gifts, Bequests, and Devises - Prizes and Awards made primarily in recognition of
- Donations religious, charitable, scientific, educational, artistic,
literary, or civic achievement but only if:
Q: A owes B a sum of money. A renders a service in a. The recipient was selected without any
favor of B. Thereafter, B did not collect the debt action on his part to enter the contest or
owed by A on account of that service rendered. Is proceeding; and,
there condonation? b. The recipient is not required to render
A: YES. However, it is not excluded because there is no substantial future services as a condition to
donation on account of the services rendered in lieu of receiving the prize or award.
the debt owed by A from B- there was a consideration. - Prizes and Awards in Sports Competition- it must be
sanctioned by the national sports associations
4. Compensation for Injuries or Sickness - 13 month pay and other benefits
- Amounts received as compensation for personal - PhilHealth, GSIS, SSS, Medicare, Pag-IBIG and
injuries or sickness, plus the amounts of any damages Union Dues- removed from compensation income.
received on account of such injuries or sickness.

13 |g j u

- These are goods, services or other benefits granted in ALLOWABLE DEDUCTION v. EXCLUSION
kind or in cash by the employer to the employee. ALLOWABLE DEDUCTION EXCLUSION
- These are additional benefits granted for the personal Items not considered in
advantage and benefit of the employee and not of the determining gross income
employer. They are not really an
- The compensation is not the fringe benefit Items deducted against gross income but capital, or
contemplated by law. income Though they are income
- Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) is a final withholding tax for component, they are
the fringe benefit given by the employer to the specifically excluded by
supervisory or managerial employee. the law.
- 35% of gross monetary value Both decreases the taxable income

NOTE: If the recipient of fringe benefits is a rank and file - Compensation income earners have no allowable
employee, regardless of the amount is not subject to deductions, i.e., employees.
FBT, but can be subject of normal income tax.
FBT NOT Applicable:
1. FB given to rank and file employees; 1. Business or Professional Expenses, requisites:
2. FB is necessary to the trade or business; a. It must be ordinary and necessary;
3. FB is for the convenience of the employee; b. paid or incurred during taxable year; it
4. FB which are authorized and exempted from tax depends on what basis of accounting:
under special laws; - Accrual basis- expense is recognized
5. Contributions of the employer for the benefit of the when it is incurred not when it is paid.
employee to retirement, insurance, and hospitalization It is applied when the problem is silent.
benefit plans; and, - Cash basis- the recognition of the
6. De minimis benefits which are benefits of small expense is not the time when it is
amount given to the employee, e.g., clothing allowance, incurred but when it is paid.
rice allowance, etc. - it includes: salaries and wages, travel
expenses, rentals.
Illustration: - entertainment, amusement and recreation
Vehicle- 1M expenses- should not exceed the ceiling set
There is an assumption that 1M is the net benefit where forth by the Secretary of Finance.
the tax complement is deducted; hence, it needs to be - If engaged in the sale of goods, the
grossed up. ceiling is .5% of net sales; if sale of
This is subject to 35%; so, 100% less 35% is 65% service, the ceiling is 1% of net
Divide 1M to 65% which is 1, 538, 461.54- this is the revenue.
gross monetary value.
1, 538, 461.54 x 35% = 538, 461.54 –this is the FBT. Illustration:
The gross income of a law firm is 30M. It expends 20M
NOTE: If the question is, “what is the applicable FBT?” travel expenses a year. It is necessary, but not ordinary;
the answer is, it depends who is the employee (RC, hence, not an allowable deduction.
CIR v. Atlas Consolidated Mining: An expense is
13 Month Pay has threshold of 90, 000, which is “necessary” when the expenditure is appropriate and
exempted and the excess is taxable. helpful to the development of the taxpayer’s business; it
is an “ordinary” expense when it connotes payment
a. De minimis threshold- the excess will form which is normal in relation to the business of the
part of the 13 month pay and other benefits. taxpayer.
b. 90, 000 threshold- the 13 month pay and
other benefits beyond this threshold will be Q: The legal services was rendered in 2018 but was
subject to income tax. paid in 2019. It was claimed as a deduction only in
2019. Is it an allowable deduction for 2019?
A: NO, since according to the accrual basis of
accounting, the basis of recognition must be in 2018
which is the proper period when such was incurred.

14 |g j u
“SUBSTANTIATION REQUIREMENT”- it must be 4. Losses, requisites-
substantiated with sufficient evidence such as but not a. Actually sustained during the taxable year;
limited to official receipts, vouchers, affidavit or other b. Not compensated by insurance;
adequate records. c. Must arise, either:
- It must contain the amount of expense being i. In the course of trade, business, or
deducted. It must be shown that it is ordinary profession;
and necessary to the business of the taxpayer ii. Casualty losses.
by indicating the nature of such expense. d. There must be a declaration of loss filed with
the BIR;
Bribes, kickbacks and other similar payments cannot e. The loss should not be claimed as deduction
be claimed as deduction because it is contrary to law, for estate tax purposes in the estate tax return.
good morals and public policy.
Expenses Allowable to Private Educational A particular business was razed by fire. The book value
Institutions of the destroyed properties was 10M. The business has
- “capital expenditures” are expenditures of a insurance of 7M. 3M is the deductible expense.
material amount the benefit of which will extend
for usually more than one (1) year. These should Net Operating Loss Carry-over (NOLCO)
be capitalized in the books as they should be - It is the excess of the allowable deduction over the
recognized as assets. gross income.
- It can be carried forward in the next three (3)
Q: J constructed a building worth 10M. Can it be succeeding taxable year.
claimed as allowable deduction? - Requisite: there must be no substantial change in the
A: NO, because capital expenditure, as a general rule, ownership of business or enterprise-
can be recognized as asset and not as an outright a. Not less than 75% in the nominal value of
deduction. The allowed deduction is the depreciation. the outstanding issued shares, if the business is
Let’s say that the life of the building is 10 years. The in the name of the corporation, is held by or on
depreciation for 10 years is 1M. On year 1, it recognizes behalf of the same persons; or,
an allowable deduction of 1M; year 2, 1M; and so forth b. Not less than 75% of the paid-up capital of
and so on until the amount reaches 10M. It is like the corporation, if the business is in the name of
spreading the cost. a corporation, is held by or on behalf of the
same persons.
- For Private Educational Institutions, they are
allowed an option: 5. Bad debts
a. Outright claim of deduction, or - Uncollected receivables related to the business.
b. Claim depreciation. - There must be proof that it is already worthless
- Demand letters or filed court action - Write off
2. Interest the receivables with the BIR.
- The indebtedness must be related to the
taxpayer‟s business. If it is a personal loan of TAX BENEFIT RULE- in case of recovery of a previous
the taxpayer, it cannot be claimed as an expense, it will be recognized as part of the gross
allowable deduction. income to the extent of the income tax benefit
3. Taxes; not considered allowable deductions-
a. Income Tax; 6. Charitable and Other Contributions
b. Income taxes imposed by authority of any a. Contributions or gifts to or for the use of the
foreign country- if already claimed as tax Government of the Philippines exclusively for
credit. public purposes, or associations organized
c. Estate and donor’s taxes; and operated exclusively for religious,
d. Taxes assessed against local benefits of a charitable, scientific, youth and sports
kind tending to increase the value of the development, or to social welfare institutions, or
property assessed- “special assessment tax” to NGOs, where no part of the net income inures
e. Stock transaction tax. to the benefit of any private stockholder or
individual in an amount not in excess of 10%
in the case of individual, and 5% in case of

b. Donations to the Government shall be

deductible in full if such are to be used in
undertaking priority activities in education,
health, youth, and sports development, human
15 |g j u
settlements, science and culture, and in At LMM’s perspective: at the end of the year, he sums all
economic development according to a National his income- for example, 600K. He has liability
Priority Plan determined by the National amounting to 30K. Hence, 25K is to be paid with the
Economic and Development Authority (NEDA). government since the 5K remitted is considered as
Any donation not in accordance with the annual deduction. It is sometimes called “tax credit” which is
priority plan shall be subject to 10% or 5% sourced from creditable withholding tax.
Here, if the transaction is subject to withholding and the
c. Donations to private institutions deductible in ABC Corp. did not withhold the appropriate taxes, the
full; Elements- whole 100K cannot be claimed as a deduction.
i. Donations must be made in favour of a
qualified and accredited donee institution Types of Withholding Tax:
which is for charitable, educational, religious or
cultural purpose, accredited by Philippine 1. Final Withholding Tax (FWT)
Counsel of NGOs Commission (PCNC); - Final settlement on the tax liability accruing from a
ii. The donor must be engaged in business or particular transaction. It is no longer credited against the
practice of profession; income tax due.

Illustration: 2. Creditable Withholding Tax (CWT)

Atty. L, an employee of Divina Law, is not - Partial and advanced payment on the total tax liability
engaged in business or practice of profession, accruing from a particular transaction. It can be credited
for taxation purposes. However, Divina Law against income tax due.
itself can claim deductions for its donations
because it is engaged in business or practice of 3. Expanded Withholding Tax (EWT)
profession. - It is a form of CWT, which can be credited against
income tax due.
iii. The donor shall give notice of donation on
every donation (of at least 50, 000) to the Transactions Subject to Withholding: All other
Revenue District Office which has jurisdiction purchases of goods or services provided they are
over the place of business of the donor within 30 classified as follows: Identity of Income Payor:
days after the receipt by the qualified donee i. If the income payor is a “large taxpayer”; or
institution of the certificate of donation; and ii. If the income payor is included in the top
iv. The certificate of donation must contain 20,000 private corporations; or
undertaking that not more than 30% of the iii. If the Income tax payor is included in the top
donation shall be used for administrative 5, 000 individuals,
purposes. The payment for the purchase of goods shall be subject
to 1% EWT or the payment of services shall be subject
7. Additional Requirements for Deductibility of to 2% EWT.
Certain Payments
- The withholding tax has been withheld has been paid 8. Optional Standard Deductions (OSD)
to the BIR. - In lieu of the allowable deductions
- If not withheld, the amount which should have been - For the benefit of the BIR and taxpayer: if the taxpayer
able to claim as expense will not be considered as opts to pay OSD, no need for the latter to present
allowable deduction under Sec. 34(K). evidence to support it and the former to cross check
official receipts as evidence.
“WITHHOLDING TAX SYSTEM” - It is 40% of gross sales or gross receipts for
- The income payor is also constituted as the individuals; 40% of gross income for corporations.
withholding tax agent, who facilitates the collection of - It can be claimed when, (1) no official receipts; or (2)
withholding tax to be remitted to the BIR, in behalf of the no/lesser deductions.
income earner.
NOTE: GPP must file zero return as income tax returns.
Rent transaction Illustration:
Lessee: ABC Corporation A’s share in the GPP- 100K
Lessor: LMM (Individual) Rental income- 500K
Gross rent: 100, 000 Sale- 600K
Under RR 2-98: subject to 5% FWT Total: 1.2M
Instead of paying 100, 000 to LMM, ABC Corp. will pay A can claim deductions/OSD if it is only related to the
only 95, 000. (100, 000 x 5%= 5, 000[to be withheld and Rental income and Sale since his share in GPP,
remitted]) technically, the allowable deductions is already
16 |g j u
ITEMS NOT DEDUCTIBLE (Sec. 36) Capital Asset
= GS or GR – Cost= Gain (shall form part of the GI; no
1. Personal, living or family expenses. impact on the AD)
2. Any amount paid out for new buildings or for
permanent improvements, or for betterments made to 3 RULES:
increase the value of any property or estate. a. Limitation on Capital Loss: Capital Loss can only be
3. Any amount expended in restoring property or in recognized to the extent of the Capital Gains, such that if
making good the exhaustion thereof. the Capital Loss would be greater than Capital Gains,
4. Premiums paid on any life insurance policy covering nothing will be added on the Gross Income.
the life of any officer or employee, or of any person
financially interested in any trade or business carried on Transaction 1:
by the taxpayer, individual or corporate, when the Selling Price- 100K
taxpayer is directly or indirectly a beneficiary under such - Cost- 150K
policy is not considered a deduction. Loss 50K;hence, GI=0

Transaction 2:
CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES (Sec. 39) Selling Price- 200K
- Cost- 100K
Ordinary Assets are: Gain 100K
1. Those assets held for sale in the ordinary course of The net capital loss can be recognized only up to the
trade or business; or, extent of the net capital gain.
2. If the assets are being used in the trade or business.
Gain 100K – Loss 50K= Net Gain 50K
Q: L is engaged in business of merchandising. He
has a land where the principal office is situated. Are b. Holding Period Rule:
the office building and land ordinary assets? i. If the holding period of the assets is 12 months or less,
A: YES, because even though it is not held for sale in the gain or loss will be recognized in its full amount
the business of merchandising, the building is being (100%)
used in the trade or business. ii. If the holding period is more than 12 months, the gain
or loss can be recognized for 50%
Q: ABC Corp. is engaged in merchandising which
owns a parcel of land in Laguna and has a main Selling Price- 100K (acquired in 2016, sold in 2019;
office in Manila. The parcel of land is being leased. Is holding period is more than 12 months)
the land an ordinary or capital asset? - Cost- 50K
A: Capital asset. Gain 50K x 50%= 25K

NOTE: For realty companies, all real properties are Selling Price- 100K (holding period is less than 12
classified as ordinary assets, regardless of use. months)
- Cost- 150K
Computation of Gain: Loss 50K x 100%=50K
Gross Selling Price or Gross Receipt – Cost
Hence, the GI to be declared is Zero since Loss is
Illustration: greater than Gain, applying the Limitation on Capital
GI – AD= TI Loss

Ordinary Asset c. Net Capital Loss Carry-Over (NeCaLCO): If the

Gross Selling Price or Gross Receipt (shall form part of Capital Loss is greater than Capital Gains the amount
the GI) - Cost (shall form part of the AD); No effect on can be carried over for the next succeeding year as a
the TI because the two are distinct. deduction in full.

Selling Price (GI)- 100K Capital Loss 50K

Cost(AD)- 150K -Capital Gain 25K
50K Loss is recognized. Net Loss 25K
It can be carried over for one year.

Sequence of Application of the above Rules:

1. Holding Period Rule: applies to individuals only
2. Limitation on Capital Loss: applies to corporations
and individuals
3. NeCaLCO: applies to individuals only

17 |g j u
NOTE: The above rules shall be applied to all capital a. The employee is receiving purely compensation
asset transactions, except: income;
a. Sale of real property located in the PH which b. The employee has only one employer;
is subject to 6% CGT; c. The employee’s income tax has been withheld
b. Sale of shares of stock of DC not listed in the correctly by the employer.
stock exchange which is subject to 15% CGT.
Sec.39 excludes CGT transactions which are FWT. DISTRIBUTION OF DIVIDENDS OR ASSETS BY
1. The transferee of the assets is a corporation; Liquidating Dividends Stock Dividends
2. The transferee exchanges its shares of stocks or Final dividends given to Declaration of dividends in
properties to the transferor; stockholders upon the form of stocks from the
3. The transfer is made by a person, natural or juridical, liquidation of the declaring corporation.
acting alone, or together with others not exceeding 5 corporation.
persons; Recapitalization.
4. As a result of the exchange, the transferor must Subject to income tax Not subject to income tax,
obtain control over the transferee. unless shares are sold.
Such sale is subject to
“Control” means the acquisition of at least 51% of the CGT or Stock transaction
shares of stocks of the corporation. tax.

NOTE: The transfer must be SOLELY in KIND to be tax FISCAL ADJUSTMENT RETURN (Sec. 76)
free. However, a transfer of shares of stocks or
properties WITH ASSUMPTION OF LIABILITY shall be - Applies to corporations which are required to pay their
tax free. taxes and file the final adjustment return quarterly and
OF GAIN OR LOSS (Sec. 40) Illustration:
Q1: 20K
Q2: 30K
Basis for Determining Gain or Loss from Sale or Q3: 10K
Disposition of Property: 60K
1. The cost of property acquired by purchase;
2. The fair market price or value as of the date of 1. Annual ITR Q1 to Q4 (Tax Due): 100K
acquisition, acquired by inheritance; Less: Tax Credit (60K)
- Time of acquisition= death of the decedent Tax Payable: 40K
3. If acquired by donation, the cost basis shall be the
same as if it would be in the hands of the donor or If Tax Due > Tax Credit
the last preceding owner or fair market value, - Taxpayer shall pay the balance
whichever is higher.
2. Annual ITR Q1 to Q4 (Tax Due): 10K
INDIVIDUAL RETURNS (Sec. 51) Less: Tax Credit (60K)
Tax Payable: -50K (excess)
Who are not required to file Income Tax Return?
1. An individual whose taxable income does not If Tax Due < Tax Credit
exceed 250, 000 except if individual is engaged in - Carry-over; or
business or practice of profession within the PH; - Apply for tax refund or tax credit.
2. Purely compensation income earner or those who
are subject to substituted filing system; University Physicians Services Inc. v. CIR:
3. Individual whose sole income has been subjected to  Once the corporation opted to carry-over, the
FWT; same shall be irrevocable, and no application
- If any of the income is subject to any for cash refund or tax credit shall be applied.
withholding tax transactions, file ITR.
4. Minimum wage earner.


- The employer, who remits the full amount of tax that
should have been paid by the employee, shall also file
for the return in behalf of the employee.

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