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Innovative Fitness Solutions ©2017 1

Innovative Fitness Solutions ©2017 2

Why this program? 
I created these sessions for the same reasons why I started Fitness Lying Down with
Anthony Dix (my business partner). Fitness has become extremely insane! Extreme
this, insanity that, burn, faster, faster, burn, more, more. Starts sounding like a Billy Idol
song, right? What fitness needs is not more, but better. Better solutions for people who
need it. On the flip side, our culture, our society is almost doing everything it can to
promote a sedentary lifestyle: bigger TVs, more mobile devices, softer seats, etc.  So,
overall, we are becoming movement illiterate, and, as a result, people are suffering from
more aches and pains than ever before in their everyday lives and activities. 

On one end of the spectrum we see

people who are seeking to burn the
all mighty calorie and are willing to
do anything and everything to
make sure it happens. These are the
ones who believe more is better &
faster is better. They aren't
present with how they're
moving just as long as they're
moving, and moving fast! When the
"more-is-better" people
find something they aren't very good
at doing, they never spend time to get
better at this difficult task. No. They're answer is to go faster and get it over with. This
may work in the short-term, but after a while, there is no place to run and no place to
hide – this deficiency is going to get them! Most likely in the form of an injury. 

Then we have the "little as possible to absolutely nothing at all" group of people who are
terrified of exercise because all they see is what the media shows them: lots of squats,
burpees, push-ups, go until your vomit … and then go some more! If this group does
exercise they tend to watch TV while doing it, or pop in their buds to tune out the
torturous 30-45 minutes they're about to endure. This group needs to be introduced to
attainable and sustainable fitness. 

Innovative Fitness Solutions ©2017 3

Even though both groups seem very different, they both share one common factor: they
are out to survive their workout sessions, not thrive from them. They are willing to put
their bodies through grueling, or boring, workouts  as long as they don't have to think
about it. If this is how people are to train, this is how they are to live, as well. We
are  supposed to  be very fluid creatures, moving seamlessly from one location to
another, but this is not the case anymore.

Here is a test…how do you sit down and get up from a sitting position? Effortless?
Seamless? Quiet? Or would the correct term used be PLOP or CRASH? 

At Fitness Lying Down we have two, huge Greek words painted on our walls: καλος
σθενος. It's our mission statement, if you will. The English derivative from these two
words is calisthenics. However, in Greek, the two words combined mean beautiful
strength. That's what we train. We're not a "get through it" kind of gym. No, we are a
learn and earn gym. We want our clients to be mindful about their movements with, or
without, resistance and learn from the experience. 

So now, the big question:

How should you go through the sessions? 

There is a phrase that I have
adapted into our training: task vs
intent. You will see Megan lift the
Ultimate Sandbag, her leg, and/or
her arm. The question isn't
necessarily about the implement/
body part moving, but how did it
move? The task to those watching
is, 'OK, the leg was picked up. I can
do that!' The intent of the movement
that everyone misses is not the leg
lifting ((SPOILER ALERT)) but the
other leg's foot pushing into the
ground and as a result, the leg rises. 

Progress, not perfection. You are learning from each movement getting better and better
at it each time you visit it. The goal is to achieve mastery of movement and make it look
easy (even if it doesn't feel easy). So, that' why I give you three opportunities each
session to practice. 
Before you enjoy the meat & potatoes of the session, there is a warm-up I put together
for you to go through. Use this before every session – it's a great preparation to get you
ready. I haven't scheduled a cool down phase into these sessions. Take any favorite
stretches you may have and go through them at the end of your session at your pace. I

Innovative Fitness Solutions ©2017 4

would ask you, however, to end the session with parasympathetic (rest &
digest) breathing. Lie on your back and focus on breathing in through your nose and
exhale through the nose, as well; making your breath as quiet and silent as possible. 
Entering into the main event, you will find three movements grouped together, what I
like to call a triplex. You will do the desired amount of repetitions for movement one,
transition to movement two, and complete movement three after that. Once you've
completed all three movements, you will return to movement one and repeat the triplex

USB Standing OH 3 10 Power USB: 30lbs/

Press Strength USB: 50lbs

BAND 1/2 K Rows 3 8/side

USB Bird Dog Hold ISO 3 10 Core USB: 10lbs/

Drag Power USB: 20lbs

for a total of 3 cycles. After you have finished all three movements three times, it's time
to begin the second triplex for 3 cycles. 

There are three sessions a week for 6 weeks with a bonus week of two, timed sessions.
In an ideal world, you would want to space these sessions out, having a day between
each session. But life happens, so it's okay if you have to go back-to-back, but I'd rather
not see you do three sessions in a row. I definitely recommend you find something
active to do on the days you aren't moving with these sessions: walk, run, bike,
hike, etc. 

The sessions build on top of one another. If you find that you struggled with a session
and the movements, don't worry! There is no law here saying you have to move on.
Feel free to give yourself a day and return back to the session before moving on. These
are your sessions and your movements. My goal for you here is to have you master the
movements and perform them with control – trust me, I am a repeat customer with
many movements in my quest to be a better mover and shaker! 

I have also listed recommended USB weights for your movements. It would be great if I
got to know each and every person rocking it with these sessions and could prescribe
the “correct” USB, but for obvious reasons

Innovative Fitness Solutions ©2017 5

The big picture is you’ll see some movements are recommended to be done with a
lighter USB and others with a heavier. What I want is for you to do what you can with
what you have. And maybe if Santa finds you on his ‘nice list’ and decides to bring you
another USB, you can go through the sessions again with your newly acquired gift.


BW = Body Weight TGU = Turkish Get-Up
USB = Ultimate Sandbag BOR = Bent-Over Row
OH = Over Head FL = Front Loaded
1A = One Arm GM = Good Morning
Stag = Staggered Stance Mod = Modified
Alt = Alternating ATW = Around the World
TSpK = Tall Split Kneeling UE = Upper Extremity
1/2 K = Half Kneeling Rot = Rotation
Tall K = Tall Kneeling H-F = Hand & Foot

I am excited for your success with these unique sessions! If you have any questions I
am here to help. Please feel free to find me on Facebook, or email me

Until then … keep moving! 

Our physical goal should be to grow strong and age gracefully.  

How's that going for you? 

Innovative Fitness Solutions ©2017 6

Week One

Warm-up Follow HERE This Workout Is For All Six Weeks

Each Workout Has Multiple Circuits, Complete All of One Circuit Before Moving to the

Workout A Sets Reps Weight Suggestions Women/Men

BW Alt TSpK 3 12
USB Glute Bridge 3 10 Core USB: 10lbs/

Power USB: 20lbs

USB Standing 3 10 Core USB: 10lbs/

Pressouts Power USB: 20lbs

USB Standing OH 3 10 Power USB: 30lbs/

Press Strength USB: 50lbs

BAND 1/2 K Rows 3 8/side

USB Bird Dog Hold ISO 3 10 Core USB: 10lbs/

Drag Power USB: 20lbs

Workout B Sets Reps Weight Suggestions Women/Men

BW Alt Rock to Lateral 3 12

1/2 K

USB Deadlift 3 10 Power USB: 40lbs/

Strength USB: 60lbs

USB TGU Ground to 3 6/side Core USB: 10lbs/

Elbow Power USB: 20lbs

USB Bearhug Squat 3 10 Power USB: 40lbs/

Strength USB: 60lbs

BAND Split Stance BOR 3 8/side

BW Alt In-Place Creep 3 12

Innovative Fitness Solutions ©2017 7

Workout C Sets Reps Weight Suggestions Women/Men

BW Alt Quadruped 3 12

USB FL GM 3 8 Power USB: 40lbs/

Strength USB: 60lbs

USB Tall K OH Press 3 8 Core USB: 20lbs/

Strength USB: 40lbs

USB Suitcase In-Place 3 5/side Power USB: 20lbs/

March Strength USB: 40lbs

BAND Stag Rows 3 6/side

BW Speed Skaters 3 30

Week Two

Workout A Sets Reps Weight Suggestions Women/Men

BW Alt Roll to Stand 3 12

USB Stag Deadlift 3 4/side Power USB: 40lbs/

Strength USB: 60lbs

USB 1/2 K OH Press 3 6/side Power USB: 20lbs/

Strength USB: 40lbs

USB FL Squats 3 10 Power USB: 40lbs/

Strength USB: 60lbs

BAND Rotational Rows 3 8/side

USB Bird Dog Hold Alt 3 10 Core USB: 10lbs/

Drag Power USB: 20lbs

Innovative Fitness Solutions ©2017 8

Workout B Sets Reps Weight Suggestions Women/Men

BW Alt Prone Press-Up 3 10

& Rotation

USB Alt Glute Bridge 3 10 Core USB: 10lbs/

March Power USB: 20lbs

USB Standing Lift & 3 5/side Core USB: 10lbs/

Chop Power USB: 20lbs

USB FL Squat 3 10 Power USB: 40lbs/

Strength USB: 60lbs

BAND Hinge & 1A Row 3 6/side

BW Creep 3 30’ Down & Back

Workout C Sets Reps Weight Suggestions Women/Men

BW Alt Lateral Duck 3 20


USB High Pull 3 12 Power USB: 20lbs/

Strength USB: 40lbs

USB Leg Thread 3 5/side Core USB: 10lbs/

Power USB: 20lbs

USB FL Up/Downs 3 4/side Power USB: 40lbs/

Strength USB: 60lbs

BAND Standing 3 8/side

Archer’s Row

USB Rotational 3 6/side Core USB: 10lbs/

Pressouts Power USB: 20lbs

Innovative Fitness Solutions ©2017 9

Week Three

Workout A Sets Reps Weight Suggestions Women/Men

USB H-F Creep Drag 3 30’ Core USB: 10lbs/

Power USB: 20lbs

USB FL Stag GM & 3 3/side Power USB: 20lbs/

Rotation Strength USB: 40lbs

USB Standing Arc 3 12 Power USB: 20lbs/

Press Strength USB: 40lbs

USB FL Alt Lateral 3 10 Power USB: 20lbs/

Lunge Strength USB: 40lbs

USB Rotational BOR 3 6/side Power USB: 40lbs/

Strength USB: 60lbs

USB Mod Side Plank 3 3x

Power USB: 20lbs/

ISO Pull 10 sec/side Strength USB: 40lbs

Workout B Sets Reps Weight Suggestions Women/Men

BW Inchworm & Alt 3 5


USB Alt Lateral 3 10 Power USB: 40lbs/

Deadlifts Strength USB: 60lbs

USB Standing ATW 3 5/side Core USB: 10lbs/

Power USB: 20lbs

USB Offset Squat & OH 3 3/side

Power USB: 40lbs/

Press Strength USB: 60lbs

BAND TSpK 1A Rows 3 8/side

USB TGU 1/2 K to 3 6/side Core USB: 10lbs/

Bend Power USB: 20lbs

Innovative Fitness Solutions ©2017 10

Workout C Sets Reps Weight Suggestions Women/Men

BW Low Kneeling to 3 12
Deep Squat

USB Alt Lateral Power 3 8 Power USB: 20lbs/

Cleans Strength USB: 40lbs

USB Tall K Pressouts 3 10 Core USB: 10lbs/

Power USB: 20lbs

USB Up/Down OH 3 3/side Power USB: 40lbs/

Press Strength USB: 60lbs

BAND Stag Hinge & 3 6/side

Archer’s Row

USB Alt Deadbug 3 12 Core USB: 10lbs/

Power USB: 20lbs

Week Four

Workout A Sets Reps Weight Suggestions Women/Men

BW Alt Pledge Plank 3 12

USB Glute Bridge & Alt 3 5/side Core USB: 10lbs/

UE Lift & Chop Power USB: 20lbs

BAND 1/2 K Archer’s 3 6/side


USB FL Stag Squat & 3 5/side Power USB: 40lbs/

Rotation Strength USB: 60lbs

USB Alt Rotational BOR 3 8 Power USB: 20lbs/

& High Pull Strength USB: 40lbs

BAND Standing 1A 3 6/side
Chest Press

Innovative Fitness Solutions ©2017 11

Workout B Sets Reps Weight Suggestions Women/Men

BW Lateral Quadruped 3 2 Down & Back


USB Alt FL Crossover 3 10 Power USB: 20lbs/

Goodmorning Strength USB: 40lbs

USB Offset 1/2 K OH 3 3/side Power USB: 20lbs/

Press Strength USB: 40lbs

USB Squat & Arc Press 3 10 Power USB: 20lbs/

Strength USB: 40lbs

USB Shucking Rows 3 16 Power USB: 40lbs/

Strength USB: 60lbs

USB Mod Side Plank 3 6 Power USB: 20lbs/

ISO Pull & Clamshell Strength USB: 40lbs

Workout C Sets Reps Weight Suggestions Women/Men

BW Alt Eccentric Pistol 3 12


USB Power Clean & OH 3 10 Power USB: 40lbs/

Push Press Strength USB: 60lbs

USB Bird Dog ISO Drag 3 3/side Core USB: 10lbs/

Power USB: 20lbs

USB Shoulder Reverse 3 5/side Power USB: 20lbs/

Lunge Strength USB: 40lbs

BAND Alt Lateral Hinge 3 12

& Row

USB TSpK Pressouts 3 5/side Core USB: 10lbs/

Power USB: 20lbs

Innovative Fitness Solutions ©2017 12

Week Five

Workout A Sets Reps Weight Suggestions Women/Men

USB FL Alt Side Sit to 3 8 Power USB: 20lbs/

Stand Strength USB: 40lbs

USB 1/2 K Pressout & 3 4/side Core USB: 10lbs/

Chop Power USB: 20lbs

BAND Resisted Hollow 3 4x 10 sec


USB Squat & Alt 3 8 Power USB: 20lbs/

Rotational OH Press Strength USB: 40lbs

USB Shucking Row & 3 4/side Power USB: 20lbs/

Power Clean Combo Strength USB: 40lbs

USB Alt Pledge Plank & 3 6 Core USB: 10lbs/

ISO Drag Combo Power USB: 20lbs

Workout B Sets Reps Weight Suggestions Women/Men

USB FL Alt In-Place 3 8 Power USB: 40lbs/

March & Rotation Strength USB: 60lbs

USB Alt Glute Bridge 3 10 Core USB: 10lbs/

March UE Lift & Chop Power USB: 20lbs

USB 5-Scoot & Bend 3 1/side Core USB: 10lbs/

Combo Power USB: 20lbs

USB Alt FL Reverse 3 6 Power USB: 20lbs/

Lunge & Rotation Strength USB: 40lbs

USB Split Stance BOR 3 6/side Power USB: 20lbs/

Strength USB: 40lbs

USB TSpK OH Press 3 6/side Power USB: 20lbs/

Strength USB: 40lbs

Workout C Sets Reps Weight Suggestions Women/Men

BAND Standing Pull 3 20


USB Power Clean/ 3 8 Power USB: 40lbs/

Squat/OH Press Strength USB: 60lbs

BAND Quadruped 1A 3 8/side

OH Row

Innovative Fitness Solutions ©2017 13

USB Alt MAX Lunge 3 10 Power USB: 20lbs/

Strength USB: 40lbs

USB Alt Crossover BOR 3 12 Power USB: 40lbs/

Strength USB: 60lbs

USB Rot Deadbug w/ 3 6/side Core USB: 10lbs/

BAND Power USB: 20lbs

Week Six

Workout A Sets Reps Weight Suggestions Women/Men

BW Quadruped/ 3 6/side
Inverted Kickout

USB Side Sit to TSpK 3 3/side Core USB: 10lbs/

Pressout & Chop Power USB: 20lbs

USB Mod Side Plank 3 6/side Core USB: 10lbs/

ISO Pull & Clamshell Power USB: 20lbs

USB Rot ATW 3 5/side Core USB: 10lbs/

Power USB: 20lbs

BAND 1/2 K 1A Chest 3 6/side


USB Shoulder Lateral 3 6/side Power USB: 20lbs/

Lunge Strength USB: 40lbs

Workout B Sets Reps Weight Suggestions Women/Men

BW Alt Plank Rows 3 12

USB Offset Reverse 3 5/side Power USB: 40lbs/

Step BOR & Deadlift Strength USB: 60lbs

USB 1/2 K Arc Press 3 4/side Power USB: 20lbs/

Strength USB: 40lbs

USB Shoulder Stag 3 5/side Power USB: 40lbs/

Squat Strength USB: 60lbs

BAND TSpK Hinge & 1A 3 8/side


USB TGU 1/2 K to 3 5/side Core USB: 10lbs/

Elbow Bend Power USB: 20lbs

Innovative Fitness Solutions ©2017 14

Workout C Sets Reps Weight Suggestions Women/Men

USB Alt Reverse Step 3 30 Core USB: 10lbs/

Swings Power USB: 20lbs

USB 1/2 K ATW 3 3/side/leg Core USB: 10lbs/

Power USB: 20lbs

USB Leg Thread Hover 3 3/side/leg Core USB: 10lbs/

Power USB: 20lbs

USB Alt Lateral Clean & 3 5/side Power USB: 20lbs/

Crossover BOR Combo Strength USB: 40lbs

BAND Standing OH 3 10
Pallof Press

BW H-F Crazy 8 Creep 3 x2

Bonus Workouts

Continuous 2 Minutes Sets Reps Weight Suggestions Women/Men

USB Shucking Rows x 10 Power USB: 40lbs/

Strength USB: 60lbs

USB TGU Ground to x 5/side Core USB: 10lbs/

Elbow Power USB: 20lbs

BW Plank Rows x 10

USB Alt Lateral Power x 10 Power USB: 20lbs/

Cleans Strength USB: 40lbs

USB Offset Squat x 5/side Power USB: 40lbs/

Strength USB: 60lbs

USB Offset OH Push x 5/side Power USB: 40lbs/

Press Strength USB: 60lbs

Innovative Fitness Solutions ©2017 15

25 Second Successive Sets Reps Weight Suggestions Women/Men

USB Stag Squat 25 Seconds Power USB: 40lbs/

Strength USB: 60lbs

USB Rot BOR 25 Seconds Power USB: 40lbs/

Strength USB: 60lbs

BW Quadruped Kickout 25 Seconds

USB Alt Lateral Power 25 Seconds Power USB: 20lbs/

Cleans Strength USB: 40lbs

USB FL Alt Reverse 25 Seconds Power USB: 20lbs/

Lunge Strength USB: 40lbs

BW H-F Circle Creep 25 Seconds

Don’t miss on more great

DVRT workout programs
and Ultimate Sandbags. Use
coupon code “save20”

Innovative Fitness Solutions ©2017 16

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