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Father: How do you like going to school?

Son: The going bit is fine, as is the coming home bit too, but I’m not too keen on the time in-between!

School subjects:

Science Art
mathematics (maths)
Hungarian grammar
foreign languages ( English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Latin)
I.T. (computer science)

I like _______________because

 it is interesting

 it is useful

 it is important for my further studies/ further life

 it is easy to learn

 it is easy to understand

 the teacher is good

-knows his/her subject(s)

-can explain it well
-uses different and interesting methods to teach
-I like his/her personality – funny, strict, helpful, understanding, patient, kind, emphatic

I don’t like ____________ because

 it is boring

 it is not useful

 I don’t need it during my further studies/life

 it is difficult to learn

 it is difficult to understand

 the teacher is not the best

-doesn’t know his/her subject(s) well

-can’t explain his/her subject(s) well
-his/her lessons are boring
-I don’t like his/her personality- too strict, impatient, rude, makes the students embarrassed

Education system:

 crèche – from 6 months to the age of 3

 nursery school/kindergarten- from the age of 3 to 6

 primary school/ elementary school- from the age of 5-11 or 14

 secondary school/ high school- from the age of 14-18

grammar/ vocational
final/ matura exams (in the UK-GCSE)- Hungarian grammar, literature, history, maths, a foreign language+
a chosen subject
Two levels: ordinary (O) level, advanced (A) level

 higher education- non-compulsory

University/ college/ OKJ=vocational training (post-secondary, further education)
BA-Bachelor of Art
BSc-Bachelor of Science
MA- Master of Art
MSc- Master of Science
PhD- doctoral level

study for an exam
revise for an exam
pass- fail an exam
take/sit/ do an exam
cheat in an exam

I go to……..Don Bosco Vocational School in the …… district of Budapest.
I am in the ……. the year.
I go to a class specialised in …..
I attend the

 Assistant teacher of special education needs

 Caregiver and educator of young children

 Emergency medical technical

 Fitness-wellness instructor

 Financial and bookkeeping assistant

 Chartered certified accountant for businesses

 Practicing infant and child nurse

 Logistics and transport assistant

 Medical Masseur

 Merchant

 Nurse

 Pharmacy Assistant

 Tour Guide


The building of my school is quite old/new.

It has …… floors.
There are several special classrooms like an English lab, biology, physics, chemistry room, demonstration
We have our professional practice in crèches/ ambulance cars/ hospitals/ spas / travel bureaus.
The school is well-equipped/ poorly equipped.
It has a friendly/ relaxed atmosphere.
It has a lot of great traditions.
The teachers are highly qualified.
There are small class sizes.

Learning as an adult:

 to keep up with the changes

 to improve your knowledge

 to learn a new skill to be promoted

 to learn a new skill to have a new profession

 to learn a new skill to find a workplace

 to keep your mind active

 to stay socially active

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