Energy and Buildings: Dinis Leitão, José Barbosa, Edgar Soares, Tiago Miranda, Nuno Cristelo, Ana Briga-Sá

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Energy and Buildings 139 (2017) 44–52

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Thermal performance assessment of masonry made of ICEB’s

stabilised with alkali-activated fly ash
Dinis Leitão a,∗ , José Barbosa b , Edgar Soares b , Tiago Miranda b , Nuno Cristelo c ,
Ana Briga-Sá d
C-TAC, University of Minho, Department of Civil Engineering, Guimarães, Portugal
ISISE, University of Minho, Department of Civil Engineering, Guimarães, Portugal
CQVR, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Department of Civil Engineering, Vila Real, Portugal
C-MADE, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Department of Civil Engineering, Vila Real, Portugal

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Despite being a material used over time, soil has lost its space as a building material with the appearance
Received 8 July 2016 of the most diverse materials and techniques that today are considered traditional. However, with the
Received in revised form latest environmental and energetic concerns, earth construction techniques appear revitalized. Recently,
20 December 2016
the Interlocking Compressed Earth Block (ICEBs) masonry system has experienced considerable devel-
Accepted 22 December 2016
opment. Some studies prove the potential of new stabilization techniques, such as alkaline activation,
Available online 29 December 2016
to improve the mechanical performance and the durability of the blocks, allowing the incorporation
of industrial by-products. The high-energy consumption for buildings acclimatization has been another
aspect of high discussion. Many times, buildings constructed with earth are referred as an example with
Earth masonry respect to the thermal performance. In this sense, an assessment of the heat transfer coefficient of the
Thermal performance ICEBs was carried out. The results show that the ICEBs system performs poorly when compared to other
Alkali activated fly ash current construction materials regarding the heat transfer coefficient, but presents an improvement when
stabilization is done with alkali activated fly ash compared to other earth based materials.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction More recently, issues such as the local economy and the envi-
ronmental protection led to the revitalization of earth construction
Earth has been used as construction material since the ancient techniques. This is due to the fact that the construction industry as
times and nowadays it is still possible to find earth constructions all high environmental impacts, induced by the over-exploitation of
over the world [1,2–4]. Approximately 17% of the sites classified by non-renewable resources, processing and transportation of mate-
UNESCO as world heritage are built on earth [5], and the number of rials and waste production [10–13]. Recent estimates point that
people living in earth buildings is around 30% to 50%, showing the approximately 50% of non-renewable resources extracted from
importance of the earth construction in the world housing scenery the earth are used in the construction sector [14]. Ordinary Port-
[3,6–8]. land cement (OPC) production and application process consumes
Nevertheless, there has been recently an abandon of the earth about 2% of the energy produced globally and is responsible for
construction techniques, mainly due to two factors. The first the emission of approximately 5% of carbon dioxide (CO2 ), as well
regards to the emergence of new materials and technologies such as as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide and composed
concrete, which allowed a faster building process and the construc- of lead, being responsible for the emission of 30%–40% of these
tion of multistory buildings. The second is related with the lack of gases [10,15–17]. The production of construction and demolition
institutional acceptance, the memory of economic poverty and the wastes in Europe reaches 33% of the total waste generated, with
association to the construction in underdeveloped countries [9]. values between 800 and 1000 million tons annually [16–19], but
still below the 40% reached globally [17]. Moreover, the construc-
tion sector is responsible for 25%–40% of the energy consumption
worldwide [17,20,21].
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minho,
The potential of earth as a construction material for more
Azurém, Guimarães 4800-058, Portugal.
sustainable and environmentally healthier built environment is
E-mail address: (D. Leitão). underestimated [14]. Studies show that in moderate climates such
0378-7788/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D. Leitão et al. / Energy and Buildings 139 (2017) 44–52 45

as the Mediterranean, the use of Earth can even reduce energy

needs and provide increased comfort [61].
It is clear that its use not only represents a positive impact
regarding the reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases, but
also a reduction in the extraction of raw materials [22–24]. The
earth is a reusable and ecologically viable material, being 100% recy-
clable and allowing its redisposition in the environment (as long
as some cares are taken regarding cement content) without high
impacts and expensive actions of collection, selection and recycling,
as happens in the case of other construction materials [9,25,26].
Masonry construction with Compressed Earth Blocks (CEBs) has
been subject to a huge evolution. CEBs are small units of masonry, in
parallelepiped form, produced according to different systems [27].
One of these is the Interlocking Compressed Earth Blocks system
(ICEBs). In this system, the blocks are placed in a line allowing the
execution of the vertical reinforcement of the masonry. This con-
structive method is easy, quick and does not require the use of bed
joints mortar [28,29]. As the process is industrialized, the use of
these elements allows the quality control of the production [30],
inducing improvements in its manufacturing process [31]. Fig. 1. Comparison of the PSD curve with the envelope presented by Viana da Fon-
Often, local soils are not suitable for use in the earth construc- seca [44,38].
tion, being necessary their improvement using cementation agents,
such as OPC [32]. This process mitigates some of the weaknesses
that are usually associated with this type of construction, such as 2.1. Materials and soil improvement description
their compressive and tensile strength, resistance to water actions
and durability in general [33,34]. However, the use of this cementa- 2.1.1. Soil
tion agent increases the environmental impact of the material and The soil used in this research study was collected in Guimarães,
hinders the disposal of the material in its end of life. In this sense, the located in the Northern Region of Portugal. This soil, like other typ-
use of innovative soil improvement techniques to produce ICEBs ical soils of this region, is defined as granitic residual soil (GRS).
should be considered. The GRS are usually sandy soils with very low clay content, com-
However, the research of new materials should not be restricted posed by aggregates and crystals of altered minerals, such as quartz,
to the enhancement of the mechanical performance and durability. feldspars and micas. In order to produce earth blocks with the min-
New requirements regarding energy consumption must be stud- imum required resistance, this type of soils is frequently improved
ied. Thus, earth construction assumes once again a prominent role, with a binder. The geotechnical characterization of the soil was per-
especially due to its good behavior regarding thermal mass and per- formed in terms of particle size distribution (PSD) [40], Atterberg
meability to water vapor [35–37]. Nevertheless, there is a lack of limits [41], particle density [42] and Proctor compaction parame-
studies about the thermal behavior of ICEBs. ters [43].
This work aims to contribute to the understanding of the ther- The curve represented in Fig. 1 was obtained with the PSD test,
mal behavior of environmentally friendly ICEBs masonry, produced confirming the low clay content. In the same figure it is possible
without incorporation of OPC, using alkaline activation of fly ash. to make a comparison with the envelope proposed by Viana da
This type of ICEBs had shown improved performance and lower Fonseca [44] for granitic residual soils of the Northern Region of
environmental impacts, as well as promoting the incorporation of Portugal and it is possible to observe that the soil used in this study
industrial wastes [38,39]. In this way, an experimental work was lays within the envelope defined for GRS.
performed with ICEBs manufactured using residual granitic soil The value obtained for the liquid limit (LL) was 28%, while the
improved using the alkaline activation of fly ash, and with two plastic limit (PL) was undetermined. This leads to the fact that, in
different constructive solutions: (i) dry-stack masonry and (ii) dry- terms of plasticity, this soil is classified as non-plastic.
stack masonry with sealed joints on both sides. The experimental A value for the particle density was 2.62 g/cm3 . The maximum
work and the results obtained are presented and discussed. dry density and optimum water content (OWC) were determined
by the Proctor compaction test, with standard and modified energy.
The two compaction energy levels were used to conclude about the
2. ICEB’s Characterization representative compression level that is achieved using the press
available for the production of the ICEBs. The values of maximum
There are two materials common to all earth construction tech- dry density (γd) and optimum water content obtained in the nor-
niques: soil and water. However, it is often impossible to obtain a mal Proctor test were 1.71 g/cm3 and 12.1%, respectively. For the
local soil suitable for the production of ICEB’s, thus requiring the use modified Proctor, the values were 1.85 g/cm3 and 12.3% (Table 1).
of cementing agents. Traditional binders for soil improvement in This characterization is a key stage in the assessment of the
earth construction are cement and lime, which are chosen depend- soil suitability for earth construction. The soil consists essentially
ing on strength requirements and the presence of clay minerals. If of particles of variable size, namely clay, silt and sand, which are
the soil presents a very low clay content and activity, the cementing mixed together, being the soil behavior previewed by the relative
agent is usually cement which increases the material’s environ- presence of these particles [45]. Despite the importance of all tests
mental impacts. These impacts start at the extraction phase, and performed, the highlighted test in the literature is the PSD. For
continue through the processing, transportation and application, example, Houben and Guillaud [6] specifies that the clay fraction
ending in their need to landfill, at the end of its life cycle. Regard- should be between 0% and 20% and the PSD curve must fall inside
ing the advantages associated to its use, the study was carried out the envelope shown in Fig. 2a. In standards such as UNE 41410 [46],
using fly ash and alkaline activation technique as a way to produce it is also possible to find an envelope where the PSD curve should
an eco-friendly binder capable of the ICEB’s improvement. be located (Fig. 2b) [38]. In this case, the recommended clay con-
46 D. Leitão et al. / Energy and Buildings 139 (2017) 44–52

Table 1
Results of the GRS characterization.

Test Fraction Content (%) Type Feature Result

PSD Clay 4
Silt 14
Sand 60
Gravel 22
Atterberg limits Liquid limit (LL) 28%
Plastic limit (PL) –
Particle density test (g/cm3 ) 2.62
Proctor compaction test Standard Maximum dry density (g/cm3 ) 1.71
OWC (%) 12.1
Modified Maximum dry density (g/cm3 ) 1.85
OWC (%) 12.3

Fig. 2. Comparison between the PSD curve obtained and the proposed envelope [38]: (a) Houben and Guillaud [6]; (b) UNE 41410 [46].

tent should be between 10 and 30%. By the observation of Fig. 2 activation, which allows the exclusion of OPC and the incorporation
it is possible to conclude that the PSD curve of the GRS is not in of industrial by-products in a much more sustainable approach.
accordance with the proposed envelopes, since the percentage of
the clay fraction is too low (4%). In this case, in order to manufac- 2.1.2. Soil improvement technique
ture and instantly handle the blocks, it is necessary to improve the The alkaline activation technique (AAT) dates back to 1940,
soil using cementing agents. when Purdon carried out studies using alkali-activated blast fur-
Another aspect that should be mentioned is related with nace slags and concluded that the hydroxides of the alkali metals
the block density, which is directly connected with the soil’s act as catalysts [51]. Davidovits found that it was possible to pro-
local availability for the ICEBs production, and with its dura- duce binders, taking advantage of the alkali reaction produced by a
bility. The knowledge of the proper block density, considered solution containing silicium (Si) and aluminium (Al) with geologi-
through the results obtained in the Proctor compaction test, allows cal origin or resulting from industrial by-products, such as the fly
the production of ICEBs with enhanced durability and mechani- ash and slag [52]. For Palomo, Grutzeck and Blanco [53] the alka-
cal performance without the introduction of large quantities of line activation is a polymerization reaction of aluminum–silicon
cementing agents, such as OPC. In fact, there are some standards compounds which occurs in the presence of certain high alka-
that stipulate a minimum density for the blocks. For example, line solutions, such as potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide
standards such HB195 (Australia) [47], NC103 (Cameroon) [48], and potassium silicate or sodium silicate. This hydration reaction
MS777 (Malawi) [49] and FDUS849 (Uganda) [50] indicate values occurs in the presence of alkali or alkaline earth metals, includ-
of 1.5 g/cm3 , 1.75 g/cm3 , 1.6 g/cm3 and 1.6 g/cm3 , respectively. In ing: (i) hydroxides (ROH, R(OH)2 ); (ii) salts of weak acids (R2 CO3 ,
the case of the GRS used in this research, the maximum dry density R2 S, RF); (iii) salts of strong acids (Na2 SO4 , CaSO4 ·2H2 O); (iv) sil-
obtained in the Proctor compaction test, with standard compaction icate salts of the type R2 ·(n)SiO2 , where R is an alkaline ion like
energy (1.71 g/cm3 ), is in accordance with the standards minimum sodium (Na), potassium (K) or lithium (Li) or an alkaline earth ion
requirements, and can be achieved through the ICEB production like calcium (Ca) [54]. For Vargas et al. [55], this technique trans-
press available. forms partially or fully amorphous structures in well compressed
The analysis reveals the need of the soil improvement in order compounds, with cementitious properties, by means of highly alka-
to proceed with the ICEBs production. As mentioned, in order to line solutions, which is accomplished by using sodium hydroxide
enhance its characteristics, such as durability, strength and instant and calcium hydroxide.
handling, and to suppress the absence of the clay fraction, OPC is The AAT has been used recently for soil improvement, show-
often added to the mixture. Nevertheless, in this particular case, ing great potential. The investigations carried out by some authors
it was used an alternative binding technique, known as alkaline demonstrate significant improvements achieved with the use of
this technique, especially regarding the increment of the original
D. Leitão et al. / Energy and Buildings 139 (2017) 44–52 47

soil load capacity [31,56]. This technique has not been studied only humidity of 18 ◦ C and 55%, respectively, were used, respecting the
in this sense, but also as a binding agent for behavior improvement conditions displayed in NP EN772-1:2002 [59].
in the production of compressed earth blocks, demonstrating all its
potential in this application [30]. With respect to the environmental
aspects, the soil improvement with AAT has shown very promis- 2.3. ICEB’s characteristics and masonry system
ing features [39]. The creation of alkali activated binders (AAB) is
based on the formation of a gel which involves the soil particles The geometry adopted for the used blocks was based on the
and bind them more effectively, producing a composite material geometry proposed in the HiLoTec research project [29]. This geom-
[58]. For this particular study, fly ash was used in the role of the etry consists in a vertical hollow interlocking block system. The
precursor, while sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate composed adopted vertical hollow system has various advantages, such as the
the activator. decrease in the unit weight and the reduction of the material con-
Fly ash is an amorphous solid, with spherical morphology, sumed for the production of each block, which is directly related
exhibiting high pozzolanic properties and valued as an additive in to the overall construction costs. Moreover, these openings allow
mortars and concretes due essentially to the high improvements in the structural reinforcement of the elements as well as the passage
terms of strength and durability. Because of its origin in the mineral of hydraulic and electrical systems, without damaging the struc-
impurities contained in coal, fly ash are mainly composed by sili- tural masonry integrity. The ICEBs used and its dimensions can be
con dioxide (SiO2 ), aluminium oxide (Al2 O3 ) and iron oxide (Fe2 O3 ), seen in Fig. 5. The average density was 1800 kg/m3 , which means
being an interesting source of aluminium and silicium in the cre- that each block weights approximately 6.7 kg. The thermal perfor-
ation of the AAM. Fly ash can be classified as Class F or Class C, mance assessment was executed in blocks with 28 days curing. At
depending on its composition. In a Class C fly ash, the amount of cal- this stage, its average compressive strength is about 3 MPa [57].
cium in its composition is typically higher than 10%, while in a Class The masonry walls built with these blocks have a mechanical
F, with a lower quantity of calcium, fly ash leads to the existence of interlocking system, which dispenses the use of bed joint mortars.
pozzolanic properties, but not hydraulic and binding properties. In Due to its geometric features, it is possible to construct single-
the presence of a chemical activator they acquire these properties, leaf and double-leaf walls, as represented in Fig. 6. This type of
obtaining high chemical stability during the curing process. interlocking based walls promotes a simpler, fast and inexpensive
In this study, a Class F fly ash was collected in a Portuguese construction.
thermoelectric power plant (Fig. 3) to produce the ICEBs. It was
characterized in terms of size and chemical composition. With
respect to the grain size, it presents an average of 10.64 ␮m [31].
3. Metodology
In terms of chemical composition (analysis performed in Electronic
Microscopic Unit in University of Trás-os-Monte e Alto Douro), the
The test procedures for the thermal performance assessment of
amount of material available for the activation process is approxi-
this masonry building solution were carried out in accordance with
mately 75%, corresponding to the aluminium, silicium and calcium
ASTM C1046 [60] and ASTM C1155 [61] standards. These standards
present, as it is possible to observe in Table 2.
aim to promote correct use and installation of heat flow meters and
The activator was obtained using sodium hydroxide and sodium
surface temperatures measurement equipment’s and to describe
silicate. Its first function was to grant workability to the mixture
the calculation methods and the rules for results validation and
and, in a later stage, to react with the fly ash creating a stable binding
matrix. The sodium hydroxide was obtained in solid form (flakes)
with 98% purity. Before use, it was dissolved in water to obtain
a sodium hydroxide solution with the desired concentration. The
sodium silicate used for the activator was obtained in solution form, 3.1. Equipment
containing sodium oxide (Na2 O) and silicon dioxide (SiO2 ) in a 1:2
mass ratio and presenting a density of 1.464 ± 0.021 g/cm3 . The sensor used in the measurement of the heat flux across
the masonry wall was the Hukseflux HFP01SC with self-calibrating
heat flux sensorTM (Fig. 7a). This sensor allows high accuracy mea-
2.2. ICEB’s production surement of soil heat flux. For the elements surface temperatures
measurement, type T thermocouples of copper/constantan (Fig. 7b)
In order to produce the ICEBs for this study the soil was previ- were used. In order to perform the control, acquisition and data
ously air dried. The composition of the mixture was selected based storage it was used a Campbell Scientific CR10X datalogger. The
on previous studies [30] [38,57], and it is presented in Table 3. calibration of the masonry surface temperature sensors was exe-
To obtain the alkali activator with the desired characteristics, the cuted using a Rotronic Instruments HygroClip HC2-S (Fig. 7c).
sodium hydroxide solution was prepared 24 h before its use with a The assessment of thermal conductivity tests were performed
12.5 m concentration. in a test cell (Fig. 8) with about 2.5 × 2.5 × 4.0 (m3 ) of interior
Before the mixture preparation all materials were weighted. The dimensions and high thermal insulation. The construction of the
mixture was prepared in two steps. The first step was the homog- single-leaf testing wall was done in a mobile frame with inner
enization of the dry phase, composed by GRS and fly ash. In the dimensions of 2.7 × 4.2 (m2 ). The wall in the mobile frame was
second step, the liquid phase (alkaline activator) was added to the pressed against the test cell compressing a very compressible mate-
pre-homogenized solid phase, producing the final mixture (Fig. 4a). rial with high density and high thermal resistance to assure absence
In order to more accurately control the density of each block, the of leaks or thermal bridges.
necessary amount of mixture for its production was previously An air conditioning system (Daykin FTXS50G2V1B) was used to
weighted. After this process, the mixture was properly placed in the control and maintain constant temperature inside the test cell. The
press and the block was immediately manufactured (Fig. 4b). The indoor air temperature in the opposite side of the wall was main-
press used in the ICEBs manufacture was a Terstaram press, which tained through passive means and thermal inertia of the building.
allows the application of a compression stress up to 4 MPa. After There was some fluctuation in day/night cycles but it was possi-
manufacture, the blocks were left indoor, for air-curing, during ble to obtain large periods with constant temperature as shown
28 days, as shown in Fig. 4c. An average temperature and relative afterwards, allowing constant heat flux.
48 D. Leitão et al. / Energy and Buildings 139 (2017) 44–52

Fig. 3. Class F fly ash used in the AAM [31]: (a) natural scale image; (b) SEM image with 1600× amplification.

Table 2
Chemical composition obtained by EDS [31] .

Element Si Al Na Ca Fe Mg P S K Ti

Quantity (%) 48.81 21.77 1.31 3.85 14.74 1.56 0.58 1.17 4.42 1.79

Table 3
Mixture composition for ICEBs production.

Solid Phase (%) Liquid Phase (%) Solid/Liquid (Phases) (%) Concentration NaOH2 (m)

Fly Ash Soil NaOH2 Na2 SiO2

15 85 66.7 33.3 13.7 12.5

Fig. 4. ICEBs production: (a) final mixture; (b) block manufacture; (c) blocks in air-curing process.

Fig. 5. Geometry of the ICEBs: (a) block after curing; (b) block dimensions (in mm) [29].

3.2. Test procedure tion (test point C); (iv) hollow zone of the block (test point D);
(v) massive zone of the block (test point E) (Fig. 9). The five test
To assess the masonry thermal behavior in accordance with the points were selected to assure measurement of the thermal behav-
ASTM C1046 standard, five test points were selected to place the ior of all representative areas of the blocks. The selection of the
surface temperature and heat flux sensors (Fig. 9a): (i) vertical joint central zone of the wall assures that the fluxes measures were fully
(test point A); (ii) horizontal joint (test point B); (iii) joint intersec- perpendicular to the wall surface.
D. Leitão et al. / Energy and Buildings 139 (2017) 44–52 49

Fig. 6. ICEBs masonry [29]: (a) single-leaf walls; (b) double-leaf walls.

Fig. 7. Sensors used in the heat transfer measurement: (a) Hukseflux HFP01SC; (b) type T thermocouples; (c) HygroClip HC2-S.

Fig. 8. Preparation for the test execution: (a) test cell; (b) ICEB’s wall during construction; (c) final aspect of the tested wall.

toothpaste as the thermal contact material. The heat flow sensors

were placed in the outer face of the wall, over the thermocouples
(Fig. 9). At last, air temperature and relative humidity sensors were
placed inside the test cell. During the first 24 h, no results were con-
sidered to allow stabilization of the heat fluxes. The temperature
difference between the inside of the test cell and the outer tempera-
ture was enough to guarantee a suitable temperature gradient. The
measurements were carried out in 5 min intervals and the values
obtained represent the physical quantities average over that time

3.3. Results analysis procedure

For the assessment of the ICEBs’ thermal resistance, the analysis

Fig. 9. Placement of the heat flux sensors and the thermocouples in the ICEB’s wall. of results was performed according to the procedures described
in the standard ASTM C1155. It was considered that the tests were
performed in line with point 5 of this standard. The method used for
The test procedures for in-situ measurement of thermal con- calculation of the thermal resistance was the summation technique,
ductivity using heat flux meters and surface temperature sensors applying Eq. (1).
followed the recommendations preconized in standard ASTM
C1046. The thermocouples were installed on both sides of the wall
in order to measure the masonry surface temperature during the Re = (1)
tests. Afterwards, the fixing of the heat flow sensors was done using M q
k=1 k
50 D. Leitão et al. / Energy and Buildings 139 (2017) 44–52

Table 4
Results for thermal resistance and heat transfer coefficient.

Test Point Rej (m2 ◦ C/W) Aeq (m2 ) Rm (m2 ◦ C/W) RT (m2 ◦ C/W) U (W/m2 ◦ C)

A 0.13 0.21 0.17 0.34 2.94

B 0.16 0.72
C 0.18 0.18
D 0.18 1.26
E 0.20 0.43

Where Re is the thermal resistance of the wall, Tk is the temper- The average value of Re, in the 12 h’ intervals that verified the
ature difference between the interior and exterior faces of the wall convergence and variation tests, obtained for the massive zone
in a particular period of time k, and qk is the heat flux in the same of the block was 0.20 m2 ◦ C/W. Regarding the other points, the
period. average values for Re were: A: 0.13 m2 ◦ C/W, B: 0.16 m2 ◦ C/W, C:
It was possible to calculate Re for each period considering the 0.18 m2 ◦ C/W; D: 0.18 m2 ◦ C/W. Considering that each point is asso-
surface temperatures and heat flux in that period. Over the course ciated to a different reference area, Eq. (4) was used to compute the
of the tests, the surface temperatures and the heat flux stabilizes representative thermal resistance of the wall. The reference area
and consequently, the value of Re calculated for each period also (Aeq ) of each test point was calculated taking into consideration
stabilizes. The determined Re for the wall is obtained by the aver- the representative area of each part of the brick and the heat flux
age of 3 different intervals of 12 h of time where Re verifies the sensor dimensions. Table 4 summarizes the results obtained in the
Convergence (Eq. (2)) and Variance (Eq. (3)) tests. process.
Re (t) − Re (t − n) To know the total masonry thermal resistance (RT ) it is necessary
CRn = ≤ 0.1 (2) to add the value of the surface thermal resistance [62]. According to
Re (t)
[59] and considering the ICEBs wall working as an external wall, the
Being CRn the convergence factor, Re (t) the thermal resistance in interior superficial thermal resistance (Rsi ) is 0.13 m2 ◦ C/W and the
the period t and Re (t-n) the thermal resistance calculated between exterior superficial thermal resistance (Rse ) is 0.04 m2 ◦ C/W. Using
two consecutive time periods. Eq. (5), the corresponding heat transfer coefficient of the ICEBs wall
  (U) was 2,94 W/m2 ◦ C.
s (Re ) In Portugal there is a reference work from the National Labo-
V(Re ) = × 100 ≤ 0.1 (3)
Re ratory of Civil Engineering that provides guidelines to determine
the thermal resistance and heat transfer coefficients of several
Where V(Re) is the sample variance, s(Re) is the standard deviation
materials and elements such as walls, floors and ceilings [62]. Fer-
and Re is the sample average. nandes et al. used these guidelines [62] to calculate the value for
Since the element in assessment is not homogeneous and a 100 cm thickness rammed earth wall and obtained a value of
presents different behavior, Eq. (4) was used to determine a repre- U = 0.87 W/m2 ◦ C [63] and the U value for a 55 cm granite wall
sentative value for the thermal resistance of the masonry wall as a and obtained a value of 2.87 W/(m2 ◦ C) [64]. Using these guidelines
whole. and considering the thickness of the ICEB’s wall analysed (14 cm),
 M  the heat transfer coefficient of the wall would be approximately
k=1 Aj
Rm =   (4) 4.6 W/m2 ◦ C [62]. The heat transfer coefficient computed for the
j=1 R
ICEB’s wall was lower that the value obtained by following the cal-
culation guidelines of the Portuguese National Laboratory of Civil
Being Rm the masonry thermal resistance average and Rej the ther- Engineering. It is possible to state that either these guidelines are
mal resistance in a region of a constructive element with an area Aj not accurate for building solutions with earth or the stabilization of
where the thermal conditions are similar. The thermal behaviour the earth material with alkali activated fly ash improves the thermal
of the blocks is different in the hollow zones and in the areas of the behaviour of the wall regarding heat transference.
massive zones. The overall thermal resistance (Rm ) is computed Comparing the measured ICEBs performance to walls with sim-
from the thermal resistance of its composing regions (Rej ). ilar thickness using other materials, the U values of the ICEBs wall
Computed the masonry thermal resistance, the heat transfer are similar or lower (Table 5). For reference, the Portuguese thermal
coefficient (U) can be obtained using Eq. (5): regulation imposes maximum U values for external walls between
1 0.35 and 0.5 W/m2 ◦ C [65].
U= (5)
[Rm ]

4. Results and discussion

The results obtained in the tests are presented and discussed in

this chapter for the 5 points analysed. Considering the controlled Table 5
environment where the tests were conducted, it was possible to Heat transfer coefficient of walls using different materials with 14 cm thickness
obtain stable results in a considerable short period. In Fig. 10, the according to [59].
results for the analysis of the thermal behaviour of the wall are Material U (W/m2 ◦ C)
presented in a graphical overview for the massive zone of the block. 3
Cavernous concrete (1700 kg/m ) 4.72
On the graph, the values of the measurements of the heat flux, the Cavernous concrete (1900 kg/m3 ) 5.16
external surface temperature and the internal surface temperature Regular concrete (2150 kg/m3 ) 5.72
are presented over the course of a 36 h’ sample. The negative heat Regular concrete (2450 kg/m3 ) 6.25
flux values represent its direction, which was from the outside to Concrete blocks masonry 2.70
Ceramic hollow bricks masonry 1.79
the inside.
D. Leitão et al. / Energy and Buildings 139 (2017) 44–52 51

Exterior Termocouple Interior Termocouple Heat Flux

27 -4

26 -8

Heat Flux (W/m 2)

Temperature (ºC)

25 -12

24 -16

23 -20

22 -24

21 -28
6:00 10:00 14:00 18:00 22:00 2:00 6:00 10:00 14:00 18:00
Test Time (Hours)

Fig. 10. Sample measurement of heat flux, external and internal superficial temperatures in the massive zone of the block.

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