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Rodriguez, Marion Patricia L.

Sem 3
L-1800073 | 2H

As Christians, each and every one of us are faced with questions such us, “How
should we live our lives?”, “What is right and wrong?”, “How to live a moral life?”.
According to Pope John Paul II, Christian morality helps us discover how we should
live our lives as a result of our faith in God’s word which has been revealed to us.

As a law student, the end goal is obviously to become a lawyer in the near future.
However, the journey towards getting that “Atty.” in my name is not an easy one. There
are times that I just want to break down and quit because there is doubt on mind if I am
really for this profession. There is always that voice in my head asking if I can make it
towards that end goal. But each and every time I’m at the point of quitting, God makes
ways to remind me why I am here, why did I choose this path, and why I am still
surviving law school. That every time I feel exhausted with everything, I lift it all up to
Him, and He always answer through different avenues. He is always there to remind
me that I’m not alone in this journey.

Through Sr. Marla Gipson’s letter about vocation, I realized that every decision
and path that we choose to take is a vocation. It is all about taking risks and trusting
Him. In every path that we take, there is always “what ifs”, which makes us hesitant to
make a decision on certain things. We are afraid that we might fail and disappoint the
people around us. But I believe that God won’t put us where we are right now if He
knows that we can’t do it. These “what ifs” in our mind every time we try something
new or every time we step out of our comfort zones, are invitations for us to grow,
discover things, and widen our horizons.

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