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The Roman Republic Directions: Outlining Reading the section and completing the outline below will help you learn more about the Roman Republic. Refer to your textbook to fill in the blanks. 1, Rome’s Government A. Early Romans were divided into two classes: patricians and 1. Both patrician and plebeian men were Roman 2. Only could serve in the government. B. Rome had a____ government, or one with three branches. 1. One branch was made up of top government officials, called who were chosen every year to head the army and to run the 2. Other officials were praetors who interpreted the and served as in court cases. 3. Rome's most important legislative body was the 4, The Assembly of ______ elected consuls. 5. After a period of revolt, the plebeians were allowed to set up their own body of representatives called the __ of the ¢, __, the best-known Roman dictator, was appointed by the Senate in a time of great danger. D. The Twelve and the _ of Nations set standards of justice that are still accepted today. Ml. Rome Expands A. The First War was fought against Carthage for control of the island of B, The Second Punic War featured Carthage's greatest general, who was defeated by Scipio in 202 8.c. at the Battle of €. By 129 8.c,, Rome had conquered Carthage and Greece and had gained its first province in 2 g 0

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