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Prepared by: Muneeba Khan


Runaway Globalization without Governance

The Human beings have been interacting with each other and developing the means and
traditions to formalize and making the interaction seamless from the time they came into
existence. As the mankind increased in its exposure to others of its kind, but not known to him
earlier, he developed the rules of rendezvous, be it war, trade, ruling over others of its kind or
just adventure. The regulations of the rulers have always been there in the kind of secrecy of
agriculture, mannerism of engaging an enemy or the trading behavior.
The human activity and interaction with others has increased over the years and new participants
such as the environmentalist, global soldier, multinational companies, preachers, missionaries
and last but the most important – Consumer. The increased and varied participants have yielded
innovation, both good and bad for the society at large with requirement for travel and trade,
bringing with it the nemesis of terrorism and the requirement to contain it.
The set of rules and regulations were required to coordinate the expansionist desire of man.
Romans imposed the tariff regime to inhibit the influx of goods into the empire. Similar reforms
were promulgated in large scale fashion via the World Trade Organization through the General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade to monitor and deal with the global trading.
The nature of trade, however evolved it has become today, remains plagued with essentially the
same problems as have been brought on them since forever. The possessors of knowledge have
always tried to find ways to secure their knowledge and the pirates always have been working on
their tactics to beat the system. The quandary has been the center stage for centuries and even
today the organization work with fervor to impose the rights of intellectual property.
The rise of various empires also saw a rise in governance with Romans introducing legal system,
road networks and military infrastructure. The Mongols increased the scope of governance with
initiation of guarded trade routes, provision of inns and postal system to establish an unheard of
land trade and transportation system. The Mongols ensured an environment of harmonious
coexistence for people from different religions in their vast dominion. Conversely, the
heightened contact of people marked the advent of epidemics that caused widespread havoc and
devastation. The Venetians introduced the system of quarantine to protect the public health. The
epidemics also highlighted the requirement for coordination between regimes on public health
policies and such a potent policy is in currency in the form of World Health Organization.
Marine trade introduced its own share of challenges for the governing bodies with the advent of
sea pirates. The regulators cashed in on the situation with establishment of armed vessels to
provide safe passage in exchange of tax.
Conduct of traders was also subservient to their religious beliefs and was dictated by the
teachings of their respective religions. Jewish Diaspora provided a level-playing field to traders
with different religious beliefs as brokers. The expansionism of different religious powers also

made the rivals find newer routes and means to trade by bypassing the hostile regions. European
powers developed their navies, but were bound by universally accepted argument that the seas
were not to be owned by one, but to be shared by all.
Transportation and Communication technology provided faster access to far-flung areas via the
oceans and postal services were evolved and a common agreement was reached on postal
communication rules via the Treaty of Bern.
Technology innovated at a faster pace than the regulations devised to make it efficient. Time and
space problems arose with railways and telegraphs usage, and the global community agreed to
use a common zero for standard of time and Greenwich Mean Time was accepted as the center
of twenty four time zones.
The evolution of governance and adopting new standards has brought about a vital and practical
solution to difficult problems and has been at the forefront of global cooperation as the different
stakeholders are brought together by the promise of common good. Notwithstanding the above
benefits reaped by all, the issues of sovereignty and national security have become the latest
concerns requiring global attention and a common solution via global regulations. As the above
two issues await resolution, the nuclear proliferation and development of deadly weapons is at
large in the name of protecting the nations.
The third great challenge faced by the world is the climatic change brought about by excessive
communication, industrialization and growth in trade. The world as it is today is unwilling to
accommodate the imminent danger by forgoing the economic benefit available at the cost of
deteriorating environment. United States, the biggest beneficiary of the increased globalization
and the leader for the recent past of the global scenario is shying away from taking responsibility
and difficult decisions, leading to a checkmate situation.
United States has been in a position to impose its global dominance at various junctures of
history, but the country has tried to be as conducive to integration as possible while allowing
other nations to remain sovereigns. Recently the attitude of US has been to reduce the
responsibility it takes for the matters of global importance, but it is paramount that United States
retains its role to meet with the growing challenges of the globalized world, which put the basic
element of globalization at risk.

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