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C'S) 2009 am ass | GENERAL STUDIES . k Paper I Time Allowed : Three Hours\ |Maximum Marks : 300 ———— INSTRUCTIONS Each question is printed both in Hindi and in English. Answers must be written in the medium specified in the Admission Certificate issued to you, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer-book in the space provided for the purpose. No marks will be given for the answers written in a medium other than that specified in the Admission Certificate. Candidates should attempt all questions strictly in accordance with the instructions given under each question. The’ number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question. ara % : arqzait ar eee wae eer Tera & Poet Kewe! 1. Critically analyse any two of the following state- ments with reference to the contexts in which they were made (in about 150 words each): 15x2=30 (a) “Many Englishmen honestly consider them- selves the trustees for India and yet to what a : condition they have reduced our country.” (b) “The foreign power will be withdrawn but for me real freedom will come only when we free ourselves of the dominance of western education, western’ culture and the western . way of living which have been ingrained in us.” (c) “Satan cannot enter till he finds a flaw. ...... A great ocean separates us educated few from the millions in our country.” 2. Write about the following (not exceeding 20 words each) : 2x10=20 (a) Kiang Nongbah (6) Maski (c) Govind Guru (d) ‘Brahmadeya’ (e) ‘Egmore Faction’ (f) Haileybury College (g) Ijara System (h) Taji Mideren (i) Gurudwara Reform Movement G) ‘Marumakkathayam’ B-DTN-J-HTA 2 (Contd.) 1. ferearferftaer Hf & ferdt St cater H re dav H seat wel war @, ga dant aT TBS aA BU, THT asain Afra (gete aT 150 weal FH) : 15x2=30 (=) “are dita frre & aot arcat aed aT oo oe am ach fire fear & (a "FR a er Fea ce fe BR gee anda edad at ait aert eh Ta er aot arrat ofeaat fire, seat depfe stk gfgaat staat det A qeH ae at, A GAR eT He-HE HT TE SI” (a1) ‘Stare dat am gar Tet aK AHA @, Hat TH SA ale @ie a fears 2 aa) ow. ven fast Herann oF He et farferat at Gant Sar H are wet & yas aa 2” 2. Prafefaa & dae & farfarr (gets 20 seat & afr F él drat afer) : 2x10=20 (&) feair atta (@) wet (a) aie ge (4) ‘weea (a) ‘uric aa’ (@) Beat arferst (#) sarer gore (a) anit freer (2) Feat YAK sitet (3) Fear B-DTN-J-HTA (Contd.) 3. Answer any four of the following (in about 150 words each) : 15x4=60 (a) (b) (c) (d) () Assess the significance of coastal regions. in the economic development of India: Discuss the wetlands and their role in ecological conservation in India. Elaborate the steps taken by the Government for regionally differentiated approach to increase crop production and diversification in the country. Bring out the significance of the various activities of the Indian Meteorological Departnient. Examine the status of urbanization among the states in India and bring out spatial inequalities. 4. Write about the following (in about 30 words each) : 3x10=30 (a) (b) (©) (d@) () o (g) (h) (i) @ “‘bhuvan’ website National Waterways Ultra Mega Power Projects NNRMS BSUP Scheme GAGAN Project Fruit Production in India Section 377 of IPC “Whereabouts’ clause of WADA ", Barren Island B-DTN-J-HTA 4 (Contd.) 3. freafefaa a & fardi are & sax Se (gears HT 150 teat #) : 15x4=60 (&) ara & atte fare F acta gaan & neat ar arreat Afra | (@) adaftat ai ara # orfcferteer acer F sartt after oe at Afr | (a) aH wen sere a fafa F af aA fore sere: faatfea corre & fore acenk SIT gore ae Haat at afaenk ere Afar | (a) aia & atea-fasre fart & fara arefererat & Feet WC wearer Stfere | (4) aa ¥ ost & de aktiawn dt fafa a aden Afi ak earfis aeacsit 9 gener srfere | 4. farafefea S dae a fora (ater rer 30 area F) : 3x10=30 (#) “aaa” aaarez (a) assa serart (a) afe-faenet fart oatsrre (3) O.07.21k.04. 0a, (4) at.teq.t. asa (8) we ofa (a) ana Ff Get seat (a) anda es afar Ft eer 377 (2) ‘ars’ am ‘var fear’ ae (3) aa at B-DTN-J-HTA 5 (Contd.) 5. Attempt any two of the following (in about 100 words each) : 10x2=20 (a) (b) (c) Analyse India’s achievements in the sports sector during 2008-09. List the salient features of the important folk dances of either Central India or North Eastern India. © What are the important similarities and differences between the Hindustani and the Carnatic styles of classical music ? 6. Answer any two of the following (in about 150 words éach) : 15x2=30 (a) (b) (c) What are your views on the features and impact of the Domestic Violence Act, 2005 ? Are the traditional determinants of voting behaviour in India changing ? Examine in the context of the last General Elections. Examine corruption as a serious development challenge in Indian Polity. 7. Answer any two of the following (in about 150 words) : 15x2=30 (a) Mushrooming of Higher Educational Institu- tions was a matter of grave concern for Yaspal Committee. With reference to the relevant portion of that report give your views how to harmonise private investment and quality of education. B-DTN-J-HTA 6 (Contd.) 5. frrafefaa Fa faedt a % sax afi, at vate wT 100 weal F att arfer : 10x2=20 (®) 2008-09 & ahr ae Aan F area Ht soe amt fagersor attire | (@) Fer ae oT Sue Ta area & Heese cits Tat agape seit At aat dare Ate | (a) srrettr aaiter ft festa site arateen Seat a ata aar-aa aeerqel aarrantt sit< fararc & ? 6. freafefaa F & fret at & sax etre (ete TT 150 areal #) : 15x2=30 (&) ate fear afin, 2005 & afirerenit sik gare % daa F as ar faa % ? (@) a ara 4 afer aa % orake fakeat ¥ aaare ot cer 2? fred arr gaa & aa F gaat Ate | (=) aed Ft osa-eraer F un tiviie ere ait } et ¥ gerar a7 ter Fifer | 7. freafefaa 4 & fret ft & vax athe (gate carer 150 steal #) : 15x2=30 (*) sa Ste genet it dia denafs, agra aftifa & fer asic Fier an fra at | sa fet 3 daft arth caret & ara, fasit faer aie fret ft quran & ara arisver dart & ate ae amt rant at wee Atfare | B-DTN-J-HTA 4 A (Contd.) (b) In the changing context of governance in the country, what should be the role of the UPSC ? (c) In the context of recent incidents, suggest measures on how security of passengers and property can be improved over Indian Railways. . Answer any one of the following (in about 250 words) : 30 (a) Comment on the salient features of the Integrated Energy Policy recently approved by the Government and its implications on the energy security needs of the country. (b) How far has the impact of the global melt- down been reflected in the Economic Survey 2008-09 ? Identify some of the core areas given priority to neutralise the adverse effects of the global downturn. Answer any two of the following (in about 150 words each) : 15x2=30 (a) Trace the significant steps in the evolution of Television in the country. (b) The last National Family Health. Survey (NFHS) displayed a very dismal picture of nutrition as regards several indicators for average Indians. Highlight the salient aspects of this problem. B-DTN-J-HTA 8 (Contd.) (@) aa ¥ aaa & ofadasite dest &, de citen Gar amar at sar apfrerr att afer ? (a) ere At aearatl & det H, erecta teas oe ara afte eater ft acer aert & Saray st AAT | 8. frrafafaa a a ferdt wer ar sax aire (err 250 great F) : 30 (&) aa are erat aries wstge Saf afer reat afiaeit ak tr ft oat are aravaeaat oe sah fafearaf ox fecal afar | (a) atfies ater 2008-09 % fara eter ae Afeer Hat (ace erat) ar aura sfateifaa gar @? afere aaafe & sffger warat at frorenferr aet & fee srafiear far ay ge ste aat Ft sear Fifa | 9. freferfard # & frét at oer aifite (seta arse 150 steet #) : 15x2=30 (&) aa ¥ Seid & fear F Hecaqeh sent at faafaeare aaa | (@) aia ofa eres ata (da.0e.04.0e.) 7 aitaa arecitat & fer ates aaah 9 TT aT Oe frou far gaffe fear 81 sat are & necargel wait 7 gerrer erfere | B-DTN-J-HTA 2 (Contd.) (c) “As we live in a plural society we need the greatest freedom to express our opinions even if others find it offensive’ — Do you agree ? Discuss . with reference to some recent incidents in the Indian context. 10. Write on the following (in about 20 words each) : (a) (b) 2x10=20 Significance of 26th November in the country’s polity Desert National’ Park Rajiv Gandhi Seva Kendra Deep Joshi’s recent achievement Girni Kamgar Union Ayush-64 Rashtriya Gramin Vikas Nidhi (RGVN) Satya Vrat Shastri’s recent achievement Pocket Veto PESA, 1996 B-DTN-J-HTA 10 (a) ‘af ea atacraret cars & cet 2, et at at at afters aot ait atftrrcer eactaat Ft aaa s, Tet Sta area at afses oy’ — sar ATT BH art & era S 2 wR H dat F ort A Pe Feat ar See axe EU ea I aa ArT | 10. feraferferer ox ferfere (seta sare 20 reat H) 2x10=20 (%) @r Ht cea aaer F 26 adax a AE (a) weeqeite aera seat | (a) onsite aieit Gar ae (3) ata sitet Ft eret cht sorerfeer (a) fir? anon after ae (8) arqy-64 (=) cesta ait ferenrer frfer (a) aera erat Ft eet Ht Soerfetr (Z) abe Fer (3) Fat, 1996 B-DTN-J-HTA ll ATATS SEAaT aea-as I a araat get ger fest site afte aa F war 21 geal & sax sat aera ¥ fora art afer, farrar sere arta Taer-Tr F fear Tar 2, a FT ATA FT OTE TIT TR TRTH F qa-7e 7 sie fate emt oe fear sara afer | Taar-79 7 steefea maa & afar rey Frat arearr HF fer amy Fae 1 aE ae aet fart | saneart at adit seat sae oot VT a Ru ae ageat & agar et at TAT! eter a9 & fore Fae sia 997 & ster F Fae Ty él Note : English version of the Instructions is printed on the front cover of this question paper.

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