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Benchmarking is the practice of comparing business processes and performance to industry and

Our benchmarking that we target for the long term sustainability is:

1. Technology

Industry nowadays just produce simple cloth hanger that the function only hanging the cloth. So
that, we came out with the technology that easier for who work that have not enough time in home,
the have automatic rollout awning and rain detector that save the cloth from bad weather and rain.
So that, buyer dont have to worry about the cloth hanging in the home.

2. First mover advantages

Currently in the industries of Malaysia, we have just normal

hanger for hanging cloth. This product is the first product that limited in the industries. This product
have technology that the indutries not yet use the technology for hanging cloth.

3. Customer demand

This product is targeted for the hot and wet weather country because a lot of people in this country
hanging their cloth under the sunlight for dry and risk of rain. The prices also affordable for user so
that the demand will increase and increase every month.

4. Lower Cost, high

The cost to produce this product is more expensive rather than industries but worth it. We always
continue to develop the product that can lower the cost and by find the best manufacturer and
supplier. We also target for increase the sales every month and high profit.
5. Quality

Quality is our priority. We always upgrade the product to get best quality in the industries. We will
keep the product warranty and guarantee.

6. Marketing

We will start to promote in social media such as internet, television, radio station and signboard in
the street. Targeted of the product to export the product outside malaysia and globally. With the high
demand we will always keep maintain the supply of product for good brands and reputation of the

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