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nama nama clothes berikut ini.

 belt = sabuk
 boots = sepatu bot
 cap = topi
 coat = mantel
 dress = gaun
 gloves = sarung tangan
 hat = topi
 jacket = jaket
 jeans = celana jeans
 pajamas = piyama
 pants =celana
 raincoat = jas hujan
 scarf = kerudung/syal
 uniform = seragam
 shirt = kaos
 shoes = sepatu
 skirt = rok
 slacks = celana panjang longgar
 slippers = sendal
 socks = kaos kaki
 stockings = stoking
 suit = setelan
 sweater = switer
 t-shirt = kaos oblong
 tie = dasi
 trousers = celana
 underclothes = pakaian dalam
 underpants = celana dalam
 undershirt = kaos dalam

Contoh Kalimat Clothes

1. We are wearing uniform at school everyday (kami sedang memakai seragam di sekolah
setiap hari)
2. I am wearing hat because it is so hot (aku sedang memakai topi karena ini sangat panas)
3. My sister is wearing raincoat outside (kakakku sedang memakai jas hujan diluar)
4. We are wearing pajamas when we sleeps (kami memakai piyama saat sedang tidur)
5. My father is wearing tie to his office (ayahku memakai dasi ke kantornya)
6. I wear sweater, because it is so cold (aku memakai switer karena di luar sangat dingn)
7. The color of father's trousers is blue (celana panjang ayah berwarna biru)
8. The color of my sister's shoes is red (sepatu saudara perempuanku berwarna merah)
9. We are wearing yellow skirts (kami memakai rok berwarna kuning)
10. Miss. Anita is wearing a green scarf (Bu anita memakai kerudung hijau)

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