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Resurrection of the Lord - Year A

Sunday April 12, 2020

EASTER SUNDAY This week, the Sanctuary Lamp burns in

God’s servant knows how to hear and speak (Isaiah 50) memory of:
God exalted Jesus, who emptied himself. (Philippians 2) + ANGELINA & ALEX PROKICH
The Passion of our Lord, Jesus Christ. (Matthew 26) The Sanctuary Lamp burns to remind us of Christ’s
presence in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar.
While the Easter mystery does If you wish to sponsor the sanctuary lamp for one
not deny the reality of suffering week, the stipend is $35.00
and pain, it does proclaim reason Mass Intentions
for hope in the human  April 13 - April 19, 2020
condition. The empty tomb of As we gather, let us remember and pray for . . .
Christ trumpets the Mon.~ + Helen Popiel Apr. 13th
ultimate Alleluia: that love, (by Terri & Andrew Jaroszonek)
compassion, generosity, humility Tues. ~ ………………………………………. Apr. 14

and selflessness will ultimately Intns of Brenda & Craig Garbella

triumph over hatred, bigotry, (by Rosemary Salmon)
prejudice, despair, greed and
death. The Easter miracle enables us, even in the most Wed. ~ ……………………………………… Apr. 15th
+ Maria & Helmut Grascha
difficult and desperate of times, to live our lives in (by Furbacher Family)
hopeful certainty of the fulfillment of the resurrection at
the end of our life's journey. Thurs. ~ ……………………………………… Apr. 16th
The Risen Christ is present to us in the faithful + Emmy Geczy, + Lilly Torek &
witness of every faithful follower of Jesus who shares + Emerich Borchok
(by Alex Geczy)
the good news of the empty tomb, who seeks to bring
resurrection into this life of ours: to rise above life’s ……………………………………… Apr. 17th
Fri. ~ + Angelina & Alex Prokich
sufferings and pain to give love and life to others, to
renew and re-create our relationships with others, to (by Hrvatin Family)
proclaim the Gospel of the empty tomb. ……………………………………… Apr. 18th
Sat. ~
Today we stand, with Peter and John and Mary, at the + Ron De Coste (by De Coste Family)
entrance of the empty tomb; with them, we wonder Sun. ~ ……………………………………… Apr. 19th
what it means. The Christ who challenged us to love For the People of St. Helen Parish
one another is risen and walks among us! All that he + Bethany Qun Yi Yen
taught – compassion, love, forgiveness, reconciliation, (by Yvonne MacNiven)
sincerity, selflessness for the sake of others – is
vindicated and affirmed if he is truly risen. The empty
Fr. Chris will be at the church between 11:00 am to
tomb should not only console us and elate us, it should
12:00 pm, for anyone wishing to do a drive by for the
challenge us to embrace the life of the Gospel. With
Blessings of the Easter Baskets. Just pull up to the
Easter faith, we can awaken the promise of the empty
curb and roll down your window.
tomb in every place and moment we encounter on our
journey through this life. MASS CELEBRATIONS
In Matthew’s Easter Gospel, the Risen Jesus instructs Bishop Bergie will preside at all Holy Week
the stunned Mary and her companion to “go tell my celebrations at the Cathedral of St. Catherine of
brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see Alexandria. All celebrations will be livestreamed, and
me.” Galilee is the place where Peter and the others accessible:
were first called, where everything began — to return Diocesan website:
there means to see everything they experienced in Facebook page:
following Jesus in the light of the cross and the empty
tomb. Returning to Galilee transforms the horror of the Cathedral website:
past week into the new, radiant light of Easter — and,
in that new light, their lives and ours are forever made
new and whole. This Easter, may we make our way Holy Thursday, 7:00 p.m. ~ Good Friday, 3:00 p.m. ~
back to the Galilees of our life, to meet again God’s Easter Vigil, 7:00 p.m. ~ Easter Sunday, 11:30 a.m.
Risen One in the reconciling and healing peace of this Additionally, Easter Sunday Mass will be broadcast on
holy season. Cogeco TV Channel 10

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, April 7, 2020

This Easter we will celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus in a way very different from anything that we have
experienced in the past. You will not be able to come to your parish church and your priests will celebrate Mass
without a congregation. This is so foreign to our Catholic way of life. This is not easy to accept; however, the
spiritual sacrifice we make today will benefit many people tomorrow and for weeks to come. We will help to prevent
the spread of the deadly coronavirus.

The Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus, teaches us that the sacrifice of one benefits the many. Jesus
suffered and died for us so that He could save us from the darkness of sin and separation. He rose from the dead in
order to lead us to heaven and to eternal union with Him. The sacrifice of Jesus brings us great hope and healing.
Our own daily sacrifices also help to bring hope to many others.

In His victory over sin and death, Jesus showed us that good can come from what is bad. We see in the
Resurrection accounts that whenever people encountered the Risen Lord, there was a personal transformation. The
doubt and sadness was turned to confidence and joy. It was understood that Jesus had not left them and that He had
risen and that they would see Him again. Jesus was able to bring good from His own suffering and death. His
Resurrection gave people hope. Given our current situation, this simple fact takes on greater significance.

As the world copes with the effects of Covid-19, it is my hope and prayer that, like the disciples, we too
will be strengthened by the fact that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead. May fear and confusion be replaced with
courage and hope. May the sadness that comes from a people who long for our Eucharistic Lord, and from clergy
who desire to be with their parishioners, be replaced with the joy of the Resurrection. We have to believe that good
can come from all of this and that one day soon we will be together again. This is the ‘good news’ that will sustain
us during these difficult days.

We know that the Risen Lord offered His disciples the gift of peace. I wish to conclude with the words of
St. Paul that give meaning to this gesture for people of faith. “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.
Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by
prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which
surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7).

May you have a peace-filled Easter.

Yours sincerely in Christ,

Most Reverend Gerard Bergie, D.D.

Bishop of St. Catharines

P.O. Box 875, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada L2R 6Z4

905-684-0154  Fax: 905-684-7551

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