Real Estate Continues To Be The First Choice For Investment, Followed by Stock Market

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Real estate continues to be the first choice for

investment, followed by stock market

Published in the Financial Express by Sanjeev Sinha (March 2020)

This article analyses the investor’s preferences between Real Estate and other asset classes.
Despite the headwinds within the residential sector, Real Estate continues to be the first
choice of investment among the investors. In a recent ANAROCK-LIC Survey, 59% of the
respondents, in contrast with 53% respondents last year, preferred Real Estate over other
asset classes such as the stock market, FD’s and Gold, while only 8% participants would like
to invest in gold. This increase shows that prospective buyers continue to repose their faith in
real estate as the best investment option and is a safe bet for most, as firstly the other asset
classes have a more volatile nature; secondly it is due to the lower property prices and thirdly,
the government has announced a lot of measures favouring both the investors and the buyers,
while developers are also going all out to offer the best deal possible. Thus, there has not
been a more opportune time to buy property, particularly for self-use.

Meanwhile, despite stable property prices and favourable regulatory environment, the
residential market still fails to lure at least 17% respondents who have postponed their home
buying decisions for more than a year.

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