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H 8 = $ 8 3 8 g PROSBY (E-MAIL) Te Jeden z twoich prayjacitl jest chory. Napisz e-mail do wspélnego kolegi / wspéine) kolezanki 2 Angli aw nim: + painformuj gofie o chorobie kolegi/kolezank’ inapisz, jak sie on/ona cauje, + opisz swoja wizyte u chorego/chore), + popros o praystanie czegos, co ucieszy charego/chora + wyraé pennose, ze chory wkrétce wyzdrowieje i bgdziecie moglisie spotkee. Rozwif swoja wypowied# w kaédym 2 czterech podpunkiow. Dlugosé teksts powione wymosié od 80 do 130 én, nie lice 2d, sre 5a podane. “To: Owen Davis Subjact: Adam's il Hi Owen, [Pm afraid I've got some bad nows. ‘Adam's in hospital with appendicitis. It's nothing dangerous, but he’s a bit poorly right now. They ‘operated on him two days ago and he's on a strict diet. | visited him today. I brought him some oranges, but the nurse told me to to take them away. Adam wasa't very happy; he’s hungry and bored! Td lke to ask you something. I know you're both Doctor Who fans, and I was wondering if you could ‘send him some Doctor Who stuff to enteriain him. Perhaps 2 DVD, or something from that huge fan ‘shop? You'll know best what to choose. I'm sure he'd appreciate it very much, Don't worry! Adam will certainly get well soon and ‘we'll be able to meet and have fun during the holidays. And thanks a lot in advance! Best, Re xe Wstep I've got a request. Vd like to 1 you something / a favour, Could you do me a favour? need your help, Protba Could you please recommend (a funny film to cheer him up)? Do you think you could (lend me your collection of Mad Men DVDs}? Iwas 2 ifyou Who stuffto entertain him) Could/ould you be so kind and (send me something interesting to read)? Zakonezenie He would § Id be very grateful (50) sorry to bather you Thanks * 1 Thank you vary much (send him some Doctor it very much, 178 1 Praeezytaj zadanio maturaine 1 i modolowa wypowiedé ucznia. Sprawdd, czy uczet zawarl w e-mailu wszystkie informacje wymienione w poleceniu. z modelowej wypowiedzi. Uzupetnijcrugie zdanie w kaédej parze tak, aby znaczylo to samo co pierwsze, uzywajac wyrazu podanego w nawiasach. 1 Tye got a request. [FAVOUR] Could z 2. Please send me some interesting music. [WONDERING] 1 3 Could you bring me a new computer game? [KIND] Would 4 I'd appreciate it very much. [GRATEFUL] ve [EEE Movs salina — poleconia 4 Preoksztalé zdania na mows zaleina, jak w prayklat ‘The nurse said to me, Take the oranges away. ‘The nurse told nue to takee the oranges away 1 The doctor said ta me, ‘See a physiotherapist” The doctor told 2 The physiotherapist said to me, 'Do this exercise every gay! ‘The physiotherapist ordered 3 The nurse said to the vistors, The nurse asked 4 The doctor said 10 me, ‘Don't go skiing again this winter! The doctor told lease don't make GRAMATYKA, strona 260 5 Wykonaj zadanie maturalne 2. eee Z powodu powaine| kontuzi byles/byfas przez klka di ‘w szpitalu nie odponiadalas/odpowiadatas na e-malle, Napisz e-mail do kolegi/kolezanki 2 zagranicy, 8 w nim: + poniedr, co ci sig stalo,izrelacjonyj okolicznosci, wktdrych doselo do kontuzj napisz, jake leczenie zastosowano i czy nastapila poprawa, \wyjasnl, jak konturja ogranicza twoje codzienne 2ycio, popros o praystenie ci czegos ciekawego do crytania lub ogladania FRozwif swoja wyponiedé w kakdym 2 ezteroch podounitéw Diugose tekstu powinna wynosié od 80 do 130 sé nie Fiezgc _dat, tre sa podane. Hi Sam, 'm sorry [haven't answered your emails for a while. Looking forward to hearing from you, All the best, XYZ es W parach wykonajcie zadanie maturalne. opatrz na plakaty 112. 2 okaz)i Dna Zdrowia twoja szkola zamierza zaprosié $086, ktdrzy popromadza zajecia awigzane z tematem rirowia, Poproszono cig o epinie, ktdra 2 progonowanych elekej, 0 ktorych informuja ponisze plakaty, najbardziej teresuje uceniow. Wybierz temat,ktdry uwazasz za najbardziej interesujacy, i uzasadni sw6j wybor. Wyjaénj, dlaczego adreucasz pozostate proporycie. ECO FOOD | How to eatin a ay thar good feryou | andgood | forthe eath | Howto, + build! S telax and inteligence | Praeczytaj prayklady typowych pytan egzaminujacego do powyészego zadania. Posluchaj nagranych odpowiedzi na trey pytania i dopasu) je do pytat. {A Is organic food popular in Poland? B What are the advantages of earning to relax effectively? What are the disadvantages of organic food? D What is more important: physical health or mental wellbeing? E What could be done to encourage more people to live healthily? F Some people say healthy food is boring, De you agree? G Why do so many people suffer from stress these days? 10 2030 [ei (Cdpowiedzi na dwa pytania | | i | 4 Waren povidone tai | | | | | Zdrowie Posluchaj nagrania jeszcze raz. Zaznacz 2wroty, kt6re uslyszys2. Tomy rind... [J Inmy opinion ... [J | | | Odpewiedzi na pytania | I think both ere equally important. ) I think (physical heath) i (more) important because...) Onthe one hand... onthe other hand |_| One advantage/oeneft is that) .. [1 The main ieadvantage/crowibackfprablem sthat.. 7] I think (people suffer from stiess| because Yes, agree with this statement, becouse No, Idon't think lagree. [_] les hard to tell. 7) 'suppose ... ] | don't really know much/enough about this. (] O oO 2 éwiczenia 2 W parach wykonajcie zadanie maturalne. Popatrz na vlotk 1,213 wol anajomi prowadza hotel, ktdry oferuje wezasy zdrowotne, Chea go zareklsmowaé za pomaca ulotek. Poprosil cig 0 opinigna temattrzech projektow ul + Wybierz vlotke, ladra twoim zdeniom najskutocenioj zachgci Klient6w, i uzasednij sw] wybér | + Wyiasni, dlaczego odrzucase pozostele propozye THE FUN WAY ‘Shanti Spa Hotel jects Be kes hotcnys W parach edpowiedscle na pytania. 1 Do,you think holidays are a good time to get into shape? Why?/Why not? 2 What could be the disadvantages of a special fitness helidey? 179 BANK StO 11 Podkres! w Banku sléw wszystkie zawody zwigzane 26 sluzba zdrowia. Cay cheialbys/ cheialabys wykonywae keéryé znich? Pomyél o ostatnim razie, kiedy byteé/bylas chory/chora Uzywajac wyrazéw i zwrotéw 2 Banku stéw, opisz swoje cbjawy, wizyte w gabinecie lekarskim oraz diagnoze lokarza. Odpowiedz na pyta korzystajgc z Banku slow. 41. Which of these isan injury? Aarunny nose B dizziness € atwisted ankle 2 Which of these isan illness? Aaburn B mumps C abruise 3 Which preposition fits both phrases? Jens allergic Justin is addicted coffe. nuts 4 What noun completes all three phrases? ingood '5 What verb completes all thee: phrases? regular exercise sb’s temperature things easy 6 Which of these is a symatom? Afever Beancer Cmeasles Postuchaj wyrazéw i zwrotéw w jgzyku polskim pisz ich odpowiedniki ww Jezyku angielskim. Sprawdé Ich pisownie w Banku stéw. 1 4 2 5 3 6 am Zajrzy| do swojej domowej | apteczki i postara] sie nazwaé po angielsku wszystkie przedmioty, kktére w niej widzisz. ee eee ers] 180 ankle (n) zal) kostks boone (n /bsun kote chest (jest Katka piesiowe gene [ni /a3in gen heart (n/a) serce liver (a) voi watroba Jung (n} ay’ phaco ‘muscle (n)/misal/ mies’ organ (n) aan’ narzad ib (0) (ab) iebro skull 6) kot czascka spine (n} pain’ kregostup stomach (n)/stsmak’ oladek throat () @:00t) gardlo tonsil (n}/tonsal’ migdlek vist (a) nst/ nadgarstek ‘accident (o) /stscant/ wypadek Alzheimer's disease (p)/tsho:maz da pon wind! otwartarona ‘wounded (ed) und ranny ‘cZASOWNIKt blood (4 lia kai burn (7) fosin/ oparayé choke (v) Yout/ hrtusié sig, dowd sig cough (x) fot kaeelee faint (erent zomaleé eal (yf czutcig hurt hoa’ bales shiver (4 v9) mio¢ ceosecee smoeze (i sz) kichae snore [yn ehrapae ‘tremble (4) /rembl) drace Vomit (1) /vomst/ wymictowae zwrory allergic to sth uczulony na cos bbad for one's eyes/lungs niszcrowy ale eczulphue be in pain cierpiné (bs!) be short of breath dostanat zadyseki be unconscious by¢ riscreytamnym catch 2 cold pzoziebiésie dio of sth umrzeé na cos feel chilly odezunse zimno feel dizzy mie’ zauroty olony feel hot byé rznalenyn fool sick mio malosci have a pain in one’s leg miae bl w nodee. look sick wyaladaé na chorego lose one's sight stioci warok my arm hurts boli mnie rk my eyes are sore bola mnie oczy regain one's eight ocz/skae warok tuna fever mac goracace infhave a high temperature mié wysolg temperature from (a disease) cierpieé na (chorobe) depression ()/apefa’ dapresia ochondlac [n)/hareokondriekl Moochondhyk disorder (7) slip disso) zaburzenia tiredness (o/taxacnas) emeczenio jelhbeing () "el bis! dobre ‘samopoczuce ov ol a bit poorly c2ué se nie nallspio) al depressed cxué sie prygngb ony el good/fine/OK c2u% sig sobs 1 terible cu sig okzopria I tired cau sie zmeczonymn weak c2ut sg tabs nage (n) banc bande lood pressure (n) bd prea’ eirienie kiwi opt (in) arops! brople pxamination (n) /gz2msinean{ badanie ie (n) tu pieewsza porno rb (r) smn 20!0 jection (r) ndsehfn zastryk jocical advice () medial ad\vars/ poraca ekarske ical check-up tn} /mecill Yekap! wiayte Trentralna ulekares dication/medicina/drug (r) mean, Pmedsn, drag lekarstwe tural remedy (n) oxi! naturale least ment (o) /2intmant! mae inkl (o) peril frock presnbslony il (n} for tabletka sleeping ~ /sinmy pil tabletke nasenna 3 (BrEY/Band-Ald™ (Ame) (r)/piast2, Soendcrd plaster ster/cast/plaster cast (n/p, ast past kas gies eeription (9) petsixpfon) racepta (n) ret! edpoceynek de offect n/a chs) shark uboeane escape (n 'tebaekaup!stetoskop rgery/operation(n] /s:cs2r, opatexfn cperacia ermometer (n)/Sainomita!termometr tment (7) /Wsitmont! leczenie,terapia ecine (ovals szczepionks sin (naar witerina ray (7) ok rex! praeswetleni ved SOWNIK ndage (| /biendids! bandatowaé roy) Ika! wylecaye agnose (¥) Jsiagaouz! clagnoxowae serb (v) orikran’preepieat Jekarsowo, a) (0 Pee leery ROY srry outiperform an operation Prseprowadzie operane consult/see a doctor zasigana6 poredy Tekeree drink lots oflquids/fuids pié duto piynow ‘examine sb/sive sb an examination zbadaé ages extract a tooth wyrywaé za (get battar nycobrzee ‘ive sb an injection dag komus zastrayk {90 to hospital i do s2ptals {90 to the doctor’ cio lekerza Took well wyaladaé zdrowo make an appointment with « doctor tumawine sp na way lokarskg ‘operate on sb oporowac kogot put sth in a east 2a02ve gips Fecover from ath wyzcravioé c2egot run teste preoprowadaié badania ‘00 pationts prayimowaé pacjontow ‘tick a plaster (on sth) ye plaster ‘take an antibiotic wziae antybiotyk take tb't blood pressure micrayé komué take sb’s temperature micryékomus temperature ‘Accident and Emergency department (ARE) fo) akardant an mason tltposiment) estry dytur ‘aceidont vetin fn isicant sok) ofars vypacks ambulance (r)embjoions Karetka ‘pogotowia dentist 7) ‘dentist! dentysta doctor (9) (cok) loka General Practitionar/GP (a) | 4ses0l Prevsana, dp lekare rodeinny health eare (ni /Pl9 hea slutba zctewia public ~ /pablikhel0 kes! publiczna sha 2cr00ia health cantre (n) hele sents! praychodnis. hospital (n) hoses szptal * bed hospi! bed Niko szpltalne = ward jhospit oid eddza szritalry ‘nurse (n/n) pielegniare/pielegoiarks ‘operating theatre (n}/oprextin brat sala ‘peraqyna paramedic (9) /pssnesik senitariusz patient (n) pcan’ pacjent pharmacy (n /a:masi/apteks physiotherapist (n) iuauersont fajoterspeurs| specialist (n) spf) specalis stretcher (n) /stretis) nosze surgeon (n) (2203901 chiurg surgery (9) /sssan\/ gabinet lekarsk blind fad) (stand niewilomy deaf (ac) ice! ghuchy jsability(n)/cizatnni niepelnosprowncsé dlsabled (ed) (cists riepstnosprewry mentally ~ mental debs niapelnospraveny umyslows physically ~ (si dvexboi) nlapetnospranny fyeznie dumb (ed) ie iemy hard of hearing fad) shod 08 ho riedoobezacy shortsighted (ad o:tsacsc/ lerotkoweroceny wheeler (r)vthea/ wdzek walle ~ user Pion juza/ osoba poruszalaca sig ‘na wis inwaicakim healthy (ad) hoi zdrowy ~ diet (n) heli darat/ecrowa dicta ~ food (0) hela usd 2drowe jedzenie ~ habits (o)jheloithebsts ecrowe nowy ~ Hestyle (hel asta) 2crowy ts ye high-fat food (n) hax ft Tua Spanos S mysoki| zawartogc tseceu Fife expectancy nai ispektans! dlugose cio, low-fat food (nfs ft fra aynnosé Orisa) zavariosl thea obesity (n}0'bosa/ oryose unhealthy lifestyle (r)/on)ei0h alsa! nigzdrowy tyb cia zwroTy void stress uni? sires bbe in good health ciaszy sie dobnyrn adroniem bbe overweight misénednsag breathe smoke wclchae dym ‘cat down on fatty food ooranicaye spozywanie tstych pokatmaw do/take regular exercise regulamle énlcaye follow a toneible diet przestzea3¢ roasadne} dey got enough sleep wysypiaé sie give up smoking rauci polenie have a check-up praechodsé kontalhe adonie lekarske improve one's memory popawiaé pamiee in good shape w dobre) formia keep fit/tay fit utrsymyae debra forme lose weight schucnaé out of shape w 26 formic prevent cancer zzpobiaga¢ rako¥i reduce stress ograrizaé sree take a nap 2dezomngé sig take things easy nie przomgcz38sip take up a sport 22:23¢ uprawiacjakié soort work out at the gym cvicayena sows iene TENN addiet(n) /2dtle/ osobe uzelsiniona drug ~ /deag st/ narkoman/narkeranka ‘addietion (e) kn) uzaletnienie ‘alcohol (n) sino alkohol caffeine (0) isn) kofeina -deugs () age! narkoryki ‘therapy [n)/Serap/torapia zwrory be addicted to sth byé 0d cxogot tzaieénionym be in therapy przechodkié terapie (got addicted to sth urslainié sie od czeg08 ‘ake an overdose przedankonae 181 a POWTORZENIE Stownicrwo 1. Dopasuj wyrazy I zwroty 2 ramki do poniészych kategorii. asthma broken rio bruise liver cancer] diabetes (doctor's) surgery GP heart hospital ward paramedic operating theatre pharmacy physiotherapist pneumonia L stomach sprained wrist surgeon Diseases:__, Injuries: People: Places: Internal organs: 2 Uzupelnij zdania wlasciaymi prayimkam 1 Helen’ just recovered pneumonia; she needs a lot of rest 2 Ie got a bad pain, my chest 3 They operated him 2 week ago and he's much better now. 4 Chris walks alot, cycles and does yous, Hes. very good shape, 5 l'mout shape. I should gat mare exercise, 6 Too much sun is bad your skin, 3. Uzupelnij zdania stowami utworzonymi od wyrazéw w nawiasach. 11 The patient complained about a constant feeling of (TIRED, 2. There's a programme on the radio about Internet (ADDICT) and how to cope with it 3 (SLEEPLESS) isa symptom of depression 4 Julia is studying to be a (PHARMACY) 5 He learned to drive and play several sports despite his (DISABLED). 6 I'm going to ask the doctor for a (PRESCRIBE} for some painkillers. 7 My GP says this new (TREAT will help me. 8 The man was. (CONSCIOUS); he did't react at all when | spoke to him. 4. Uzupetnij zdania angielskimi odpowiednikami wyrazéw i zwrotéw w nawiasach. PETC a oct) Here are a few simple things you can do to prepare for a healthy holiday. + Have 2 medical (badanie) * Make sure you are healthy. + Speak to your doctor about what (szczepionk) 2 you may need. + Be careful about what you eat to avoid (zatrucia pokarmovrego) > i + Watch out when doing extreme sports ~it's no fun to spend the summer with your arm or leg (w gipsie) 182 5. Uzupeinij wlasciwymi wyrazami dialog miedzy pacjentem a pracownikiem telefonicznego centrum Informacji medycenej. Niektore litery brakujacych wyrazéw zostaly podane. lealth Service direct, can |help you? Bs [think ve caught a bad cold. ve got 2 's___ throa anasty%<__q_a%____nose, and! keep 4 ing, A: Have you got a 5, No, my temperature’ normal ‘A: Have you got ath__d_ and legs? B: Alittle, butts not too bad ‘A: OK, itseems you should be able to look after yours athome. Please stay at home, rest and drink plenty o fluids. your ®__p___s get worse, call us again or make an ‘to see your GP’ ora7p___ inyourar 6 Uzupelnij zdania w mowie zaleine}. 1 The dentist ssid to the litle boy, ‘Brush your teeth after every meal The dentsttold 2 The nurse said to us, ‘Please do nat disturb the patient.” The nutse asked 3 The doctor said to the patient, You must stay in bed. The doctor ordered 4 The pharmacist said to the customer, ‘Do not tke mare ofthe medicine than the doctor prescribed, The pharmacist reminded FRopKraezvKowe 7 Z podanych odpowiedzi A-C wybierz te, ktéra poprawnie uzupetnia luki w obydwu 2daniach kazdo} pary. 1 {2 nap in the afternoon, which gives me alot of energy. My friend told meso Atzke Bhave Cdo 2 Hedied___a heart attack I get shot breath when | walk up the stairs Afiom Bof Con things easy. 3 The paramedics were busy helping the victims, When I broke my arm, my PE teacher took me to the and emergency deparment of the local hospital A accident Binjury Cambulance 4 | think 'm addicted chocolate! My sisters allergic pineapples. Aon Bof Cto 5 Ifyou want to get fitter you must give smoking. “The doctor recommended taking Aon Bup Caway a sport. W parach odpowiedscie na pytani W parach wykonajcie zadanie maturaine ICZEN A i odpowiedzcie na pytania. 11 Do you have ahealthy lifestyle? Why ?"Wy not? Popatre na plakaty 1,213. 2 Is it important to know how to give fst oid? Osghoszono konks na plakat promujacy ctowy tryb ayia. Why2nWhy not? estes w jury oceriajacym projelty. Ostatecznego wyboru ene naledy dokonaé sposréd ponizsaych prac 11 What do you do if you fel unwell? + Wiybier plakat, ltr twoim zdaniem jest nalepszy, i uzasadnij su] wybsr. 2 Isitimgortant for you to have a healthy diet? aay ot + Wyjasnij, dlaczago adreucasz pozostale propozycie Stay healthy W parach wykonajcie zadanie maturaine. a) Uczesi A jest zdajacym, uczea B - egzaminujacym. Oe ad cZEN A Mialed/mialeé pojechaé 2 wiayta do kolegV/Koledank bw Angi. Niestety,rozchorowaled/rezchoronalas sig. Dawonisz do kolegikoledank'z wiadomosci, Ze nie Imoteszprayjechat w ustalonym termini. Pondej podane ea ctery kwosto, ee musisz oméwié.Rozmawe rozpoczyne uczet B. Doleglivosci Moline preyezyny choroby Zalecenia lekarza Nowy termin wyjazdu JCZEN B, strona 287 3 W parach opisacie 2djecie | odpowied: UCZEN A. 1 Which aspects ofa healthy lifestyle do you think are the most important? 2 Do you think campaigns promoting healthy living are effective? uczeENB 1 How do you think the boy is feeling? 1 What aspects of a healthy lifestyle are not shown in 2 Would you like to work in health caro? Why Why not? the posters? 3 Tell me about a situation when you or someone you 2 Some people believe positive thinking makes you know needed medical help, healthier. Da you agree? Why?/Why not? 183

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