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Water Re.warch Vol. 12, pp. 547 to 554 0043-1354/'/8/0801-0547502.

O Pergamon Prl.'ss Ltd., 1978. Printed in Great Britain


Heat Transfer Laboratory, School of Mechanical Engineering

Environmental Engineering Laboratory, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette,
Indiana, U.S.A.

(Received 6 January 1978)

Ahstract--A model has been developed to simulate the effect of temperature control on the performance
of a completely mixed activated sludge wastewater treatment system. From calculations based on
the model it is demonstrated that effluent quality is significantly improved for any increase in tempera-
ture from 10° to 30°C, irrespective of solids retention time (SRT) and sludge settling characteristics.
A trade-off exists concerning the effects of temperature on the sludge disposal and oxygen requirements
of the system. Although any increase in temperature above 20°C will significantly reduce the sludge
production rate, it will also contribute to increased air flow power requirements. The results suggest
that a suitable compromise may be reached with a temperature between 23 and 27°C and an SRT
between 8 and 14 days.

NOMENCLATURE Xe Effluent suspended solids con-

centration. M L- 3
A Settler area. L2
X,c Portion of Xe due to imperfect
b(T) Specific decay rate constant, t-t clarification. M L- 3
C Actual concentration of oxygen
Xet Portion of X , due to thickener
in water. M L- 3 failure. M L- 3
c*~ Mean saturation concentration
X, Biomass concentration in re-
of oxygen in water. M L-3 cycle flow. M L- 3
F Influent flow rate. L3 t - t
Recycle flow rate. L 3 t-1 X~, Biomass concentration in wast-
Wastage flow rate. L3 t- age flow. M L- a
Fw Yg(T) True growth yield coefficient. M M-J
k Reaction velocity, t-
Recycle flow rate ratio (F,/F). --
Ks(T) Monod saturation constant. M L -3
fl Oxygen equivalent of cells
kLa Volumetric mass transfer
formed. M M- l
coefficient, t- t
y(T) Specific death rate constant, t- t
N' Rate of oxygen transfer. M t-
0c Solids retention time. t
P Power required for aeration. E t-
Specific growth rate. t-t
P~ Gross rate of sludge production. M t-
Atmospheric pressure. F L- 2 #~(T) Maximum specific growth rate. t-I
Po Pr Fluid viscosity. M L- l t- l
Pc Absolute pressure of compres-
sion. F L- 2
Q. Total air flow rate. L 3 t- INTRODUCTION
R Universal gas constant. E mol- t T -
rdX Rate of decay of biomass. M L- 3 t - Due to the large volumetric flows which must be
rDX Rate of death of biomass. M L- 3 t - handled, little consideration has been given to main-
rox Rate of growth of biomass. M L -3 t -~ taining temperature control over biological waste-
ro 2 Rate of oxygen demand of bio-
mass. M L- 3 t- t water treatment processes. Such processes therefore
rs Rate of substrate utilization. M L -3 t- operate at ambient conditions, and the related rates
S Effluent soluble biodegradable are subject to seasonal variations which diminish
substrate concentration. M L- 3 effectiveness during cold periods of the year. How-
S~ Total effluent quality. M L- 3 ever, in recent years some attention has been given
So lnfluent soluble substrate con-
centration. M L- 3 to the feasibility of using electric powerplant waste
T Temperature. T heat for controlling the temperature of wastewater
i Hydraulic residence time (V/F). t treatment processes, and the concept of integrating
UO Temperature characteristic. E mol- power production and wastewater treatment systems
v Volume of aeration tank. L3
is being advocated. Such integration would provide
x Total cell concentration in aera-
tion tank. M L- 3 for more efficient use of land and water resources


attd has the potential of reducing the costs associated F,So

with the achievement of water quality goals. F, .S.X, F+E .S.X /;.
I ...................... [ . .S. .. X. ,
Despite the recent interest in using waste heat to
enhance wastewater treatment, little has been done
to determine the specific influence of temperature on
the complex interactions which occur in treatment t'hn~
Aeration tank
systems. In a completely mixed activated sludge V.X.S
(CMAS) system, for example, temperature affects the
growth kinetics of the bacteria, the settling character-
istics of the sludge, and the oxygen transfer character-
t Recycle flow Wastage flow
istics of the system, all of which must be coupled
to determine the overall system performance. This Compressed air
study considers through simulation the specific in-
fluence of temperature on the performance of a Fig. 1 Completely mixed activated sludge system.
C M A S system, where performance is determined not
only by the effluent quality, but also by the mass fluenced by temperature and measured results of the effects
of temperature (10"C < T < 30°C1 upon /~(T), b(T) and
wastage (sludge disposal) rate and the power require- Y ~ T ) are presented in Figs. 2-4. respectively, for a variety
ments for aeration since they reflect the major operat- of culture conditions as determined by a number of investi-
ing costs. The primary objective was to determine in gations. A detailed description of the ex~rimeraal condi-
a preliminary manner, whether operation at any par- tions employed by them is provided ebewhere (Collins et
al, 1978). Unfortunately there is little information concern-
ticutar temperature would indeed enhance the per- ing the effect of temperature upon ~,. Since it was no1
formance of the system, thereby establishing whether known how ~, might vary it was decided that the use of
work should proceed toward implementation of the a constant value would be most appropriate. Based upon
use of power plant waste heat the analysis of the literature performed by Grady & Roper
(1974) a value of 0.01 h - t was selected. Moreover. despite
having been investigated by a number of workers (Law-
THE MATHEMATICAL MODEL rence & McCarty, 1970; Muck & Grady, 1974: Novak.
The CMAS system is shown in Fig. 1. The bio-oxidation 1974: Topiwala & Sinclair. 1971L uncertainty remains as
phase may be characterized by several processes, which to whether K,(T) increases or decreases with temperature.
include cell growth, cell decay and death, and substrate with considerable variability existing among various
utilization. Using the kinetic model of Lawrence & organisms and growth conditions. Again. since it was un-
McCarty (1970), as modified by Grady & Roper (t974), certain how K, might vary, it was felt that the use of a
the microbial growth rate r~x Is first order with respect constant value would introduce the least bias into the
to their concentration X in the aeration tank (mixed liquor results. Based upon values collected from the literature by
suspended solids, MLSSL Mynhier & Grady (1975) a value of 75mgl -I (as biode-
gradable COD) was selected as being representative of
rox = # X (I) domestic sewage. It should also be noted that the yields
of Friedman & Schroeder (1971) and Garrett & Sawyer
and the specific growth rate ~u is related to the growth (1952) are not true growth yields, but observed yields.
limiting substrate, S, by the Monod equation (Lawrence Observed yields are related to the true -growth yield by
& McCarty, 1970; Andrews, 1971): a function containing the decay rate constam and the
#.(T)S solids retention time (SRT). Because of the way that the
# = K~(T) -,- S (2)

The parameters/&,(T), the maximum specific growth rate. O Towwala ~ $ircloir (197t)
and Ks(T), the Monod saturation constant, axe both func- A Menne'ff 5 Naka¥clma (t97t ]
tions of temperature. Cell decay and cell death are also nMuck ~ Gredy (leJ74)
first order with respect to MLSS concentration (Grady & ~ N 9 el* ol. (tcJ~2)
Sener ( 19S2 )
Roper, 1974) with the decay rate constant b(T) and the
death rate constant ?(T) both assumed to be functions of
rux = b(t) X. (3)
rDX = )'(T) X. (4)
Finally, substrate utilization occurs at a rate which is pro- i
portional to the specific growth rate of the cells (Grady
& Roper, 1974)
= l~ X
rs Y,(T) (5)

where Yf(T) represents the true growth yield (the mass

of cells formed per mass of substrate utilized in the absence
of decay). It is also a function of teaaxperature.
The temperature dependent kinetic paxameters of the
model are therefore /A,,(T), K~(T), b(T), ~T) and Y,(T), /(-L
which are all influenced by the type of culture, substrate T '
and growth conditions. A review of the literature was con- Fig. 2. Variation of the maximum specific growth rate ~am
ducted to determine how those parameters might he in- with temperature.
The effect of temperature control 549

characteristic of most of the data. A commonly reported

value for #,, for organisms grown on domestic sewage is
0.5h - l (Gaudy & Gaudy, 1971; Jordan et al., 1971; Peil
& Gaudy, 1971; Metcalf & Eddy, 1972; Mynhier & Grady,
1975). Therefore A l was set at 10.67 x 10~h -= in order
0.01 to make #,. as calculated by Equation (6) equal to 0.5 h - =
when the temperature is 20°C. In a similar vein, Uo for
the decay rate constant was taken as 13,900 cal mole-
because that value provides the proper slope for two of
T the three curves shown in Fig. 3. An average value for
b for organisms grown on domestic sewage is 0.0025 h-
(Jordan et al., 1971; Metcalf & Eddy, 1972; Mynheir &
Grady, 1975). Consequently AI was set equal to
0.001 5.916 x l0 T in order to make b as calculated by Equation
(6) equal to 0.0025 h-= at 20°C. In contrast, three of the
four sets of data in Fig. 4 suggest a maximum in the true
growth yield at approximately 20°C and hence cannot be
correlated by an Arrhenius expression. The temperature
0 Topiwolo & Sinclair(1971) dependence of Yg selected for this study is shown in Table
1. Those values were chosen to give a curve of the general
shape shown by the three data sets in Fig. 4 which exhibit
I I I 1 a maximum, and to give a value at 20'C of 0.50 mg cells
0.0032 0.00:53 0.0034 0.0035
mg-~ COD destroyed, which is a typical value for cells
2_ K-I grown on domestic sewage (Mynhier & Grady, 1975).
The governing equations for the CMAS system have
Fig, 3. Variation of the specific decay rate constant b with
been developed in detail (Collins et al., 1978), and the
major results are summarized as follows. The concen-
tration of soluble substrate (as biodegradable COD) in the
decay rate constant varies with temperature it can be
effluent may be expressed as
shown that if the observed yield displays a maximum as
a function of temperature so will the true growth yield. [0~ 1 + 7 + b(T)] K s
Thus the observed yield values were included because they S = (7)
la,,(T) - [Od-I + 7 + b(T)]
provide additional information about the effect of tempera-
ture on the true growth yield. where 0, is the solids retention time (SRT) within the sys-
An Arrhenius expression (Farrell & Rose, 1967) is com- tem. A primary objective of CMAS is to provide a high
monly used to correlate the effect of temperature on mi- quality effluent by reducing the concentration of soluble
crobial rate constants. The general form of the expression substrate by microbial growth and by removing the resul-
is tant sludge by sedimentation. Disposal of the portion of
sludge which must be wasted to maintain a constant SRT
k = A t exp(-uo/RT) (6) provides a major operating expense for the system. The
where k is the temperature dependent parameter, Uo is the mass wastage rate of sludge is therefore of interest and
may be obtained from
temperature characteristic which determines how strongly
the temperature affects the parameter, and A~ is a constant FwX, FY,(T)(So - S) (F - F,,,)X,, (8)
which determines the magnitude of the parameter. Examin- 1 + b(T)O,
ation of Fig. 2 reveals that the variation of #,, with tem-
perature can be represented by Equation (6) over the tem- in which the first term represents the sludge production
perature range of interest (10 < T < 30°C) and that a by cell growth at a given SRT and the second represents
value of Uo of 12,500cal mole -~ produces a slope that is the inadvertent loss of solids in the final effluent caused
by inefficiencies in the final settler.
The performance of the final settler was simulated by
<~ Muck ~ Grady (1974) combining separate models for clarification and sludge
[] Friedmon ~ Schroeder(19"71) thickening. If it is assumed that effluent suspended solids
O Gorrett & S n w y e r ( 1 9 5 2 ) are the result of imperfect clarification (Xec) and/or thick-
A Brown & t~ose(1969) ener failure (Xe,), their concentration may be expressed as
Xe = Xec + X~,. (91
If it is also assumed that 1 m g l - t of suspended solids
0.7 exerts an oxygen demand of 0.6 mg 1- ~, the effluent quality,
Se, can be expressed as
T S, = S + 0.6 X~. (10)
~u 0.4 Table 1. Variation of the true growth yield coefficient with
n temperature
Temperature (°C) Yg (mg cells/mg substrate)
-0 0.2
>- O.I
10 0.392
15 0.446
I l I I 20 0.500
I0 Z0 30 40
T, °C 25 0.465
30 0.431
Fig. 4. Variation of the true growth yield coefficient with 35 0.401
550 CAt:IA E, (_~OI.IANS, l'. P. IN('ROPI!RA and C. P. L. (,JRADY JR,

Several empirical expressions have been proposed for the Table 2 System design and operating condmons
determination of the concentration of suspended solids lost
to the final effluent due to imperfect clarification (Agnew. Wastage flow (F~.i
1972: Pflanz, 1969: Villiers, 1967: Tarrer, 1973). Unfortu- Recycle ratio tel m "~-
nately, these expressions predict opposing trends concern-
ing the influence of MLSS concentration on X,~ with some 0.1000 0.433 × 10 -~
indicating a direct proportionately and others an mverse 0.1259 0.683 x 10 -~
one. Even though the different implications of th~se two 0.1587 1.095 × 10 -~
trends are of extreme importance to the design and oper- 0.2000 i.733 x 10 "
ation of activated sludge systems the current state-of-the- 0.2520 2.754 × 10 ~
art is such that no judgement can be made about which 0.3175 4.462 ~, 10 -"
one is correct. Indeed, either may be correct, depending 0.4000 6.950 ,, 10 ~
upon the characteristics of the sludge being settled. Thus 0.5039 1.103 × 10 '
it was decided to use both models. In this way it will
be possible to determine whether general conclusions can 10 < T _< 30°C. 3 < 0¢ < 14 days, 800 <_ ;g < 4500
be drawn about the effects of operating temperature, irres- mg I- 1, X,, = 0.
pective of the trend exhibited by the final settler. In addi- V = 9450m 3 (2.5 × 106gal), A = 1330m 2 (14,300ft2),
tion. the results can be presented for each situation, which F = 3.94m3s -I (9 106gal d - t k So = 200me I -~
will aid the reader in interpreting the importance of the
final settler to overall plant performance. The Agnew and
Tarter models were selected for this study, and Stokes' Passive bubble aeration is assumed, with the bubbles ori-
law was used to account for the effect of temperature upon ginating from spargers located 15 ft below the surface of
the settling rate. The Tarrer (1973) model is of the form the tank, and the results of Eckenfelder {1959, 1968) are
used to relate the overall volumetric mass transfer coeffi-
cient kLaV to temperature and the air flow rate per
X~, 6.55 X(F - F , ~ I ( y r ] Ill)
sparger. The effect of temperature on the mean saturation
A \l t ~5/
concentration of oxygen in the tank. CI, is determined
from the results of Gameson & Roberts 11955) and Old-
where # r is the fluid viscosity at the operating temperature
shoe (1956), and a value of C = 2 mg 1-~ is assumed to
of the settling tank, .u~5 is the viscosity at 15°C and A be maintained in the tank. Equations (13) and (14) may
ts the surface area of the final settler. The Agnew 11972) then be used to determine the air flow rate required per
model ts sparger, and from the number of spargers specified f o r the
382( F - Fw~°.'Z(FSo~ °'27 system, the total air flow requirement Q may be deter-
mined. The power required for aeration may then be deter-
\ A ] "XV] {#r~
mined from the relation developed by Kalinske (19681
X~ = E'X°'3~ 1~o2o) 112l
P = 0.3Q[(pJpaj°2s _ 1]. 151
where #2o is the viscosity at 20°C. The proportionality
coustams in the models are those given in the original Having established the affects of temperature upon the
papers and thus the two models could be considered to equations describing the performance of the CMAS system.
be specific for two different plants. calculations were performed to determine the effects of
The second term of Equation (9) is greater than zero temperature upon a hypothetical plant treating a waste-
only when the thickening capacity of the settler is water with kinetic characteristics typical of domeatic sew-
exceeded, a condition not associated with normal oper- age {Collins et al., 1978). The plant design and operating
ation. For this study the thickening capacity of the final conditions considered for this study are shown in Table
settler at each temperature was calculated using the theory 2. The two system control variables, temperature and SRT.
of Dick et al. (1967, 1970, 19721, In so doing the effect were allowed to vary from 10 to 30°C lin 5°C increments;
of temperature on the interracial settling velocity of the and from 3 to 14 days, respectively. Conditions were re-
sludge was treated using a correlation suggested by stricted to normal operation, in which case no suspended
Keinath (1975), but no attempt was made to account for solids are lost to the effluent due to thickener failure
the effects of temperature on the physical or biochemical (although they are lost due to imperfect clarification) and
properties of the sludge. The operating conditions used the MLSS lies between g00 and 4500 rag l-~. Calculations
m the simulations were then chosen so that the thickening performed for the specified ranges of T. cc and F , enabled
capacity of the settler was never exceeded because that determination of whether the plant had met the prescribed
condition would not he allowed to continue in a real plant. operational limits and provided the desired output par-
Thus X,, was always zero. Details are provided elsewhere ameters as a function of SRT and T
t Collins et al., 1978).
A mass balance on system oxygen demand leads to the
conclusion that the amount of oxygen which mint be sup- RESULTS
plied to an activated sludge reactor is equal to the amount
of substrate removed minus the oxygen equivalents of the T h e p e r t i n e n t d e p e n d e n t variables are the effluent
cells formed (Metcalf & Eddy, 1972). When substitution quality ( i m p r o v e m e n t o f w h i c h is the p r i m a r y func-
is made for each of those terms as a function of the SRT.
tion o f C M A S ) , the m a s s o f sludge which m u s t be
the result is
d i s p o s e d o f (which r e p r e s e n t s a m a j o r o p e r a t i n g costh
F(So - S)[I + b(T)O, - flYg(r)] (13) and the p o w e r r e q u i r e m e n t s for a e r a t i o n {another
ro~V = [1 + b(T)O~] o p e r a t i n g cost). T h e s e q u a n t i t i e s are determine, d as
a function o f t e m p e r a t u r e and S R T for each of two
wherc /~ is the oxygen equivalent of cells formed
(mgO2mg -~ cells), Under steady state conditions the different clarification m o d e l s w h i c h predict conflicting
oxygen utilization rate given by Equation (131 must equal results for the c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f s u s p e n d e d solids in
the rate of oxygen transfer per unit time for the entire the effluent. As discussed earlier, it is currently im-
reactor, which may be expressed as possible to m a k e a value j u d g e m e n t c o n c e r n i n g the
N' = ktaV[C~(T) - C]. (14) relative generality o f the t w o models. B y presenting
The effect of temperature control 551

the results of both, however, it is possible to: (1) In- \

vestigate the entire range of probable responses, \ - - - - - - Agnew ( 1 9 7 2 )
thereby maximizing the applicability of the results; \ k T o r r e r (1973)
(2) Delineate general conclusions which are indepen- \\
F- 3.94 m 3 s-L
dent of the specific response of the final settler; (3)
Discern the relative importance of the settler in deter- iN\", S o ' 2 0 0 rng L-~

mining overall system performance, regardless of its \

specific performance; and (4) Emphasize the need for \
i %.
additional research on the performance of final " \\x 0c (days)
settlers. Consequently, the results of both models are
presented herein. \
The effects of SRT and temperature on the concen- \\
tration of suspended solids in the effluent are shown
in Fig. 5 for both the Agnew (1972) and Tarrer (1973)
settling models. Both models relate Xe to the MLSS
concentration, X, but in the Tarrer model (Equation
11) Xe is directly proportional to X, whereas an in-
verse proportionality characterizes the Agnew model,
(Equation 12). Therefore, since X increases with SRT,
an increase in Xe with increasing 0c is predicted by
IO 15 20 25 30
the Tarrer model, whereas a reduction in Xe with T, *C
SRT is predicted by the Agnew model. Temperature Fig. 6. Effects of temperature and SRT on total eft]t~ent
affects the value of X~ through its influence on the quality for the Tarrer (1973) and Agnew (1972) settling
kinetic parameters (and therefore upon the MLSS models.
concentration) and the water viscosity. For increasing
T < 20°C, both Yg and b increase, causing X to Results for the total effluent quality Se, Equation
remain nearly constant. However, for increasing (10), are shown in Fig. 6. The soluble substrate con-
T > 20°C, Yg decreases and b continues to increase, centration S is independent of the settler model and
causing X to decrease. Hence for both settling models decreases both with increasing T and SRT. Accord-
the decrease in Xe with increasing T < 20°C is due ingly, from the standpoint of total effluent quality,
to the decrease in water viscosity. In constant, for it is desirable to operate at elevated temperature,
T > 20°C the reduction in Xe with increasing T for irrespective of the settling characteristics. However,
the Tarrer model is due to reductions in both visco- the effect of SRT does depend on settling character-
sity and X, while for the Agnew model the increase istics. For the Tarrer model the increase in Xe with
in X, is due to the reduction in X off-setting the SRT off-sets the reduction in S, and Se generally in-
effect of reduced viscosity. creases with SRT. In contrast for the Agnew model,
total effluent quality improves with increasing SRT.
This does not imply, however, that SRT can be in-
16~ \ creased without limit. Beyond a certain critical value
\\ Agnew(1972) of SRT, the solids handling capacity of the settler
\ Tarrer (1973) is exceeded, and Xet in Equation (9) increases rapidly
from zero.
\~\\\~.. F= 3 . 9 4 m ~ s i

'\ \ \ \ ~ ' \" ~ \ \ So=200 mg t -~ A major operating cost of CMAS relates to dis-
- 12
posal of excess microorganisms (sludge), which may
be done by any one of a number of alternatives. The
net rate of sludge production is given by Equation
~" \\~ "--... \ (8), where the first term on the righthand side re-
6 ".. ~ "-N. ..... 5 presents the rate at which the biosystem produces
cells, Px. Hence Px is the gross rate of sludge produc-
tion. The second term represents the rate at which
cells are lost over the settler.
4 3.7
The effect of temperature on Px is shown in Fig.
7, and it is evident that Px decreases with increasing
temperature beyond 20°C. This trend is due to the
3 maximum associated with Yg(T) at 20°C (Fig. 4).
Oc (days) However, P= also depends on SRT and on the rate
I 1 [ I 1 of cell decay, which in turn depends on the coefficient
I0 15 20 25 30
7", °C b(T). For small SRT the effect of decay is also small,
Fig. 5. Concentration of suspended solids in the effluent and the variation of P,,(T) is much like that of Yg(T).
for the T a r r e r (1973) and Agnew (1972) settling models. For large values of SRT ( > 8 days), however, the
552 (',,x!!t I I(. ('(n i,iNs, F. P, IN('ROPI~RA and C. P. L, GRAI)Y Jr.


F = 3 , 9 4 m 3 s -p
o = 2 0 0 m g t."~


;2<7x \ \ "
o, 18o(
"\' \\
. 1800


----- Agnew (1972)

T a r r e r (1975)

900 \
13.75 ,o )~ 25 30
T. *C
] I Fig. 8. Effects of temperature and SRT on the net mass
I'0 15 20 25 30 wastage rate of sludge for the Tarrer (1973) and Agnew
T, "C (1972) settling models.
Fig. 7. Effects of temperature and SRT on the gross pro-
duction rate of sludge.
their effects on the excess sludge production rate as
given in Fig. 7. For a gwen SRT the oxygen require-
effect of decay is more pronounced, so that the in- merit increases with increasing T > 20°C, due to the
crease in the coefficient b(T) with temperature com- combined effects of temperature on the coefficients
petes with the effect of Y~(T) for T < 20°C. and there Y~T) and b(T). For temperatures less than 20°C.
is little variation in Px with T. Above 20°C, Yg(T) however, the effects of Ya(T) and b(T) are competing.
and b(T) both decreases with increasing T and there For O, <~ 5 days the effect of cell decay does not play
is a sharp drop in sludge production. a large role, and the oxygen reqwrement decreases
The mass rate at which solids are lost over the from 10 to 20°C due to the increase m Yo. At larger
final settler is just the product of the effluent flow values of SRT, however, the effect of cell decay
rate (F - F,,) and the effluent suspended solids con- becomes importam, and the fact that b(Tt increases
centration, Xe. Since the variations in effluent flow with temperature renders the oxygen requirement
are small, the effect of SRT and T upon the mass nearly constant with temperature between 10 and
rate of loss is very similar to that shown in Fig. 5 20°C,
for X,. The net mass wastage rate of sludge is
obtained by subtracting (F - F~,)X, from P~ as given
1,50.0 #c ( d a y s )
in Fig. 7, and the results are shown in Fig. 8. Despite
the fact that the Tarrer and Agnew models predict F'- 3 . 9 4 rn 3 s-' _ 13.7 5
different results for the settling rate, there is little dif- S o = 2 0 0 mg [ -~ f = . 8 . 7 5
ference m the trends associated with the net mass / /
wastage rate. In both cases increases in T for
T ~< 20°C increase the mass of sludge to be disposed 112.~
of. although the effects will not be as large if the
settler behaves according to the Agnew model. An
increase in T for T >~ 20°C, on the other hand, will
reduce the amount of sludge for disposal. Regardless
of the temperature, an increase m SRT wilt reduce
the quantity of sludge.
The power requirement for aeration is a complex
function of the microbial oxygen requirement, the
solubility of oxygen in water, and the volumetric mass
transfer coefficient. It is, however, independent of the
settler model. The ei~:ts of temperature on the power I i I
requirements for aeration are shown in Fig. 9. The T. °C
oxygen requirement is given by Equation (13), and Fig. 9. Effects o f t e m p e r a t u r e aml S R T o n the power re-
the effects of T and SRT on it are the opposite of quirements for a e r a t i o n
The effect of temperature control 553

Since the power required for aeration is directly power and the cost associated with the method
proportional to the required air flow rate, which is selected for sludge disposal. Since there are a large
in turn related to the bacterial oxygen requirement, number of sludge disposal methods, an economic
the foregoing trends are reflected in Fig. 9. In addition study of the best alternative was felt to be beyond
the required air flow rate depends on the solubility the scope of this study. Nevertheless, examination of
of oxygen in water, which decreases with increasing Figs. 6, 8 and 9 allows for some generalizations. Oper-
temperature. The associated reduction in C* with in- ation at temperatures below 20"C would produce in-
creasing T necessitates a larger volumetric transfer ferior effluents, but would also be less expensive,
coclficient and hence a htrger air flow rate. This trend because of reduced sludge disposal and aeration costs.
is also reflected in the results of Fig. 9. Note that As the temperature is raised to 20'C, ellluent quality
increasing 0c increases the power requirement through will improve but the cost of operation will increase
the effect of cell decay on oxygen demand. due to the increased mass of sludge disposal (the cost
of aeration will show little change). An increase in
temperature above 20"C will continue to improve
effluent quality, although the magnitude of the effect
This study has been concerned with simulation of will diminish as the temperature approaches 30°C.
a CMAS wastewater treatment system and has This improvement will be at the expense of increased
focused on the effects of temperature and SRT upon air flow requirements, which will be offset to some
its performance when the parameters were character- degree by reduced sludge disposal requirements.
istic of domestic sewage. Although the results are Although the magnitude will depend upon the relative
specific for the parameters employed, the trends pro- costs of aeration and sludge disposal, it is likely that
vide a general picture of how temperature may affect treatment costs will drop as the temperature is in-
a complex system like the activated sludge process. creased above 20~'C. Consequently, it appears that a
Thus they are instructive to those concerned with temperature between 23 and 27°C and an SRT
temperature control in wastewater treatment systems. between 8 and 14 days will give a good tradeoff
Concern for such control has been stimulated by between effluent quality and system operating costs.
emerging interest in integrating power plant and Year round operation of a wastewater treatment sys-
wastewater treatment facilities, with the power plant tem in this temperature range is compatible with
waste heat being used to maintain a constant tem- power plant waste heat conditions. Hence it is con-
perature within the wastewater treatment system. cluded that the use of power plant waste heat can
The simulation results in Fig. 6 demonstrate that have a beneficial effect upon wastewater treatment,
effluent quality is significantly improved for any in- and work should proceed toward implementation of
crease in temperature from 10 to 30°C, irrespective its use.
of SRT and sludge settling characteristics. Effluent In closing it should be noted that this work has
quality also improves with increasing SRT, if the considered only steady state conditions, and no con-
settler performance is determined by the Agnew sideration has been given to the deleterious effect that
(1972) "model, Equation (12). If settler performance is temperature variations can have upon plant perform-
determined by the Tarrer (1973) model, Equation (11), ance. In light of these known effects, the implemen-
effluent quality diminishes with increasing SRT. How- tation of temperature control is even more justifiable.
ever, in such cases the effects of temperature are larger Finally, it should be remembered that the results of
than those of SRT, so that operation at a long SRT this study depend upon the temperature variation as-
and elevated temperature will produce a better sociated with the kinetic parameters. Although the
effluent than operation at a short SRT and a lower temperature variations of Urn, b and Yg are well docu-
temperature. mented, uncertainty exists concerning the temperature
Operating costs are determined by the sludge dis- variations of K, and 7, which were treated as con-
posal and oxygen requirements of the system, and stants. There is also uncertainty concerning the effect
a trade-off exists concerning the effects of tempera- of temperature on the sludge settling rate and the
ture. Through its influence on the kinetic coefficients oxygen equivalent of cells formed, /L The effects of
and oxygen solubility, an increase in temperature these uncertainties are described elsewhere (Collins et
above 20°C will increase the power required to main- al., 1978), and it is concluded that, until more infor-
tain aerobic conditions in the system. For tempera- mation becomes available, the present model provides
tures less than 20°C, changes in temperature have a reasonable description of the effect of temperature
little effect upon the power requirements. In contrast on the performance of a biological waste water treat-
any increase in temperature beyond 20°C will signifi- ment facility treating domestic sewage.
cantly reduce sludge production. Similar trends
characterize the effects of SRT. Although increasing SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS

the SRT increases power requirements, it also con- On the basis of simulating the steady state perform-
tributes greatly to reduced sludge production. ance of a CMAS system, the following observations
The selection of a "best" temperature and SRT for can be made.
operation will depend upon both the unit cost of 1. From the standpoint of total effluent quality, it

w.m 12/8 - D
554 CAt~t.l E. (_'(,LLINS,F. P. INCROPERAand C. P. L. GRADY JR

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