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Oleh :


NIM. 1814201210032




Henny Kusuma Wardani*, Hj. Noor Khalilati**, Dr.Syamsul Firdaus***

Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin

Fakultas Keperawatan dan Ilmu Kesehatan
The Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences
Study Program S.1 Nursing

Email : henykusuma95@gmail.com

The incidence of cardiac arrest or cardiac arrest ranges from 10 out of 100,000 normal people aged under 35
years and annually reaches around 300,000-350,000 events. This causes a lack of oxygen that can be
distributed throughout the body, especially the brain and heart itself. Education that can be done to increase
the number of OHCA helpers is through simulations and videos (in this case self-directed video). The
purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the method simulation and audiovisual in the BHD
training of high school students of the ability of students to perform RJP in SMA Negeri 1 Tabunganen. This
research is a quasi-experimental study with a nonequivalent comparison-group design using the Independent
T-test statistical test. Samples were determined by purposive sampling of 30 people. The results of this study
found that there was effectiveness of simulation and audiovisual methods in BHD training of high school
students on the ability of students to perform RJP.

Keywords: Simulation Methods, Audiovisual, BHD Training

Reference list: 43 (2010-2019)

Angka kejadian henti jantung atau cardiac arrest ini berkisar 10 dari 100.000 orang normal yang berusia
dibawah 35 tahun dan per tahunnya mencapai sekitar 300.000-350.000 kejadian.  Hal ini menyebabkan
kurangnya oksigen yang dapat disalurkan ke seluruh tubuh terumata otak dan jantung itu sendiri. Edukasi
yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan jumlah penolong OHCA adalah melalui simulasi maupun video
(dalam hal ini adalah self-directed video).Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektifitas metode simulasi
dan audiovisual pada pelatihan BHD siswa siswi SMA terhadap kemampuan siswa dalam melakukan RJP Di
SMA Negeri 1 Tabunganen. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu (quasi experiment)
dengan desain nonequivalent comparison-group designdengan menggunakan uji statistik Independen T-test.
Sampel di tentukan dengan purposive sampling sebanyak 30 orang. Hasil penelitian ini di dapatkan bahwa
ada efektivitas metode simulasi dan audiovisual pada pelatihan BHD siswa siswi SMA terhadap kemampuan
siswa dalam melakukan RJP.

Kata Kunci: Metode Simulasi, Audiovisual, Pelatihan BHD

Daftar rujukan: 43 (2010-2019)

PRELIMINARY that there were differences in Chest Compression
Value in High School Student RJP Training with
Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) Simulation and Audiovisual Methods. The
in 2018 showed 17.5 million people worldwide simulation method is very good because it is able
died from cardiovascular disease or 31% of 56.5 to practice directly compared to the audiovisual
million deaths worldwide. More than ¾ deaths method.
from cardiovascular disease occur in developing
countries with low to moderate income The age of high school students (SMA) is
generally between 16-18 years. In a study entitled
In various parts of the world, the prevalence of "How effectively young people can do pulmonary
cardiac arrest cases is quite high. For example, in resuscitation (CPR) without training" conducted
the United States the incidence of cardia carrest by Beard et al. (2015) showed that an 11-year-old
reaches 200,000 cases per year (Roger et al. child could direct the dispatcher (EMS operator)
2017). In addition, according to Herlitz et al. to perform an RJP with the appropriate chest
(1999) the prevalence of cardiac arrest in Europe velocity and depth.
reaches 350,000 cases per year (cited in Quintard
et al. 2011). This shows that high school students aged 16-18
have met the criteria for conducting CPR
The incidence of cardiac arrest or cardiac arrest effectively. Coupled with the humanitarian spirit
ranges from 10 out of 100,000 normal people that is already owned by these students can be the
aged under 35 years and annually reaches around main capital in carrying out RJP assistance when
300,000-350,000 events there are victims in need.

Cardiac arrest can occur in a variety of locations, Based on data from SMAN 1 Tabunganen
both those that cannot be anticipated (outside the students of class X and XI at SMAN 1
hospital) to those that can be anticipated (for Tabunganen amounted to 271 people. The results
example; intensive care rooms). When there is a of a preliminary study of 10 students found that 7
cardiac arrest victim, the person who is near the people had not been able to do chest compression
victim has a very large role in performing an RJP and 3 people had heard about chest compression
quickly. CPR performed especially in the first few in CPR training.
minutes of cardiac arrest contributes to 2 to 3
times the chance of survival (AHA, 2017). Based on the above background, the study is
interested in conducting research related to
Education that can be done to increase the number "Effectiveness in RJP Training of High School
of helpers is through simulations and videos (in Students with Simulation and Audiovisual
this case self-directed video). The educational Methods Against the Capabilities of Students in
program through simulation and audiovisual has Tabunganen 1 High School"
its own advantages and disadvantages. Simulation
is one of the methods that are often used to train METHOD
RJP in lay people and professional staff.
This research was conducted at SMAN 1
The RJP training method with simulations guided Tabunganen. This type of research used in this
directly by certified trainers is the only training research This research is a quasi-experimental
method that is recognized in Indonesia at present. study with a nonequivalent comparison-group
Furthermore, trainees get formal certificates as design. The analysis technique used is the
trainees. The advantage of the simulation method Independent t-test.
is that it is more interactive because the audience
can ask the facilitator directly, but it requires a lot Population and Sample
of time and a large place to do this method.
The population in this study were all students of
While audiovisual is a learning method that can class X and XI in SMAN 1 Tabunganen. The
empower people to be able to learn independently sample in this study was class X students from 2
through video shows and the directions delivered classes totaling 69 students and XI from 2 classes
in the educational video. totaling 65 students in SMAN 1 Tabunganen,

Rahmi's research results (2017) found that

research conducted at SMAN 1 Yogyakarta found
which is divided into two groups. The first group b. Post-test results before being given training
of 15 students will take part in training with with simulation and audiovisual methods at
learning using audiovisual methods and the SMAN 1 Tabunganen
second group of 15 students will take part in
training with learning using simulation methods. Table 3: Frequency distribution based on post-test
results before being given training with simulation
and audiovisual methods at SMAN 1 Tabunganen
BHD Simulasi Audiovisual
a. Characteristics of Respondents by Age N % N %
Table 1: Distribution of frequency of respondents No Training
by age in BHD training in SMA N 1 Tambungen 1. corresponding 15 100 15 100
2019 2. it is not in 0 0 0 0
No Age Frequency (%) with
amount 15 100 15 100
1 ≤ 17 years 25 66,7 Source: Primary Data for 2019
2 > 17 years 8 33,3
In Total 30 100 Based on the table above shows that all
Source: Primary Data for 2019 respondents according to the BHD training using
simulation methods as many as 15 people (100%)

Based on table 4.2 it can be seen that the majority Bivariate Analysis
of respondents aged <17 years as many as 25
people (66.7%). Table 4. Effectiveness of BHD training before and
after training given using simulation methods at
Tabunganen SMAN 1 in 2019
Univariate Analysis
Variable Mean SD SE P N
a. Pre-test results before being given training
with simulation and audiovisual methods at
SMAN 1 Tabunganen Simulation Method
Before 1,53 0,516 0,133 0,000 15

Table 2: Frequency distribution based on pre-test After 1,00 0,000 0,000

results before being given training with simulation
and audiovisual methods at SMAN 1 Tabunganen Source: Primary Data for 2019

Based on the results of the T-Test independent

statistical test, it can be seen that training with
No BHD Simulation Audiovisual simulation methods can increase BHD training at
Training Tabunganen SMAN 1 in 2019. Based on the
N % N %
analysis results it can be seen that BHD training is
1. corresponding 7 46,7 7 46,7
given before and after effective training provided
2. it is not in 8 53,3 8 53,3 by using simulation methods at SMAN 1
accordance Tabunganen year 2019 with a significant level (p
with = 0,000)
amount 15 100 15 100
Source: Primary Data for 2019 Table 5. Effectiveness of BHD training before and
after being given training using audiovisual
Based on the table above shows that the majority methods at SMAN 1 Tabunganen in 2019
of respondents Not Suitable in using simulation
and audiovisual methods, as many as 8 people
(53.3%). Variable Mean SD SE P N

Audiovisual Method (trauma), Checking patient care by way of
Before 1,53 0,516 0,133 0,000 15 (Calling name.
Asking the situation, shaking the shoulder /
After 1,00 0,000 0,000 pinching the patient), Open the airway with head
tilt chin lift (press the forehead lift the chin) and
Source: Primary Data for 2019 clean the airway from the blockage, Assess the
breathing by way of (Seeing the movement of the
Based on the results of the T-Test independent chest / stomach, hearing the sound of air in and
statistical test, it can be seen that training with out of the nose, Feel the air from the mouth / nose
audiovisual methods can improve BHD training at cheek), If the patient does not breathe, give
Tabunganen SMAN 1 in 2019. Based on the artificial breath twice 2x, Check the heart rate by
analysis results it can be seen that BHD training touching the carotid pulse, if the carotid pulse is
before and after being given training using palpable enough to give artificial breath every 5
audiovisual methods at SMAN 1 Tabunganen in seconds once for 1 minute, if the pulse carotid not
2019 significant level (p = 0,000) palpated immediately do a combination of
artificial breathing and cardiac compression with a
Table 6. Effectiveness of the effectiveness of ratio of 30: 2 (30 cardiac massages, 2 artificial
BHD training with simulation and audiovisual breaths / ventilation) with a speed of 100-120x /
methods at SMAN 1 Tabunganen in 2019 minute for 5-7 cycles, check the carotid pulse
every 2 minutes and check breathing each 5
Variable Mea F SE P N cycles, If the breath is still not there continue with
n valu compression, do an evaluation.
e George & Doto. (2016), said that there are 5
factors that influence the results of psychomotor
training, namely: (1) the ability of students, (2)
Simulation 0,533 3146,00 0,13 0,00 1 inadequate demonstration, (3) inappropriate
feedback (4) affective factors, (5) participant
Method 0 3 0 5
perception. The ability of students in this study is
very diverse because respondents come from 7
Audiovisua 0,743 3146,00 0,13
different educational institutions. This is related to
l Method 0 3 the cognitive abilities of each respondent that will
underlie their thinking patterns in analyzing and
Source: Primary Data for 2019 internalizing the feedback given.

Based on the results of the study in the table Education that can be done to increase the number
above shows that there are differences in the mean of OHCA helpers is through simulations.
value between the simulation and audiovisual Educational programs through simulations and
methods, where the method that has increased self directed videos have their own advantages
after being given training is an audiovisual and disadvantages. Simulation is one of the
method with a mean value of 0, 743. Then the methods that are often used to train RJP in lay
mean results mean that the audiovisual and people and professional staff.
simulation methods are equally effective in
improve BHD skills although there are differences
in the mean but not too semifigkan. Audiovisual is a learning method that can
empower people to be able to learn independently
DISCUSSION through video shows and directions delivered on
the educational video. The advantage of
1. Pre-test results before being given training Audiovisual is that it can be used by people with
with simulation and audiovisual methods at free time (not bound) and is consistent in terms of
SMAN 1 Tabunganen the content delivered.

Responding well to doing simulations perform all Audiovisual which is proven to be able to improve
the steps in performing compression on RJP the ability to manage cardiac arrest can be a
patients, namely adjusting the patient's position on solution and innovation in RJP training.
a flat or hard mat, patient's upper shirt opening Audiovisual can be one of the effective and cost-
effective methods for educating lay people about
Under simulated conditions, lay people who are 3. The effectiveness of BHD training before and
shown a CPR Compression-only video are after the training is given using simulation
significantly more likely to resuscitate than those methods
who have never seen the training video (Bobrow,
et al., 2011). Audiovisuals are proven to be able to BHD training before and after effective training is
improve stop handling skills the heart can be a given using simulation methods at SMAN 1
solution and innovation in CPR training. Tabunganen in 2019 with a significant level (p =
2. Post-test results before being given training
with simulation and audiovisual methods at The use of simulation methods is very dependent
Tabunganen SMAN 1 on the instructor's ability to train technical skills.
This requires the dominant role of the instructor to
Post-test results for all respondents In accordance improve the ability of students. Because of the
with using the simulation method as many as 15 limited support devices on the Manikin, so the
people (100%), the BHD training method with techniques taught by the instructor are more
simulations guided directly by certified trainers is towards the experience that has been done so far
the only training method that is recognized in which focuses on qualitative, estimating and
Indonesia at this time. Furthermore, trainees feeling.
receive formal certificates as training participants.
The advantages of simulation methods are that George & Doto. (2001), said that there are 5
they are more interactive because the audience factors that influence the results of psychomotor
can ask the facilitator directly, but it requires a lot training, namely: (a) the ability of students, (b)
of time and a large place to do this method. inadequate demonstration, (3) inappropriate
feedback (4) affective factors, (5) participant
In BHD training, as the opinion of George & perception. The ability of students in this study is
Doto. (2016) the role of instructors is still very very diverse because respondents have the
dominant because the existence of Manikin is cognitive abilities of each respondent that will
only a means for skill demonstration. It can be underlie their thinking patterns in analyzing and
said that the good and bad abilities of participants internalizing the feedback given.
will be greatly influenced by the ability of
instructors. Instructors must master both the 4. The effectiveness of BHD training before and
sequence / sequence and quality of RJP after the training is given using audiovisual
techniques. Therefore, instructor standardization methods
is an absolute prerequisite for avoiding
misperceptions of trainees, as well as the quality BHD training before and after being given
of training outputs. the quality of this instructor, training using audiovisual methods at SMAN 1
so what happens is a decrease in the quality of the Tabunganen in 2019 significant level (p = 0,000)
training itself.
The results of the study are slightly different
The results of the study by Dine, et.al. (2008) conducted by Dine, et.al. (2008) which states that
which states that audio visual feedback alone is audio visual feedback alone is able to improve
able to improve BHD skills and reduce variations CPR skills and reduce variations in cardiac
in cardiac compression counts, but the compression counts, but the combination of audio
combination of audio visual feedback and visual feedback and debriefing from instructors
debriefing from instructors has the greatest has the greatest improvement on RJP skills
advancement effect on BHD skills.
5. Effectiveness of BHD training with
But this research. Training is focused on simulation and audiovisual methods
controlling the speed of compression, with the aim
of delaying fatigue, ensuring adequate There is the effectiveness of bhd training with
compression depth and improving the quality of simulation and audiovisual methods on the skills
chest compression. AHA (2010) also recommends of students doing rjp in sman 1 savings
that to guarantee the quality of depth and
compression speed.

Pulmonary Resuscitation (RJP) is a skill that must a simulation and audiovisual as many as 8 people
be mastered by students. A quality CPR can (53.3%).
optimize return of spontaneous circulation, but
many medical students are not confident in b. The results of the post-test of all respondents
carrying out this procedure. Oermann et al (2011), according to conducting RJP using the simulation
in their research on the quality of RJP actions on method were 15 people (100%).
nurses, found that the quality of RJP performed by
nurses was still poor even though they had c BHD training before and after being effectively
attended training. given training using simulation methods at SMAN
1 Tabunganen in 2019 with a significant level (p =
This is due to the knowledge and skills in 0,000).
conducting RJP, without doing practice and recall,
it will tend to disappear over time. This is d BHD training before and after being given
supported by the results of his research Husebo et training using audiovisual methods at SMAN 1
al, (2012) who obtained data that nurses' Tabunganen in 2019 significant level (p = 0,000).
performance in performing CPR was still poor.
e There Is Effectiveness of Simulation and
Perkins et al (2008), said that knowledge and Audiovisual Methods in BHD Training of High
skills are very necessary in carrying out RJP School Students Against the Students' Ability to
actions, but in the context of students who are less Perform RJP in SMA Negeri 1 Tabunganen.
exposed to events that require such actions, often
do not have competence in BLS. Therefore, it is SUGGESTION
important to provide learning and find teaching
methods that support their knowledge and skills Recommended RPJ using ICARRER Cardiac
about RJP. Resuscitation Menekin through Self Directed
Video can be a method that can be applied in high
Efforts that can be made to increase the retention school environment to increase the number of
of community understanding when learning CPR, bystander.
props are needed that are easily accessible and
economical. I-CARRER Cardiac Resuscitation REFERENCES
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* Henny Kusuma Wardani. Nursing S1 Student at Muhammadiyah University, Banjarmasin
** Hj. Noor Khalilati, Ns., M.Kep Lecturer at Muhammadiyah University Banjarmasin
*** Dr. Syamsul Firdaus, S.Kp, M.Kes Poltekes of the Ministry of Health Banjarmasin


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