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Nama : __________________

Kelas : __________________


Jalan Kencana Raya, Ruko Golden Vienna 2 Blok CA No.5,
BSD City Rawabuntu, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan - 15318
Telepon: 021-7567 2190, 081220181887

Mata Pelajaran : Bhs.Inggris
Tingkatan/PK : 2 SD
JumlahSoal :
AlokasiWaktu : 60 menit

Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a,b,c!

1. We can borrow the .......... in the library

a. Bag
b. Book
c. Uniform

2. My mother has a brother. He is my .........

a. Father
b. Aunt
c. Uncle

3. These things are in the class, except......

a. Blackboard
b. Chair
c. Bike

4. ....... has long neck

a. Elephant
b. Giraffe
c. Sheep

5. The cat has .......

a. Fins
b. Wings
c. Mustache

6. It is raining. I need .........

a. Hat
b. Clothes
c. Umbrella

7. Before wear shoes i wear.......

a. Socks
b. Tie
c. Uniform

8. A : Today is Thursday. What day was yesterday?

B : yesterday was.......
a. Tuesday
b. Wednesday
c. Friday

9. The eight month of the year is ..........

a. June
b. July
c. August

Text for number 10 - 15

Mrs vina : when do we celebrate independence day?
Umar : on augsut 17 th Mrs.
Mrs. Vina : lyla what month do we celebrate the national education?
Lyla : it is on may, 2nd.
Mrs. Vina : and when do we celebrate kartini day?
Rosyid : it is on april
Mrs. Vina : good ! do you know in the what date is it?
Rosyid : it is on april the 21th

10. On August 17th we celebrate the ...........

a. National education day
b. Independence day
c. New year

11. The national education day is in .........

a. May 2nd
b. May 21st
c. May 12th

12. On april we celebrate the ..........

a. New year
b. Independence day
c. Kartini day

13. Wednesday, ........ , Friday

a. Wednesday
b. Tuesday
c. Thursday

14.The tiger eats ......

a. Grass
b. Fruits
c. Meat

15.The horse eats ......

a. Grass
b. Fish
c. Meat

16.Those ....... three snakes

a. Is
b. Am
c. Are

17.That ...... a crocodile

a. Is
b. Am
c. Are

18...... two rabbits

a. These are
b. That
c. This is

19.Elephant is bigest animal. Elephant is .....

a. Burung
b. Tikus
c. Gajah

20.Frog is amfibi animal. Its can lives in the water and land. Frog is .....
a. Kadal
b. Katak
c. Burung

21.Frieda felt ..... so she fell asleep

a. Angry
b. Sleepy
c. Hungry

22.We have breakfast in .....

a. Night
b. Afternoon
c. Morning

23.Mr. Anton feels ....... (bingung)

a. Worry
b. Confused
c. Nervous

24.I feel ....... (haus)

a. Thirsty
b. Tired
c. Confused

25.She feels ..... (sedih)

a. Worry
b. Bored
c. Sad

Translate into indonesia!
1. I feel sad =
2. She feels thirsty =
3. I feel angry =
Translate into english!
4. Selamat sore =
5. Seekor monyet =
6. Write 11-20 numbers in english!
7. The six month of the year is ....
8. B-N-O-R-V-E-M
It is.......
9. Mention 4 wild animal!
10. You-like-chicken

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