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Chapter 1: CACU Related Queries… .......................................................................... 2

Chapter 2: LAGU Related Queries… .......................................................................39
RFS Installation in NGTJ Card ............................................................... 50
Chapter 3 : Miscellaneous Queries……………………………………………………55
Chapter 4: Thin Client PC Related Queries… ......................................................... 56
Chapter 5: MAX-NG Access Dual Gateway Reachability & Verification ............. 59

Please download following documents for detailed description from cdothelpline portal
1. MLS Configuration Manual
2. MAX-NG Access Software Installation & Configuration
3. IP Entries for CACU & LAGU
4. Enable V5 and PRI logs



Q1. How to assign IP address of MLS card?
Ans. Connect minicom cable to MLS card .
Login into MLS card through Username : admin and Password is not required.
Press Enter while card asks for Password.
#configure terminal
[config-if-vlan]# interface vlan 1
[config-if-vlan]# ip address <MLS card Management IP> <netmask>
[config-]# exit
Q2. How to see the IP address of MLS card?
Please give below command to check IP Address of MLS card and is as follows:
# show ip interface brief
Q3. How to configure MLS card for accessing from Thin Client PC?
Ans. Once the IP of the MLS is set, it can be accessed through internet browser and rest of the
configuration can be done through GUI interface of the MLS.
From the left pane select Configuration - System -- IP, a window will open showing the
VLAN 1 configuration (fig-5) which is the native VLAN for the subnet allocated to that site.
Select MLS Mode as Router and add IP routes for connectivity to core network.
Add IP interfaces as per the Management IP with VLAN1 and IP Routes.
Configure Port 21 or Port 22 as Trunk port. Select from Drop Down Menu.
Configuration -- System -- VLANs -- Configuration
Note: Please enter Allowed Access VLANs as 1, 2900-2903 .This is just an indicative example.
Please Enter VLAN IDs same as configured in IP/MPLS Network.

Q4. How to do BFD Configuration?
Configuration in PE Router ( in BSNL IP/MPLS/NIB Network)
BFD ECO configured should be with parameters
bfd min-transmit-interval 200
bfd min-receive-interval 200
bfd min-echo-receive-interval 200
bfd detect-multiplier 3
Static routing with track configuration for all VPN interfaces

Configuration in MLS card

Open MLS GUI in Firefox Browser of Thin Client PC
a. From the left pane select Configuration -- System  Spanning Tree --- Bridge Setting
and do the STP Bridge configuration.
b. RSTP should be configured at both MLS cards with following parameters and also
Hello Time= 1
Forward Delay= 4
Max Age =6
Maximum Hop Count= 6
Transmit Hold Count= 2
Bridge Priority is 0 and 4096 for MLS1 card and MLS2 card.

Broad steps for these points are as follows:-

For NTP related configuration,

Go to Configuration -> System -> NTP. Mode should be Enabled and Enter SBC FVIP of PR Site in Server 1
option and in Server 2 option, enter SBC FVIP (GR Site) IP address.

For Trap configuration settings,

Go to Configuration -> System -> Security -> SNMP -> Trap. Mode should be Enabled.

Add three Entries of PR NGEMS Server and one entry of GR NGEMS Server.

For MLS Link removal Alarm related configurations, create static routing for NGEMS server IP addresses in
MLS-1 as well as MLS-2.

MLS-1 should have MLS-2 IP address as its gateway for uplink alarm purposes and vice versa.

Q5. How to stop processes in CACU cards?

For SLM Card

Login into card:

# ssh root@ < IP address of SLM card>

# cd /jffs2_ram/SLM/bin

# ./

Shm.exe processes will be shut down. After this, messages in minicom terminal will be stopped.

For EBM Card

Login into card:

# ssh root@<IP address of EBM card>

# cd /jffs2_ram/eeb/bin

# ./

For NGTJ Card

Login into card

# ssh root@<IP address of NGTJ card>

# cd /mmc/ngtj

# ./stopall

Note: All processes will be shutdown and messages in minicom terminal stops.

Login prompt will appear. Before proceeding this, connect Thin Client PC with minicom and Ethernet cable through USB
port and Ethernet port.

Q6. How to install TMPCH Patch in NGTJ (CACU) card for One Way Speech & RBT issue in
1. Download TMPCH.tar from cdot helpline portal in CACU and copy below link and paste in
Internet browser.
2. Go to Access Software Package Downloads  Patches  CACU PATCH TAR.
3. Untar CACU PATCHES TAR Ball using below command and is follows:

tar –xvf CACU_PATCHES.tar


4. FTP CACU PATCHES TAR to /mmc location in NGTJ card.

ftp < NGTJ card IP>

Enter Username root and Password root.
Type bi and press Enter key
Type ha and press Enter key

Go to /mmc location in NGTJ card using below command
cd /mmc
Type mp TMPCH.tgz and press y and Enter key
Type bye and press Enter key.
5. Login into card using ssh and default Password root using below command.

#ssh root@<card IP>

6. Go to /mmc in NGTJ card using below command.

cd /mmc

7. Untar TMPCH.tgz in the same location in NGTJ card and run Read_dsp_ch & command in same

tar –xvzf TMPCH.tgz

./Read_dsp_ch &

8.Now check RBT and Dial-tone in AN-RAX.

Note: If still problem persists then re-install RFS and Release in NGTJ card from scratch after
formatting mmc as per the procedure.

Q6. How to install SIP phone in the MAX-NG Network?

Take the spare IP Address from site IP list which should be unique in the network.
Define IP Address, Netmask, Gateway IP Address (MLS1 IP) and Broadcast Address as per the site IP
Create the SIP number in the Core Soft switch.

Q7. If call is not getting through from SIP phone?

Please make sure call should reach in the Core Network. Contact respective Core Team and ask them to
fix a trace and check if call is reachable to network.
Make sure that Core IP should be reachable from Thin Client PC.
If not reachable then check MLS setting and IP/MPLS Team.
If in case of one way speech, then publish/broadcast Media IPs of Access network in the IPTAX and
GMSC Network of PSTN/PLMN Network.
Ping Media IP of IPTAX/GMSC network from Core and Access Network also once published.
If call is not reachable to core network then check Uplink connectivity.

Q8. How to check if correct installation in CACU System is done or not?


a. SLM Card

Check processes by ps –ef command and should show shm.exe.

slm_sys.conf file must be checked and correct at /jffs2_ram/SLM/conf location.

#cat /jffs2_ram/SLM/conf/slm_sys.conf

All entries must be correct.

b. EBM Card

Check processes by ps –ef command in EBM card and should show eeb.exe.

c. NGTJ Card

Check processes by ps –ef command in NGTJ card and must show ag,tmg,priag processes in NGTJ card.

#ps –ef

#cd /mmc/ngtj

#./service status all

This command must show all processes in NGTJ card.

Please open FE

#cd /mmc/ngtj

#./service ag fe

Press Ctrl +C to exit

#cd /mmc/ngtj

#./service pag fe

Press Ctrl +C to exit

If FE opens then installation must be correct.

Rest will be checked after creation of Data in NGTJ card related to AN-RAXs, PRI and POI.

Q9. How to check the releases installed in NGTJ card?

Ans. To check release installed in NGTJ card,

Login into NGTJ card.

<ssh root@<self IP address of NGTJ card>

Note: Default Password is root.

Go to /mmc/ngtj folder in NGTJ card.

cd /mmc/ngtj

./service rel

Then release version for NGTJCD, V5 and PRI will be shown.

Q10. How to check the processes installed in NGTJ card?

Ans. To check processes installed in NGTJ card,

Login into NGTJ card.

<ssh root@<self IP address of NGTJ card>

Note: Default Password is root.

Go to /mmc/ngtj folder in NGTJ card.

cd /mmc/ngtj

ps –ef

./service status all

Then processes for ag,tmg,pri will be shown.

After giving ps –ef command, then check application manager 1, tmg, v5 and pri processes.NGTJ card
will take 10 to 12 minutes for making all processes UP.

Q11. How to start /stop AG, TMG, and PRIAG process in NGTJ card?

Ans. To start /stop AG, TMG, and PRIAG process in NGTJ card,

Login into NGTJ card.

<ssh root@<self IP address of NGTJ card>

Note: Default Password is root.

Go to /mmc/ngtj folder in NGTJ card.

cd /mmc/ngtj

./service ag stop ( to stop ag processes , v5 process)

./service ag start ( to start ag processes , v5 processes)

./service tmg stop ( to stop tmg processes)

./service tmg start ( to start tmg processes)

./service pag stop ( to stop pag/pri processes)

./service pag start ( to start pag/pri processes)

./service sg stop ( to stop sg process )

./service sg start ( to start sg process )

Q12. If AI links not coming up, how to enable & disable logs?


For enabling V5AG and PRIAG logs following is the below procedure:

To check the release and patch information

Login to NGTJ card.

--->ssh root@<IP Address of NGTJ card>

--service release info

Signaling group
:apmrelinfo: NGTJCD1_1_1.6-PATCH_12 1 47.0 Wed, 21 Mar 2018 10:59:01 +0530
press 1 to continue...default(1): 1
V5AG REL:AGL1_1_3.4Patch7_1
SGL2 REL:PATCH1-Over-SGL1_3_1.9_1-INIT

2. Procedure to take logs

To open fe

[root@NGTK ngtj]# ./service ag fe

| |
| USRNAME : admin
| |
| |

V5AG Main Menu (Enter number)

1. Existing Configuration Display

2. Subscriber And Miscllaneous Commands
3. V5 Protocol Commands
4. Traffic Commands
5. Event Configuration
6. Trace level
7. Logger file
8. Site-Id
9. Update-timer-value to Monitor Log File
10. ADP Panel Restart/Refresh
11. Stop(1)/Start(2) ADP mozilla Pop-Up
12. Change Password for admin
13. Change Password for cdot
14. Quit

Enter Your Choice = 5

Event Configuration Menu (Enter number)

1. MAC
2. ENV
4. V5L3
5. Back to main Menu
6. Quit

Enter Your Choice = 1



3. Back to event configuration Menu

4. Back to Main menu
5. exit

Enter Your Choice = 1

1. For enable all AI:

2. For enable specific AI:
Input your choice? [1,2]: 2

Enter AI Num[1-150]: 1

Enter Layer to debug:

2. for LAPV5-DL (Layer2)
3. for V5 Layer3 msg in hex
4. for V5 Layer3 msg details

Enter Your Choice = 2

Want to Repeat/Terminate/Execute the command (R/T/E): e

Now to check the logs open a terminal and

Login into NGTJ card using below command and is as follows:

ssh root@

[root@localhost ~]# ssh root@

root@'s password:
[root@NGTK root]# cd /mmc/ngtj
[root@NGTK ngtj]# ./service ag log
press 1 to continue...default(1): 1
<--A Tx: fc e5 fc e5 01 01 :RR(0):BCC sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 09:48:17 2018) p=26 U
--->A Rx: fc e1 fc e1 01 01 :RR(0):PSTN sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 09:48:17 2018) p=1 ((1))
<--A Tx: fc e1 fc e1 01 01 :RR(0):PSTN sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 09:48:17 2018) p=26
U ((1))
--->A Rx: fc e9 fc e9 01 01 :RR(0):LINK-CONTROL sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 09:48:24 2018)
p=1 ((1))
<--A Tx: fc e9 fc e9 01 01 :RR(0):LINK-CONTROL sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 09:48:24 2018)
p=26 U ((1))
--->A Rx: fc e7 fc e7 7f :SABME:PROTECTION sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 09:48:25 2018)
p=1 ((1))
--->A Rx: fc e7 fc e7 7f :SABME:PROTECTION sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 09:48:26 2018)
p=1 ((1))
--->A Rx: fc e3 fc e3 01 01 :RR(0):CONTROL sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 09:48:27 2018) p=1
<--A Tx: fc e3 fc e3 01 01 :RR(0):CONTROL sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 09:48:27 2018) p=26
U ((1))
--->A Rx: fc e1 fc e1 01 01 :RR(0):PSTN sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 09:48:27 2018) p=1 ((1))
(sp:0) Rx --> ( 0, 0), e1-PSTN, 0-ESTABLISH, port(2) :4:OFF-HOOK, (8176) m=13) p=26
<--A Tx: fc e1 fc e1 01 02 :RR(1):PSTN sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:20 2018) p=26
U ((1))
<--A Tx: fc e1 fe e1 00 02 48 01 02 01 :INFO(0,1):PSTN sp=0 (Wed Mar 21
10:57:20 2018) p=26 U ((1))
TST(sp:0) Tx <-- ( 0, 1), e1-PSTN,== 1-ESTABLISH ACK ==, port(2), (8176) m=10) p=26
<--A Tx: fc e5 fe e5 00 00 48 00 27 20 40 02 01 02 42 02 00 01 :INFO(0,0):BCC
sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:20 2018) p=26 U ((1))

TST(sp:0) Tx <-- ( 0, 0), e5-BCC, 20-ALLOCATION, PORT(2)<-->V5TsId(L=0,TS=1),

ref(27,27) LE, (8178) m=18) p=26 ani=1
--->A Rx: fc e1 fe e1 01 02 :RR(1):PSTN sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:20 2018) p=26
--->A Rx: fc e5 fe e5 01 02 :RR(1):BCC sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:20 2018) p=26 ((1))
--->A Rx: fc e5 fc e5 00 02 48 00 27 21 :INFO(0,1):BCC sp=0 (Wed Mar 21
10:57:20 2018) p=26 ((1))
TST(sp:0) Rx --> ( 0, 1), e5-BCC,== 21-ALLOCATION-COMPLETE ==, ref(27,27), (8178)
m=10) p=26 ani=1
<--A Tx: fc e5 fc e5 01 02 :RR(1):BCC sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:20 2018) p=26
U ((1))
--->A Rx: fc e3 fc e3 01 01 :RR(0):CONTROL sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:20 2018) p=26
<--A Tx: fc e3 fc e3 01 7d :RR(62):CONTROL sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:20 2018)
p=26 U ((1))
--->A Rx: fc e9 fc e9 01 01 :RR(0):LINK-CONTROL sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:25 2018)
p=26 ((1))
<--A Tx: fc e9 fc e9 01 01 :RR(0):LINK-CONTROL sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:25 2018)
p=26 U ((1))
--->A Rx: fc e1 fc e1 01 03 :RR(1):PSTN sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:29 2018) p=26
<--A Tx: fc e1 fc e1 01 03 :RR(1):PSTN sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:29 2018) p=26
U ((1))
--->A Rx: fc e5 fc e5 01 03 :RR(1):BCC sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:29 2018) p=26 ((1))
<--A Tx: fc e5 fc e5 01 03 :RR(1):BCC sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:29 2018) p=26
U ((1))
--->A Rx: fc e3 fc e3 01 01 :RR(0):CONTROL sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:29 2018) p=26
<--A Tx: fc e3 fc e3 01 7d :RR(62):CONTROL sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:29 2018)
p=26 U ((1))
--->A Rx: fc e7 fc e7 7f :SABME:PROTECTION sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:34 2018)
p=26 ((1))
--->A Rx: fc e9 fc e9 01 01 :RR(0):LINK-CONTROL sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:35 2018)
p=26 ((1))
<--A Tx: fc e9 fc e9 01 01 :RR(0):LINK-CONTROL sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:35 2018)
p=26 U ((1))
--->A Rx: fc e7 fc e7 7f :SABME:PROTECTION sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:35 2018)
p=26 ((1))
--->A Rx: fc e7 fc e7 7f :SABME:PROTECTION sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:36 2018)
p=26 ((1))
--->A Rx: fc e7 fc e7 7f :SABME:PROTECTION sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:37 2018)
p=26 ((1))

--->A Rx: fc e1 fc e1 01 03 :RR(1):PSTN sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:39 2018) p=26
<--A Tx: fc e1 fc e1 01 03 :RR(1):PSTN sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:39 2018) p=26
U ((1))
--->A Rx: fc e5 fc e5 01 03 :RR(1):BCC sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:39 2018) p=26 ((1))
<--A Tx: fc e5 fc e5 01 03 :RR(1):BCC sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:39 2018) p=26
U ((1))
--->A Rx: fc e3 fc e3 01 01 :RR(0):CONTROL sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:39 2018) p=26
<--A Tx: fc e3 fc e3 01 7d :RR(62):CONTROL sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:39 2018)
p=26 U ((1))
--->A Rx: fc e9 fc e9 01 01 :RR(0):LINK-CONTROL sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:44 2018)
p=26 ((1))
<--A Tx: fc e9 fc e9 01 01 :RR(0):LINK-CONTROL sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:44 2018)
p=26 U ((1))
--->A Rx: fc e1 fc e1 01 03 :RR(1):PSTN sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:48 2018) p=26
<--A Tx: fc e1 fc e1 01 03 :RR(1):PSTN sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:48 2018) p=26
U ((1))
--->A Rx: fc e5 fc e5 01 03 :RR(1):BCC sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:48 2018) p=26 ((1))
<--A Tx: fc e5 fc e5 01 03 :RR(1):BCC sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:48 2018) p=26
U ((1))
--->A Rx: fc e3 fc e3 01 01 :RR(0):CONTROL sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:48 2018) p=26
<--A Tx: fc e3 fc e3 01 7d :RR(62):CONTROL sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:48 2018)
p=26 U ((1))
--->A Rx: fc e9 fc e9 01 01 :RR(0):LINK-CONTROL sp=0 (Wed Mar 21 10:57:54 2018)
p=26 ((1))

Important Note: Check for Rx and TX messages messages. Both should come.

3. To check L3 messages of v5:

V5AG Main Menu ( Enter number )

1. Existing Configuration Display

2. Subscriber And Miscllaneous Commands
3. V5 Protocol Commands
4. Traffic Commands
5. Event Configuration
6. Trace level
7. Logger file
8. Site-Id
9. Update-timer-value to Monitor Log File
10. ADP Panel Restart/Refresh
11. Stop(1)/Start(2) ADP mozilla Pop-Up
12. Change Password for admin
13. Change Password for cdot
14. Quit

Enter Your Choice = 5

Event Configuration Menu ( Enter number )

1. MAC
2. ENV
4. V5L3
5. Back to main Menu
6. Quit

Enter Your Choice = 4

Enter Your Choice = 1



3. Back to event configuration Menu

4. Back to Main menu
5. exit

Enter Your Choice = 1

1. For enable all AI:

2. For enable specific AI:
Input your choice? [1,2]: 2

Enter AI Num[1-150]: 1

Please give AI number of which logs are required.

Enter Layer to debug:

2. for LAPV5-DL (Layer2)
3. for V5 Layer3 msg in hex
4. for V5 Layer3 msg details

Enter Your Choice = 4

[root@localhost ~]# ssh root@

root@'s password:

Note : Enter defsult password as root.

[root@NGTK root]# cd /mmc/ngtj

[root@NGTK ngtj]# ./service ag log

5. v5 to v5 call scenario message flow

TST(sp:0) Rx --> (23,16), e1-PSTN, 0-ESTABLISH, port(2) :4:OFF-HOOK, (8176) m=13)

p=26 ani=1
TST(sp:0) Tx <-- (16,24), e1-PSTN,== 1-ESTABLISH ACK ==, port(2), (8176) m=10) p=26

TST(sp:0) Tx <-- (14,14), e5-BCC, 20-ALLOCATION, PORT(2)<-->V5TsId(L=0,TS=8),

ref(0f,f) LE, (8178) m=18) p=26 ani=1
TST(sp:0) Rx --> (14,15), e5-BCC,== 21-ALLOCATION-COMPLETE ==, ref(f,f), (8178)
m=10) p=26 ani=1

TST(sp:0) Tx <-- (15,15), e5-BCC, 20-ALLOCATION, PORT(3)<-->V5TsId(L=0,TS=9),

ref(10,10) LE, (8178) m=18) p=26 ani=1
TST(sp:0) Rx --> (15,16), e5-BCC,== 21-ALLOCATION-COMPLETE ==, ref(10,10), (8178)
m=10) p=26 ani=1

TST(sp:0) Tx <-- (17,24), e1-PSTN, 0-ESTABLISH, port(3)

:0-ALERTING-CADENCED-RINGING, (8176) m=13) p=26 ani=1
TST(sp:0) Rx --> (24,18), e1-PSTN,== 1-ESTABLISH ACK ==, port(3), (8176) m=10) p=26

TST(sp:0) Rx --> (25,18), e1-PSTN, 2-SIGNAL, port(3): SN=0-->(STEADY SIGNAL:0x4-OFF
HOOK), (8176) m=16) p=26 ani=1
TST(sp:0) Rx --> (26,18), e1-PSTN, 2-SIGNAL, port(3): SN=1-->(STEADY SIGNAL:0x5-ON
HOOK), (8176) m=16) p=26 ani=1
TST(sp:0) Tx <-- (18,27), e1-PSTN,== 3-SIGNAL ACK ==, port(3) SN=2, (8176) m=13)
p=26 ani=1
TST(sp:0) Rx --> (27,19), e1-PSTN, 2-SIGNAL, port(2): SN=0-->(STEADY SIGNAL:0x5-ON
HOOK), (8176) m=16) p=26 ani=1
TST(sp:0) Tx <-- (16,16), e5-BCC, 23-DEALLOCATION, Port(2) <--> V5TsId(L=0 TS=8),
ref(11,11) LE, (8178) m=18) p=26 ani=1
TST(sp:0) Tx <-- (19,28), e1-PSTN, 8-DISCONNECT, port(2), (8176) m=10) p=26 ani=1
TST(sp:0) Tx <-- (17,16), e5-BCC, 23-DEALLOCATION, Port(3) <--> V5TsId(L=0 TS=9),
ref(12,12) LE, (8178) m=18) p=26 ani=1
TST(sp:0) Tx <-- (20,28), e1-PSTN, 8-DISCONNECT, port(3), (8176) m=10) p=26 ani=1
TST(sp:0) Rx --> (16,17), e5-BCC,== 24-DEALLOCATION-COMPLETE ==, ref(11), (8178)
m=10) p=26 ani=1
TST(sp:0) Rx --> (17,18), e5-BCC,== 24-DEALLOCATION-COMPLETE ==, ref(12), (8178)
m=10) p=26 ani=1
TST(sp:0) Rx --> (28,21), e1-PSTN,== 9-DISCONNECT COMPLETE ==, port(2), (8176) m=10)
p=26 ani=1
TST(sp:0) Rx --> (29,21), e1-PSTN,== 9-DISCONNECT COMPLETE ==, port(3), (8176) m=10)
p=26 ani=1

v5 to sip call flow

TST(sp:0) Rx --> (30,21), e1-PSTN, 0-ESTABLISH, port(3) :4:OFF-HOOK, (8176) m=13)
p=26 ani=1
TST(sp:0) Tx <-- (21,31), e1-PSTN,== 1-ESTABLISH ACK ==, port(3), (8176) m=10) p=26
TST(sp:0) Tx <-- (18,18), e5-BCC, 20-ALLOCATION, PORT(3)<-->V5TsId(L=0,TS=10),
ref(13,13) LE, (8178) m=18) p=26 ani=1
TST(sp:0) Rx --> (18,19), e5-BCC,== 21-ALLOCATION-COMPLETE ==, ref(13,13), (8178)
m=10) p=26 ani=1
TST(sp:0) Rx --> (31,22), e1-PSTN, 2-SIGNAL, port(3): SN=0-->(STEADY SIGNAL:0x5-ON
HOOK), (8176) m=16) p=26 ani=1
TST(sp:0) Tx <-- (19,19), e5-BCC, 23-DEALLOCATION, Port(3) <--> V5TsId(L=0 TS=10),
ref(14,14) LE, (8178) m=18) p=26 ani=1
TST(sp:0) Tx <-- (22,32), e1-PSTN, 8-DISCONNECT, port(3), (8176) m=10) p=26 ani=1
TST(sp:0) Rx --> (19,20), e5-BCC,== 24-DEALLOCATION-COMPLETE ==, ref(14), (8178)
m=10) p=26 ani=1
TST(sp:0) Rx --> (32,23), e1-PSTN,== 9-DISCONNECT COMPLETE ==, port(3), (8176) m=10)
p=26 ani=1

6. To see sip messages on v5ag:

V5AG Main Menu ( Enter number )

1. Existing Configuration Display

2. Subscriber And Miscllaneous Commands
3. V5 Protocol Commands
4. Traffic Commands
5. Event Configuration
6. Trace level
7. Logger file
8. Site-Id
9. Update-timer-value to Monitor Log File
10. ADP Panel Restart/Refresh
11. Stop(1)/Start(2) ADP mozilla Pop-Up
12. Change Password for admin
13. Change Password for cdot
14. Quit

Enter Your Choice = 7

Parameters required Logger file
Input Operation:
1.Display 2.Modify : 2
Input debugVal: (combination of more means sum of those values)
0.None 1.ERROR 2.WARNING 4.NOTICE 8.DEBUG ... 15.ALL: 15

Note : Enter 15 option for ALL

[root@localhost ~]# ssh root@

root@'s password:

Note: Enter default password as root.

[root@NGTK root]# cd /mmc/ngtj

[root@NGTK ngtj]# ./service agfull log

7. To check e1 status

[root@NGTK bin]# ./check_e1_status

E1 Status :
E1[0] - DW E1[1] - DW E1[2] - UP E1[3] - UP E1[4] - UP E1[5] - UP E1[6] -
DW E1[7] - DW E1[8] - DW E1[9] - DW E1[10] - DW E1[11] - DW E1[12] - UP E1[13]
- UP E1[14] - UP E1[15] - UP E1[16] - DW E1[17] - DW E1[18] - DW E1[19] - UP
E1[20] - DW E1[21] - DW E1[22] - DW E1[23] - DW E1[24] - DW E1[25] - DW E1[26]
- UP E1[27] - DW E1[28] - DW E1[29] - DW E1[30] - DW E1[31] - DW Press Ctrl-C
to exit.

Note -the port status should be OK


8. To check the E1 status in shared memory:

[root@NGTK bin]# cd /mmc/ngtj/DRIVERS/

[root@NGTK DRIVERS]# ls
FH_print_utility FaultHandler README distributor
dsp_boot_AGW mccss7hdlc.ko set_dsp_ip
[root@NGTK DRIVERS]# ./FH_print_utility

Shmid 65538

PID of Distributor 336

E1's jacked in are 2,3,4,5,12,13,14,15,19,26 ****check******

DSP_status 1
DSP_eth0_status 1
DSP_eth1_status 0
EEB 0 status is 0
EEB 1 status is 0
EEB 2 status is 0
EEB 3 status is 0

Framer_status 1
LIU_status 1
TimeSwitch_status 1
FPGA_status 1
CPU_eth0_status 1
CPU_eth1_status 1
Selected_clock 0
HW_status_copy0 1
HW_status_copy1 0
I2C_status 1
Slot_id 2
Chasi_Id 0
E1's Master/Slave status E1 0 status 0
E1 1 status 0
E1 2 status 0
E1 3 status 0
E1 4 status 0
E1 5 status 1
E1 6 status 0
E1 7 status 0
E1 8 status 0
E1 9 status 0
E1 10 status 0
E1 11 status 1
E1 12 status 0
E1 13 status 0
E1 14 status 0
E1 15 status 0
E1 16 status 0
E1 17 status 0
E1 18 status 0
E1 19 status 0
E1 20 status 0
E1 21 status 0
E1 22 status 0
E1 23 status 0
E1 24 status 0
E1 25 status 1
E1 26 status 1
E1 27 status 0
E1 28 status 1
E1 29 status 1
E1 30 status 0
E1 31 status 0

Fpga_clockselection 0
Active_Passive_Status 1 *********CHECK*************
dsp_boot_status 1 *********CHECK*************
dsp_ip_status 1 *********CHECK*************
System_status 1 *********CHECK*************

9. To Verify the E1's on which application is running:

[root@NGTK ngtj]# ./displ_shm_ngtj

locking shared memory
Got Shared memory lock

E1 Configuration Data
E1[0] : 8,0,,0
E1[1] : 1,27999,,1 ******CHECK V5 IP **********
E1[2] : 0,0,,0
E1[3] : 0,0,,0
E1[4] : 0,0,,0
E1[5] : 12,26000,,5 ******CHECK TMG IP **********
E1[6] : 0,0,,0
E1[7] : 0,0,,0
E1[8] : 0,0,,0
E1[9] : 0,0,,0
E1[10] : 0,0,,0
E1[11] : 8,0,,11
E1[12] : 4,26000,,12 ******CHECK TMG IP **********
E1[13] : 4,26000,,13 ******CHECK TMG IP **********
E1[14] : 4,26000,,14 ******CHECK TMG IP **********
E1[15] : 4,26000,,15 ******CHECK TMG IP **********
E1[16] : 0,0,,0
E1[17] : 0,0,,0
E1[18] : 0,0,,0
E1[19] : 0,0,,0
E1[20] : 0,0,,0
E1[21] : 0,0,,0
E1[22] : 0,0,,0
E1[23] : 0,0,,0
E1[24] : 0,0,,0
E1[25] : 0,0,,25
E1[26] : 1,27999,,26 ******CHECK V5AG IP **********
E1[27] : 0,0,,0
E1[28] : 2,28002,,28 ******CHECK PAG IP **********
E1[29] : 2,28002,,29 ******CHECK TMG IP **********
E1[30] : 0,0,,0
E1[31] : 0,0,,0
unlocking shared memory
released shared memory lock


[root@NGTK v5ag]# tail -f logger.conf
; /mmc/var/log/v5ag/full :: atleast one of the following "full" should be
;full => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose
;full => warning,error,notice
full => error,warning,notice,debug
;full =>

path of log files




path of log files



To chek the logs of PAG

[root@NGTK ngtj]# ./service fe pag

****************************** LOGIN TO FE




1. PRI Access Gate Way Commands

2. Change Password for admin
3. Change Password for cdot
4. Refresh pag data in ADP
5. Quit

Enter Your Choice = 1

+ PRI-ACCESS GATEWAY Commands Menu +

1. Create
2. Delete
3. Display
4. Misc...
5. Back to Main Menu

Enter Your Choice = 4

+ PRI-ACCESS GATEWAY Misc commands Menu +

1. Conf Files Backup

2. Conf Files Restore and Re-Start PRI-Call Controller
3. Restart Call Controller
4. Audit Command

5. Change the Timer value for Front End Time Out

6. Edit the LOG file Status
7. Shutdown System
8. Display all Combo Ports Equipped
9. Display Used or Free PRI Ports

10. Back to PAG Command-Group Menu

11. Back to PAG Main Menu
Enter Your Choice = 6

Edit the LOG files for PRIAG Call Controller

Press 0 for :: No Log File

Press 1 for :: Warning, Error
Press 2 for :: Notice, Warning, Error
Press 3 for :: Notice, Warning, Error, Debug, Verbose

Enter the level of debugging :: 3

Do you wish to Start Layer 2 and 3 Prints as well ?

Press y for YES and n for NO :: n

Do you wish to remove the previous LOG files ?

Press y for YES and n for NO :: n

Enter 'E' to EXECUTE / 'T' to TERMINATE (E/T) :E

path of log file


to check logs

[root@NGTK ngtj]#./service pagfull log

Note: Disable all types of logs for V5/PRI after taking logs otherwise it may slow down NGTJ card and also may
interrupt call handling of NGTJ card.

Q13. What to do if No RBT when calling to V5ag?

Ans. Make sure that NGTJ card is UP and all processes must be UP.
#ssh root@<NGTJ card IP>
Note: Default password is root.

#cd /mmc/ngtj
#./service status all
#./service ag stop
#./service ag start
#./service status all
Run TMPCH patch
#cd /mmc/TMPCH

Note: If problem still persists after giving ag stop start, running TMPCH patch then
please reinstall and reconfigure RFS and NGTJ card using CACU LAGU Installation &

Make sure Data Backup should be taken and restored backed after installation and

If again problem persists, please contact C-DOT MAX-NG Control Room.

Q14. What to do if FE of V5AG is not opening & Connecting to port 9001 error comes ?
Check if DB is OK or not. If DB is not working then restore Backup.
Open terminal in Thin Client PC
Go to directory where Backup is saved.
#cd /home/ubuntu/Desktop/Backup/V5_Backup
#ssh root@<IP address of NGTJ card>
#cd /mmc/ngtj
#./service ag stop
Transfer saved file CdotAgwDb.bin file to /mmc/ag location from Thin Client PC to NGTJ card using
ftp <Card IP>
Note: Default Username and Password is root and root.
Type bi and press Enter
Type ha and press Enter
Go to /mmc/ag location in NGTJ card
cd /mmc/ag
mp CdotAgwDb.bin
Again login into NGTJ card,
<ssh root@<NGTJ card IP>
Default password is root
cd /mmc/ngtj
./service ag start

Q15. How to check PRI D channel status?
Login into NGTJ card
#ssh root@<self NGTJ card IP> (Default Password is root)
#cd /mmc/ngtj
#./service pag fe
(Default Username is root and Password is root)
List of options will appear.
Select option 1, Go to 3 that is Display option, Display port option, then press 1 for all ports.

Q16. What to check if in V5AG Incoming calls are working but Outgoing calls are not working?
Ans. Make sure that CACU is connected to Core network. To check same, ping SBC IP of core network.
#ping <FVIP of SBC IP of respective core network>
#ping ( For Gurugram Core Network)
#ping (For Gurugram Core Network)

Note 1: Please check traces in Core whether call originating from NGTJ card is reaching to core
site or not.
Please check hosts file and resolv.conf which must have IPs and Domain Name of respective Core
(PR Site) only. If PR shifted to GR then IP of GR site must be present.
#cat /mmc/etc/hosts
Hosts File must contain IPs of respective core network.
#cat /mmc/etc/resolv.conf

Q17. How to enable logs of PRI?
Ans. To enable logs of PRI follow procedure as given below:

To check the logs of PAG

[root@NGTK ngtj]# ./service fe pag

****************************** LOGIN TO FE




1. PRI Access Gate Way Commands

2. Change Password for admin
3. Change Password for cdot
4. Refresh pag data in ADP
5. Quit

Enter Your Choice = 1

+ PRI-ACCESS GATEWAY Commands Menu +

1. Create
2. Delete
3. Display
4. Misc...
5. Back to Main Menu

Enter Your Choice = 4

+ PRI-ACCESS GATEWAY Misc commands Menu +

1. Conf Files Backup

2. Conf Files Restore and Re-Start PRI-Call Controller

3. Restart Call Controller
4. Audit Command

5. Change the Timer value for Front End Time Out

6. Edit the LOG file Status
7. Shutdown System
8. Display all Combo Ports Equipped
9. Display Used or Free PRI Ports
10. Back to PAG Command-Group Menu
11. Back to PAG Main Menu

Enter Your Choice = 6

Edit the LOG files for PRIAG Call Controller

Press 0 for :: No Log File

Press 1 for :: Warning, Error
Press 2 for :: Notice, Warning, Error
Press 3 for :: Notice, Warning, Error, Debug, Verbose

Enter the level of debugging :: 3

Do you wish to Start Layer 2 and 3 Prints as well ?

Press y for YES and n for NO :: n

Do you wish to remove the previous LOG files ?

Press y for YES and n for NO :: n

Enter 'E' to EXECUTE / 'T' to TERMINATE (E/T) :E

path of log file


to check logs

[root@NGTK ngtj]# ./service pagfull log

Q18. How to take AI data backup and restoring it in case of corruption?

Open terminal in Thin Client PC and go to folder where Backup has to be given.
#cd /home/ubuntu/Desktop
#mkdir Backup
#cd Backup
#mkdir NGTJ1
#mkdir NGTJ2
#cd NGTJ1
To take AI Data Backup, please follow below steps and are as follows:
#ftp <IP Address of NGTJ1 card>
Default Username and Password is root.


#cd /mmc/ag
#get CdotAgwDb.bin
#cd ../NGTJ2
To take AI Data Backup, please follow below steps and are as follows:
#ftp IP Address of NGTJ2 card
Default Username and Password is root.
#cd /mmc/ag
#get CdotAgwDb.bin

Q19. How to check NGTJ application IP address in CACU System?

For checking IP addresses of all applications in NGTJ card then follow below procedure
#cd /mmc/slm/IP
#vi ngtjip.txt
This shows the IP configured for all gateways.

Q20. What to do if no process running & DSP not pinging?

For checking DSP IP of NGTJ card,
Login into NGTJ card,
ssh root@<IP Address of NGTJ card>
Default Password is root
Check if ngtj folder exists or not in /mmc path.
#cd /mmc/ngtj
If error comes No such file or directory exists then please ftp ngtj.tar in /mmc path from CACU
Check net file in NGTJ card if process entries like IP Address, Netmask Gateway and Broadcast
Address.All other lines must be present in net file to bring applications UP.
Check rwx mode of net file
#cd /jffs2/conf

#cat net

#ls –ls net

Note : Check for rwx permission of net file using ls –ls command.

#chmod 777 net



#cd <folder name after Untar PATCH13*>


Note : Check ngtj.tar file at this path after ls command.

ngtj.tar is present in PATCH13-Over-NGTJCDL1_1_1.6_1-NEW-PRIAG-COMPATIBLE-MASTER.tar

If ngtj folder is not present, please transfer ngtj.tar present in Deliverables at /mmc location in NGTJ card using
FTP command.Open terminal in Thin Client PC.

cd <location in Thin Client PC where ngtj.tar file is present>

ftp <NGTJ card IP>

Enter Username & Password as root and root which is default.

Enter bi command and press Enter

Enter ha command and press Enter.

Give cd /mmc command.

#cd /mmc

#mp ngtj.tar

Important Note:
MASTER.tar is tar ball having ngtj.tar file which has to be transferred at /mmc location in NGTJ card.

ftp ngtj.tar in /mmc path in NGTJ card.Then login into card and Untar using tar –xvf ngtj.tar.

Re-install application release using Automated Installation script.

Q22. If Chassis not getting discovered on NGEMS. Check region code.
For both SLM cards, Login into SLM card
ssh root@<SLM IP>
Default password is root.
Go to conf folder where slm_sys.conf file is present.
cd /jffs2_ram/SLM/conf
cat slm_sys.conf
Check for Region Code for example region code for NUH Site is North_HA_1267 where HA stands for
Haryana Circle and 1267 is Area Code for Nuh Site.
Please enter Region Code for respective site where CACU Chassis is installed.

If other cards are not getting discovered then please re-install CACU release using Automated script
using Installation Document.

Q23. What to do if CACU Chassis not showing proper on Thin Client PC?
If CACU chassis is not properly on Thin Client PC, make sure Thin Client Settings must be done as per
the document. Please follow installation manual for the same.
Ping NGEMS IP for example and for Gurugram & Chandigarh Core Network.
Make sure that Firefox plugins must be installed.
Make sure that Firefox Browser must be installed in Thin Client PC.
If still problem persists then Contact Manufacturer ECIL or BEL Team and ask to replace with working
and tested Thin Client PC.

Q24. What to do if all LAGU units are not shown in LAGEMS?
If all LAGU units are not shown in LAGEMS, then on right topmost corner three options are available
to minimize, maximize Window.

Q25. What to do if SNMP error Task Failed comes while giving commands in IEMS/LAGEMS

USM User refresh command is used if operator opened SNMP error while working
through GUI.
While giving USM Users refresh, please give FVIP of LAGU System and 8020 default port number.
If problem is not resolved, please contact C-DOT Core Team.
Make sure that Thin Client PC must be configured as per the Installation & Configuration Document.

Q26. How to check MAC Address of MLS card?

To check MAC Address of MLS card,
1. Open MLS GUI in Firefox Browser and login with Username as admin.
2. Then once GUI is opened , then go to Monitor---- System-------- Information
3. Then assigned MAC Address can be read and crosscheck with MAC Address list provided by

Q27. How to change MAC Address of MLS card?

Ans . To change MAC Address of MLS Card as per the list, please follow below procedure

Steps for MAC address allocation:

1. Connect minicom
2. Login to the ICLI (login user: admin password: )

If MLS asks for password then please press Enter key.

# platform debug allow (Assuming MAC Address pool of MLS card is, say 00-01-c1-00-00-01
to 00-01-c1-00-00-18 in hex)
# debug board mac 00-01-c1-00-00-01
# platform debug deny

Q28. How to prepare NGTJ AE3 card as NGTJ SE3 card for CACU System?


Take LAGU card which is AE3 card specific for RSU site only.

The procedure to prepare NGTJ AE3 card over CACU is as follows:

1. Take the backup of the following files from the existing SE3 NGTJ card:
1. I2C/SLM related files:
1. /mmc/NGTJ<1/2> (Depending upon the NGTJ card ID mapped with IP)
2. /mmc/slm/IP/ipconf.txt
3. /mmc/slm/ngtj_sys.conf
4. /mmc/slm/IP/ngtjip.txt (Optional)
5. /mmc/ngtj/ (Optional)
2. SGL2 related files:
1. mmc/sgstk/cdot_sgl2.conf
3. V5AG related files:
1. /mmc/ag/cdotAGdb.bin
2. /mmc/etc/v5ag/extensions.conf
3. /mmc/etc/v5ag/v5.conf
4. PRIAG related files:
1. /mmc/etc/priag/priag.conf
2. /mmc/etc/priag/extensions.conf
5. TMG related files:
1. /mmc/opt/tmg/etc/cdot_tmg.conf
6. AGENT related files:
1. NGTJ Card Agent:
1. /mmc/AGENT/snmp/cardagent/snmpd.conf
2. /mmc/AGENT/snmp/cardagent/gatewayagentdev.conf

2. PRIAG Agent:
1. /mmc/AGENT/PRIAG/cagent/conf/agent.conf
2. /mmc/AGENT/PRIAG/cagent/conf/device.conf
3. /mmc/AGENT/PRIAG/cagent/conf/service.conf
4. /mmc/AGENT/PRIAG/cagent/conf/dev-conf-agent.conf
5. /mmc/AGENT/PRIAG/cagent/conf/ems-agent.conf

3. TMG Agent:
1. /mmc/AGENT/TMG/cagent/conf/agent.conf
2. /mmc/AGENT/TMG/cagent/conf/device.conf
3. /mmc/AGENT/TMG/cagent/conf/service.conf
4. /mmc/AGENT/TMG/cagent/conf/dev-conf-agent.conf
5. /mmc/AGENT/TMG/cagent/conf/ems-agent.conf

4. V5AG Agent:
1. /mmc/AGENT/V5AG/cagent/conf/agent.conf
2. /mmc/AGENT/V5AG/cagent/conf/device.conf
3. /mmc/AGENT/V5AG/cagent/conf/service.conf
4. /mmc/AGENT/V5AG/cagent/conf/dev-conf-agent.conf
5. /mmc/AGENT/V5AG/cagent/conf/ems-agent.conf

7. Overall card related files:

1. /jffs/conf/net
2. /mmc/

2. Ensure that the latest PSG deliverables are loaded on the NGTJ AE3 card as :
S/no Deliverable-Name
1. NGTJ.u-boot.bin.VER53 (UBOOT)
3. NGTJ.dtb.VER53 (DTB)
4. NGTJ.rfs.s.VER52 (RAM-RFS)

3. Jack-out the SLM cards to avoid any over-writing of IP address/configuration during


4. Jack-in a spare AE3 card in a free slot, such as for a slot of non-working EBM card.

5. Give AE3 NGTJ card some (local/spare/unrelated/non-clashing) IP address to access


6. Format the mtdblock3, nand flash using the commands:

cd /cdot/bin

7. After this, mount nand flash on /mmc using the command:

cd /cdot/bin

8. Transfer mmc RFS file RFS_MMC-V05 to the /mmc partition of the NGTJ AE3 card and
untar it on /mmc to copy the mmc rfs on the NGTJ AE3 card.

9. Run the auto installation script

(, using the
release/patch files for CACU NGTJ in such a way that the NGTJ AE3 card has the IP
address matched with that used in the installation script.

10. Do not reboot the card and load the backed-up files from the SE3 card in the step-1
to the NGTJ AE3 card.

11. Jack-out the NGTJ AE3 card from the temporary slot to the designated slot where the
SE3 card was previously jacked in and E1s etc are terminating.

Q29. What entries are required for PRI Configuration?

Please find below screenshot for PRI Configuration:
Enter the value of port_id : 0-32

Procedure to check whether V5/AN-RAXs are working or not

Login into NGTJ card using ssh command.

#ssh root@<IP address of NGTJ card>

Go to /mmc/ngtj folder.

#cd /mmc/ngtj

Give command ./service status all at /mmc/ngtj location and ensure all applications must be UP.

At /mmc/ngtj location, give command ./service v5 fe and login into V5 FE using Username admin
and Password admin123.

For checking status of AN-RAXs, select 3, 2, 3 and then 7 option for ALL Status for all AN-RAXs.
Then it will display status of all AN-RAXs. AN-RAXs AI status may be in AI-INS, AI-OOS or AI –

Type Ctrl+C to exit and return to command prompt.

If AN-RAXs are in OOS then again launch V5 FE using Username admin and admin123 and
then select option 3, 2 and then 1. Then give 3 option Start-AI. Success message will be

Then check for the status in Display-All-AI-Info option after selecting 3, 2, 3, 7 options and then
1 for ALL AI info. AI status must be AI-INS.

If AI are not in service then check E1 connectivity of particular AN-RAX and reset AN-RAX if
required. LED on front face plate of NGTJ card must be Green. If LED turns Red then physically
E1 is Down.

Dial particular number of same AN-RAX, check for RBT and speech.

For checking PCM AN-RAX wise, use following command to check TX & RX for particular AN-RAX

#ssh root@<IP Address of NGTJ card>

Default Password is root
#cd /proc/mccinfo
#cat 4

Note: if PCM is connected on DTK 5 physically then cat 4 and TX, RX both should increase.
b. Following cases that is No RBT and No Dial-tone are observed at actual operational site,

In Case of No Dial-tone
1. If no dial-tone is observed then please make sure that all processes must be UP.

2. If still problem persists then give ag stop and ag start

#cd /mmc/ngtj
#. /service ag stop
#. /service ag start

3. Again check all processes which must be UP in NGTJ card.

#cd /mmc/ngtj
#./service status all

In Case of No RBT

1. If no RBT is observed in NGTJ (CACU) card then please install TMPCH patch.
2. Download TMPCH.tar from cdot helpline portal in CACU and copy below link and paste in Internet

3. Go to Access Software Package Downloads --- Patches --- CACU PATCH TAR.
4. Untar CACU PATCHES TAR Ball using below command and is follows:

tar –xvf CACU_PATCHES.tar


5. FTP CACU PATCHES TAR to /mmc location in NGTJ card.

ftp < NGTJ card IP>

Enter Username root and Password root
Type bi and press Enter key
Type ha and press Enter key

Go to /mmc location in NGTJ card using below command
cd /mmc
Type mp TMPCH.tgz and press y and Enter key
Type bye and press Enter key.

6. Login into card using ssh and default Password root.

ssh root@<card IP>

7. Go to /mmc in NGTJ card

cd /mmc

8. Untar TMPCH.tgz in the same location in NGTJ card and run Read_dsp_ch & command in same

tar –xvzf TMPCH.tgz ( This command will create TMPCH Folder)

./Read_dsp_ch &

Now check RBT and Dial-tone in AN-RAX.

Note: If still problem persists then re-install RFS and Release in NGTJ card from scratch after
formatting mmc as per the procedure.

Q30. How to configure and connect POI to CACU and MAX-NG Core Network?

For connecting POI to CACU System,
Please identify E1/PCM and identify Trans and Receive from distant end.
After logging into NGTJ card,
#cd /cdot/bin

The Status of E1 must be UP.

For example, if PCM is connected to 5th port physically then logically while checking E1 status
E1 [4] must be UP.
Then after this, please contact respective C-DOT Core Team for configuration of POI.

Q31. How to modify AI using MOD-AI command?


First block all the links in the AI, and then use this command with expected
we can modify only following parameters of AI:
AI Name, areaCode, numLinks, logical port number, logical link id

3-2-2-4: Parameters required for Modify AI ( MOD-AI )


Enter the AI Num ( 1 - 150 ) :[e.g. 1] : 59

Old AI Attr for AI(59):

AI Name:bhinjhawada, areaCode:07692, numLinks:1, 0-0,

****Enter new configuration of AI[59]*****

Enter the AI Name [e.g. Varanasi-CITY ] : Varanasi-CITY

Enter the numLinks : 1-16: [e.g. 1] : 1

Enter the Logical PortId[0] :0 - 31: [e.g. 0] : 0

Note: Entered to use DTK-1
Enter logical Link Id[0] :0 - 250 : [e.g. 0] : 12

Enter AI Area Code (Length [1-6]) [e.g. 011] : 011

Want to Repeat/Terminate/Execute the command (R/T/E) : e



LAGU Related Problems are as follows:

Q1. How to login into NGTJ card and stop all processes in NGTJ card?


Please give below command to login into NGTJ card and is as follows:

ssh root@<self IP address of NGTJ card>

Note: Default password is root.

Give following commands to stop processes.

#chroot /mmc
#cd /etc
#./ 1 or 2 ( 1 for Simplex and 2 for Duplex)

All processes will be stopped.

Q2. What to do in case of No Dial tone or Permanent Dial tone?

1. Check Level 4 or Level 5 in NGTJ card.

#ssh root@<Card IP>
#tail –f /mmc/tmp/lag_init.log

2. Check status of TIC card and should be in service.

#telnet <FVIP of LAGU System> 3333
(Enter username root and password public.)
#displ unit_sts all

If TIC card is out of service, take DGN of particular TIC card after making TIC card out of
service. If DGN is OK then make TIC card in service. If DGN fails them change TIC card by
working TIC card

3. Check status of LCC card and line status of particular subscriber or LCC card.
#displ card_sts rack=1 frame=1 slot=5 (which will show subscriber status as IDLE,
4. Check whether this problem is of particular subscriber or all subscribers of
particular frame or all frames in Exchange.

5. If still dial tone is not coming, then replace TIC, SPC and TUI cards by
working set of TIC, SPC and TUI cards.

6. Also change SPC and TUI card if problem persists.

7. Also take dgn of PIC/NGTJ card as well. PIC/NGTJ card should be out
of service.
8. If DGN is OK, then make TIC card in service in another copy of same frame.
9. If problem still persists, change NGTJ card by working and prepared NGTJ
card and check dial-tone after making NGTJ card UP.
10. Even after changing NGTJ card, problem still persists then contact C-DOT
Access Team.
11. If problem got resolved then check all types of calls from LAGU System.
12. If all TIC cards are not coming in service, also check TSI card and TSI card
fuse. If TIC 1, TIC 2, TIC 3 and TIC 4 are not coming in service, also check type of
TIC card for example C type TIC card.

Q3. What to do in case of Speech Related Issue?

1. Login into NGTJ card by ssh command.

# ssh root@<FVIP of NGTJ card>
Note: For FVIP of card, please refer to Site IP list given in MAX-NG Project
Rollout Management portal.

2. Card must be UP and should be in Level 4 or 5 depending on connectivity.

3. Check active DSP IP in NGTJ card in lag_sys.conf file and ping active DSP IP of
NGTJ card using following commands and are as follows:
#cat /mmc/etc/lag_sys.conf
#ping <Active DSP IP of NGTJ card>
4. If DSP IP is not pinging then give soft reboot to NGTJ card and again ping DSP
IP after making card UP.
5. If there is one way speech in all numbers then interchange TIC copy by
giving switchover command through CLI keep TIC cards in duplex mode.
6. If spare controller cards are available, kindly replacing faulty set of TIC, SPC and
TUI cards by working set of cards.
7. If problem still persists them give hard reboot to NGTJ card as per below
# ssh root@<self IP of NGTJ card>
#mount /dev/mtdblock0 /jffs2
#cd /jffs2/conf

#./ 1 or 2 (1 for Simplex and 2 for Duplex)


8. Check if speech is not coming in particular subscriber or all subscribers of

particular LCC card or all subscribers of particular frame or in all frames of particular
9. If speech is not coming in particular subscriber then problem may be related
to phone instrument, LCC port.
10. If speech is not coming in all subscribers of particular LCC card then
replace faulty LCC card by working LCC card.
11. If speech is not coming in particular frame then TIC card may be faulty. Try
replacing complete set of TIC (TIC card, SPC and TUI card) by working set of
TIC, SPC and TUI card.
12. If this issue is being observed in all subscribers of particular LAGU System
then ping active DSP IP of LAGU System of corresponding site.
Command: ping <Active DSP IP of LAGU System>

This can also be seen from IP list and also from lag_sys.conf file at /mmc/etc path
in NGTJ card.
After logging into NGTJ card,
#cd /mmc/etc
#cat lag_sys.conf

13. If problem is being faced with particular PSTN/Mobile operator then

kindly contact relevant Core Team.
If problem got resolved then please check all types of Local/STD/Mobile calls.

10. If. Even after hard rebooting NGTJ card, problem persists then please
change NGTJ card by prepared and working NGTJ card.
11. Even if problem is not getting solved then please contact C-DOT
MAX-NG Access Team.

Q4. What to do in case of Incoming/Outgoing Calls Related Issue?

1. Check NGTJ card status. Card must be UP and should be in Level 4 or Level 5
depending on connectivity.
#ssh root@<FVIP of NGTJ card>
#tail -f /mmc/tmp/lag_init.log
#ping <Core SBC DomainName>

For example: and for

Gurugram Core site & Chandigarh Core is for
Bhopal Core Site.

Note: Domain Name should ping for getting NGTJ card in Level 5.

2. Check intra-LAG call and speech after disconnecting E1/Ethernet cable from Core
network. Please check subscriber status in Class 5 Soft switch through GUI. If in
Level 4 call is OK then please ask Core team to take trace and if problem is related
to Core Network.

3. Check for outgoing barred and incoming barred facilities in Class 5 Softswitch
4. Also check Inter-LAG call after reconnecting E1/Ethernet cable.
5. If call is not connecting in Level 4 then kindly contact C-DOT MAX-NG
Access Team.
6. If any announcement is heard after dialing number, kindly contact C-DOT
MAX-NG Core team in this case.
7. If Speech found OK in NGTJ card then problem is not related to LAGU
System. Kindly contact C-DOT MAX-NG Core Team in this case.
8. After getting checked by MAX-NG Core as well as Access team, check all types
of intra-LAG, inter-LAG, Local Mobile, STD Mobile, PCO and ISD calls.

Q5. If problem is being faced in logging into NGTJ card through
ssh/telnet/minicom ?

1. Before installation, it is very mandatory to note old IP segment of CACU NGTJ cards prepared
& delivered by manufacturer.In SLM card,EBM card IP can be seen through ifconfig command.
2. But in NGTJ (SE3) card,card will be accessed only through Ethernet connection and ssh
command.Give command ssh root@ for setup number 1 but
102.21,103.21,…., for NGTJ1 for setup number 2,3,4,5,6,7,8. For 5th setup
number, IP will be and for second NGTJ card.
3. For LAGU (AE3) NGTJ cards, we can easily login into NGTJ card through minicom.
4. Please note the IP segment of cards prepared by manufacturer (ECIL/BEL). The segment may be,,,,,,
192. 168.107.8, for SLM card depending on setup number.
5. This was for setup number 1. For setup number 2 IPs will be, The total number of
setups prepared by manufacturer at a time is 8. Therefore 192.168.10x.xx will be the segment of
cards where 10x may vary from 101 to 108.
6. IP of CACU cards considering setup number 1 may be as follows:
SLM- (FVIP), SLM1-, SLM2- NGTJ1 –, NGTJ2 –,
EBM1- -, EBM2 –
MLS1 –, MLS2 –

Q6. How to login into NGTJ card?
Ans . To login into NGTJ card , please use ssh command

ping <IP address of NGTJ card>

ssh root@<FVIP of NGTJ card>

Q7. How to check if LAGU System is working or not?

For checking NGTJ card (LAGU), please login into NGTJ card using ssh command.

ssh root@<IP address of NGTJ card> Username is

root and Password is root.

Give command

tail –f /mmc/tmp/lag_init.log

Card should be in Level 5 means LAGU is connected

to core network. If card is in Level 4 then card is

working in standalone mode. Intra-LAG calls will

connect in standalone mode.

Q8. How to check DSP MAC address and DSP IP

address in NGTJ card?

Ans. To check DSP MAC address, give command. /get_dspmac at /cdot/bin location.
#cd /cdot/bin

Also check DSP MAC in lag_sys.conf at /mmc/etc/ path

cd /mmc/etc

cat lag_sys.conf


cat /mmc/etc/lag_sys.conf

Check for dspipmac=

In this file, DSP MAC is present and entry is in decimal only. Convert Hexadecimal
to decimal. DSP MAC in Hexadecimal can be seen by this procedure after logging
into NGTJ card.

ssh root@<IP address of NGTJ card>

cd /cdot/bin

#cat /mmc/etc/lag_sys.conf
Entry in decimal format must be shown.

Q9. How to change DSP MAC address in lag_sys.conf?

Ans. If DSP address is clashing with other card in same network then we need to change after verifying
with manufacturer.

Check DSP MAC in decimal in lag_sys.conf file

#cat /mmc/etc/lag_sys.conf
Check for dspipmac=
#vi /mmc/etc/lag_sys.conf
Press “i” key for insert mode and edit MAC address using arrow keys in keyboard.
Press “:wq!” for save and quit lag_sys.conf file.
cat /mmc/etc/lag_sys.conf
chroot /mmc
cd /mmc/etc
./ 2
tail –f /tmp/lag_init.log
Note: Convert Hexadecimal value to Decimal value.

For DSP MAC in Hexadecimal,

Please give command after logging into NGTJ card,
$cd /cdot/bin

In this file, DSP MAC is present and entry is in decimal only. Convert Hexadecimal
to decimal. DSP MAC in Hexadecimal can be seen by this procedure after logging
into NGTJ card.

Q10. How to change MAC Address of SLM, EBM, NGTJ, MLS cards?

Ans. To check MAC Address of cards, login into respective cards use ifconfig command.
If any of MAC address clashes with some other entity in same network then please contact Manufacturer
and ask MAC address for card type and Serial Number.
After booting card stop Auto boot after pressing a key and use setenv command.

Command for SLM: "set eth1addr <eth1-mac-addr in Hexadecimal>"

Command for EBM: "set ethaddr <eth0-mac-addr in Hexadecimal>"
Command for NGTJ: “set ethaddr < eth0-mac-addr in Hexadecimal>”

Give saveenv command press Enter.

Give boot command then press Enter.

Note: for EBM card ethaddr has to be set.

Q11. How to check connectivity to core network?

Ans. For checking connectivity to core network, ping SBC IP of the corresponding core
network. For example, ping for Gurugram Core Network, for
Chandigarh Core Network, for Cuttack core Network. Refer MAX-NG core
IP details for complete Core IP details.

In case core network is not reachable, use traceroute command from CACU cards &
tracepath command from Thin Client PC to check upto which node MAX-NG Access
Network is reachable.

traceroute (from CACU & LAGU cards)

tracepath (from Thin Client PC)

Q12. How to give soft reboot and hard reboot to NGTJ card?

Ans. For soft rebooting NGTJ card,

ssh root@<self IP address of NGTJ card> chroot


cd /etc

./ 1 or 2 (1 for Simplex and 2 for Duplex)

For hard rebooting NGTJ card,

ssh root@<self IP address of NGTJ card>

mount /dev/mtdblock0 /jffs2
cd /jffs2/conf

./ 1 or 2 (1 for Simplex and 2 for Duplex

Q13. How to verify the current patch installed on LAG?
Ans. Login into NGTJ card using ssh command.
#ssh root@< IP Address of NGTJ card>

Password will be asked and default Password is root.

Give command cat /mmc/etc/lagpatch after logging into NGTJ card.
#cat /mmc/etc/lagpatch

Note : # is not entered while giving commands.

Q14. How to check the gateway entries in lag_sys.conf file in case one Uplink is down and
call is not getting connected while testing Uplink Redundancy?

Ans. Login into NGTJ card using ssh command.

#ssh root@< IP Address of NGTJ card>
#route –n
Note: route –n will show Active Gateway IP in NGTJ card which should be also Active MLS card
with same IP address connected to MAX-NG Core Network.

Password will be asked and default Password is root.

Give command cat /mmc/etc/lag_sys.conf after logging into NGTJ card.
#cat /mmc/etc/lag_sys.conf

In lag_sys.conf file , dspipgw and dspipgw1 should be MLS1 and MLS2 IP for example 10.x.x.4 and
If wrong entries are present then please edit lag_sys.conf file using vi editor in NGTJ card.
#vi /mmc/etc/lag_sys.conf
Press í’ for insert mode and edit file using up,down,left,right and backspace keys then after making
changes please press Esc key ‘:wq!’ to save file. Then file can be checked using cat command.
#cat /mmc/etc/lag_sys.conf

Q15. How to check packet loss between LAG & Core network and how to resolve?

Ans. For checking packet loss, use ping command.

#ping < SBC Core FVIP of respective Core Network>

Note: For example Gurugram Core Network, SBC IP is and Chandigarh Core Network is

If there is packet loss, then it will show Packet loss when Ctrl+C is pressed and command prompt
comes. Then please make sure that traffic passes through Active MLS link (Uplink) which is MLS1
and MLS2 in the MAX-NG network.
#route –n
In routes, MLS1 and MLS2 IPs are shown.
If wrong IPs are present, then please check gateway IP in lag_sys.conf file in NGTJ card
After logging into NGTJ card,
#cat /mmc/etc/lag_sys.conf
Please check dspipgw and dspipgw1 entries, if found wrong then please edit using vi editor in NGTJ
#vi /mmc/etc/lag_sys.conf
Press í’ for insert mode and edit file using up,down,left,right and backspace keys then after making
changes please press Esc key ‘:wq!’ to save file. Then file can be checked using cat command.

#cat /mmc/etc/lag_sys.conf
After editing lag_sys.conf file, then please give soft shutdown and restart to NGTJ card.
#ssh root@<self IP address of NGTJ card> (For copy0 use selfeth0)
#cd /mmc/etc
#./ 1 or 2
(1 for Simplex and 2 for Duplex)
#tail –f /tmp/lag_init.log
Note: Check for Level 5 in NGTJ card.

Q16. How to check status of TIC card, LCC card and subscriber status?

For CLI,

telnet <IP of NGTJ card> 3333 (3333 is the port code)

Username is root and Password is public

For status of TIC cards;

displ unit_sts all

For status of subscribers and Line cards;

displ card_sts rack= frame= slot= (Rack=1,2; Frame=1,2,3,4 slot= 3-10 & 17-24)

(IDLE,BUSY & mnt-busy can be seen) ; mnt-busy means

subscriber is not created at TEN TEN = Rack-Frame-slot-ckt
(ONLY for status in CLI)

Q17. How to check if problem is related to Core or Access System?

Ans. To identify the kind of problem whether it is related to access or core network,
follow below procedure
Disconnect E1/Ethernet cable from core network

And check call once LAG card is in Level 4. If call is not getting connected in Level 4 then
contact MAX-NG Access team and if problem is coming after connecting core network to
LAGU System then please contact MAX-NG Core team of corresponding core network.

Q18. How to replace faulty NGTJ card?

Ans. If you are having another NGTJ card with different IP address, following are the

(A) Replace mmc card from original card in the card which has to be replaced.

Update net file at /jffs2/conf location

#mount /dev/mtdblock0 /jffs2

#cd /jffs2/conf

#vi net

Change IP address of same working copy in net file at /jffs2/conf location and DSP MAC
address in /mmc/etc/lag_sys.conf file in NGTJ card through minicom cable. Give lag
pre-reboot and give restart to NGTJ card.

Press í’ key for insert mode and edit IP address of self-copy that is for either copy-0 or
copy-1 and press wq! , and then press Enter.

#cat net

#cd /cdot/bin


#cat /mmc/etc/lag_sys.conf

Change DSP MAC in lag_sys.conf file at /mmc/etc/ location.

#cat /mmc/etc/lag_sys.conf
Check for dspipmac=
Update DSP MAC

Again check IP address and gateway in net

#./lag_pre_reboot,sh 2 ( 1 for Simplex mode or 2 for Duplex mode)


(B) Take the prepared NGTJ card having latest software as per the site requirement.

#mount /dev/mtdblock0 /jff2

#cd /jffs2/conf

#vi net

Press í’ key for insert mode and edit IP address of self-copy that is for either copy-0 or
copy-1 and press wq! and then press Enter.

#cat net

Q19. How to install RFS in NGTJ card?

Note : If chroot /mmc is not executing then RFS needs to be installed or application is
not working properly.
Command to Unmount mmc

#umount -l /dev/mtdblock3 (For CACU)

#umount -l /dev/mmcblk0 (For LAGU)

Note:-If not unmounted by these commands, then do this activity.

#mount /dev/mtdblock0 /jffs2

#cd /jffs2/conf

#vi net --------------------- (remove all the entry except ip details)

For instance-:

ifconfig eth0 down

ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast up

route add default gw

Press Esc and “:wq!” to save the file

#cat net

#chmod 777 net


After rebooting again login the card.

2 ) Format the mmc

#mkfs.ext3 /dev/mtdblock3 (For CACU)

#mkfs.ext3 /dev/mmcblk0 (For LAGU)


#mount -t ext3 -o noatime,data=writeback,commit=200 /dev/mtdblock3 /mmc (For CACU)

#mount -t ext3 -o noatime,data=writeback,commit=200 /dev/mmcblk0 /mmc (For LAGU)

Note: - After mounting the mmc check it's size by df command,It should be 2% to 3%

#df -h

3) SCP the RFS file from other terminal at /dev/ path.

Open terminal in Thin Client PC.

From Thin Client PC,

Example -:

#scp -r MXNG-NGTJ-LTIB-V05.tar root@

Note: is IP Address of NGTJ card and /dev is the location in the NGTJ card. Then it
will ask for NGTJ card Password.

4 ) Login into NGTJ card


#cd /mmc

#tar -xvf /dev/MXNG-NGTJ-LTIB-V05.tar

( It will take around 5 to 10 minutes to Untar the file.)

5 ) Give command chroot /mmc after logging into NGTJ card. If prompt sh-2.05b# comes, that
means your RFS install successfully.

#chroot /mmc

Q20. How to assign & activate Hotline Facility to LAG Subscriber?


1. Open CLI of NGTJ card in which subscriber exists.

#telnet <IP Address of LAGU System> 3333
2. Enter Username as root and Password as public
3. Enter force command for help and copy force line_oos.
#force line_oos ten=1-2-3-4 ( 1-2-3-4 is just an example)
4. Type mod and press Enter
5. Copy mod sub_org_fac dirno=22000 facility=2

# mod sub_org_fac dirno=22000 facility=2 htln_dirno=222475

Note: Calls for dirno 22000 will terminate on 222475.
6. Type activate for help and copy activate command.
#activate sub_org_fac dirno=22000 facility=2
7. Enter force command for help and copy force line_ins.

#force line_ins ten=1-2-3-4 ( 1-2-3-4 is just an example)

8. Check Subscriber status which must be idle

#displ card_sts rack=1 frame=2 slot=3

Q21. How to deactivate Hotline Facility to LAG Subscriber?


1. Open CLI of NGTJ card in which subscriber exists.

#telnet <IP Address of LAGU System> 3333
2. Enter Username as root and Password as public
3. Enter force command for help and copy force line_oos.
#force line_oos ten=1-2-3-4 ( 1-2-3-4 is just an example)
4. Type mod for help and copy activate command.
#mod sub_org_fac dirno=22000 facility=0
5. Type deactivate for help and copy activate command.
#deactivate sub_org_fac dirno=22000 facility=0

6. Enter force command for help and copy force line_ins.

#force line_ins ten=1-2-3-4 (1-2-3-4 is just an example)

7. Check Subscriber status which must be idle

#displ card_sts rack=1 frame=2 slot=3

Q22. How to prepare LAGU copy 0 to copy 1 or vice-versa at RSU site or co-located BM?

Ans. To prepare copy 0 to copy1 or vice versa, please mount jffs2 first and change IP address in NGTJ
card as per copy 0 and copy 1. For example, IP address of copy0 is and and
floating IP address is

For copy 0 , please enter below commands and are as follows:

chroot /mmc
cd /etc
vi lag_sys.conf
copy =0
selfeth0 =
selfeth1 =
mateeth0 =
mateeth1 =
floatip =
softswip =
portno = 5060
actdspipaddr =
sbydspipaddr =
dspipmask =
dspipbrod =
dspipgw =
dspipgw1 =
dspipsrvr =
dspipmac =
ntpsrvr =
featserver =
dnsbasedrouting = yes
prssip =,

For changing copy 0 to copy 1 of NGTJ card , please make following changes:

Net file

mount /dev/mtdblock0 /jffs2

cd /jffs2/conf
vi net

/sbin/ifconfig eth0 down

/sbin/ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast
/sbin/route add default gw dev eth0 metric 1
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 up
pkill display_e1_led
mount -t ext3 -o noatime,data=writeback,commit=200 /dev/mmcblk0 /mmc
sleep 10
/cdot/bin/set_ngtj_mode 1
sleep 2
/mmc/etc/SWINST/EXE/swbe_lag.exe &
echo "starting"
chroot /mmc /etc/
sleep 5
/mmc/usr/bin/lagbkrs_start &
#making linuxagent as daemon process

Note : For changing IP address make sure IP address corresponding to required copy
must be entered . Above is the example for copy 0


Q1. What should be the checksum of ARC card in AN-RAX?


Details of ARC Card Eproms in AN-RAX Rel. R12.2

Position Checksum
U2 E89E
U20 FCF5

Q2. How to keep the only POI in MAX?


Step 1:

Insert digit 55 (choose any digits, which is not having any level or route in the MAX System) as prefix digits in the incoming

Step 2:

Create a route 552 having the TGP choice towards CACU end as 55 is prefixed.

Step 3:

Set the ROD=3 for the outgoing TGP towards CACU end.

Step 4:

Insert digit 56 (choose any digits, which is not having any level or route in the MAX System) as prefix digits in the incoming

Step 5:

Create a route 56X (depending on Level of POI and X is the level) having the TGP choice towards POI end.

Step 6:

Set the ROD=3 for the outgoing TGP towards the POI end.


Q1. How to assign IP Address to Thin Client PC?

Please give root permission to User after opening terminal
Give command su and press Enter. Then enter default password as root.

Note: Above entries are indicative only. Please enter Entries as per specific site details.
Download IP Details from MAX-NG Rollout Management portal.

Q2. How to configure Thin Client PC?

Ans. For preparation of Thin Client PC, refer to Appendix-I in MAX-NG ACCESS SOFTWARE
INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION document which is available in C-DOT MAX-NG Helpline Portal


Q3. How to make directory in Thin Client PC?

Ans. To make directory in Thin Client use mkdir command.

a. Open Terminal.

b. Give command mkdir <Directory Name>

#cd /home/ubuntu/Desktop

#mkdir <Directory Name>

Q4. How to transfer file from NGTJ card to Thin Client PC?

Ans. Open terminal in Thin Client PC and make sure that IP and Gateway should be added.

IP address can be checked by ifconfig command.


#cd < Location in Thin Client PC where file is present >

#ftp < NGTJ card IP>

Note: Default Username is root and default Password is root.

Type bi command and press Enter.

Type ha command and press Enter.

#cd /mmc/ngtj (Go to specific directory in NGTJ card where file is required to be

#mp <filename>

(Press Y and File will be transferred and returns to prompt)


Q5. If a user forgets the root password in Thin Client PC then how to change the password?

Ans. Login into ubuntu user with password cdot123

Open terminal and give command su passwd root

#su passwd root

Enter new password root123 and Re-type password root123.

Then password tokens will be changed.

Q6. How to check JRE java plugin for browser?

Q7. If EMS is not opening then what settings need to be checked?

Q8. Why Uboot in LAG NGTJ card is required?


It is mandatory to load the uboot version 53 on the RSU LAGU NGTJ cards with E1 connectivity for

2 E1s or more than 2 E1s and to load dtb version 53 on the CACU NGTJ cards.



Basic configuration

To configure the network with dual Gateway, given configuration have to be done.

1. Make sure that Both the MLS card must be configured as per the Document.
2. Cross check the VLAN ID provided, it should be same at both end (PE Router and MLS).
3. Port configuration is also same as per the PE Router side (Either Auto or 1GB).

4. Priority must be save for both MLS, it should be higher for 1st MLS and lower for 2nd (0
being highest priority)
5. BFD Configuration at PE Router must be done.

6. LAN pool must be published at PE router end, behind each WAN Interface (IPTAX, SSTP,

7. The corresponding uplink must be in sync i.e. LED corresponding to the uplink (Port 21,
22) in MLS must be glowing green.

Dual Gateway Verification

To crosscheck for dual uplink connectivity, we have make sure that core is reachable from the
CACU for both the uplinks. To verify it, follow the given points.

1. Connect the Thinclient and CACU with the LAN IP provided. Crosscheck with ifconfig

2. Check the gateway in Thinclient, it should be IP of 1st MLS. Crosscheck with route -n
command. If gateway is not present, add with command “route add default gw <IP of
MLS 1st > “.
3. Remove 2nd uplink and ping both the MLS card and other CACU cards, all IP must ping
without packet loss.
4. Ping WAN IP of PE Router side, all IP must ping without packet loss.

5. Ping CORE server, all IP should ping without any packet loss. (If CORE IP is not pinging,
make sure that LAN pool is published at PE Router end).

6. Take traceroute from Thin client to CORE IP, it must be passed from the 1st uplink IP. Use
command traceroute< IP > or tracepath< IP>.

7. Remove the 1st uplink and insert the 2nd uplink.

8. Add the Gateway for 2nd MLS in Thin Client PC and remove the 1st MLS IP. (add with
“route add default gw <IP of MLS 2nd > “ and remove with command “route del default gw

<IP of MLS 1st > “).


9. Repeat the points 3,4,5,6 for 2nd uplink also.
10. Now insert the both uplink, and ping all the network again. It must be ping without any
packet loss.

11. Once CACU is installed with the latest patch and release, Gateway must change
automatically in all cards of CACU when remove any of the uplink. While in Thin Client
PC, user have to be added the Gateway IP manually.

Checklist to verify the reachability of Network

Ping status between different entities:-

Thinclient to CACU YES No

Thinclient to PE Router YES No

Thinclient to CORE YES No

Thinclient to LAGU YES No

CACU to PE Router YES No




LAGU to PE Router YES No




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