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Free trade.

The world is becoming more globalized. While that sounds promising, but free trade and open markets are coming
under much criticism. Protectionism (протекционизм) means protection of domestic industries, it sets up high
customs tariffs, regulates the access to the markets, establishes quotas and etc. All that limits import and
competition, adding to importers’ costs.
Free trade is international buying and selling of goods, without limits on the amount of goods that one country can
sell to another, and without special taxes on the goods bought from a foreign country. That’s not bad, but don’t
forget that “freeing“ of trade from regulation and liberalization of access to resources or other strategic industries
can damage the country’s economy and infant industries. Another problem is the notion of fairness and fair
competition. Often the nations that promote free trade for all, want to practice protectionism for themselves.
Perhaps, completely free competition and trade are not possible in today’s world, and so both industrialized and
developing countries form trade blocks to develop international trade and make its beneficial for themselves.
Examples include such blocks as WTO, NAFTA, OPEC and so on.

Fair trade.
Fair trade is an alternative approach to conventional trade and it’s based on a partnership between producers and
consumers. Also it’s focuses in particular on exports from developing countries to developed countries.

Fair trade’s strategic intent is to support marginalized producers and workers to make them competitive in
international trade.

But some experts are against Fair Trade. They are convinced that Fair Trade products don’t aid long-term economic
development. Moreover many people think that Fair Trade might become a policy forcing everybody to pay over
the market price for commodities. Also there is an opinion that corruption in Fair Trade is developed.

Finally, I would like to say that maybe someone thinks that this trade is really fair, but maybe this organization just
wants to seem good.

Calibry staff

An organization’s capacity is to identify, attract and retain high performing people who can develop winning
strategies that bring competitive advantages. High performers are people with limitless energy and enthusiasm.
They are full of ideas and get things done quickly and effectively. The problem is that people of this quality are very
attractive to rival companies and can be head-hunted. High performers generally leave because organizations
don’t know how to keep them. To retain good staff you should motivate your employees. Employee motivators
include: good salaries, working conditions, promotion opportunities, employer flexibility, feeling part of a team,
opportunities for independences and thinking.

A platform for self-development should be provided. Work must be varied and time should be available for
mastering new skills. Above all high performers want to feel special for organization. If an organizations does
invest in its people, it is much more likely to win loyalty from them and to create a community of talent and high
performance that will worry competitors.

Apply for a job

Everyone faced the challenge of finding work. There are some tips to help people get a job of their dreams.

First, find the correct job ad. Send your employer your CV and covering letter. Remember, your CV should be
accurate, orderly, in it you need to highlight such aspects as qualifications, the desired level of salary, your
knowledge and skills, personal traits, among other basic personal data.

Further, you might be called in for an interview. For the success of you have to be confident, honest, you should
have a pop talk, to make it clear to the employer that he needed such an employee as you are.
However, not only to people looking for a job, employers are also looking for the necessary staff. Headhunting - is
one of the areas of search and selection of staff. Although more often this definition is associated with the search
for successful people and luring them into their organization, offering certain advantages and privileges. In the
normal search for staff, employers place advertisements that list the duties and benefits of future candidates. Ads
need to be more informative than those of competitors, or future staff simply will not respond to it.

Quality. Practices of maintaining and managing competitive quality.

Delivering good quality is very important to any business. The best way to define quality is to look at customers’
expectations and then to look how a business to meet or exceed those expectations. The job of any business is to
address customers’ needs smoothly, easily and efficiently.

There are some ways to measure the quality. Firstly, companies contact thousands of costumers to understand
how satisfied they are with a product. Also they do extensive tests to find and correct serious production flows.
Manufacturers should always monitore the quality of products. For example, Miele, a global leader in high-quality
domestic appliances, tests its ovens by opening and shutting their doors 60 thousand times to simulate the use in
their kitchens. As a result, the most Miele appliances will work for 20 years, which is longer than comparable

In conclusion, I would like to say that delivering good quality is not something that can be done without any cost
to an organization. In addition, this leads to the fact that good quality usually means high prices.

+ To deal with poor quality, companies offer after-sales service, guarantee and compensation. There are hot lines
of tech support, the consumer can call and clarify all questions about the product.


To stay competitive is the most important thing for being successful on the market. So how to stay competitive?

First, you need to have a very strong brand in the market. You must invest in this brand for a long period of time in
order to achieve a certain level of recognition and stature. Also, you need to compete for the price. This does not
necessarily always mean being the cheapest. And you need to innovate. People always want something new and
interesting, and you have to become a company that gives people this. But ultimately, the way that you remain
competitive is to keep a hold of your customers, providing them good service.

So for example Barclaycard UK credit card company, has created a huge competitive brand in the British market.
The company knows that if they annoy customers, they will leave them. So the more you can do to provide good
service, look after your customers when they’re with you, the more competitive yoe stay.

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