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Practical Phonetics, Year 3, Semester 5

Katia Matsapura, Subgroup 303

1.Look at the words and repeat .

Lock [lɔk]
Lamb [læm]
Lion ['laɪən]
Leaf [li:f]
Lamp  [læmp]
Ladder ['lædə]
Ladybug [leɪdɪbʌg] 
Lizard ['lɪzəd]

2. Expressive reading !
Practical Phonetics, Year 3, Semester 5
Katia Matsapura, Subgroup 303

1. Read the following words and learn them.

Child [ʧaɪld]

Cheese  [ʧi:z]

Chair [ʧeə] 

Chalk [ʧɔ:k]

Cherry ['ʧerɪ] 

2. Read the following tongue – twisters.

 Charles is a cheerful chicken farmer. A poacher is

watching Charles’ chickens choosing which to snatch,
and chuckles at the chance of a choice chicken to
chew for his lunch.
 Cherry teaches children at church. Cherry also checks
the rooms and does chores.

 The teacher changed the question in the challenge. The

challengers changed the answers for the question.
Practical Phonetics, Year 3, Semester 5
Katia Matsapura, Subgroup 303

1.Look and repeat.

[ʤʌʤ] [ʤu:s] [brɪʤ]

2.Read the following sentences carefully.

3.Practice the following tongue-twisters.

1. Jolly juggling jesters jauntily juggled jingling jacks.

2.  Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager

managing an imaginary menagerie?

3. Joyful joggers jog joyously. James, John, Jenny and

Johnny are joggers.
Practice Phonetics, Year 3, Semester 5
Katia Matsapura, Subgroup 303

1. Look at the pictures. Say what you see on them.

( Sheep [ʃi:p] , shirt [ʃɜ:t] , shoes   [ʃu:z] , shark   [ʃɑ:k] )

2.Practice the following tongue-twisters.

Practical Phonetics, Year 3, Semester 5
Katia Matsapura, Subgroup 303

1. Read the words below the pictures.

['treʒə] ['mæsɑ:ʒ] [kə'lɪʒ(ə)n] ['telɪ'vɪʒ(ə)n]

2. Read the following words paying attention to correct pronunciation.

Conclusion [kən'klu:ʒ(ə)n] Vision['vɪʒ(ə)n]

Decision [dɪ'sɪʒ(ə)n] Asia ['eɪʒə]
Occasion  [ə'keɪʒ(ə)n] Confusion[kən'fju:ʒ(ə)n] 
Pleasure Pleasure Illusion [ɪ'lu:ʒ(ə)n]

3.Practice the following tongue-twisters.

1. I measure my pleasure in treasure.

2.The girl usually uses red rouge [ru:ʤ] but she decided to change to beige.
3.The pleasurable occasion ended in a judicial collision due to faulty vision.
4. Watching television without measure can be a limiting pleasure.

Practical Phonetics, Year 3, Semester 5,

Katia Matsapura, Subgroup 303

1. Read the words below the pictures.

[kɪŋ] [ki:] [keɪk] [kʌp]

2.Say the sentences out loud.

1.Carol called Doctoc Carter.

2.Can you see the camel’s back?

3.Carl caught the stomach flu.

5.Carmen makes cartoons.

6.Jack will break into the cab.

7.Candy looks like Mickey Mouse.

8.I drunk a large cup of coffee.

3.Practice the following tongue-twisters.

1.Kitty caught the kitten in the kitchen.

2.I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.
3.Luke Luck likes lakes.
4.How many cookies could a good cook cook, if a good cook could cook cookies?A good cook
could cook as much cookies. As a good cook who could cook cookies.
Practical Phonetics, Year 3, Semester 5
Katia Matsapura, Subgroup 303

1.Read the following words.

[gɜ:l] [gɜ:l] [gaɪ] ['græn'mʌðə]

2.Train the pronunciation of the words.

gum [gʌm]
game [geɪm]

ghost [gəust]

gate [geɪt]

goat [gəut] 

3.Read the following tongue-twisters.

Green glass
globes glow
A girl sees greenly.
three big
grey geese.
Gus goes
by Blue
Goose Practical Phonetics, Year 3, Semester 5
bus. Katia Matsapura, Subgroup 303

[ð] [θ]
1. Read the words under the pictures.
math [mæθ] teeth [ti:θ] bath [bɑ:θ] mother ['mʌðə] brother['brʌðə]

2.Compare the words in the table. What differences do you see?

[θ] [ð]
voiceless TH voiced TH

thin that

thief this

thumb father

month together

birthday other

thirsty they

3.Practice reading the tongue-twisters paying attention to the target sound.

1. I thought a thought. But the thought I thought

wasn’t the thought I thought I thought. 
2. Thirty thousand thirsty thieves thundered
through the thicket.
3. Thirty thousand thirsty thieves thundered
through the thicket.
4. I can think of six thin things, but I can think of
six thick things too.
5.This medicine is soothing for my rather sore
6.I would rather buy this leather hat than one with
the feathers.

4.Practice this mini-conversation. Pay attention to the target sound.

A I’d like this one and that one.

B How about some of these or some of those?
A That’s a good idea. I’ll take some of those.
B Which ones? These?
A No, those over there.
B How many of them?
A Both of them.
B Will that be all?
A No, I think I’d like another one of these. That’s right.
B There you are. That will be $ 3.50. Is that all?

Practical Phonetics, Year 3, Semester 5

Katia Matsapura, Subgroup 303


1.Read the words below the pictures.

King [kɪŋ] Ring [rɪŋ] Song [sɔŋ] Walking

2.Read carefully and learn it by heart to present in the class.

Gaily tripping,
Lightly skipping.
Flock the maidens to the shipping
Flags and guns pennants dripping!
All the ladies love the shipping.

3.Read the following tongue-twisters.

1.The young sister was singing a rousing song.

2.At the beginning of this morning’s class we were practicing tongue exercises.
3.Without thinking, the King swung on the bell and the bell and it rang with a ting-a-ling.
4.Singing Sammy sung songs on sinking sand.
5.Paying rent, commuting, eating and drinking has been talking all the money I was earning
from typing, writing and publicizing.

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