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27th March

Dear Parents / Guardians

I hope that you and your family remain safe and well. As we head into week three and Easter, we
head into unchartered waters in terms of teaching, learning and state exams.

We must assume that both Junior Cycle and Leaving Cert are proceeding at this stage and we will
continue to do all we can to support the students learning and keep them motivated.

Undoubtedly, 3rd and 6th year will have particular concerns. The cancellation of the orals and some
practicals may have brought concern and perhaps relief to many. Focus and positivity should turn to
the written papers in June. Remember, all students are in the same boat. Our guidance councillor,
SEN and school completion team remain available to all students and parents who wish to raise
particular concerns. Our year heads are also available for advice and support.

I am grateful to all our teachers and staff who are engaging as best they can. Many of them are, like
you balancing work with their own families of young children, school students and elderly relatives. I
appreciate all that you, as parents, are doing to support your son’s learning at home while keeping
them safe and motivated.

The classroom in Marian college, generally follows 5 steps; 1. Preparation, 2 Instruction, 3.

Homework, 4. Self-directed learning and 5. Assessment. Your son can still engage in much of this at
home with access to the teacher/books/notes/exam papers online.


If access to IT is challenging, there are phone apps and educational games. They have their books
and workbooks and should keep going. Read ahead! Students going into 5 th year should take the
opportunity to research their subject choices- look at papers on or

For Wellbeing, restock, recharge and refuel! Rest and eat well. Move!!!! Be kind to yourself and to
others and take a digital detox. (for families as well as students)

The Dept. has asked us, to once again ask you

“to convey to your sons the absolute need to practice social and physical distancing, and to
minimise physical contact with each other, to help avoid the spread of Covid-19”

May St Marcellin our patron saint, look after you all at this time and remember, this time will pass.

Best wishes

Oonagh McCaul

Principal / on behalf of Marian College

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