New American Inside Out Elementary Student Book PDF

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New American nside Out Sue Kay Vaughan Jones Pero Cace Meera TUS) ena Clag i Sev ee 1 Airport Introductions Air travel Nationalities age 4 2 People Favorite things obs Personal details page 10 3 Family Family Lifestyle page 36 4 Different Men & women Likes & istkes| page 22 Review A page 28 5 Days Daaly rout Going out page 32 6 Living Habits Special days page 38 7 Ocean Watersports page 44 8 Alone Feetings Experiences page 50 Review B page 56 Cay © Invroducing yoursaf and saying where you are fom © Exchanging names and numbers © Lemiying objets © © Prrettin (0) Form fling © Favorite things © Discussing ages. @ os © Qvestions to find out personal details ® O Punctuation 2) Persia description © Families © Liestyle Anerdote: Your favorite relative © Sentences about your family, @® O Punctuation). Description ofa family © Differences between men snd women © Likes and dstibes © Ashort personal message ® O Poretuation (0, Email toa new friend ages 28,29: Grammar / Vocabulary © Daily routines @ The weekend © Apertect weekend @D © Sequencing: then, sper (thr) Description ofa perfect day © Habits and frequency © special days Anecdote: Your favorite festwal/ party @D O Poragraph organization. Description ofa festival @ Water sports © Asimple nareative @D O Time expressions. Teling 9 story © Feelings © Arwticod person Aneedote: Your last summer © © Description ofa vacation Pages 30, 31: Reading & Listening. Writ Ce @ Meeting on plane © Going though customs @ Airline telephone numbers 1 Exchanging contact details Useful phrases: Asking for clarification © brad Pit’ favorite things © Inthe world today @ The percentage of women in ‘certain jobs inthe USA, Useful phrases: Greetings and fntocuctions @ Meet the Cotisters © Wroiswe © Wife Exchange Sophie's fvoritereative Useful phrases: Advice @ He or siez @ How aremen and women different? (© Jock and Layla’ kes and distikes @ About me Useful phrases: Expressing opinions 1 Pronunciation review @ seven pertect daily moments (© Interview with three people © Ms Dynamite’s perfect weekend Useful phrases: Ordering and paying Little and Lange @ Tre top three word festivals Conor’s favorit festival Useful phrases: Asking about opening and closing times Thro interviews about watersports Q 1s always warm on the inside @ Shark attack! ‘Useful phrases: Talking about the ‘weather @ Alone at soa @ Ioterview about Debra Veal @ Laura’ last summer vacation @ want tobe alone ‘Useful phrases: Complaints and suggestions Pages 56, 57: Grammar Vocabulary { Pronunciation review ‘Pages 58,59: Reading & Listening. Wsiting (a memorable day) & Speaking, + Song: Dow't Worry, Re Happy @rammar, Qocabulary, & ronuncation @ simple present affirmative. Nouns, ala, sities © Countries. Nationalities. Languages. ‘Common objects. Numbers 0-10 Focus on: instructions (1) © Sounds of the alphabet © Possessive determiners. besimple present © Favorite things. Numbers 1-999, Jobs Focus on: countries and nationalites @ sian @ Posse sh Simple present firma forms Otamiy Fost on nmers © 3 person endings I a! @ Simple present. Objet pronouns © hej do ite + ng Focus on: instructions (2), @ ing sound ‘web profile) & Speaking + Song: She's Got You @ Simple present: daily routine Teling the time {© Days ofthe week. Verb phrases: have and go Focus on: haze @ Long vowel sounds: i) 1 @ Simple present with adverbs of Arequency. Prepositions of time © Vero phrases: ake and do (Ordinal numbers, Months. Dats. Focus on: $0 © Ordinal numbers © Simple post: regular and ireyular afiemative forms © Watersports. Time expressions ae. ‘Time linkers Focus on: mae and do @ evendings @ Simple past: affirmative, negative and {question forms © Feelings. Adjectives Focus on: the weather © Vowel sounds: iregular simple past forms i» _@- Workbook. Fach unit ofthe Workbook contains «one-page section which develops praca writing kills. DE Roly Os Oa ad CT nod CLV TSG ua {9 Hotel @ Hotes, ms, and funiture Forthe vacation of ltime the tere ar omelny hase © Where you want to live @ Your home in the stars. @ Rooms and furniture, Prepositions: oe (D0 Deciptonclyour Una phnme Pblee witha oil tome and Ioeality hotel room Focus on: prepositions of place (1) © Wonds with sent” eters 10 Food © aig nai © fat well enjoy your fod, and @ Countable and uncountable nouns eating @ Fevrts foods lose weight ow much «2 / ow any 2 pas ens © Two people taking about diets Fos and rinks Por Anecdote: Your last great dinner @ Natalie's grat dinner Focus on: prepositions of place (2) @uvencat Useful phrases: Buying a sandwich @ Vowel sounds: same spelling, @ O Aninvitaton ae 11 Looks © Fomly similares @ Amantatking about hisclothes _ @ Present progresive i , el © People’s clothes @ Mz. Average and his clothes © Physical description, Clothes. [2 DO taingsncoes, «TW pnts cing ppt Pal are tare | Description of person arriving atthe Oscars Focus on ge t Useful phrases Buying thes © Consonant sounds: 12 Money © Money @ ssveiaryncom © Comparative and superlative Possessions © How much you pay for things @ The most valuable things adjectives les Abn © taal paver Oise pape: © Money: Big numbers © O Summary of © calling lost property office Focus on ke sraphic data Useful phrases: Descrbing objec @ Schwa Review C ages 64,85: Grammar! Vocabulary / Pronunciation review pose 84 Pages 86 87 Reading & Listening, Writing (racaionemaiD& Speaking * Song: Salling | 13 Talent © How you do things (@ A radio show: Hidden Talents © am for ability. Adverbs of manne. Abilities © Dance © Joaquin Cortés: life in dance Frequency expressions Character is © Gancer © ow do propleraiyseyout © Cerra ©D © Correcting capital leters Useful phrases: Making excuses Focus on: be and spelling. Description of a @ Stress patterns with can talented peron “ww © TW shows © Diesen TV shows @ Future fore: want te woul ie, | Television © Future plans and intentions __@ The Big Brother Show ‘op to, (be) going to frame Ancedot: Your favorite TV show Interview with the winner of TV shows ns The Big Bother Sow Focus on: What .? and He ..2 | page 96 © O tining wort: bu, { Iranse. Completing a form, giving @ Julie's favorite TV show @ semence stress reese Useful phrases Suggestions and offers | ae Oe ee ee {experiences © 014 fends @ Adventure World Travel cor simple past? Cle Anecet An old sdool end Cameron between wockd © Pas perp @ ominsatsaz schoo frends Focus on verbs + prepositions { a text from notes: @ Tom's oldest friend @ Vowel sounds: irregular past ‘Useful phrases: In a restaurant participles. 16 Drive © Driving to work © Driving to work © Questions with prepositions, 5 Travel © Tove @ Interview about Heinz Stacke Tense review Tene ‘Anecdote: Yourlastintoresting drive @® Carl's interesting drive © Prepositions of movement. page 106 Places in a city / the countryside © How you get to work/school Useful phrases: Directions ae { repositions of movement D O sing actives Text onganization, Description of @ Vow! sounds a 9 a joumey i Review D Pages 112, 113: Grammar/ Vocabulary / Pronunciation review page 112 Pages 114, 15: Reading & Listening. Writing (email oan old fiend) & Speaking * Song: Gt Here Pairwork: Student A page 116 + Pairwork: Student B page 121 * Grammar Extra page 126 + Audioseript page 134 = { Phonetic symbols page 182 + Irregular verbs page 143 Airport Grammar be: simple present affirmative. Nouns. o/an. this/these Vocabulary Countries. Nationalities. Languages. Common objects. Numbers 0-10 Useful phrases Asking for clarification Listening 1 @ 1.02 Read and listen to the conversation, Answer the questions. a) What's his name? _b) What's her name? Mike: Hi. Tm Mike, What's your name? lena: Oh, hello. I'm Elena. Mike: Nice to meet you. Listen and repeat. 2 @ 1.03 Read and listen to the conversation. Answer the questions. a) Where's she from?) Where's he from? Mike: Are you American? lena: No, Im not. I'm Brazilian. I'm from Rio de Janeiro. Mike: Oh, Tlove Rio. Tes my favorite city. Flena: Where are you from? Mike: Ym from New York. Listen and repeat. Speaking Introduce yourself to people inthe class. Wi Tm Rosa (rmaon, ) {Nee to meet you (|, oe be tm lam You'te You are He's Hels She's She is It’s itis We're We are Theyre They are Is he Spanish? Yes, he is Vocabulary 1 @ 1.06 Listen and repeat the country and nationality words. Underline the stressed syllables. Country Nationality Language Tm from Tmo 1 speak Brazil Brazilian (1) Portugu Germany German 2) German Italy Italian, o=* Russia Russian © Australia Australian, = Spain Spanish @_ China Chinese == Japan Japanese @_ 2 @ 105 Listen and number (1-6) the languages as you hear them, Italian!) Russian|_| English! Spanish 7 Chinese|_| Japanese 3 Complete the language words in the table in Exercise 1. Underline the stressed syllables. © 1.06 Listen, check, and repeat. 4 Say a country. Your partner says the nationality and the language. Z4 _s Grammar 1. Complete the questions and answers for the pictures (a) a) [she Chinese? Yes, he s } b) Are____Spanish? Yes, they \ 3 itJapanese? Yes, 4) __ Russian? Yes, ©) American? Yes o) British? Yes, © 1.07 Listen, check, and repeat. » Airport Vocabulary & Listening 1 © 1.08 Listen and repeat the words (1-10). 2 tesies 3-2 book 7 a toothbrush 6 an MP3 player 4 an ongnizer '5 a call phone 9 an ape ‘an umbels 10 a came 2 @ 1.09 Read and listen to the conversations. Which is Mike's bag? Which is Elena’s bag? 1 2 Customs: OK. What's in your bag, si? Customs: What's in your bag, ma'am? Mike: Oh, a camera, a toothbrush, Elena: An umbrella, an organizer, a magazine a book Customs: And what's ths, sir? Customs: And what's this? Mike: It’s an MP3 player. Elena: It’s a cell phone. Customs: Hm. And what are these? Customs: And what are these? Mike: They're tickets Elena: They/re tissues. 3 Work with a partner, Practice the conversations. Grammar Nouns 1 Complete the table. Singular hat this? _ Singular Phucal tsa book. / ‘a magazine (1) magazines es an unbrel @) apples Consonant sound @) organizers =a (a pen) @ toothbrushes Vowel sound (2, 3, 9 0) = an (an apple) © 1.20 Listen, check, and repeat Plural What are these? 2. Look at the pictures (a-f). Write questions and answers with this/it and theselthey. green eects 4) Whal’s this? I's a book WReees abook pens keys coins abag, watches @1n isten, check, and repeat. Pronunciation The alphabet 1 @ 1.12 Listen and repeat the vowels A, E, 1, O, U. Sounds Letters Bie ANSE. 2 0119 Listen and repeat the consonants and vowels. iv BCDEGPTVZ i LRN SH 3. @ 1.16 Listen and write the order in which you hear these groups of vowels. jal 1 nefited a) AEIOU ataour CI = a ») AIORU 9 1UAOE gBiAuo Vocabulary Numbers. 1 (1.15 Listen and repeat the numbers. 0 = zero /oh Listening & Speaking 212-634-5789 = to one two 1 Complete the conversation with the information in the box. six thre four - - Five seven eight nine 21-434-1701 It’s Oliveira. O-L- Elena: Goodbye, Mike. Mike: Um, can T see you in Rio? Elena: Yes. Call me, Mike: OK. What's your last name? Elena: (1) Mike: What's your telephone number? Elena: (2) Mike: What's your email address? Flena: (3) Mike: OK. Bye, Elena, See you. © 1.17 Listen, check, and repeat. Work with a partner. Practice the conversation. 2 Ask three people the questions in Exercise 1. Useful phrases 1 | | ’ 3 4 L @ 1.18 Read, listen, and complete the conversation with say, spell, or repeat. Student: How do you (1) say “Francia” in English? Teacher: “France.” ‘Student: How do you (2) _it? Teacher: F-R-A-N-C-E. Student: Ah, yes. “France.” How do you (3) _ Teacher: “Italy.” “Italia” in English? Student: How do you (4) _it? Teacher: IT-A-L-¥. Student: Oh, yes. “Italy.” English is easy. How do you (5) __ “Alemania”? Teacher: "Germany." Student: Excuse me? Teacher: “Germany.” Student: How do you (6) _ it? Teacher: G-E-RM-A-N-Y. Student: Can you (7) that, please? Teacher: G-E-R-M-A-N-Y. Student: OK, thanks. @ 1.19 Listen and repeat the useful phrases, a) How do you say “Francia” in English?) Can you repeat that, please? b) How do you spell it? ©) OK, thanks. ©) Excuse me? © 1.20 Listen and repeat the words. English a) pizza b) coffee ©) cake d) hotel ©) bank 9) Mbrary | Your language Translate the words into your language. ‘Work with a partner. Write a similar conversation with words from Exercise 3, Practice the conversation. Vocabulary Extra Common nouns 1 Match the pictures with the words. Singular Plural 1) abag — — books acell phone = _ fais children, keys magazine __ ‘an MP3 player __ Oa people aticket = a tissues (| atoothbrush __ an umbrella __ abe, watches 2 Complete the singular or plural forms in Exercise 1. 3. Work with a partner. Cover the words and look at the pictures. Ask and answer questions. (theyre keys ae | (hav tis?) -) Dy ey (tesa bas.) (at are these? SS EC ees Mynane Focus on instructions (1) 1. Match the pictures withthe phrases. 3] Listen to the conversation J Look at the board ] Read the text. T Wook witha partne. ] Wiite your name ona piece of paper. Ties nana 2 Complete the instructions with verbs from Exercise 1 Read the article. a £ | Airport a » ° 4) __ tothe song, ©) in groups of tne. ) the answers to the questions, at the picture on page 9. the answer on a piece of paper. People Grammar Possessive determiners. be: simple present Vocabulary Favorite things. Numbers 17-999. Jobs Useful phrases Greetings and introductions Vocabulary 1 Complete the table about Brad Pitt’s favorite things. Use the headings in the box. Actor Animal Drink Movie Food. Singer Sports Writer Brad Pitt’s favorite things a) Actor: Dianne Wiest b) ___: Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley ©) ___: Planet of the Apes, Saturday Night Fever d) + Cormac McCarthy ©) __: pina ) __: beer, coffee 9) + ageing, tennis h) ___ dogs @ 1.21 Listen and check. 2. Use the headings in Exercise 1 and make lists with the things in the box. cats Christina Aguilera cola. Dan Brown Gweyneth-Pattrow horses LK. Rowling Johnny Depp Louis Armstrong Mission Impossible pasta soceer Star Wars steak swimming tea Actor | Singer | Movie | Writer | Food | Drink | Sports | Animal “Gwyneth Paltrow | Add your favorite things to the lists above. Speaking [Ask your partner about his or her favorite things. Use Who ...? for people or What ...? for things. Who's your ( What's your fee \S Grammar Subject Possessive 1 Complete the sentences with a possessive determiner. Pronoun determiner 4) 'm an actor. My favorite singers are Jimi Hendrix and Bol Maley 1 my b) He's from Springfield, in the USA. son's name is Batt. -” a She's from Los Angeles. movies include Tomb Raider and Mr. & Mrs. Smith. 2 “ ©) She's from Los Angel movies include Tomb Raider and Mr. & Mrs, Smit ie fur ) We're married, __names are Bill and Hillary it its ©) They're Spanish. last name is Tglesias. Ce as © 1.22 Listen and check. 2 Work with a partner. Who are the people in Exercise 12 Vocabulary Numbers 1 @ 1.23 Listen and repeat the numbers. 11 = eleven 12 = twelve 2 © 1.26 Listen and circle the numbers you hear. Repeat the numbers 13 = thirteen a)(13)/30 b) 14/40 c) 15/30 d) 16/60 ©) 17/70 f) 18/80) 19/90 14 = fourteen 15 = fifteen 3. Write the numbers in numerals. 16 = sicteen 5 bea a) seven 7 ©) forty-seven @) one hundred and ten aoc b) twenty-eight d) sixty-five §)two hundred and forty-five 19 = nineteen © 1.25 Listen and repeat. = 4 Work with a partner. Use the numbers in Exercise 3 to complete the information. “0 ed In the world a) 28% of people are under 15 years old. me ») to of people are betwen 15 and 64 year od acne today ene ea 80 = eahty Q - people ae over 65 90 = ninety 4) tof people lve incites. 100 = ore ured OF people are born every 60 seconds. 200 ~ two hundred people die every 60 seconds 1.26 Listen and check. Speaking 1. Match an age from the box with a person in the pictures below. Discuss with a partner 46 58 19 729 41 5 64 33 29 2. Waite the ages in words. 4) She's nineteon. b> He's @ 1.27 Listen and check your ideas. Vocabulary | | 1 Match the jobs with the pictures. adentist adoctor ahairdresser a police officer a secretary a taxi driver nurses sales clerks Write sentences. a) He'sa police ofice. 6) He’sa hairdresser. c) They're sale clerks. © 1.28 Listen, check, and repeat. 2 Work with a partner. Look at the information about the percentage of women in different jobs in the USA. Match each job with one of the percentages in the bor. | The percentage of women in a) dentists 23% 5 hi] bos these jobs Ethan ) secretaries A) hairdressers 4) sales clerks h) taxi drivers iigghe USA . )_ police officers © 1.29 Listen and check your ideas. Are the percentages similar in your country? Pronunciation 1. Complete the table with jobs from the box. actor artist college professor decter English teacher singer student writer A: an vowel sounds B: a.with consonant sounds «an actor a doctor 2 @ 1.30 Listen, check, and repeat. | be Affirmative Negative Tm Tm not You're You aren't He's He isn't She's She isn't Its isn't We're We aren't They/te They aren't (aren't = ae not isn't = is not) ‘Are you married? Yes, 1am. No, I'm not. Grammar 11 Work with a partner. Make true sentences with the correct affirmative or negative forms of be. a) George Bush is from Texas. He isnt from California. b) Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana __ Spanish. They _ Italian. ©) Isabel Allende an artist. She _a writer, 4) The White House in New York. It___ in Washington, DC. ¢) The Petronas Towers __ in Kuala Lumpur. They ___ in Hong Kong, ) TAP___a Portuguese airline. It___a Brazilian airline, © 1.31 Listen and check. 2 Complete the questions and answers. a) Are you a college student? Yes, Lam. No, I'm not, b) Are you 217 Yes,__. No,__ ©) Is your mother a taxi driver? ==> te 4) your father over 65 years old? _ ss 9 jour favorite drink cola? ‘ 8) your grandparents from here? © 1.32 Listen, check, and repeat. 3. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 2. + Een Writing & Speaking 1. Write the questions in the correct order. Use contractions where possible. a) What / lastname / your / is ? What your last name? > What's your last name? b) How / you / old / are ? ©) What / email address / is / your ? 4) What / your /is / first name ? ©) What / cell phone number / is / your ? ) What / your / home telephone number / is? 8) Where / from / you / are ? hh) What / your / is / job ? © 1.33 Listen, check, and repeat. 2. Work with a partner. Match the information in the Dateline Profile with the questions in Exercise 1 1 Rachel - d) What's your fist name? 2 Green -> a) What's your last name? 99.0.0. 0.0 1 First name: Rachel 2) Last name: Green 3) Country: USA 4 Age: 32 5 Job: Waitress 6 Email address: 7 Home telephone number: 212-726-6572 & Cell phone number: 212-544-5235 Useful phrases 1 Read and complete the conversations with the words and phrases in the box. Fine Goodbye Good morning Howrareyou I'm fine Nice to meet you Kathy: Hello, Mrs. Weinstein. Andy: Hil How are you? Vrs. W: Good afternoon, Kathy. Beth: (3) __, thanks. How are you? Kathy: (1) How are you today? Andy: Good. Vrs. W: (2)____, thank you. How are you? Beth: Sorry ~ I'm ina hurry! Kathy: I'm good. Andy: Oh, OK. Bye. Beth: See you. David: (4) __. Tm David Grant. Vendor: That's $1 please, ma'am. Erica: Nice to meet you, David, I'm Erica. Woman: Thank you. David: (5) ___, Erica. Vendor: Youte welcome. Erica: And this is Frank, my assistant. Woman: (6) ___. David: Hello, Frank. Nice to meet you. Vendor: Goodbye. © 1.34 Listen and check 2 Complete the table of useful phrases with the headings in the box. Saying Saying goodbye Introducing people Greeting people | 1 Saying helo | 2 3 ‘ Hello, How are you? ThisisFrank. | Bye Hit Tim fine, thank you Nice to meet you. | See you. Good morning. Fine, thanks. How are you? | Gone Good afternoon. | I'm good. | © 1.35 Listen, check, and repeat the useful phrases. 3. Practice the conversations in Exercise 1 with a partner. Vocabulary Extra Jobs 1. Match the pictures with the jobs. 10 anactor a dentist a docto: a haintresser 2 police officer a sales clerk a secretary asinger a taxi driver a waite a writer 2 Work with a partner. Cover the words and look at the pictures. Ask and answer questions. Pe (( What does he do? aoe Z He's a taxi driver WX 3. Think about your family and friends. Write their jobs in English. Focus on countries and nationalities 1 Complete the table. Underline the stressed syllables. Flag a= Ea t Country Brazil oO chile © @ Nationality (1) Brazitian Chinese — Italian Oe. Language Portuguese 8 Flag Country Australia a2)__ Spain the UK* the USA, Nationality 10) _ Russian ay British a7) Language ay (13) as) (16) as) ‘Note: The United Kingdom (the UK) = Fngland Scotland, Wales, an Norther Irland. Great Britain = England, Scotland ad Wales, down three other countries you know, with their nationality and language. How do you say them in English? Add them to the table. People a « Family Grammar Possessive ‘s/s’. Simple present: affirmative forms Vocabulary Family Useful phrases Advice Reading 1 1.36 Read the description of the Collister families. Name each person in the picture. Meet the Colli¢ters Peter Collister and John Col are identical twin brothers. Pater is martied to Pauline, and John is married to Pam. Pauline and Pam are sisters. Peter and Pauline have one daughter and one son. Britney is nine and doe is six. John and Pam have two sons and one daughter. Tom is nine. Jack is six. Kitty is four. 2 Do you know any twin brothers or sisters? Tell your partner about them. Vocabulary - 1 Complete the information about the Collister families with names from the box. Britney Joe John Kitty Pam Pawtine Peter Tom Family relationship 1a) husband and wife b) father and son ©) mother and daughter 4) sister and brother {6} uncle and nephew ) aunt and niece g) cousin and cousin h)_ brotherindlaw and sister-in-law 2 #137 Listen, check, and repeat. Example Peter and Pauline John and Tom Pam and Britney and and Joe "__and Britney or Joe, and Jack and Pam a John is my father Pam is my mother. Thave two brothers named Tom and Jack. Who am P? Int Kitty Possessive ‘s/s’ His fathers name is Peter. (father is singular) Her brothers’ names are Tom and Jack, (Grothers is plural) Reading 1 Read the descriptions of members of the Collister families. Identify the people. ») o @ ° John is her Pauline is his wife John and Pamare Joe is their husband. Peter | Pamishissisterin- our parents. Peter _ nephew. Britney isher brotherin- | law. He has one niece. is our uncle, and —_is their niece. Taw, She has three Pauline is our aunt, | They have two children. sons and one daughter. Who is she? Who is he? Who are we? Who are they? © 1.38 Listen and check. work 5B: page 121 3 Draw your family tee. Tell your partner about people in your family. (This fs my father. His name is Emesto. He's 49 He's from Bogota. He's a doctor \ Z4 Grammar 1. Who says it? Match the sentences with the names. a) My wife's name is Pauline. — Pam b)_My sister's name is Pam. John and Pam 9) My sister’s name is Britney. Peter 4) My husband's name is John Pauline ©) My brothers’ names are Tom and Jack Joe f) Qurnephew’s name is Joe Kitty © 1.39 Listen and check. 2 ELECTS RAW owe, Writing Write five sentences about names in your family. | My mother's name is Patricia. 2 My cousins’ names are José, Caio, and Adriana ‘Compare your sentences with your partner. Reading 1 @ 1.40 Read about a TV show called Wife Exchange. Underline Maggie or Courtney. a) Maggie / Courtney is Andy's wife b) Maggie / Courtney lives with Paul's family for two weeks in Wife Exchange. ©) Maggie / Courtney eats dinner with her family in the kitchen. | 8) Mics Counncycire ota bed ery | 6) Maggie) Coutney Paul wie 3) Mage Crum ves Andy’ ly foro wok in We xn 8) Maggie / Courtney eats dinner with her family in front of the TV. 1h). Maggie's / Courtney's children watch TV in their rooms. In this TV show, two wives exchange homes and families for two weeks. | ‘Then they talk about their experiences. ern || They have four cilren, a dog, thre cats, anda rabbit. Paul, They have two children: Ben and Krista, The pets lve inthe house. [¥] Pau and Courtney work on weston. Wh The Sanity eats dinner together i the kitchen. [+] The children watch TY and DVDS in their rooms. (_] | [ieee eieegterere ere | + aul by owes or is wife] = Andy and Maggie smote in the house. [_] +The cilren go to bed ea. | = The children go to bed very late. [_] + They eat dinner on the couch infront ofthe TV,[_] | B= They go out together on weekends [_] +The cleaner does the housework. ‘s2ee) I a i =e | || Maggie is a stay-at-home mom. She's married to Andy. COUFtMeY is a manager in a company. She's married to | 2 @ 1.41 Listen to Courtney speaking about Maggie's family, and Maggie speaking about Courtney's family. Check (/) the things they think are good, and put a cross (X) next to the things they think are bad. 3. Compare your answers with a partner. Do you agree with Courtney and Maggie?

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