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10/19/2016 Brexit could be halted after Government admits that MPs likely to have final say | The Independent

Brexit could be halted after Government

admits that MPs likely to have final say
Parliamentary vote on final Brexit agreement hailed as 'victory' by pro-EU MPs
Rob Merrick  @Rob_Merrick  1 hour  ago 876 comments


Parliament has the right to reject the final Brexit deal, No.10 has indicated for the first time
– raising the possibility that Britain’s EU exit could yet be halted.

Downing Street agreed it is “very likely” that MPs and peers will be given a vote once the
withdrawal negotiations are finished, after the issue arose in the High Court.

The statement – after the Prime Minister repeatedly refused to give ground on demands for
Parliament to have a say on Brexit – immediately triggered furious debate about the
possible consequences.

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10/19/2016 Brexit could be halted after Government admits that MPs likely to have final say | The Independent

One senior pro-EU Conservative MP called it a “victory for all those who believe in the
right of Parliament to represents the interests of our constituents”.

And the prospect of Parliament exerting some control over the final settlement caused the
pound to surge immediately against the dollar in exchange markets.

The development came on the third day of the legal challenge against the Government’s
separate refusal to give Parliament a vote before Article 50 is invoked.

James Eadie QC (Reuters)

James Eadie QC told the High Court that Parliament would have to ratify any package
hammered out with Brussels – prompting Theresa May’s spokeswoman to say it was an
“accurate reflection” of the Government’s interpretation of the law.

It raised the prospect, at the very least, that MPs and peers could amend the Brexit deal if
they opposed key elements of the impact on trade, immigration or other areas.

However, it could also mean Britain tumbling out of the EU – probably in early 2019 –
with no deal whatsoever.

Leave voter who wants to 'control our own laws' can't name single EU law 2/6
10/19/2016 Brexit could be halted after Government admits that MPs likely to have final say | The Independent

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Britain, these are the five realistic choices for Brexit

Mr Carmichael, a supporter of the Open Britain campaign, which wants close economic
ties with Europe, said a vote in two years’ time was no substitute for a say on the terms for
starting the exit.

He said: “It’s an encouraging sign that the Government has agreed to give Parliament a say
on the final terms of Brexit. But there must be a role of Parliament before the end of the

“The best place to start would be for the Government to commit to a debate and a vote in
the House of Commons on the Government’s principles for the upcoming negotiations
before they trigger Article 50.”

For the Liberal Democrats, Foreign Affairs Spokesman Tom Brake said the final decision
whether to approve a Brexit deal should be made by the public – in a second referendum. 3/6
10/19/2016 Brexit could be halted after Government admits that MPs likely to have final say | The Independent

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Source: BBC. As of June 24, 2016 | Based on 100% of reports

He said: “It’s telling that it’s taken a court case to get the Government to finally admit it
will give Parliament say on the Brexit deal.

“The Liberal Democrats will fight to ensure the British people are also given a say over the
final deal to ensure it is right for them.”

The Government has insisted it would not be possible to slam the brakes on EU withdrawal
after the two-year Article 50 notice is triggered, early next year.

But some leading lawyers have argued there is nothing in Article 50 to prevent the UK
withdrawing its declaration that it intends to leave the EU, if it chose to do so.

And that possibility was raised recently that Donald Tusk, the President of the European
Council, who suggested the UK could later “determine if Brexit is really in their interest”. 4/6
10/19/2016 Brexit could be halted after Government admits that MPs likely to have final say | The Independent

Gina Miller, left, walks past the High Court prior to the start of her landmark lawsuit, in London. (AP)

Gina Miller, a London businesswoman, is leading the High Court challenge, demanding
that MPs be given a vote on the timing of the invoking of Article 50.

Government lawyers oppose the case, stressing that the Prime Minister is legally within her
rights to go ahead with the formal process next March, using Royal Prerogative powers.

The Attorney General Jeremy Wright argued in court that the court challenge is an attempt
to “invalidate” the public’s decision to quit the EU.

Three senior judges – the lord chief justice, Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd, the master of the
rolls, Sir Terence Etherton, and Lord Justice Sales – are hearing the case, which is certain to
end up in the Supreme Court.

In the hearing, Mr Eadie said it was likely that Parliamentary scrutiny would include
ratifying any new treaty reached with the EU during the Article 50 process.

Brexit Concerns 5/6
10/19/2016 Brexit could be halted after Government admits that MPs likely to have final say | The Independent

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He told the High Court: “The Government view, at the moment, is that it is very likely that
any such agreement would be subject to ratification.”

David Davis, the Brexit Secretary, had previously acknowledged that Parliamentary
approval was likely to be needed – when warning the House of Lords not to try to scupper
Brexit – but Ms May had been silent.

Keir Starmer QC MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the EU, said: “The House of
Commons needs to be involved in this process from start to finish. The issues involved are
simply too important for the House of Commons to be side-lined until the end. 

“A vote so late in the day would put MPs between a rock and a hard place. It would ask us
to choose between a deal on the government's terms or leaving the European Union with no
deal at all.

“That is an unacceptable position for us to be in.”

More about:  Brexit EU Theresa May Parliament 6/6

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