ISSUE: Reduce 5 Bakers RM0k (No Money Given) Due ASAP. Hire 10 Waiters RM4k in 30 Days

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ISSUE: Reduce 5 bakers RM0k (no money given) due ASAP.

Hire 10 waiters RM4k in

30 days.

Regarding this issue, we assume that the organization may experience economy
recession where they need to cut down surplus employees but at the same time must hire new
employees in certain job scope to fulfill customers’ needs where labor shortages may happen
too. In order to overcome this problem that can affect organizational goal and future target,
the organization may consider staffing alternatives to deal with employee shortages and
surpluses. In the meantime, the organization should realize that they cannot satisfy every
sides as the surpluses and shortages happened beyond human’s control.

First and foremost, the organization can do permanent out-transfer for the bakers. This
alternative is generally to give the chance to all of the 5 bakers to explore new work
environment by permanently transferring all 5 of them to another outlet. For example, Bread
History may transfer 5 bakers to 5 different outlets such as Langkawi Island, Penang, Kuala
Lumpur, Perak and Johor. No cost needed to transfer these bakers as they will willingly
transfer to the location by themselves.

Next, retrain the bakers to become waiters. The bakers may be given to choices.
Either to work as a waiter in the organization or voluntarily resign without compensation. If
they choose retrain, the organization will provide a free training program conducted
voluntarily by Kitchen’s Head of Department to be the best waiters even though they have no
experience as a waiter before this. Therefore, 5 bakers can be retrained into 5 waiters. The
organization will just need to hire another 5 more waiters internally or externally with a
starting basic salary per month equal to RM800. A total of RM4000 will be spend on these 5
new waiters.

Additionally, organization can increase subcontracts or part time workers for waiter
position and apply temporary shutdown or layoffs the 5 bakers. It is because the salary for
part- time worker are lower than full-time worker. For example, organization can hire 5
students and other 5 are self-worker since the students are busy during weekdays with their
schedule, they can work only on weekend and they will be paid daily like RM40 per 12
hours. The other 5 waiters will work on weekdays and have a rest day on weekend. 5 waiters
from students will take turn to work on weekend to fill in the position. For the bakers, they
will be given temporary shutdown for a month or two without being paid the monthly wages.
Thus, the bakers could have a good rest for those one or two months before they are recall
back when the surplus situation is getting better.

Lastly, recall the voluntarily terminated waiters and the waiters that had been
terminated but still maintain a good record. Also end the part-time bakers and temporary
shutdown the full-time baker since assumingly there might be 2 part-time bakers and 3 full-
time bakers in the organization. If they hire the ex-waiters that before this have experience
working in the organization, the organization could maintain some experienced waiters that
already know the flow of working in the organization. The organization may hire the
voluntarily terminated waiters at a lower cost to cover up the vacancy of 10 waiters.

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