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T-210 SCOPE degree that the images of surface irregularities cannot

mask or be confused with the image of any discontinuity
The radiographic method described in this Article for on the resulting radiograph.
examination of materials including castings and welds The finished surface of all butt- welded j oints may be
shall be used together with Article 1, G eneral R eq uire- flush with the base material or may hav e reasonably uni-
ments. D efinitions of terms used in this Article are in form crowns, with reinforcement not to exceed that speci-
M andatory Appendix V of this Article. fied in the referencing C ode S ection.
C ertain product- specific, techniq ue- specific, and
application- specific req uirements are also giv en in other
M andatory Appendices of this Article, as listed in the table
of contents. These additional req uirements shall also be A lead sy mbol “B,” with minimum dimensions of 1/2 in.
complied with when an Appendix is applicable to the ( 13 mm) in height and 1/16 in. ( 1.5 mm) in thick ness, shall
radiographic or radioscopic examination being conducted. be attached to the back of each film holder during each ex-
posure to determine if back scatter radiation is exposing
the film.
A sy stem shall be used to produce permanent identifica-
T-221. 1 W r i t t e n Pr o c e d u r e . R adiographic examina-
tion on the radiograph traceable to the contract, compo-
tion shall be performed in accordance with a written pro-
nent, weld or weld seam, or part numbers, as
cedure. E ach procedure shall include at least the following
appropriate. I n addition, the M anufacturer’s sy mbol or
information, as applicable:
name and the date of the radiograph shall be plainly and
(a) material ty pe and thick ness range
permanently included on the radiograph. This identifica-
(b) isotope or maximum X - ray v oltage used tion sy stem does not necessarily req uire that the informa-
(c) source- to- obj ect distance ( D in T- 274.1) tion appear as radiographic images. I n any case, this
(d) distance from source side of obj ect to film ( d in information shall not obscure the area of interest.
T- 274.1)
(e ) source siz e ( F in T- 274.1) T-225 MONITORING DENSITY LIMITATIONS OF
(f ) film brand and designation RADIOGRAPHS
(g) screens used
E ither a densitometer or step wedge comparison film
T-221. 2 Pr o c e d u r e De m o n s t r a t i o n . D emonstration of shall be used for j udging film density .
the density and image q uality indicator ( I Q I ) image re-
q uirements of the written procedure on production or T-226 EXTENT OF EXAMINATION
techniq ue radiographs shall be considered satisfactory
ev idence of compliance with that procedure. The extent of radiographic examination shall be as spe-
cified by the referencing C ode S ection.
T-222. 1 Ma t e r i a l s In c l u d i n g Ca s t i n g s . S urfaces shall T-23 0 EQ U IPMENT AND MATERIALS
satisfy the req uirements of the applicable materials speci-
fication or referencing C ode S ection, with additional con- T-23 1 F ILM
ditioning, if necessary , by any suitable process to such a T-23 1. 1 Se l e c t i o n . R adiographs shall be made using
degree that the images of surface irregularities cannot industrial radiographic film.
mask or be confused with the image of any discontinuity
T-23 1. 2 Pr o c e s s i n g . S tandard G uide for C ontrolling
on the resulting radiograph.
the Q uality of I ndustrial R adiographic Film P rocessing,
T-222. 2 W e l d s . The weld ripples or weld surface irre- S E - 999, or paragraphs 23 through 26 of S tandard G uide
gularities on both the inside ( where accessible) and out- for R adiographic E xamination S E - 94 shall be used as a
side shall be remov ed by any suitable process to such a guide for processing film.

No further reproduction or distribution is permitted.


Ta b l e T-23 3 . 2
I ntensify ing screens may be used when performing W i r e IQ I De s i g n a t i o n , W i r e Di a m e t e r , a n d W i r e
radiographic examination in accordance with this Article. Id e n t i t y
Se t A Se t B
T-23 3 IMAGE Q U ALITY INDICATOR ( IQ I) DESIGN W ir e W ir e W ir e W ir e
D ia m e te r , in . ( m m ) Id e n t i t y D ia m e te r , in . ( m m ) Id e n t i t y
T-23 3 . 1 St a n d a r d IQ I De s i g n . I Q I s shall be either the
0 .0 0 3 2 (0 .0 8) 1 0 .0 10 (0 .25) 6
hole ty pe or the wire ty pe. H ole- ty pe I Q I s shall be manu-
0 .0 0 4 (0 .10 ) 2 0 .0 13 (0 .3 3 ) 7
factured and identified in accordance with the req uire- 0 .0 0 5 (0 .13 ) 3 0 .0 16 (0 .41) 8
ments or alternates allowed in S E - 10 25. W ire- ty pe I Q I s 0 .0 0 63 (0 .16) 4 0 .0 20 (0 .51) 9
shall be manufactured and identified in accordance with 0 .0 0 8 (0 .20 ) 5 0 .0 25 (0 .64) 10
the req uirements or alternates allowed in S E - 747, except 0 .0 10 (0 .25) 6 0 .0 3 2 (0 .81) 11
that the largest wire number or the identity number
Se t C Se t D
may be omitted. AS M E standard I Q I s shall consist of those
in Table T- 23 3 .1 for hole ty pe and those in Table T- 23 3 .2 W ir e W ir e W ir e W ir e
D ia m e te r , in . ( m m ) Id e n t i t y D ia m e te r , in . ( m m ) Id e n t i t y
for wire ty pe.
0 .0 3 2 ( 0 .81) 11 0 .10 0 ( 2.54) 16
T-23 3 . 2 Al t e r n a t i v e IQ I De s i g n . I Q I s designed and 0 .0 40 ( 1.0 2) 12 0 .126 ( 3 .20 ) 17
manufactured in accordance with other national or inter- 0 .0 50 ( 1.27) 13 0 .160 ( 4.0 6) 18
national standards may be used prov ided the req uire- 0 .0 63 ( 1.60 ) 14 0 .20 0 ( 5.0 8) 19
0 .0 80 ( 2.0 3 ) 15 0 .250 ( 6.3 5) 20
ments of either ( a) or ( b) below, and the material
0 .10 0 ( 2.54) 16 0 .3 20 ( 8.13 ) 21
req uirements of T- 276.1 are met.
(a) H o l e Ty p e I Q I s . The calculated E q uiv alent I Q I S ensi-
tiv ity ( E P S ), per S E - 10 25, Appendix X 1, is eq ual to or bet-
ter than the req uired standard hole ty pe I Q I .
(b) W i r e Ty p e I Q I s . The alternativ e wire I Q I essential
wire diameter is eq ual to or less than the req uired stan-
dard I Q I essential wire.

Ta b l e T-23 3 . 1
Ho l e -Ty p e IQ I De s i g n a t i o n , Th i c k n e s s , a n d Ho l e Di a m e t e r s
4T H o l e
IQ I Th i c k n e s s , i n . 1T H o l e D i a m e t e r , i n . 2T H o l e D i a m e t e r , i n . D ia m e te r , in .
IQ I D e s i g n a t i o n ( m m ) ( m m ) ( m m ) ( m m )
5 0 .0 0 5 ( 0 .13 ) 0 .0 10 ( 0 .25) 0 .0 20 ( 0 .51) 0 .0 40 ( 1.0 2)
7 0 .0 0 75 ( 0 .19) 0 .0 10 ( 0 .25) 0 .0 20 ( 0 .51) 0 .0 40 ( 1.0 2)
10 0 .0 10 ( 0 .25) 0 .0 10 ( 0 .25) 0 .0 20 ( 0 .51) 0 .0 40 ( 1.0 2)
12 0 .0 125 ( 0 .3 2) 0 .0 125 ( 0 .3 2) 0 .0 25 ( 0 .64) 0 .0 50 ( 1.27)
15 0 .0 15 ( 0 .3 8) 0 .0 15 ( 0 .3 8) 0 .0 3 0 ( 0 .76) 0 .0 60 ( 1.52)
17 0 .0 175 ( 0 .44) 0 .0 175 ( 0 .44) 0 .0 3 5 ( 0 .89) 0 .0 70 ( 1.78)
20 0 .0 20 ( 0 .51) 0 .0 20 ( 0 .51) 0 .0 40 ( 1.0 2) 0 .0 80 ( 2.0 3 )
25 0 .0 25 ( 0 .64) 0 .0 25 ( 0 .64) 0 .0 50 ( 1.27) 0 .10 0 ( 2.54)
3 0 0 .0 3 0 ( 0 .76) 0 .0 3 0 ( 0 .76) 0 .0 60 ( 1.52) 0 .120 ( 3 .0 5)
3 5 0 .0 3 5 ( 0 .89) 0 .0 3 5 ( 0 .89) 0 .0 70 ( 1.78) 0 .140 ( 3 .56)
40 0 .0 40 ( 1.0 2) 0 .0 40 ( 1.0 2) 0 .0 80 ( 2.0 3 ) 0 .160 ( 4.0 6)
45 0 .0 45 ( 1.14) 0 .0 45 ( 1.14) 0 .0 90 ( 2.29) 0 .180 ( 4.57)
50 0 .0 50 ( 1.27) 0 .0 50 ( 1.27) 0 .10 0 ( 2.54) 0 .20 0 ( 5.0 8)
60 0 .0 60 ( 1.52) 0 .0 60 ( 1.52) 0 .120 ( 3 .0 5) 0 .240 ( 6.10 )
70 0 .0 70 ( 1.78) 0 .0 70 ( 1.78) 0 .140 ( 3 .56) 0 .280 ( 7.11)
80 0 .0 80 ( 2.0 3 ) 0 .0 80 ( 2.0 3 ) 0 .160 ( 4.0 6) 0 .3 20 ( 8.13 )
10 0 0 .10 0 ( 2.54) 0 .10 0 ( 2.54) 0 .20 0 ( 5.0 8) 0 .40 0 ( 10 .16)
120 0 .120 ( 3 .0 5) 0 .120 ( 3 .0 5) 0 .240 ( 6.10 ) 0 .480 ( 12.19)
140 0 .140 ( 3 .56) 0 .140 ( 3 .56) 0 .280 ( 7.11) 0 .560 ( 14.22)
160 0 .160 ( 4.0 6) 0 .160 ( 4.0 6) 0 .3 20 ( 8.13 ) 0 .640 ( 16.26)
20 0 0 .20 0 ( 5.0 8) 0 .20 0 ( 5.0 8) 0 .40 0 ( 10 .16) .. .
240 0 .240 ( 6.10 ) 0 .240 ( 6.10 ) 0 .480 ( 12.19) .. .
280 0 .280 ( 7.11) 0 .280 ( 7.11) 0 .560 ( 14.22) .. .

No further reproduction or distribution is permitted.

T-23 4 F ACILITIES F OR V IEW ING OF (d) The densitometer is acceptable if the density read-
RADIOGRAPHS ings do not v ary by more than ± 0 .0 5 density units from
the actual density stated on the national standard step ta-
V iewing facilities shall prov ide subdued back ground
blet or step wedge calibration film.
lighting of an intensity that will not cause reflections, sha-
dows, or glare on the radiograph that interfere with the in- T-262. 2 St e p W e d g e Co m p a r i s o n F i l m s . S tep wedge
terpretation process. E q uipment used to v iew radiographs comparison films shall be v erified prior to first use, unless
for interpretation shall prov ide a v ariable light source suf- performed by the manufacturer, as follows:
ficient for the essential I Q I hole or designated wire to be (a) The density of the steps on a step wedge comparison
v isible for the specified density range. The v iewing condi- film shall be v erified by a calibrated densitometer.
tions shall be such that light from around the outer edge of (b) The step wedge comparison film is acceptable if the
the radiograph or coming through low- density portions of density readings do not v ary by more than ± 0 .1 density
the radiograph does not interfere with interpretation. units from the density stated on the step wedge compari-
son film.
T-262. 3 Pe r i o d i c V e r i f i c a t i o n .
T-260 CALIB RATION (a) De n s i t o m e t e r s . P eriodic cablibration v erification
T-261 SOU RCE SIZ E check s shall be performed as described in T- 262.1 at the
beginning of each shift, after 8 hr of continuous use, or
T-261. 1 V e r i f i c a t i o n o f So u r c e Si z e . The eq uipment
after change of apertures, whichev er comes first.
manufacturer’s or supplier’s publications, such as techni-
(b) S t e p W e dge C o m p ar i s o n Fi l m s . V erification check s
cal manuals, decay curv es, or written statements docu-
shall be performed annually per T- 262.2.
menting the actual or maximum source siz e or focal
spot, shall be acceptable as source siz e v erification. T-262. 4 Do c u m e n t a t i o n .
(a) De n s i t o m e t e r s . D ensitometer calibrations req uired
T-261. 2 De t e r m i n a t i o n o f So u r c e Si z e . W hen manu- by T- 262.1 shall be documented, but the actual readings
facturer’s or supplier’s publications are not av ailable, for each step do not hav e to be recorded. P eriodic densit-
source siz e may be determined as follows: ometer v erification check s req uired by T- 262.3 ( a) do not
(a) X - R ay M ach i n e s . For X - ray machines operating at hav e to be documented.
50 0 k V and less, the focal spot siz e may be determined (b) S t e p W e dge C al i br at i o n Fi l m s . S tep wedge calibra-
by the pinhole method,5 or in accordance with S E - 1165, tion film v erifications req uired by T- 262.1( a) shall be
S tandard Test M ethod for M easurement of Focal S pots of documented, but the actual readings for each step do
I ndustrial X - R ay Tubes by P inhole I maging. not hav e to be recorded.
(b) I r i di u m - 1 9 2 S o u r ce s . For I ridium- 192, the source (c) S t e p W e dge C o m p ar i s o n Fi l m s . S tep wedge compari-
siz e may be determined in accordance with S E - 1114, S tan- son film v erifications req uired by T- 262.2 and T- 262.3 ( b)
dard Test M ethod for D etermining the Focal S iz e of shall be documented, but the actual readings for each step
I ridium- 192 I ndustrial R adiographic S ources. do not hav e to be recorded.


T-262. 1 De n s i t o m e t e r s . D ensitometers shall be cali- T-27 1 RADIOGRAPHIC TECHNIQ U E6
brated at least ev ery 90 day s during use as follows:
A single- wall exposure techniq ue shall be used for
(a) A national standard step tablet or a step wedge cali- radiography whenev er practical. W hen it is not practical
bration film, traceable to a national standard step tablet to use a single- wall techniq ue, a double- wall techniq ue
and hav ing at least 5 steps with neutral densities from shall be used. An adeq uate number of exposures shall be
at least 1.0 through 4.0 , shall be used. The step wedge ca- made to demonstrate that the req uired cov erage has been
libration film shall hav e been v erified within the last y ear obtained.
by comparison with a national standard step tablet unless,
prior to first use, it was maintained in the original light- T-27 1. 1 Si n g l e -W a l l Te c h n i q u e . I n the single- wall
tight and waterproof sealed pack age as supplied by the techniq ue, the radiation passes through only one wall of
manufacturer. S tep wedge calibration films may be used the weld ( material), which is v iewed for acceptance on
without v erification for one y ear upon opening, prov ided the radiograph.
it is within the manufacturer’s stated shelf life. T-27 1. 2 Do u b l e -W a l l Te c h n i q u e . W hen it is not prac- ð13 Þ
(b) The densitometer manufacturer’s step- by - step in- tical to use a single- wall techniq ue, one of the following
structions for the operation of the densitometer shall be double- wall techniq ues shall be used.
followed. (a) S i n gl e - W al l V i e w i n g. For materials and for welds in
(c) The density steps closest to 1.0 , 2.0 , 3 .0 , and 4.0 on components, a techniq ue may be used in which the radia-
the national standard step tablet or step wedge calibration tion passes through two walls and only the weld ( materi-
film shall be read. al) on the film- side wall is v iewed for acceptance on the

No further reproduction or distribution is permitted.

radiograph. W hen complete cov erage is req uired for cir- N O TE : Alternativ ely , a nomograph as shown in S tandard G uide for
cumferential welds ( materials), a minimum of three expo- R adiographic E xamination S E 94 may be used.
sures tak en 120 deg to each other shall be made.
T-27 4 . 2 Ge o m e t r i c U n s h a r p n e s s Li m i t a t i o n s . R e-
(b) Do u bl e - W al l V i e w i n g. For materials and for welds in
commended maximum v alues for geometric unsharpness
components 3 1/2 in. ( 89 mm) or less in nominal outside
are as follows:
diameter, a techniq ue may be used in which the radiation
passes through two walls and the weld ( material) in both M a t e r i a l Th i c k n e s s , i n . ( m m ) Ug M a x i m u m , i n . ( m m )
walls is v iewed for acceptance on the same radiograph.
U nder 2 ( 50 ) 0 .0 20 ( 0 .51)
For double- wall v iewing, only a source- side I Q I shall be
2 through 3 ( 50 75) 0 .0 3 0 ( 0 .76)
O v er 3 through 4 ( 75 10 0 ) 0 .0 40 ( 1.0 2)
(1 ) For welds, the radiation beam may be offset from
G reater than 4 ( 10 0 ) 0 .0 70 ( 1.78)
the plane of the weld at an angle sufficient to separate the
images of the source- side and film- side portions of the
weld so that there is no ov erlap of the areas to be inter- N O TE : M aterial thick ness is the thick ness on which the I Q I is based.
preted. W hen complete cov erage is req uired, a minimum
of two exposures tak en 90 deg to each other shall be made
for each j oint.
(2 ) As an alternativ e, the weld may be radiographed L ocation mark ers ( see Figure T- 275), which are to ap-
with the radiation beam positioned so that the images of pear as radiographic images on the film, shall be placed
both walls are superimposed. W hen complete cov erage on the part, not on the exposure holder/cassette. Their lo-
is req uired, a minimum of three exposures tak en at either cations shall be permanently mark ed on the surface of the
60 deg or 120 deg to each other shall be made for each part being radiographed when permitted, or on a map, in a
j oint. manner permitting the area of interest on a radiograph to
(3 ) Additional exposures shall be made if the req uired be accurately traceable to its location on the part, for the
radiographic cov erage cannot be obtained using the mini- req uired retention period of the radiograph. E v idence
mum number of exposures indicated in ( 1) or ( 2) abov e. shall also be prov ided on the radiograph that the req uired
cov erage of the region being examined has been obtained.
T-27 2 RADIATION ENERGY L ocation mark ers shall be placed as follows.
The radiation energy employ ed for any radiographic T-27 5 . 1 Si n g l e -W a l l V i e w i n g .
techniq ue shall achiev e the density and I Q I image req uire- (a) S o u r ce - S i de M ar k e r s . L ocation mark ers shall be
ments of this Article. placed on the source side when radiographing the
T-27 3 DIRECTION OF RADIATION (1 ) flat components or longitudinal j oints in cy lindri-
cal or conical components;
The direction of the central beam of radiation should be (2 ) curv ed or spherical components whose concav e
centered on the area of interest whenev er practical. side is toward the source and when the “source- to-
material” distance is less than the inside radius of the
T-27 4 . 1 Ge o m e t r i c U n s h a r p n e s s De t e r m i n a t i o n . (3 ) curv ed or spherical components whose conv ex
G eometric unsharpness of the radiograph shall be deter- side is toward the source.
mined in accordance with: (b) Fi l m - S i de M ar k e r s
(1 ) L ocation mark ers shall be placed on the film side
when radiographing either curv ed or spherical compo-
nents whose concav e side is toward the source and when
where the “source- to- material” distance is greater than the inside
Ug = geometric unsharpness
(2 ) As an alternativ e to source- side placement in
F = source siz e: the maximum proj ected dimension of
T- 275.1( a)( 1), location mark ers may be placed on the film
the radiating source ( or effectiv e focal spot) in the
side when the radiograph shows cov erage bey ond the lo-
plane perpendicular to the distance D from the weld
cation mark ers to the extent demonstrated by
or obj ect being radiographed
Figure T- 275, sk etch ( e), and when this alternate is docu-
D = distance from source of radiation to weld or obj ect
mented in accordance with T- 291.
being radiographed
(c) E i t h e r S i de M ar k e r s . L ocation mark ers may be placed
d = distance from source side of weld or obj ect being
on either the source side or film side when radiographing
radiographed to the film
either curv ed or spherical components whose concav e
D and d shall be determined at the approximate center side is toward the source and the “source- to- material” dis-
of the area of interest. tance eq uals the inside radius of the component.

No further reproduction or distribution is permitted.
Source side
Film side Source side
unacceptable acceptable
Film side
Film side Source side unacceptable
unacceptable acceptable

Flat component or longitudinal seam Curved components with radiation source to Curved components with convex surface
[See T-275.1(a)(1)] film distance less than radius of component towards radiation source

Lo c a t i o n Ma r k e r Sk e t c h e s
[See sketch (e) for alternate] [See T-275.1(a)(2)] [See T-275.1(a)(3)]
(a) (b) (c)

F i g u r e T-27 5

Either side
location marker
is acceptable

x Mf x
Source side
unacceptable Film side
Source side marker alternate
Flat component or logitudinal seam
Curved components with radiation source to x = (t / D) (Mf / 2) Curved components with radiation source
film distance greater than radius of curvature x = additional required coverage at center curvature
[See T-275.1(b)(1)] beyond film side location marker [See T-275.1(c)]
(d) t = component thickness (f)
Mf = film side location marker interval
LEGEND: Radiation source — D = source to component distance
[See T-275.1(b)(2)]
Location marker — (e)

Component center —
No further reproduction or distribution is permitted.

T-27 5 . 2 Do u b l e -W a l l V i e w i n g . For double- wall v iew- (b) W e l ds W i t h o u t R e i n f o r ce m e n t s . The thick ness on

ing, at least one location mark er shall be placed adj acent to which the I Q I is based is the nominal single- wall thick ness.
the weld ( or on the material in the area of interest) for Back ing rings or strips shall not be considered as part of
each radiograph. the weld thick ness in I Q I selection.

T-27 5 . 3 Ma p p i n g t h e Pl a c e m e n t o f Lo c a t i o n Ma r - T-27 6. 3 W e l d s J o i n i n g Di s s i m i l a r Ma t e r i a l s o r W e l d s
k e r s . W hen inaccessibility or other limitations prev ent W i t h Di s s i m i l a r F i l l e r Me t a l . W hen the weld metal is of an
the placement of mark ers as stipulated in T- 275.1 and alloy group or grade that has a radiation attenuation that
T- 275.2, a dimensioned map of the actual mark er place- differs from the base material, the I Q I material selection
ment shall accompany the radiographs to show that full shall be based on the weld metal and be in accordance
cov erage has been obtained. with T- 276.1. W hen the density limits of T- 282.2 cannot
be met with one I Q I , and the exceptional density area( s)
is at the interface of the weld metal and the base metal,
the material selection for the additional I Q I s shall be based
T-27 6 IQ I SELECTION on the base material and be in accordance with T- 276.1.

T-27 6. 1 Ma t e r i a l . I Q I s shall be selected from either

the same alloy material group or grade as identified in T-27 7 U SE OF IQ IS TO MONITOR RADIOGRAPHIC
S E - 10 25, or S E - 747, as applicable, or from an alloy mate- EXAMINATION
rial group or grade with less radiation absorption than T-27 7 . 1 Pl a c e m e n t o f IQ Is .
the material being radiographed. (a) S o u r ce - S i de I Q I (s ). The I Q I ( s) shall be placed on the
source side of the part being examined, except for the con-
T-27 6. 2 Si z e . The designated hole I Q I or essential dition described in ( b).
wire shall be as specified in Table T- 276. A thinner or
W hen, due to part or weld configuration or siz e, it is not
thick er hole- ty pe I Q I may be substituted for any section
practical to place the I Q I ( s) on the part or weld, the I Q I ( s)
thick ness listed in Table T- 276, prov ided an eq uiv alent may be placed on a separate block . S eparate block s shall
I Q I sensitiv ity is maintained. S ee T- 283 .2. be made of the same or radiographically similar materials
(a) W e l ds W i t h R e i n f o r ce m e n t s . The thick ness on which ( as defined in S E - 10 25) and may be used to facilitate I Q I
the I Q I is based is the nominal single- wall thick ness plus positioning. There is no restriction on the separate block
the estimated weld reinforcement not to exceed the max- thick ness, prov ided the I Q I /area- of- interest density toler-
imum permitted by the referencing C ode S ection. Back ing ance req uirements of T- 282.2 are met.
rings or strips shall not be considered as part of the thick - (1 ) The I Q I on the source side of the separate block
ness in I Q I selection. The actual measurement of the weld shall be placed no closer to the film than the source side
reinforcement is not req uired. of the part being radiographed.

Ta b l e T-27 6
IQ I Se l e c t i o n
So u r c e Si d e F ilm Si d e
No m i n a l Si n g l e W a l l M a t e r i a l Th i c k n e s s H o l e Ty p e Es s e n t i a l W i r e Ty p e H o l e Ty p e Es s e n t i a l W i r e Ty p e
Ra n g e , i n . ( m m ) D e s ig n a tio n H o le Es s e n t i a l W i r e D e s ig n a tio n H o le Es s e n t i a l W i r e
U p to 0 .25, incl. ( 6.4) 12 2T 5 10 2T 4
O v er 0 .25 through 0 .3 75 ( 6.4 through 9.5) 15 2T 6 12 2T 5
O v er 0 .3 75 through 0 .50 ( 9.5 through 12.7) 17 2T 7 15 2T 6
O v er 0 .50 through 0 .75 ( 12.7 through 19.0 ) 20 2T 8 17 2T 7
O v er 0 .75 through 1.0 0 ( 19.0 through 25.4) 25 2T 9 20 2T 8
O v er 1.0 0 through 1.50 ( 25.4 through 3 8.1) 3 0 2T 10 25 2T 9
O v er 1.50 through 2.0 0 ( 3 8.1 through 50 .8) 3 5 2T 11 3 0 2T 10
O v er 2.0 0 through 2.50 ( 50 .8 through 63 .5) 40 2T 12 3 5 2T 11
O v er 2.50 through 4.0 0 ( 63 .5 through 10 1.6) 50 2T 13 40 2T 12
O v er 4.0 0 through 6.0 0 ( 10 1.6 through 152.4) 60 2T 14 50 2T 13
O v er 6.0 0 through 8.0 0 ( 152.4 through 20 3 .2) 80 2T 16 60 2T 14
O v er 8.0 0 through 10 .0 0 ( 20 3 .2 through 254.0 ) 10 0 2T 17 80 2T 16
O v er 10 .0 0 through 12.0 0 ( 254.0 through 3 0 4.8) 120 2T 18 10 0 2T 17
O v er 12.0 0 through 16.0 0 ( 3 0 4.8 through 40 6.4) 160 2T 20 120 2T 18
O v er 16.0 0 through 20 .0 0 ( 40 6.4 through 50 8.0 ) 20 0 2T 21 160 2T 20

No further reproduction or distribution is permitted.

(2 ) The separate block shall be placed as close as pos- (- b) W hen a section or sections of the circumfer-
sible to the part being radiographed. ence, where the length between the ends of the outermost
(3 ) W hen hole- ty pe I Q I s are used, the block dimen- sections span less than 240 deg, is radiographed using
sions shall exceed the I Q I dimensions such that the outline more than one film holder.
of at least three sides of the I Q I image shall be v isible on (3 ) I n ( 1) and ( 2) abov e, where sections of longitudi-
the radiograph. nal welds adj oining the circumferential weld are radio-
(b) Fi l m - S i de I Q I (s ). W here inaccessibility prev ents hand graphed simultaneously with the circumferential weld,
placing the I Q I ( s) on the source side, the I Q I ( s) shall be an additional I Q I shall be placed on each longitudinal weld
placed on the film side in contact with the part being ex- at the end of the section most remote from the j unction
amined. A lead letter “F” shall be placed adj acent to or with the circumferential weld being radiographed.
on the I Q I ( s), but shall not mask the essential hole where (4 ) For spherical components where the source is
hole I Q I s are used. placed at the center of the component for a single expo-
(c) I Q I P l ace m e n t f o r W e l ds — H o l e I Q I s . The I Q I ( s) may sure, at least three I Q I s, spaced approximately 120 deg
be placed adj acent to or on the weld. The identification apart, are req uired under the following conditions:
number( s) and, when used, the lead letter “F,” shall not (- a) W hen a complete circumference is radio-
be in the area of interest, except when geometric config- graphed using one or more film holders, or;
uration mak es it impractical. (- b) W hen a section or sections of a circumference,
(d) I Q I P l ace m e n t f o r W e l ds — W i r e I Q I s . The I Q I ( s) shall where the length between the ends of the outermost sec-
be placed on the weld so that the length of the wires is per- tions span 240 or more deg, is radiographed using one or
pendicular to the length of the weld. The I Q I identification more film holders. Additional film locations may be re-
and, when used, the lead letter “F,” shall not be in the area q uired to obtain necessary I Q I spacing.
of interest, except when geometric configuration mak es it
(5 ) For spherical components where the source is
placed at the center of the component for a single expo-
(e ) I Q I P l ace m e n t f o r M at e r i al s O t h e r Th an W e l ds . The sure, at least three I Q I s, with one placed at each end of
I Q I ( s) with the I Q I identification and, when used, the lead
the radiographed span of the circumference radiographed
letter “F,” may be placed in the area of interest.
and one in the approximate center of the span, are re-
T-27 7 . 2 Nu m b e r o f IQ Is . W hen one or more film q uired under the following conditions:
holders are used for an exposure, at least one I Q I image (- a) W hen a section of a circumference, the length
shall appear on each radiograph except as outlined in of which is greater than 120 deg and less than 240 deg, is
( b) below. radiographed using j ust one film holder, or;
(a) M u l t i p l e I Q I s . I f the req uirements of T- 282 are met (- b) W hen a section or sections of a circumference,
by using more than one I Q I , one shall be representativ e where the length between the ends of the outermost sec-
of the lightest area of interest and the other the dark est tions span less than 240 deg is radiographed using more
area of interest; the interv ening densities on the radio- than one film holder.
graph shall be considered as hav ing acceptable density . (6 ) I n ( 4) and ( 5) abov e, where other welds are radio-
(b) S p e ci al C as e s 7 graphed simultaneously with the circumferential weld,
(1 ) For cy lindrical components where the source is one additional I Q I shall be placed on each other weld.
placed on the axis of the component for a single exposure, (7 ) For segments of a flat or curv ed ( i.e., ellipsoidal,
at least three I Q I s, spaced approximately 120 deg apart, torispherical, toriconical, elliptical, etc.) component where
are req uired under the following conditions: the source is placed perpendicular to the center of a length
(- a) W hen the complete circumference is radio- of weld for a single exposure when using more than three
graphed using one or more film holders, or; film holders, at least three I Q I s, one placed at each end of
(- b) W hen a section or sections of the circumfer- the radiographed span and one in the approximate center
ence, where the length between the ends of the outermost of the span, are req uired.
sections span 240 or more deg, is radiographed using one (8 ) W hen an array of components in a circle is radio-
or more film holders. Additional film locations may be re- graphed, at least one I Q I shall show on each component
q uired to obtain necessary I Q I spacing. image.
(2 ) For cy lindrical components where the source is
(9 ) I n order to maintain the continuity of records in-
placed on the axis of the component for a single exposure,
v olv ing subseq uent exposures, all radiographs exhibiting
at least three I Q I s, with one placed at each end of the span
I Q I s that q ualify the techniq ues permitted in accordance
of the circumference radiographed and one in the approx-
with ( 1) through ( 7) abov e shall be retained.
imate center of the span, are req uired under the following
conditions: T-27 7 . 3 Sh i m s U n d e r Ho l e -Ty p e IQ Is . For welds, a
(- a) W hen a section of the circumference, the shim of material radiographically similar to the weld metal
length of which is greater than 120 deg and less than shall be placed between the part and the I Q I , if needed, so
240 deg, is radiographed using j ust one film holder, or; that the radiographic density throughout the area of

No further reproduction or distribution is permitted.

interest is no more than minus 15% from ( lighter than) T-28 3 IQ I SENSITIV ITY
the radiographic density through the designated I Q I adj a- T-28 3 . 1 Re q u i r e d Se n s i t i v i t y . R adiography shall be
cent to the essential hole. performed with a techniq ue of sufficient sensitiv ity to dis-
The shim dimensions shall exceed the I Q I dimensions play the designated hole- ty pe I Q I image and the essential
such that the outline of at least three sides of the I Q I image hole, or the essential wire of a wire- ty pe I Q I . The radio-
shall be v isible in the radiograph. graphs shall also display the I Q I identify ing numbers
and letters. I f the designated hole- ty pe I Q I image and es-
sential hole, or essential wire of a wire- ty pe I Q I , do not
T-28 0 EV ALU ATION show on any film in a multiple film techniq ue, but do show
T-28 1 Q U ALITY OF RADIOGRAPHS in composite film v iewing, interpretation shall be per-
mitted only by composite film v iewing.
All radiographs shall be free from mechanical, chemical,
or other blemishes to the extent that they do not mask and T-28 3 . 2 Eq u i v a l e n t Ho l e -Ty p e IQ I Se n s i t i v i t y . A thin-
are not confused with the image of any discontinuity in the ner or thick er hole- ty pe I Q I than the designated I Q I may
area of interest of the obj ect being radiographed. S uch be substituted, prov ided an eq uiv alent or better I Q I sensi-
blemishes include, but are not limited to: tiv ity , as listed in Table T- 283 , is achiev ed and all other re-
(a) fogging; q uirements for radiography are met. E q uiv alent I Q I
(b) processing defects such as streak s, watermark s, or sensitiv ity is shown in any row of Table T- 283 which con-
chemical stains; tains the designated I Q I and hole. Better I Q I sensitiv ity is
(c) scratches, finger mark s, crimps, dirtiness, static shown in any row of Table T- 283 which is abov e the
mark s, smudges, or tears; eq uiv alent sensitiv ity row. I f the designated I Q I and hole
(d) false indications due to defectiv e screens. are not represented in the table, the next thinner I Q I
row from Table T- 283 may be used to establish eq uiv alent
I Q I sensitiv ity .
T-28 2. 1 De n s i t y Li m i t a t i o n s . The transmitted film T-28 4 EXCESSIV E B ACK SCATTER
density through the radiographic image of the body of I f a light image of the “B,” as described in T- 223 , appears
the designated hole- ty pe I Q I adj acent to the essential hole on a dark er back ground of the radiograph, protection from
or adj acent to the essential wire of a wire- ty pe I Q I and the back scatter is insufficient and the radiograph shall be con-
area of interest shall be 1.8 minimum for single film v iew- sidered unacceptable. A dark image of the “B” on a lighter
ing for radiographs made with an X - ray source and 2.0 back ground is not cause for rej ection.
minimum for radiographs made with a gamma ray source.
For composite v iewing of multiple film exposures, each
film of the composite set shall hav e a minimum density
of 1.3 . The maximum density shall be 4.0 for either single
or composite v iewing. A tolerance of 0 .0 5 in density is al-
lowed for v ariations between densitometer readings.
T-28 2. 2 De n s i t y V a r i a t i o n . Ta b l e T-28 3
(a) The density of the radiograph any where through the Eq u i v a l e n t Ho l e -Ty p e IQ I Se n s i t i v i t y
area of interest shall not
H o l e Ty p e D e s i g n a t i o n Eq u i v a l e n t H o l e Ty p e D e s i g n a t i o n s
(1 ) v ary by more than minus 15% or plus 3 0 % from
2T H o l e 1T H o l e 4T H o l e
the density through the body of the designated hole- ty pe
10 15 5
I Q I adj acent to the essential hole or adj acent to the essen-
12 17 7
tial wire of a wire- ty pe I Q I , and 15 20 10
(2 ) exceed the minimum/maximum allowable den- 17 25 12
sity ranges specified in T- 282.1 20 3 0 15
W hen calculating the allowable v ariation in density , the 25 3 5 17
calculation may be rounded to the nearest 0 .1 within the 3 0 40 20
3 5 50 25
range specified in T- 282.1.
40 60 3 0
(b) W hen the req uirements of ( a) abov e are not met, 50 70 3 5
then an additional I Q I shall be used for each exceptional 60 80 40
area or areas and the radiograph retak en. 80 120 60
(c) W hen shims are used with hole- ty pe I Q I s, the plus 10 0 140 70
120 160 80
3 0 % density restriction of ( a) abov e may be exceeded,
160 240 120
and the minimum density req uirements of T- 282.1 do 20 0 280 140
not apply for the I Q I , prov ided the req uired I Q I sensitiv ity
of T- 283 .1 is met.

No further reproduction or distribution is permitted.

T-28 5 EV ALU ATION B Y MANU F ACTU RER (e ) X - ray v oltage or isotope ty pe used
The M anufacturer shall be responsible for the rev iew, (f ) source siz e ( F in T- 274.1)
interpretation, ev aluation, and acceptance of the com- (g) base material ty pe and thick ness, weld thick ness,
pleted radiographs to assure compliance with the req uire- weld reinforcement thick ness, as applicable
ments of Article 2 and the referencing C ode S ection. As an (h ) source- to- obj ect distance ( D in T- 274.1)
aid to the rev iew and ev aluation, the radiographic techni- (i ) distance from source side of obj ect to film ( d in
q ue documentation req uired by T- 291 shall be completed T- 274.1)
prior to the ev aluation. The radiograph rev iew form re- (j ) film manufacturer and M anufacturer’s ty pe/
q uired by T- 292 shall be completed during the ev aluation. designation
The radiographic techniq ue details and the radiograph re- (k ) number of film in each film holder/cassette
v iew form documentation shall accompany the radio- (l ) single- or double- wall exposure
graphs. Acceptance shall be completed prior t o (m ) single- or double- wall v iewing
presentation of the radiographs and accompany ing docu-
mentation to the I nspector. T-29 2 RADIOGRAPH REV IEW F ORM
The M anufacturer shall prepare a radiograph rev iew
T-29 0 DOCU MENTATION form. As a minimum, the following information shall be
prov ided.
ð13 Þ T-29 1 RADIOGRAPHIC TECHNIQ U E (a) a listing of each radiograph location
DOCU MENTATION DETAILS (b) the information req uired in T- 291, by inclusion of
The M anufacturer shall prepare and document the the information on the rev iew form or by reference to
radiographic techniq ue details. As a minimum, the follow- an attached radiographic techniq ue details sheet
ing information shall be prov ided. (c) ev aluation and disposition of the material( s) or
(a) the req uirements of Article 1, T- 190 ( a) weld( s) examined
(b) identification as req uired by T- 224 (d) identification ( name) of the M anufacturer’s repre-
(c) the dimensional map ( if used) of mark er placement sentativ e who performed the final acceptance of the
in accordance with T- 275.3 radiographs
(d) number of radiographs ( exposures) (e ) date of M anufacturer’s ev aluation


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