Southwest Asia and North Africa: Key Terms Chapter 7

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Southwest Asia and North Africa

1. brain drain when citizens with an education leave for a

better job in another country
2. cultural hearth lots of cultures in one region
3. domestication were plants and animals are purposely selected
and bred for their desirable characteristics
4. exotic rivers transport water and nutrients from distant, more
humid lands, into drier regions
5. Fertile Crescent ecologically diverse zone that stretches from the
Levant land through northern Syria into Iraq
6. fossil water water supplies stored underground
7. Hajj religious pilgrimage for Islam
8. hydropolitics interplay of water resource issues and politics
9. Islamic advocating a return to more traditional practices
fundamentalism within the Muslim region
10. Islamism a related political movement within Islam
11. kibbutzim collectively worked settlements that produce
grain, vegetable, and orchard crops
12. Levant eastern Mediterranean region
13. Maghreb includes nations of Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia
and is dominated near the Mediterranean
coastline by the Atlas mountains
14. medina walled urban core
15. monotheism a belief in one God
16. Organization of these countries profoundly influence global prices
the Petroleum and production targets for petroleum
Exporting Countries
17. Ottoman Empire included southeastern Europe and most of
southwest Asia and North Africa
18. Palestinian government of Palestine
Authority (PA)
19. pastoral traditional form of subsistence agriculture in
nomadism which practitioners depend on the seasonal
movement of livestock
20. physiological number of people per unit of of arable land
21. protectorates a country that is generally controlled and
defended by a more powerful country (France
established its influence in Tunisia (1881) and
Morocco (1912), ensuing a lasting French
political and cultural presence in the Maghreb)
22. qanat system tapping into groundwater through a series of
gently sloping tunnels
23. Quran a book of revelations received by Muhammad
from Allah
24. Shiites favor passing on power within Muhammad's own
25. Suez Canal links the Mediterranean and Red seas
26. Sunnis advocate passing power down through the
established clergy
27. theocratic state where religious leaders guide policy
28. transhumance the seasonal movement of animals between wet-
season and dry-season pastures

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