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Business Ethic Assignments

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Most of the modern companies mainly endeavor for greater diversity among their

workers. Therefore, they hire workers of distinct races, gender ages, and creeds so as to bring a

more varied experience on their rank. Despite diversity carrying a tangible number if benefits, it

entails challenges as well as an obstacle while overcoming it. Thus, a company which

successfully manage its diverse workplace is said to have a solid advantage compared to other

companies that do not embrace diversity readily.

Diversity in the workplace is said to be more complex when compared to applying good

as well as bad labels. Thus it has both negative and positive effects (Barak, 2016). One of the

potential benefits of diversity is that it increases creativity but its challenge is, it increases

conflict and as a result, it broke down communication in an organization. In addition, cultural

diversity is said to affect the workplace in various ways. Some of the negative effects of it

include miscommunication, dysfunctional adaptation as well as the creation of barriers. Some of

the other types of diversity which show up in the passage of time include religion, as well as


Organization of all the size mainly engage in the corporate social responsibility not only

for improving company image but also to furthers diversity as well as inclusion strategy which

make diversity part of corporate social responsibility (Rao & Tilt, 2016) Thus, corporate social

responsibility can, therefore, be described as an investment of an organization in improving the

environment, community as well as people. Thus, organization or companies are mainly doing

social responsibility right, and hence they are serving the underserved communities with an aim

to uplift it. Thus, focusing on the achievement of the collaboration of diversity as well as

corporate social responsibility is essential to the success of every organization and it should not

be a missed opportunity in the modern’s business strategies.



Barak, M. E. M. (2016). Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage


Rao, K., & Tilt, C. (2016). Board composition and corporate social responsibility: The role of

diversity, gender, strategy and decision making. Journal of Business Ethics, 138(2), 327-


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