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Gillian Myers

Cobb Student Leadership Academy

March 28th, 2020

Cobb Student Leadership Academy

I was one of the students nominated to be in the first Cobb Student Leadership Academy

summits. This was a 2-day event that allowed me to collaborate among other schools to figure

out how to benefit our community through clubs and other activities. The first day went a little

slow because it was an introductory day, and a lot of guest speakers were featured to give advice

about how to start different things in our community. The other schools and Harrison

collaborated to play games that required multiple leaders with ideas and constructive criticism

from other members. The seconds day was more collaborative, schools were able to actually

present their ideas from the 1 st day to a board of members who were principals up to company

developers. This experience was one of the best leadership academies I have ever been to, and I

hope I can go again senior year.

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