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Strongly Duo Modules and Rings

a a a
H. Khabazian , S. Safaeeyan & M. R. Vedadi
Department of Mathematical Sciences , Isfahan University of Technology , Isfahan, Iran
Published online: 18 Aug 2010.

To cite this article: H. Khabazian , S. Safaeeyan & M. R. Vedadi (2010) Strongly Duo Modules and Rings, Communications in
Algebra, 38:8, 2832-2842, DOI: 10.1080/00927870903085245

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Communications in Algebra® , 38: 2832–2842, 2010
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0092-7872 print/1532-4125 online
DOI: 10.1080/00927870903085245


H. Khabazian, S. Safaeeyan, and M. R. Vedadi

Department of Mathematical Sciences, Isfahan University of Technology,
Isfahan, Iran

An R-module M is called strongly duo if TrN M = N for every N ≤ MR . Several

equivalent conditions to being strongly duo are given. If MR is strongly duo and
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reduced, then EndR M is a strongly regular ring and the converse is true when R is
a Dedekind domain and MR is torsion. Over certain rings, nonsingular strongly duo
modules are precisely regular duo modules. If R is a Dedekind domain, then MR is
strongly duo if and only if either M  R or MR is torsion and duo. Over a commutative
ring, strongly duo modules are precisely pq-injective duo modules and every projective
strongly duo module is a multiplication module. A ring R is called right strongly duo
if RR is strongly duo. Strongly regular rings are precisely reduced (right) strongly duo
rings. A ring R is Noetherian and all of its factor rings are right strongly duo if and
only if R is a serial Artinian right duo ring.

Key Words: Duo modules; Strongly duo modules; Strongly regular ring.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 16D99; 16E50.

A ring R is said to be right duo if right ideals of R are two-sided. It is easy
to check that R is a right duo ring if and only if RejR R/I = I for every right
ideal I of R. In this article, we study the dual of this concept, that is TrI R = I
for all I ≤ RR . Generalizing to modules, we call an R-module M strongly duo if
TrN M = N for all N ≤ MR . Clearly, every strongly duo module MR is a duo
module (i.e. all submodules of MR are fully invariant). Over a fully idempotent ring,
every multiplication module is a strongly duo module. MR is called a multiplication
module if every submodule of MR has the form MI for some I ≤ RR . Duo modules
and multiplication modules have been investigated by several authors some of their
recent works (but not all) are cited in the references. In [7, Theorem 2], it is shown
that if MR has the property that direct summands in MR are fully invariant (i.e., MR
is weak duo in the sense of [8]), then MR has finite exchange property if and only
if it has full exchange property. In [8], it is shown that over Dedekind domains,
weak duo torsion modules are duo. In Section 2, we study properties of strongly
duo modules. Equivalent conditions to being strongly duo are found in Theorem 2.1

Received January 21, 2009; Revised May 13, 2009. Communicated by T. Albu.
Address correspondence to Dr. H. Khabazian, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Isfahan
University of Technology, Isfahan, 84156-83111, Iran; E-mail:


and show that uniserial modules with dcc on cyclic submodules are strongly duo
(Proposition 2.5). In Section 3, we study strongly duo modules over commutative
rings and investigate when a duo module is a strongly duo module or a strongly duo
module is a multiplication module. Among other things, it is shown that projective
strongly duo modules are multiplication modules and if R is a Dedekind domain
which is not a field then MR is strongly duo if and only if it is torsion and duo
(Theorems 3.5 and 3.7). Section 4 is devoted to right strongly duo rings R (i.e.,
RR is strongly duo). It is shown that reduced (semiprime) right strongly duo rings
are precisely strongly regular rings (Theorem 4.3). Right Noetherian right strongly
duo rings are right Artinian (Proposition 4.6) and serial Artinian right duo rings
are precisely Noetherian rings all of whose factor rings are right strongly duo
(Theorem 4.7). Finally, we study the endomorphism ring of a strongly duo module,
and show that reduced strongly duo modules have strongly regular endomorphism
rings (Theorem 5.5). Any unexplained terminology, and all the basic results on rings
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and modules that are used in the sequel can be found in [4, 11].


Let M be an R-module and N K ≤ MR . Then N and K is called mutually
orthogonal if HomR N K = HomR K N = 0.

Theorem 2.1. The following statements are equivalent for MR :

(i)MR is strongly duo;
(ii)If L K ≤ M and L is a homomorphic image of K, then L ⊆ K;
(iii)If annR m ⊆ annR m  for some m m ∈ M, then m ∈ mR;
(iv) For every essential submodule N ≤ M, TrN M = N and every two submodules
of MR with zero intersection are mutually orthogonal;
(v) Every 2-generated submodule of M is a strongly duo R-module.

Proof. (i) ⇒ (ii). If L K ≤ M and f  K → L is a surjective homomorphism, then

L = Imf ⊆ TrK M = K.
(ii) ⇒ (iii). If annR m ⊆ annR m  for some m m ∈ M, then m R is a
homomorphic image of mR and so m ∈ mR by (ii).
(iii) ⇒ (iv). Let N K ≤ M, f  N → K and n ∈ N . Since annR n ⊆
annR fn, the condition (iii) implies that fn ∈ N ∩ K. It follows that TrN M =
N , for every essential submodule N ≤ M and every two submodule with zero
intersection are mutually orthogonal.
(iv) ⇒ (v). Let W be a 2-generated submodule of M, N ≤ W and f  N → W .
Let K be a complement of N in M. Thus f can be extended to f̄  N ⊕ K → M and
hence by hypothesis, fN ⊆ N ⊕ K. Now f ∈ HomR N K where   N ⊕ K →
K is the canonical projection. Since N ∩ K = 0, HomR N K = 0 by (iv). Thus we
can conclude that fN ⊆ N , proving that W is a strongly duo module.
(v) ⇒ (i). Suppose that N ≤ M, f  N → M and n ∈ N . Let W = nR + fnR
and g = f nR , then fn = gn ∈ TrnR W. Now since W is a strongly duo
module, we have TrnR W = nR and so fn ∈ nR. The prove is competed.

Several characterizations of modules in which every submodule has a unique

closure with respect to a hereditary torsion theory, have been obtained in [2]. In the
next result we collect more properties of strongly duo modules and show that, in a
strongly duo module, every submodule has a unique complement.

Lemma 2.2. Let MR be a module in which every two submodules with zero
intersection are mutually orthogonal. Then every submodule of M has a unique

Proof. Suppose that K is a nonzero submodule of MR . Let CK = m ∈ M ∀0 =

k ∈ K ∀a ∈ R ∃r ∈ R such that kr = 0 & mar = 0. We claim that CK is a
submodule of M. Let m1  m2 ∈ CK and 0 = k ∈ K a ∈ R. Then there is r1 ∈ R
such that kr1 = 0 and m1 ar1 = 0. Also since m2 ∈ CK, for 0 = kr1 ∈ K and ar1 ∈
R, there is r2 ∈ R such that kr1 r2 = 0 and m2 ar1 r2 = 0. Hence, kr1 r2  = 0 and
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m1 + m2 ar1 r2  = 0 which implies that m1 + m2  ∈ CK. It is easy to see that
CKR ⊆ CK, as claimed. Clearly, K ∩ CK = 0. Thus, it is enough to show that
if K ∩ N = 0 for some N ≤ MR , then N ⊆ CK. Let now n ∈ N \CK. Then there
exist 0 = k ∈ K and a ∈ R such that for any r ∈ R, the condition nar = 0 implies
that kr = 0. It follows that HomR naR kR is nonzero, but naR ∩ K = 0. This
contradicts our assumption on M. Therefore, N ⊆ CK, proving that CK is the
unique complement of K.

Corollary 2.3. The following statements hold for a strongly duo module M:

(i) Every submodule of M is a strongly duo module;

(ii) If L K ≤ M and L embeds in K, then L ⊆ K;
(iii) Every submodule of M has a unique complement.

Proof. By parts (iii) and (ii) of Theorem 2.1 and Lemma 2.2.
Recall that a module is uniserial if its submodules are linearly ordered.

Proposition 2.5. Every uniserial module with dcc on cyclic submodules is a strongly
duo module.

Proof. Let M be a uniserial R-module with dcc on cyclic submodules and m n ∈ M

with annR m ⊆ annR n. If nR ⊆ mR, then because M is uniserial, mR ⊆ nR and
so m = nr for some r ∈ R. By the hypothesis, there exists k ∈  such that nr k R =
nr k+1 R. It follows that mr k−1 − r k s = 0 for some s ∈ R. Thus nr k−1 − r k s = 0
by our assumption. Again we have nrr k−2 − r k−1 s = 0 and so nr k−2 − r k−1 s = 0.
Repeat this argument, to obtain n1 − rs = 0. Hence n = nrs ∈ mR, contradiction.
Therefore, nR ⊆ mR and so MR is strongly duo by Theorem 2.1.

Example 2.6.

(i) By Proposition 2.5, p is a strongly duo -module, also  is clearly a duo

-module which is not strongly duo.
(ii) Over a right fully idempotent ring R (i.e., every right ideal of R is idempotent),
every multiplication module is strongly duo. To see this, let M be a

multiplication module, N ≤ M, and f  N → M, then N = MI for some right

ideal I of R and fMI = fMI 2  = fMII ⊆ MI.

Proposition 1.4(i) of [8] can be obtained by the following result.

Proposition 2.7. Every pq-injective duo module is a strongly duo module.

Proof. If N ≤ M and M is pq-injective duo, then for every n ∈ N and every f 

N → M, there exists f̄  M → M such that f̄ nR = fnR. Hence, the duo condition
on M implies that fn = f̄ n ∈ nR ⊆ N , proving that MR is strongly duo.

Proposition 2.8. Let M = i∈I Mi be a direct sum of modules. Then the following
statements are equivalent:
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(i) M is a strongly duo module;

(ii) M is a duo module and each Mi is a stronglyduo module;
(iii) Each Mi is a strongly duo module and N = i∈I N ∩ Mi  for every submodule N
of M.

Proof. In view of Corollary 2.3, we need to show that iii ⇒ i. Suppose that
(iii) and holds f  N → M with N ≤ M. If x ∈ N ∩ Mi , then for any j = i, y =
j fx belongs to Mj where j  M → Mj is the canonical projection. Thus by [8,
Lemma 2.4], R = annR x + annR y. But annR x ⊆ annR y, hence y = 0. It follows
that j fN ∩ Mi  = 0 for all j = i. Hence fN ∩ Mi  ⊆ Mi for all i. Now since each
Mi is a strongly duo module, we have fN ⊆ i fN ∩ Mi  ⊆ i N ∩ Mi  = N .
Thus M is strongly duo.

Corollary 2.9. Let M = i∈I Mi be a direct sum of modules. Then M is a strongly
duo module if and only if Mi ⊕ Mj is a strongly duo module for every distinct i j ∈ I.

Proof. By [8, Corollary 2.11] and Proposition 2.8.


Lemma 3.1. Let R be a prime ring. If RR is strongly duo, then R is a division ring.

Proof. If RR is strongly duo, then R is a right duo ring. Thus R being prime is
a domain. Now let 0 = a ∈ R, then aR  R, and so we have aR = TraR R = R,
proving that R is division ring.

Corollary 3.2. Suppose that R is a domain which is not a division ring. Then every
strongly duo R-module is singular.

Proof. Let M be a strongly duo R-module. If MR is not singular then there exists
m ∈ M such that annR m ∩ I = 0 for some nonzero right ideal I of R. It follows
I  mI and hence R embeds in MR . Thus RR is strongly duo by Corollary 2.3(i).
Now by Lemma 3.1, R must be a division ring which is not.

Proposition 3.3. Let M be a module over a commutative ring R such that for every
maximal ideal P of R, MP is a strongly duo RP -module. Then M is a strongly duo
R-module. The converse holds provided that R is a Noetherian ring.

Proof. Let n m ∈ M such that annR m ⊆ annR n, and let A = r ∈ R nr ∈ mR.
Clearly, A is an ideal of R. Suppose that A = R, hence A lies in a maximal ideal
P of R. Let H = RP and r/s ∈ annH m/1, then there is t ∈ R\P such that mrt = 0.
By our assumption, nrt = 0 which implies that r/s ∈ annH n/1. Consequently,
annH m/1 ⊆ annH n/1. Now since MP is strongly duo H-module, we must have
n/1 ∈ m/1H. It follows that there exists t ∈ R\P such that nst = mrt for some
r ∈ R and s ∈ P. Thus, st ∈ A and hence st ∈ P, a contradiction. Therefore, A = R,
proving that MR is strongly duo.
Conversely, let R be Noetherian, P be a maximal ideal of R, H = RP and
annH m/s ⊆ annH n/s  for some m n ∈ M and s s ∈ P. Replacing m/s, n/s with
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ms /ss , ns/ss  respectively, we can suppose that s = s . Now let annR m =
t1 R + · · · + tk R. Then mti = 0 implies ti /1 ∈ annH m/s and so nti si = 0 for some
si ∈ P. Setting s0 = s1 s2 sk , we deduce that annR m ⊆ annR ns0 . Now by our
assumption on MR , we have ns0 ∈ mR which implies n/s ∈ m/sH, proving that
MP is a strongly reduced RP -module.
Let R be commutative ring. In [1, Theorem 3.4], it is characterized when a
projective R-module is a multiplication module. Also it is shown that a projective
ideal of R is a multiplication R-module [1, Theorem 3.3]. Using some results of [1],
we also observe that a projective R-module is multiplication if and only if it is a duo
module. We record this as below.

Theorem 3.4. Let R be a commutative ring. Then a projective module is a

multiplication module if and only if it is a duo module.

Proof. One direction is clear. Let MR be projective strongly duo,

M =

m∈M annR M/mR and T = TrM R. Then by [1, Theorem 3.1(1)] M = MT .
Suppose that f  MR → RR and m ∈ M. For every x ∈ M, define gx  R → M by
gx r = xr. Then gx is a homomorphism and so gx fmR ⊆ mR because MR is duo. It
follows that xfm ∈ mR for all x ∈ M, hence Mfm ⊆ mR. Consequently, fm ∈

M for all m ∈ M. It follows that T ⊆
M and so M = MT ⊆ M
M. Therefore,
M = M
M, and hence M is a multiplication module [1, Theorem 3.4(2)].

Theorem 3.5. Let R be a commutative ring. Then the following hold:

(i) An R-module M is strongly duo if and only if it is duo and pq-injective;

(ii) Every projective strongly duo R-module is multiplication.

Proof. (i) The sufficiency by Proposition 2.7. Conversely, let M be a strongly duo
R-module and m ∈ M. By Corollary 2.3, MR is duo. To prove that MR is pq-injective,
let f  mR → M. Then fm ∈ mR and hence fm = mr for some r ∈ R. Now define
f̄  M → M by f̄ x = xr for all x ∈ M. Then f̄ is a homomorphism and f̄ mR = f ,
proving that MR is pq-injective.
(ii) By Theorem 3.4 and Corollary 2.3(iii).

Corollary 3.6. If M is a projective module over a commutative regular ring R, then

the following statements are equivalent:

(i) MR is multiplication;
(ii) MR is strongly duo;
(iii) MR is duo.

Proof. Since R is commutative regular, then it is known that R is a fully

idempotent ring. Hence, the result holds by Example 2.6(ii) and Theorem 3.4.
If R is a field, then clearly MR is strongly duo if and only if M  R. In the
following, we determine strongly duo R-modules when R is a Dedekind domain
which is not a field.

Theorem 3.7. If R is a Dedekind domain and is not a field, then MR is strongly duo
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if and only if MR is torsion and duo.

Proof. The necessity follows from Corollaries 3.2 and 2.3. Conversely,  suppose
that MR is torsion and duo. Since MR is torsion, it is known that M = P TP M,
where the direct sum runs over all maximal ideals P of R and TP M = m ∈
M mP n = 0 for some n ≥ 1. Thus, in view of Proposition 2.8(ii), it is enough to
show that each TP M is a strongly duo R-module. Let P be a maximal ideal of
R, 0 = L = TP M and bH be the unique maximal ideal of the discrete valuation
domain H = RP . We use Proposition 3.3 to show that LR is strongly duo. Thus we
shall show that LB is a strongly RB for every maximal ideal B of R. Note that L is
an H-module (in fact if m ∈ L and ms = 0 for some s ∈ P, then mP n = 0 for some
n ≥ 1 and since P is maximal, we can conclude that m = mp for some p ∈ P. It
follows that m = mpn = 0). Consequently, L  LP and LB = 0 for every maximal
ideal B of R with B = P. Thus, we need to show that LH is strongly duo. By [8,
Theorem 3.10(iv)], LR and hence LH is uniform. Clearly, L is a torsion H-module.
Hence by [8, Lemma 3.9], either L  EH/B or L  H/bm H for some m ≥ 1. In
any case, by [11, 55.1(b)] LH is uniserial and also since H is a PID, it is known that
LH is Artinian. Thus L is a strongly duo H-module by Proposition 2.5. The proof
is completed.

Corollary 3.8. If R is a PID which is not field, then finitely generated strongly duo
R-modules are precisely non-faithful cyclic R-modules.

Proof. If M is a nonfaithful cyclic R-module, then clearly it is duo and torsion.

Thus MR is strongly duo by Theorem 3.7. Conversely, let MR be generated strongly
 andn p be a prime element of R. Then the p-component of M is isomorphic to
i R/p for some n1 ≥ · · · ≥ nk ≥ 1. Now by Theorem 2.1(ii), k = 1. It follows that

MR is cyclic. On the other hand, MR is torsion by Corollary 3.2. Hence, MR is not

faithful, as desired.

Following is an immediate consequence of Corollary 3.8.

Corollary 3.9. Finitely generated strongly duo -modules are precisely n n ≥ 1.


A ring R is called right strongly duo if R is a right strongly duo R-module. If I
is a right ideal of a ring R such that I = l annR X for some X ⊆ R, then it is easy to
check that TrI R = I. This fact with [4, Theorem 15.1] show that every right duo
quasi-Frobenius ring is a right strongly duo ring. However, there are Noetherian
right strongly duo rings which are not quasi-Frobenius (Theorem 4.7). Following
[4, p. 70], an R-module M is called divisible if for any m ∈ M and a ∈ R such that
r.annR a ⊆ r.annR m, m ∈ Ma.

Lemma 4.1. If R is a right duo ring and RR is divisible, then R is a right strongly
duo ring. The converse holds provided that R is a left duo ring.

Proof. This is a routine argument.

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Lemma 4.2. Let R be a right strongly duo ring. If I is a right ideal such that IR is
projective, then I = I 2

Proof. By [11, 18.7], TrI R is an idempotent right ideal. Since R is right strongly
duo TrI R = I. Thus I = I 2 .

Recall that a ring R is strongly regular if a ∈ a2 R for all a ∈ R. In the following,

we give a characterization of strongly regular rings, in terms of strongly duo rings.

Theorem 4.3. The following statements are equivalent for a ring R:

(i) R is a strongly regular ring;
(ii) R is a right strongly duo right semihereditary;
(iii) R is a right strongly duo right principally projective ring.
(iv) R is a right strongly duo right nonsingular ring;
(v) R is a right strongly duo reduced ring.

Proof. (i) ⇒ (ii). By [11, 3.11], R is a semihereditary duo ring and [4,
Proposition 3.18], RR is divisible. Thus R is a right strongly duo ring by Lemma 4.2.
ii ⇒ iii This is clear.
iii ⇒ iv By [4, 7.6(8), p. 249].
iv ⇒ v By the fact that right nonsingular right duo rings are reduced; see
also [reduc.mod, Corollary 4.3].
v ⇒ i Let a ∈ R. We will show that r.annR a2  ⊆ r.annR a. Suppose that
a r = 0. Then ara2 = 0 and since R is reduced ara = 0. It follows that ar2 = 0

and hence ar = 0. Now by the strongly duo condition on R, we must have a ∈ a2 R,

proving that R is a strongly regular ring.
We remark that Theorem 4.3 holds if we replace the term “right” with “left.”
Also, in parts (iv) and (v) of Theorem 4.3, the strongly duo condition cannot be
reduced to duo, because the ring  is clearly a duo domain, but it is not a regular
ring. We are now going to investigate the Noetherian right strongly duo ring. A ring

R is called fully right strongly duo if every nonzero factor ring of R is a right strongly
duo ring.

Proposition 4.4. Let T = ni=1 Ri be a direct product of rings. Then T is a (fully)
right strongly duo ring if and only if Ri is a (fully) right strongly duo ring for each
i ∈ 1  n.

Proof. In view of Theorem 2.1(iii), it has a routine proof.

Lemma 4.5. If R is a right strongly duo ring with acc on right annihilator ideals, then
R is a left perfect ring.

Proof. We shall show that R has dcc on principal right ideals. Let a1 R ⊇ a2 R ⊇ · · ·
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be a descending chain of right ideals in R. Then by hypothesis, there exists k ∈ 

such that r.annR ak R = r.annR ak+1 R = · · · . Since R is also a right duo ring, we
have r.annR ak R = r.annR ak  (indeed, if ak r = 0, then since rR is a two-sided ideal,
we must have ak Rr ⊆ ak rR = 0. Now by the strongly duo condition on R and
Theorem 2.1(iii), we obtain ak R = ak+1 R = , as desired.

Proposition 4.6. Every right strongly duo right Noetherian ring is a right Artinian

Proof. By Lemma 4.5, R is a left perfect ring, and so the Jacobson radical J of R
is a right T-nilpotent. By [4, Lemma 11.48], J is a nilpotent ideal. Thus since R is
right Noetherian, it must be a right Artinian ring.
Recall from [11, p. 541] that a ring R is right serial if R is a direct sum of
uniserial right R-modules.

Theorem 4.7. A ring R is right serial, right duo and right Artinian if and only if it is
a right Noetherian right fully strongly duo ring.

Proof. ⇒. Note that if R is a right serial right duo ring, then so is every factor
ring of R. Now the implication holds by Propositions 2.5, 4.4, and the well-known
fact that Artinian rings are Noetherian.
⇐. By Corollary 2.3 and Proposition 4.6, R is a right duo right Artinian
ring. Thus, it remains to show
n that R is right serial. Since R is a right Artinian ring,
it is well known that R = i=1 ei R, where e1   en are orthogonal idempotents in
R such that each ei Rei is a local ring. Since R is also a right  duo, ei Rej ⊆ ei ej R =
0 for any i = j. Thus we can conclude that R  EndRR   i=1 ei Rei is a finite

direct product of local right Artinian right fully strongly duo rings. Now suppose
that S = e1 Re1 , we shall show that SR is uniserial. Let I ≤ SS and T = S/I. Then
T is a local right Artinian right strongly duo ring. Hence, up to isomorphisms,
there is a unique simple T -module and so SocTT  is a minimal right ideal of T
by Theorem 2.1(ii). It follows that SocS/IS is a simple S-module. Therefore, SS is
uniserial by [11, 55.1(e)], and hence SR is uniserial. The proof is completed.

In this section we investigate the endomorphism rings of certain strongly duo
modules and extend Theorem 4.3 to modules. Following [3], a module is called
regular if every finitely generated submodule is a direct summand. In the literature,
there are various generalizations of the regularity of a ring R to a module MR . For
instance, in [12], Zelmanowitz called an R-module M regular if for any m ∈ M, there
exists f ∈ M ∗ such that mfm = m. We call such modules z-regular; see also [6, 9]
for recent works on the subject.

Lemma 5.1. Let M be a nonzero R-module with S = EndR M.

(i) If MR is duo, then for every f ∈ S and m ∈ M, there exits a ∈ R such that fm =
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(ii) If MR is duo and every cyclic submodule of MR is isomorphic to a direct summand

of M, then S is a reduced ring.
(iii) If S is a reduced ring, then the sum of two direct summand of MR is again a direct

Proof. (i) Note that fmR ⊆ mR for all f ∈ S and m ∈ M.

(ii) Since MR is duo, it is easy to verify that if N and K are direct summands
of MR such that N  K, then N = K. Thus by hypothesis, every cyclic submodule
of MR is a direct summand. Now assume that f ∈ S with f 2 = 0 and 0 = fm
for some m ∈ M. Let L = mR, then fL being a cyclic submodule, is a direct
summand of MR . Let fL ⊕ W = M, hence fM ⊆ fW ⊆ W . It follows that
fL = 0, contradiction. Therefore, S is a reduced ring.
(iii) Let N = K + L where K, L be direct summands of MR . We shall show
that N is a direct summand of M. By our assumption, K = eM and L = fM
for some idempotents e f ∈ S. Let g = 1 − ef , then eM + fM = eM + gM
(note that ∀m m ∈ M em + fm  = em + fm  + gm  and em + gm  =
em − fm  + fm ). Now eg = 0 and so ge2 = 0. Since S is reduced, we have
ge = 0. Also g 2 = g1 − ef = gf = g, hence e + g is an idempotent element in S.
The relation em + gm  = e + gem + gm  ∀m m ∈ M shows that eM +
gM = e + gM. The proof is completed.

Proposition 5.2. The following statement are equivalent for MR :

(i) MR is duo and every cyclic submodule of MR is isomorphic to a direct summand;
(ii) MR is regular and EndR M is a reduced ring;
(iii) MR is duo and regular.
Each of the above conditions implies that MR is strongly duo.

Proof. i ⇒ ii. By Lemma 5.1.

ii ⇒ iii Let n ∈ N ≤ MR and f 2 = f ∈ S = EndR M. By hypothesis,
nR = eM for some idempotent e in S. Since S is reduced, e is a central element of
S. Hence, fn ∈ feM = efM ⊆ eM ⊆ N , proving that MR is duo.
iii ⇒ i Clear.

The last statement is obtained by Proposition 2.7

In the following, we extend the equivalence i ⇔ iv of Theorem 4.3, when R
is a right CS ring (i.e., every right ideal of R is essential in a direct summand of RR ).

Proposition 5.3. Let R be a right CS ring. Then an R-module M is strongly duo and
nonsingular if and only if it is z-regular and duo.

Proof. ⇒. We know that MR is duo. By [6, Corollary 6(4)], it is enough to show
that I = annR m is a direct summand of RR for any m ∈ M. By hypothesis, R/I is
a nonsingular right R-module. It follows that I is an essentially closed right ideal of
R, hence it is a direct summand of RR by our assumption on R.
⇐. It is proved by [6, Corollary 6(4)] and Theorem 5.2.
Recall from [5] that an R-module M is reduced if whenever ma2 = 0 for some
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a ∈ R, m ∈ M, then mRa = 0.

Lemma 5.4. Let M be a reduced R-module. Then the following hold:

(i) ∀x y ∈ R m ∈ M, mxy = 0 implies myx = 0;
(ii) ∀a ∈ R m ∈ M, annR ma2  ⊆ annR ma.

Proof. (i) If x y ∈ R m ∈ M and mxy = 0, then mxyx2 = 0 and so by

hypothesis, mRxyx = 0. Hence myx2 = 0 which implies myx = 0.
(ii) Let a ∈ R m ∈ M and ma2 r = 0. Then by (i), mara = 0. Hence
mar2 = 0. This follows by hypothesis that mar = 0.

Theorem 5.5. If MR is strongly duo and reduced, then EndR M is a strongly regular

Proof. Let S = EndR M and f ∈ S and m ∈ M. By Lemma 5.1, fm = ma for
some a ∈ R. By Lemma 5.4(ii) and the strongly duo condition on M, ma = ma2r
for some r ∈ R. Now we have fm = ma = ma2 r = ffmr = f 2 mr. It follows
that m − fmr ∈ ker f . Consequently, M = ker f + Im f . On the other hand, if
y ∈ ker f ∩ Im f , then there exists x ∈ m such that y = fx and fy = 0. Again by
Lemma 5.1, fx = xt for some t ∈ R, and we have 0 = fy = ffx = fxt =
xt2 . Since MR is reduced, xRt = 0 and so y = 0. Therefore, for all f ∈ S, we have
M = ker f ⊕ Im f . It follows that S is a reduced ring and by [6, Corollary 5(6)], a
regular ring. Thus S is a strongly regular ring.

Corollary 5.6. Strongly duo reduced modules have the full exchange property.

Proof. By Theorem 5.5 and [7, Corollary 1].

We now investigate the converse of Theorem 5.5.

Lemma 5.7. Let R be commutative ring and MR be strongly duo with S = EndR M.
Then the following statements are equivalent:
(i) S is a strongly regular ring;

(ii) M is reduced as a left S-module;

(iii) M is reduced as a right R-module.

Proof. i ⇒ ii. By [10, Theorem 2.16].

ii ⇒ iii. Let ma2 = 0 for some m ∈ M and a ∈ R. Define f  M → M by
fx = xa, then f 2 m = 0. Since S M is reduced, we have fSm = 0. Now for any
r ∈ R, the multiplication by r define an endomorphism gr on M. Hence fgr m =
that is mra = 0.
iii ⇒ i By Theorem 5.4.

Theorem 5.8. Suppose that R is a Dedekind domain which is not field and MR is a
nonzero module with S = EndR M. Then the following statements are equivalent:
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(i) MR is strongly duo and reduced;

(ii) MR is torsion and S is a strongly regular ring;
(iii) MR is torsion and S M is reduced.

Proof. i ⇒ ii and ii ⇒ iii by Lemmas 3.2 and 5.7.
iii ⇒ i. By Lemma 5.7, MR is reduced, we shall show that MR is strongly
duo. Since S M is reduced, we can conclude that S is a reduced ring and so
idempotents in S are central. This shows that every direct summand of MR is a
fully invariant submodule. Hence MR is duo by [8, Theorem 3.10]. The proof is now
completed by Theorem 3.7.

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