Triptico Chiloe

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By plane: Every day three air lines National Park Chiloe, Area Chepu The name of the island

e name of the island comes from the

cross the country of north on south, with Located to 38 Km from Ancud and to the word Chilhué, which means place of
flights in the morning and in the south of the river Chepu, he presents gulls. Lived in a beginning
evening, landing in the Airport of The dunes, beaches, jungle and roqueríos, for cuncos, huillichesand chonos, the
Tepual, in the city of Puerto Montt, understanding also the island Metalqui, island was discovered by the Spanish on
distant to to 68 kms. of Chiloé's Island where there is a great lobería. His November 8, 1553, achieving his
From Puerto Montt, every day from them access is restricted by his great independence in 1926. This year
07:00 hours until 20:30, every 45 min., ecological fragilifdad. At 6 hours of creates Chiloé's Province, incorporated
there go out buses that cross Chiloé’s walking it comes near to Conaf's refuge. into the Republic of Chile, Castro's city
island. There it will be able to report on the being designated as the capital.
by ferry: A service of ferryboats for walks to realizing.
vehicles and passengers, they cover the The collection of the revenue fulfils Castro's city is located. At 3 hours of trip
route of the Port of Quellón to Port exclusively in Cucao's sector with a from Port Montt, it constitute at present
Chacabuco, in a trip of twelve hours value of $ 1000 all the year round and an important center of services and an
once a week and, from Quellon to alone where the Adults cancel. excellent point of item to multiple tourist
Chaiten, two times a week in a trip of six activities. We want that you, on having
hours. Doing get in touch with other Since coming. happened for this isolated corner of the
buses, to the different cities and peoples world manage to soak in the magic and
of the Island. by bus : From Santiago every day, from captivation of our people, landscapes
18:30 hrs, two buses go out with seats and traditions. Of hand of the Pincoya
Chiloé's churches pullman and one type bed with I destine and the Trauco (mythological prominent
to the cities of Ancud and Castro, with figures), it invites it to embark in
they are a part of our cultural capital in
connections to other Chiloè's the Caleuche, ship ghost where all the
his tangible and intangible dimension;
communes. The duration of the trip is 18 desires are granted; to enjoy a form of
the capital that is the only and
hours approximately. different tourism in which the natural
unrepeatable and that justified the
space and the warmth is what
appointment of 16 churches as World
exceeds. Chiloé has of everything and
Patrimony of the Humanity for the
Castro puts it to his scope.
Organization of the United Nations for
the Education, the Science and the
Culture (UNESCO).
The Minga

The minga is a tradition chilota of

collaboration between the local
inhabitants, to expire with a goal that an

alone person might not achieve or him
to be very difficult.
They exist mingas with different aims.
For example, a minga of crop, in which
they cooperate all to obtain a rapid crop,
or a minga of movement of house, in
which they they all contribute to move a
housing to a different place.
The person who invites a minga debit, it
yes, to feed and to attend to all those
who take part in her.

The climate in Chiloé is humid and

moderate, being the annual everage
temperature of 10 °C. The rains are
frequent and the rainfalls reach 2,200
mm in Cucao and 3,000 mm in the high
part of Piuchén's mountain chain, which
he( pays to the exhuberancia of the
Gestión en Turismo y Cultura
Carolina Pacheco
Carolina Pacheco Tapia English VI

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