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| In the Name of Allah, the compassionate, the all-merciful |\
|Greeting of Allah be upon Muhammad and the pure members of his House |\
A Shi'ite Encyclopedia
Version 2.0 October 1995
Revised January 2001
All Rights Reserved
Dear fellow Muslim,
Assalam o Alaykum!
We are pleased to release a collection of information which addresses
Shia/Sunni inter-school related issues. This encyclopedia which covers the
most important lines of thought of the Shia, is the contribution of a few
brothers. Most of the articles provided in this encyclopedia are original
contributions, while the rest are excerpts from the Shi'i/Sunni books. The
information presented in this encyclopedia is based on the understanding
and the knowledge of the contributors. The subjects are classified and are
divided into several chapters, so that one can get a overhead view of all
the major issues.
This encyclopedia is Sunni-referenced-oriented. It is assumed that the
reader would like to see all the proofs based on the references from major
Sunni documents. However, in the discussions, both Shia and Sunni
perspectives are presented to maintain a level of fairness and integrity in
reporting the topics.
Enemies of Islam whose goal were/are to split the Muslims have centered
their attack over the Followers of the Members of the House of the Prophet
(PBUH&HF). They distribute anti-Shia booklets all over the globe to
misrepresent the school of Ahlul-Bayt. They hope to create confusions in
the minds of those who are curious to learn. These malicious attacks are
being carried out with political motives aiming to destroy the true spirit
of Islam and to nurture feelings of animosity and disbelief towards the
Shia. They misquote traditions from Shi'ite sources or quote them out of
context to misrepresent the Shi'ite beliefs and to mock the followers of
In facing these attacks, we have two options. One is to disregard what they
do and perhaps simply deny their accusations. The other way would be to
provide a correct representation of our beliefs which have been enshrouded
in false propaganda. The latter is the logical approach in this era of
information and communication.
The rulers of the periods of the Umayad and Abbasid used to consider every
follower of the Ahlul-Bayt extremely dangerous for their throne. They
conspired against the Shi'ites and spread all sorts of rumors about them
and accused them of heresy and disbelief. They encouraged the Muslims to
shed their blood and usurp their rights and wealth. Centuries of oppression
passed wrought with injustice and terrors for the followers of the Ahlul-
It is now expected that in this age of technology and the era of the
information superhighway, the mistakes of the past be corrected. It is now
easy for Muslims to discuss problems and find their solutions. After
centuries of misunderstanding and the distinct lack of communication, the
only way to achieve this goal, is through inter-school dialogue, unbiased
scholarship, and seeking out the truth from the depth of our Islamic
heritage. This is the magnificent path which Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HF)
introduced to humanity centuries ago, as mentioned in Quran:
"(O' Prophet) Say: 'This is my way: I do invite you unto Allah, on
discernment (insight and enlightenment), I and whoever follows me.'"
(Quran 12:108)
As the followers of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HF), it is incumbent upon
us to base the Unity of the Muslims on enlightenment and cognizance. In our
approach toward illumination of the Truth, we do our best to refrain from
any provocation which may cause sedition, discord, and enmity among
Muslims. We strongly believe in the Unity between the People of Islam, and
make all efforts to support this idea. To achieve this we base our
arguments ONLY on the following measures which are fundamental/common
scales for these kind of discussions:
* The Holy Quran,
* Logical reasoning,
* The traditions that have been narrated by BOTH reliable Sunni and Shia
sources. This itself indicates that such traditions are frequent
(Mutawatir) which have been even narrated by the two authorities.
Employing these common tools can make different schools closer to each
other. Since the traditions that we refer to, are narrated by both reliable
Shi'ite and Sunnite sources, they are valid for both schools and can be
presented as proof.
For this version, you may have a personal copy of this encyclopedia, and
also you may provide single copies for your friends. If you wish to mass
distribute this encyclopedia, please first contact the editors with the
address given few lines later in this introduction for permission.
Some of the chapters have been upgraded to version 2.0 while the rest were
upgraded to version 1.5. The main emphasis and major features of version
2.0 include: more accuracy, in-depth documentation, better style of
writing, and integrity, and also incorporates the latest feedback from the
Sunnis about our articles and the answers to them.
The encyclopedia can be obtained/accessed from this url
The articles are being modified and improved. We appreciate your comments,
improvements and corrections. Your feedback makes this work more insightful.
Please do not hesitate to contact us by sending email to:
We hope you find this encyclopedia helpful and constructive, and we thank
God for giving us this opportunity. Blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad and
the Members of his House.
Best wishes,
Ali Abbas
* * * * *
Table of Contents

Chapter 1.a: *** Version 2.0 ***

- Quran and Ahlul-Bayt
- Why School of Ahlul-Bayt?
- Who are Ahlul-Bayt? (Parts I through VIII)
- The Word House (Ahlul-Bayt) in Quran
- Sunni Feedback on the Issues of Infallibility and Ahlul-Bayt
Chapter 1.b: *** Version 2.0 ***
- Who Offended the Blind?
- Infallibility of the Prophets (Parts I through III)
- Leadership and Infallibility (Parts I & II)
- The Twelve Imams (Parts I & II)
- The Holy Quran and the Pure Imams
- The Reward of Loving Ahlul-Bayt
- How to Send Greetings to Prophet Muhammad?
- Is Being a Member of a Party Forbidden in Islam?
- The Term "Shia" in Quran and Hadith
- al-Azhar Verdict on the Shia
Chapter 2: *** Version 2.0 ***
- The Last Luminary
- Sunni Documentation on Imam al-Mahdi (AS)
- Special specifications of Imam al-Mahdi (AS)
- Necessity of the Existence of Imam al-Mahdi (AS)
- More on Imam al-Mahdi (AS)
- The Knowledge of the Unseen & the Knowledge of the Book
- Some Traditions on the Virtues of Imam Ali (AS)
Chapter 3: * Version 1.5 *
- Caliphate of Imam Ali (AS)
- The Major Difference Between the Shia and the Sunni
- Ghadir Khum (Parts I, II, & III)
- Certainly your Master is ...
- Who is the successor of the Prophet (PBUH&HF)?
- The Prophet Announcing His Successor in His First Preach
- How is This Possible?
- The Opinion of Imam Ali (AS) on Caliphate
Chapter 4: * Version 1.5 *
- Respecting the Righteous Companions
- A Shi'ite View of the Companions
- The Tragedy of Thursday
- Conspiracy Against Imam Ali (AS)
- Attacking the House of Fatimah (AS)
- Usurping the Land of Fadak
- Lady Fatimah (AS) protests against Abu Bakr's Actions
- More Facts on Fadak
- A short history of Fadak after the Martyrdom of Fatimah (AS)
Chapter 5.a: * Version 1.5 *
- Muawiyah and Abusing Imam Ali (AS)
- More on Muawiyah
- Development of History and Hadith Collections
- Islam of Abu Talib (Parts I through IV)
- Was Azar the Father of Prophet Abraham?
- Who was Umm Kulthum the wife of Umar?
- On the Companions who Murdered Uthman
- The Innovations of the Early Caliphs
- Are Munafiqeen Counted Among the Sahabah?
- Shia vs. Iran
Chapter 5.b: * Version 1.5 *
- Imam Husain (AS): A brief Description and Analysis
- Some Traditions on Imam al-Husain (AS)
- Reasons Behind the Commemoration of Imam al-Husain (AS)
- Did Imam al-Husain (AS) Know He Would Be killed?
- The Martyred Ones
- Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis (Parts I through IX)
Chapter 6.a: *** Version 2.0 ***
- Temporary Marriage in Islam:
- Part 1: Evidences From Quran and the Sunni Commentaries
- Part 2: Evidences From the Sunni Hadith Collections
- Part 3: Evidences From the Sunni History/Fiqh/Misc. Books
- Part 4: Some Contradicting Reports
- Part 5: Purpose of Marriage; Prohibition of Illegal Sex & Alcohol
- Part 6: Similarities and Differences of Mut'a and Regular Marriage
- Part 7: The Necessities and the Advantages of Mut'a
- Part 8: Some Frequently Asked Questions on Mut'a
- Debate on the Legitimacy of Mut'a:
- Introduction
- The Shia View
- The Sunni View
- Debate on the Quranic Verse of Mut'a
- Debate over the Sermon of Umar
- Debate on the Controversial Reports
- The Opinion of the Four Sunni Schools of Law
- The Opinion of the Shia School of Law and the Shi'ite Traditions
Which Attribute Many Rewards to Mut'a and the Reasons Behind it.
Chapter 6.b: * Version 1.5 *
- al-Taqiyya/Dissimulation (Parts I through III)
- Khums (one fifth)
- Tawassul (Resorting to Intermediary)
- Evidence for Tawassul by a Sunni Writer
- Did Muhammad Receive Revelation by Mistake?!
- Imamat vs. Prophethood (Parts I and II)
- Finality of the Prophethood
Chapter 7: * Version 1.5 *
- The Shia/Sunni Jurisprudence:
- Shia Scholars
- The Rules of Modesty (according to five Schools)
- Fasting (according to five Schools)
- Call for Prayer (Adhan) and Ablution (Wudu)
- Joining Prayers and Other related Issues
- Prayer (according to five Schools)
Chapter 8: * Version 1.5 *
- Shia/Sunni and Quran:
- Belief of Shia in the Completeness of Quran
- Different Arrangements of Quran
- Some Sunni Reports on the Incompleteness of Quran
- The Quran Compiled by Imam Ali (AS)
- Tabarsi and incompleteness of Quran
- The Book of Fatimah (AS)
- Can ANY human do that?
- Early Debates on the Integrity of the Quran (Incomplete)
Chapter 9: * Version 1.5 *
- Outline of Differences
- Traditions which falsely allege physical attributes to Allah
- Abu Huraira vs. Paul
- Similarities of Jews/Christians/Muslims
- Women, Was it their choice?
- Ibn Taymiyah and his Works
- The Wahhabis
Chapter 10: * Version 1.5 *
- Abdullah Ibn Saba (Parts I through V)
- Kaab al-Ahbar (Parts I through III)
Chapter 11: * Version 1.5 *
- Kumail's Invocation and other Supplications
- Free Will and Fatalism
- Divine Justice and the Problem of Evil
- Some traditions from al-Kafi on the place of reason in religion
- Some stories on Imam Ali (AS)
- Islamic Scientists
- List of Islamic Books
* * * * * *
- SWT = "Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala" = Exalted He is (used for Allah)
- PBUH&HF = Peace be upon him and his family (used for Prophet Muhammad)
- AS = "Alayhi al-Salam" = Peace be upon him (used for the prophets and the
- RA = "Radhiyallah Anh/Anha" = may Allah be pleased with him/her
Please note that the addresses of Sahih al-Bukhari which are given in the
form of match the Arabic-English version of Sahih al-Bukhari which is
available in most mosques. The first number before the point indicates the
volume number, and the number after the point indicates the tradition
number (not the page number). For example al-Bukhari Hadith 8.578 indicates
volume 8, tradition #578 for the Arabic-English version.

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