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Grade 11/12

Learning Creative
Area Nonfiction
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter 2nd
The learner understands the mastery of the basic forms,
types, techniques and devices of creative nonfiction
A. Content Standard
enables him/her to effectively critique and write creative
The learner writes a clear and coherent critique and
B. Performance Standards
interesting and engaging creative nonfiction.

C. Learning Write a draft of creative nonfiction piece on the learner’s

Competencies/Objectives( memorable real-life experience.
with code) (HUMSS_CNF11/12-IIg-j-20)

Types of Nonfiction Text

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Teacher’s Guide or Curriculum Guide, page 3
2. Learner’s Materials Not available
3. Textbook pages Not available
4. Additional Materials Not available
from LR Portal
B. Other Learning

IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Class, do you know what Yes, ma’am.

A. Reviewing previous
autobiography, newspaper They are written by
lesson or presenting new
story, journal story are? some writers based
You are right! from real events.
In your previous years, do you They are not from
know what they are? someone’s
B. Establishing a purpose
imagination, so they
for the lesson
are examples of
nonfiction story.
C. Presenting Excellent! What do you think About Nonfiction
examples/instances of the would be our topic today?
new lesson
D. Discussing new Today, we will learn on
concepts and practicing Nonfiction Text and Its Types.
new skills #1 Nonfiction text discusses the
real world. Nonfiction, then,
comprises of the written works
based on real events. In this
way, literature that is nonfiction
can help us understand our
world. Most importantly,
nonfiction writing must involve
real people, places, and events.
The stories told in nonfiction
works must be true.
E. Discussing new Nonfiction – writing based on
concepts and practicing real people, places and events
new skills #2
Two broad categories of
1.Informative nonfiction
a. written to provide factual
b. main purpose – to inform
c. includes: science and history
texts, encyclopedias,
pamphlets, brochures,
telephone books, maps, atlases,
and most of the articles in
magazines and newspapers.
2. Literary nonfiction
a. written to be read and
experienced in much the same
way you experience fiction.
b. Different from fiction in that
real people take the place of
fictional characters, and the
settings and plots are not
c. Includes:
autobiography – the true story of
a person’s life, told by that
- almost always told in first-
person point of view
- usually book length because it
covers a long period of the
writer’s life.
- Short autobiographical writings
include: journals, diaries, and
Biographies – the true story of a
person’s life told by someone
- the biographer interviews the
subject if possible and also
researches the subjects life
- contains many of the same
elements as fiction (character,
setting, plot, conflict).
Essays – a short piece of
nonfiction writing that deals with
one subject.
-often found in newspapers and
-The writer might share an
opinion, try to entertain or
persuade the reader, or simply
describe an incident that has
special significance.
-Informal essays, or personal
essays, explain how the author
feels about a subject.
-Formal essays are serious and
F. Developing The teacher will give a short
Mastery(Leads to quiz on the types of nonfiction
Formative Assessment) text and their categories.
G. Finding practical Using the venn diagram, identify
applications of concepts the similarities and differences
and skills in daily living of fiction and nonfiction texts.
H. Making generalizations Based from our topic, what are Informative and
and abstractions about the the 2 types of nonfiction text? Literary Nonfiction.
Write an autobiography of 200
-300 words in a one whole sheet
of paper.
Scoring Rubric:
I. Evaluating learning Creativity/Convention-40
Total Score: 70 points

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have
caught up the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other teachers?

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