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@ 8&9) 3» determine the inverse ztansform (a) (n) is causal, (6) (a) is antcausa. 4 b) Determine stability region for the causal system 1 HO) eT bY computing its poles and restricting them tobe inside the unit crete 4 RGPVONLINE.COM Towa No.of Questions 5] otal No.of Printed wages 4 Rollo. : MEDC - 103. RGPVONLINE.COM M.EJM.Tech,, I Semester Examination, June 2014 DSP Application Time: Three Hours ‘Maximum Marks : 70, Note: 1. Avemptany five questions 22 Allquestons cary equl marks 1 a) Give the frequeney response of the moving average system is _—— Na ea (otherwise -MisnsM, Also deaw its magnitude and phase spectrum. oR ').Findthe frequency response H(o")of linear ime invariant system whose input and output satisfy he difference ‘oquation. 4 ‘Yin V2y [a— 11> xf} +2x[n— 1 +x a-2] 2. a) Consider the system 4 ROC0S|4>1 area) H ‘Sketch the poles and zeros ofthe syste and determine the impulse response ofthe system, MEDC-103 Pro. b) a) » a) » » ‘| RGPVONLINE.COM oR Determine the Z transform for x (n) = cosw, (n) un) and-x(n)= sia w, (0) (-n). 4 Write a note on 4 4) Filtering oflong data sequences, ii), Relationship between DCT and DET OR Compute the 16 point DFT of the sequence ¥ (1) = cos Sin using radix-$ decimation in time algorithm. 4 Write a note on multirate signal processing. 14 oR Write a note on power spectrum estimation with respect to discrete time random signals. 4 Design a diserete time low pass filter using the bilinear transformation ona continuous time ideal low pass filter Assume thatthe continuous time prototype filter has cut off frequency 2,211 (2000) rad’s and the bilinear ‘transformation parameter T = 0.1 ms. What was the cut aft feequeney £2, for the prototype continuous time filter? 4 oR 6 1 1b) Use Kaiser window method to design a diserete time filter ‘with generalized linear phase that meets specication of the form ie [ze] s 001, 0x fof ase ose eon] sus | ostes be ler] s 001 5 06585 |e se i), Determine thesininum length (M+ 1)oftheimpuse response and the value of the Kaiser window parameter B for a filter that meets the preceding specifications ii), What isthe delay of the filter? RGPVONLINE.COM 2) Write a note on finite register length in filter design. 14 oR 1b) Write a note on discrete time random signals, 14 8) Determine the direct form I realization forthe following Ltlsystem. 4 D 2@)+y@-D4y(@-x(n)+3x(0-8) ii) y(n) =x (a) x (n= 1) § 2x (9-2) -3x(n-3) oR b) Determine circular convolution as well es linear convolution forthe sequences x, (0) = (2, 1,2, 1} and x, (2) (1,2,3,4,5} ? 14

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