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About Us

The establishment of Youth Revolution Clan (YRC) was the response of a group of eminent persons from
all parts of the world to the deeply felt need to enhance public awareness of Youth Development issues
and to promote an international climate favoring progress for youth. The work of the organization was
intended to be a part of the continuing search of the world community for a more adequate
international framework to uphold Youth rights and rise to the challenge of colossal problems
arising with increasing frequency in all continents particularly in Pakistani Youth.

Youth Revolution Clan (Y. R.C) is a platform for the youngsters to serve their communities..
The Organization works with objective to serve community in form of capacity building,
generating environment to bring change in attitude & behavior of communities. So the existing
Socio condition paves way to new era. Organizing counseling sessions for adolescents and youth
is a regular feature for all types of institutions. This enables them to take decision as per their
need; which leads to Social-economic uplift.
Y. R.C works for the development of society by offering our services in all possible fields
especially education, health, disaster management, livelihood, child labor, women rights, human
rights, gender & development, community infrastructure, environmental safety and peace.

The need for imparting quality education and providing basic health-care to underprivileged
citizens of Pakistan, living in the rural areas, has always been a challenge for the government.
However, it has remained a distant dream because of resources. The endeavor is to bring quality
education to the doorsteps of these underprivileged rural communities and impart necessary
skills to the semi educated youth, so as to make them useful citizens contributing towards the
socio – economic uplift of the country.
The Youth Revolution clan accepts a Healthy Life Style as a fundamental right for its citizens,
and is committed to provide it to every citizen. This challenge demands efficient use of available
resources. These resources may come from the government, private sector, civil society and
development partners. 
The Organization works with objective to serve community in form of capacity building,
generating environment to bring change in attitude & behavior of local people. So the existing
Socio condition paves way to new era. Organizing counseling sessions for adolescents and youth
is a regular feature for all types of institutions. This enables them to take decision as per their
need; which leads to Social-economic uplift. 
All this can be achieved by making sufficient contributions to the people's well being; which is
not that farfetched an idea. We propose doing so through economic equality and by creating
equitable standard of living for all. 

During its mandate, the organization adopted a series of sectorial reports which were later published in
book form. These reports, based upon extensive action-oriented research, covered a wide range of
youth issues such as famine, desertification, deforestation, street children, indigenous people, refugees,
disappearances, modern wars, etc. (add ur own )They appeared in several major languages of the world.
In addition, a series of television documentaries to accompany the written reports were produced,
mainly for use on national and regional television networks in the developing world.

The primary objectives of the Youth Revolution Clan (YRC) are;

(i) To study specific Youth issues that have been inadequately dealt with to date, or call for
solutions in keeping with new realities;

(ii) To identify opportunities for more effective action by the international community and to make
practical, action-oriented proposals that promote the well-being of youth;

(iii) To enhance public awareness of the conditions that create and perpetuate Youth issues and

(iv) To support efforts at the governmental and non-governmental level in order to help bring about
necessary changes and adjustments in the response mechanisms.
What We Do

The work of YRC has focused mainly on:

(i) Action-oriented research on issues of concern to the world community in the context of an
effective youth;

(ii) Analysis of situations leading, actually or potentially, to large-scale Youth issues for the purpose
of development

(iii) Evaluation of programs of national and international bodies;

(iv) Training and local capacity-building relating to Youth Development, within and outside
government structures;

(v) Strengthening of social policy and social protection.

(vi) Youth Cultural & academic Exchange programs

(vii) Organizing conferences, seminars ,workshops & cultural events.

Since its inception, YRC has maintained offices or implemented projects principally in
Punjab. The organization has carried out local capacity and institution-building in different
parts of the world. It has served as an implementing agency for research and training
projects for youth.

Our Vision

We work for equality, equity, effectiveness and efficiency by supporting sustainable development,
community empowerment and innovative approaches to ensure that the fundamental rights of
youth to health, education, nutrition and social protection are promoted, respected and
Our Areas of Work in Pakistan

We work in close coordination with public and private sector stakeholders in the following areas on
community-based, pro-poor, sustainable programs:

1. Health

a. Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health

b. Family Planning

c. Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights

d. Primary Health Care

e. Immunization & Vaccine Logistics


g. Infectious Diseases

h. Chronic Illnesses

i. Hygiene and Water Sanitation

2. Nutrition

a. Community based Management of Acute Malnutrition

b. Supplementary Feeding

c. Therapeutic Feeding

d. Infant and Young Child Feeding

e. Maternal Nutrition
f. Micronutrient Supplementation (Vitamin D, Iron, Calcium)

g. Positive Deviance-Hearth (PD-H) Practices

3. Research & Advocacy

a. Policy and Practice Reforms

b. Systematic Reviews

c. Trials

4. Social Protection

a. Poverty Alleviation

i. Urban ultra-poverty

ii. Rural ultra-poverty

b. Gender Based Violence

c. Social Exclusion Issues

d. Child Protection

e. Human Rights

f. Micro-financing schemes

g. Micro-insurance schemes

h. Welfare schemes

i. Community-based Savings Groups

j. Youth Empowerment and Employability

5. Education
a. Early Childhood Development

b. Early Childhood Education

c. Teachers Training Program

d. Adult Literacy Program

e. School Development Program (Hard and Soft Components)

f. Community Mobilization on Student Enrolment

g. Study Tours
YR at Glance :

Geographical Presence
YRC is based in Lahore, and operates in Sindh, Balochistan, Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Azad Jammu &
Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan through its affiliate offices.

Policy and Procedures

YRC has functional policies and procedures for recruitment, procurement, logistics, transport, finance
and administration. These policies are strictly followed for optimal utilization of resources and smooth
running of the program activities. Policy and procedures manual is revised annually to bring it in line
with the organization requirements and international standards.

Financial management capacity

YRC employs professionals to ensure transparency and accurate record keeping and abides with the
financial recording and reporting system and requirements of donors/ funding agencies. In general, it
follows the principles and standards of accounting and maintains the accounts on double entry system.
The bank books, ledgers, bank and cash reconciliation reports along with supporting documents are
meticulously maintained.

Risk management and audits

YRC has an internal and external auditing system in place. Internally accounts are monitored by the
senior management. Monthly and quarterly reports are also generated. An annual independent audit of
the accounts is carried out for independent projects according to the rules and regulations of Pakistan in
line with the international recommended standards. The audit firms selected for carrying out external
audits are selected from amongst those listed on the Quality Control Rating (QCR) list of the Institute of
Chartered accountants of Pakistan.

Procurement and supply management

Director Operations is responsible for ensuring the efficiency and transparency of organization’s
Operations for both health and non-health products. YRC ensures regulations and procedures, and that
recommended technical standards are being adhered to. YRC has its procurement guidelines defining
capital assets, different modes of procurement, list of authorized persons, authority matrix for
procurement, procurement mechanisms, procurement controls, composition and responsibilities of the
procurement committee. YRC has pre-qualified reliable manufacturers and suppliers for different items
needed for project implementation.
Human resource development
YRC has a comprehensive training program targeting all levels of the service delivery system (ranging
from, provincial and district levels to community volunteers and school children at the grassroots level)
to improve the capacity to respond to community related issues in health, education, and social

Monitoring, Evaluation Accountability and Learning

YRC realizes the importance of both external and internal monitoring and evaluation throughout a
project’s life. The success of any project depends upon judicious utilization of resources without losing
focus of the planned outputs and impacts. The existence of a robust monitoring, evaluation and learning
system, not reflecting policing but nurturing a participatory environment, ensures projects effectively
and efficiently achieve their milestones. The success and shortfalls of efforts highlighted through an
M&E mechanism are translated into promotion of lessons learned and capacity building respectively by
our specialized human resources.
Our Core team

Rizwan Anwar INNOVATIVE PROFESSIONAL with 5 years of

Chairman progressive management , training and marketing
expertise in diverse arenas with demonstrated initiative,
creativity and success.

EXCELLENT LEADERSHIP, management, oral/written

communication, interpersonal, intuitive, and analysis
skills. Thrive in both independent and collaborative work


start up, market plan execution, new projects, social
services and staff training, supervision and mentoring.

Highly skilled in STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT &

International Relations, coordination, management
reorganization, new project roll out, and targeted


player/builder. At ease in high stress, fast-paced
environments with emerging and multiple

Represented Pakistan Youth, represent Pakistani Youth in

various countries of Europe including 68Th United Nations
General Assembly 2013 New York ,USA and UN Youth
Delegate for year 2013-14.

Maha Jamil Maha Jamil is a student of M.Phil Mass Communication at

Vice Chairperson Kinnaird College for Women she dealt with social problems, such
as inadequate housing, unemployment, or substance abuse. She
is also involved in a Communication process to assist families that
have serious domestic conflicts, sometimes involving child or
spousal abuse.

She has been

Rabia Sana She is a progressive Youth. Represented Youth in all over the
world 10 years of professional experience with leading national
Chief Operating Officer and international organizations in design, development,
implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and quality assurance of
community based programs on Health, Systems Strengthening,
Social Protection, Research, Advocacy, Gender Social Exclusion
and Poverty (GSEP), and Innovative Approaches in Healthcare (i.e.
m-Health and e-Health) and youth development.

Asfand Yaar Naseer

Director Programs

Awais Razaq

Amna Shahid
Deputy Director
Mashal Malhi
Manager-Monitoring, Evaluation
and Learning

Almas Rajila

Sharukh Yunus She is a research and marketing expert with over 2 years of
Associate-Research professional experience with public and private sector
Manager-Human Resources She is a human resources expert with over 6 years of professional
experience with public and private sector organizations. Expertise
in recruitment, development of HR policies, careers planning,
performance evaluation. Exceptional team building and staff
motivation skills. Well conversant with local Labor & Income tax
laws relating to manpower resources.

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