8 Hopes and Ambitions: Chalk Is A Soft Sort of Rock That Is Made Into

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8 Hopes and Ambitions

Page 93 a highly ambitious junior doctor | he has never

been in the least ambitious | he ambitiously
chalk /tʃɔk/ Noun attempted to walk across the continent
chalk is a soft sort of rock that is made into
short sticks that you can write with goal /goʊl/ Noun
your goals are the things you want to achieve
a stick of chalk | teachers used to write on
in your life
boards with chalk | colored chalk
achieve/accomplish a goal
faucet /ˈfɔsɪt/ Noun
a faucet is an object that controls the flow of he has worked hard to achieve his goals | my
water, for example, into a sink or bath. If you goal is to be a senior lecturer by the time I’m 35
drink faucet water, you drink water that has | write out a plan of how you can reach your
come from a faucet and not from a bottle goals | make sure your goals are realistic and
turn a faucet on/off | a hot/cold tap
target /ˈtɑrgɪt/ Noun
Could we have a jug of faucet water please? |
a target is something you are trying to achieve
the bathroom had gold-colored faucets | the
in your life or an objective you have as part of
cold faucet was stuck (the faucet that sends out
your job
cold water) | turn the hot faucet off if the
water gets too hot reach a target | miss a target | set a target

overall /ˈoʊvərˌɔl/ Adjective over 70% of students fail to reach their

overall means including and considering every earnings target | our target is to reduce
aspect of something, not just individual parts inflation to less than 5% | a meeting to set our
of it targets for next year | our initial target was to
raise $3 million | he missed his sales target for
25% of the overall mark is from coursework | March
the overall area of the flat is 60 square metres
| his overall score was 74% | the overall winner expectation /ˌɛkspɛkˈteɪʃən/ Noun
is the rider that finishes first in the final round an expectation is a situation that you think will
or should happen
Adverb: overall
exceed/surpass expectations | fulfill/meet
she finished second overall | overall, it was a
disappointing match
the movie exceeded all our expectations | the
ambition /æmˈbɪʃən/ Noun meal surpassed my expectations (was much
your ambition is your strong wish to become better than I thought it would be) |
successful at what you do, or to achieve a unfortunately, the hotel did not meet our
particular thing expectations | if you keep your expectations
an ambition to do something | realize/fulfill an reasonable, you won’t be disappointed
ambition | have high ambitions Verb: expect
her ambition was to become a doctor | he had I didn’t expect to get such a high grade | she
high ambitions when he started at university | was expecting a new bike for Christmas
she was determined to fulfill her ambition of
playing professional soccer | her ambitions to live up to /lɪv ʌp tu/ Phrasal verb
enter politics | he realized a lifelong ambition if you live up to what people expect you to be
by meeting the queen or do, you succeed in being as good as they
hoped you would be
Adjective: ambitious | Adverb: ambitiously
live up to expectations
highly ambitious
the hotel was called “Sea View” and it certainly
lived up to its name | the movie didn’t live up
to expectations | she certainly lived up to her flexible /ˈflɛksəbəl/ Adjective
reputation something that is flexible can be easily
Pages 94–95 changed. A person who is flexible can make
changes to the way they work or do things very
numerous /ˈnumərəs/ Adjective easily
something that is numerous exists in large
flexible working hours (where you work the
same number of hours each week but different
you can probably think of numerous similar numbers of hours each day) | the
examples | she has written blogs about this on arrangements are quite flexible, so you could
numerous occasions | the crimes he’s come on Friday if you prefer | a flexible
committed are too numerous to list in full | management style that treated everyone as
over the years, he made numerous attempts to individuals
give up smoking
Adverb: flexibly
successful /səkˈsɛsfəl/ Adjective you need to be able to respond flexibly to new
if something or someone is successful, they challenges
manage to do what they were meant to do or
wanted to do recognition /ˌrɛkəgˈnɪʃən/ Noun uncount
if you get recognition for something, people
a successful businesswoman | a successful
see and understand what you have done and
space mission | his attempt to swim across the
show their approval
English Channel was finally successful | the
operation was successful and he was able to she hopes they will now get the recognition
walk again they deserve | the campaign has received
international recognition | after years of effort,
Adverb: successfully | Noun: success | Verb:
he finally got recognition for his achievements
succeed || Opposite – Adjective: unsuccessful |
| it’s a shame she didn’t get that public
Adverb: unsuccessfully
recognition during her lifetime
succeed in doing something
Verb: recognize
a bridge was successfully built in 2007 | this
the award recognized her achievements over
type of advertising can work successfully |
the last ten years
there are several reasons for the team’s success
| the party was a great success | I succeeded in deserve /dɪˈzɜrv/ Verb
getting a job in advertising | if at first you don’t
if you say that someone deserves something,
succeed, try again | the search was
you think it is right for them to get it, either as
unsuccessful | he tried unsuccessfully to give up
a reward for something good that they have
done, or as a punishment for something bad
bound for /baʊnd fɔr/ Phrase that they have done
if you are bound for somewhere, you are on a he doesn’t deserve the extra money | I think
trip going to that place you deserve a vacation after all that studying |
we deserved to win that game | you deserve to
a spacecraft bound for the moon | the bus set
be thrown out of university if you cheat on an
off, bound for the south of France | we got on a
ship bound for Cairo | most of us in my class
were bound for university legal firm /ˈligəl fɜrm/ Noun
policy /ˈpɑləsi/ Noun a legal firm is a company made up of lawyers
who sell their services giving advice about the
a policy is a set of rules that a person or
law and representing people in court
organization decides to follow
she works for a top legal firm in New York | a
my policy is always to tell the truth | it’s
highly successful legal firm | a London-based
company policy to employ equal numbers of
legal firm
men and women | he made it his policy never
to talk about his experiences in the war |
they’ve changed the policy on school uniform
Pages 96–97 chances of a recovery remain bleak | the 1930s
were a bleak time for my family
accountant /əˈkaʊntənt/ Noun
an accountant is someone whose job is to Noun: bleakness
organize the financial records for a company or when the next day came, the bleakness of our
for a person situation became even more apparent
he’s an accountant for a big law firm | I need delight /dɪˈlaɪt/ Noun uncount
to talk to my accountant | my accountant sorts
delight is a feeling of great pleasure and
out all my finances | a qualified accountant
happiness about something
Noun: accountancy
I could see the delight in his face when he
he wants to study accountancy | both my heard the news | she gave a shout of delight |
brothers went into accountancy a feeling of delight and relief came over him

air miles /ˈɑˌɪr maɪlz/ Noun plural Verb: delight | Adjective: delighted | Adjective:
air miles are points that passengers can get delightful
when they pay for flights on some airlines. I’m sure this will surprise and delight you |
These points can then be used instead of everyone was delighted when they heard the
money to pay for another flight news | I’d be delighted to accept your
he had enough air miles to fly to Zagreb | she’s invitation | the house is surrounded by a
been saving air miles for a trip to Bermuda | delightful garden | the view from the window
you get more air miles if you buy a business- was delightful
class ticket majestic /məˈdʒɛstɪk/ Adjective
Pages 98–99 something that is majestic is very large and
alarmed /əˈlɑːrmd/ Adjective
if you are alarmed by something, you suddenly the majestic sight of Mount Snowdon came
become very worried because of it into view | a majestic castle high on the hill | a
row of majestic trees led to the house | the
alarmed by something majestic central building of the university | the
an alarmed neighbor called the police when she mountains behind the village were majestic
heard shouting | she sounded quite alarmed Adverb: majestically | Noun: majesty
when she phoned | I was angry and alarmed |
they were alarmed by what they saw | don’t the castle stands majestically over the village |
worry, there’s nothing to be alarmed about enjoy the majesty of the mountains from on
board a helicopter
Verb: alarm | Adjective: alarming
wide-eyed /ˈwaɪdˌaɪd/ Adjective
his response alarmed me | they succeeded in
alarming everyone with their talk of war | the someone who is wide-eyed is very surprised
rate of global warming is truly alarming and impressed by something
the children sat there wide-eyed and delighted
back-breaking /bæk-ˈbreɪkɪŋ/ Adjective | the whole class was wide-eyed watching the
back-breaking work is very hard, physical work demonstration | the visitors were wide-eyed
it took weeks of back-breaking work to get the with amazement
garden finished | he spent a back-breaking
desperate /ˈdɛspərɪt/ Adjective
afternoon moving tons of earth | it was a
boring and back-breaking job if someone or something is desperate, they are
in a very difficult situation and want or need
bleak /blik/ Adjective something very badly
if the future looks bleak, you think there is not be desperate for something | be desperate to
much hope that things will improve or be good do something
her prospects of finding a job in publishing they’re desperate for more staff | the hungrier
were bleak | the future is looking very bleak for people are, the more desperate they are | we
the company | the economic outlook is bleak | were getting desperate | he’s desperate to get
a job | they’re in desperate need of help | a
desperate effort to reach an agreement | she in an ideal world, there would be no greed or
grew more and more desperate as her money violence | financial crime is motivated by pure
ran out greed | there will always be human greed |
personal greed is just another aspect of human
Adverb: desperately | Noun: desperation
they desperately need food | people are
Noun: greediness | Adjective: greedy | Adverb:
heading for the cities in desperation
timber /ˈtɪmbər/ Noun uncount a novel about greediness and money in the 21st
timber is wood from trees that have been cut century | she’s quite greedy when it comes to
down to be used for things like building chocolate | he was in the kitchen, greedily
houses, making furniture, etc. finishing the last of the stew
a lot of the forest has been cut down for timber crop /krɑp/ Noun
| we use only the best quality timber | a timber
a crop is a plant such as wheat or corn that is
merchant (someone who sells timber as a job) |
grown by farmers in order to sell it
it’s important to choose the right sort of timber
a frost can destroy the crop | they grow a
habitat /ˈhæbɪˌtæt/ Noun variety of crops | a staple crop (that provides
the habitat of living things such as animals or most of someone’s food) | a cash crop (that
plants is the sort of place where they exist in someone grows to sell) | they grew crops in
nature, rather than a place that has been made large open fields | rice is the principal crop
or changed a lot by people cultivated here
natural habitat green /grin/ Adjective
we need to do more to protect their natural you use green to refer to things or places that
habitat | these natural habitats are being are natural and good for the environment, and
destroyed by pollution | it lives in forest not spoiled by things humans have done or
habitats | this is not the preferred habitat for made, such as cars, buildings, etc.
there aren’t enough green spaces in the city |
medicinal /məˈdɪsənəl/ Adjective it’s a really green city, with lots of parks and
something that is medicinal can be used to gardens | the company is trying to be more
green (trying to help the environment) | a
cure or treat illnesses
discussion about green issues | I’m a member
the area is rich in medicinal plants | an herb of the Green Party
with medicinal benefits | olive oil is used for
medicinal purposes | he poured himself a glass Pages 100–101
of whisky saying it was medicinal spicy /ˈspaɪsi/ Adjective
small-scale /smɔlˌskeɪl/ Adjective spicy food has a strong flavor because it is
cooked with special seeds or powders called
something that is small-scale is very limited in
size or extent
it was served with a spicy sauce | it wasn’t
Can small-scale producers like them make a
spicy enough for me | I find Indian food too
profit? | the district has mostly small-scale
industries | a small-scale agricultural operation
Noun: spice
Noun: small scale || Opposite – Adjective:
large-scale | Noun: large scale I love to cook with herbs and spices | the store
on the corner sells excellent spices
he set up as a farmer on a very small scale |
large-scale projects take a long time to set up | nosy /ˈnoʊzi/ Adjective
they started to produce cars on a large scale
someone who is nosy is always trying to find
greed /grid/ Noun uncount out about things that are none of their
greed is the quality of always wanting more of
something than you need, especially food or nosy neighbors | don’t be so nosy. It’s private |
money everyone in their family is really nosy
overheated /ˌəʊvərˈhiːtɪd/ Adjective I want some careers guidance | don’t be afraid
a place that is overheated is too warm because to ask for guidance | he needed a lot of
guidance during his first term at university
the heating system is turned up too high
overheated hotel rooms | make sure the master /ˈmæstər/ Noun
bathroom isn’t overheated | when we went out a master of a particular activity is someone
it was too cold, and when we came back the who can do it very well
room was overheated
a master of something
laundry /ˈlɔndri/ Noun she’s a master of her sport | a master tennis
a laundry is a place that washes clothes, player | she trained under a master instructor |
towels, bed sheets, etc. Laundry is also clothes, a master carpenter
towels, etc. that need washing or have just
Verb: master | Noun: mastery
been washed
don’t expect to master these skills quickly – it
Can you pick up the clothes from the laundry on
takes time | after a year in Germany he felt he
your way home? | we send everything to the
had mastered the language
laundry at the end of the week | I have my
laundry done once a week | the van collects the desire /dɪˈzaɪr/ Verb
laundry every Monday and brings it back on
if you desire something, you want it very much
desire to do something
Verb: launder
if you desire it enough, you will succeed | a talk
freshly laundered shirts | launder your work
aimed at anyone desiring to know more about
clothes separately from your bedding
local history | he desperately desires to be liked
flashing /ˈflæʃɪŋ/ Adjective and admired
flashing pictures, screens, etc. shine very Noun: desire | Adjective: desirable
brightly for a short time, then go dark, then
I had a strong desire to become a teacher | a
shine brightly again and so on
house in a highly desirable area (where lots of
flashing red lights mean you are meant to stop people would like to live)
| there are flashing yellow lights at the street
crossing outside the school | a police car with miserable /ˈmɪzərəbəl/ Adjective
blue flashing lights if someone is miserable, they are very sad

run on /rʌn ɑn/ Phrasal verb I felt a bit miserable when everyone had left |
Why are you always so miserable? | a
if a machine runs on a particular source of
miserable old man | he feels completely
energy, that is the kind of energy it needs to
miserable going to an office every day
operate properly
Noun: misery
the central heating system runs on oil | a car
that runs on gas | the whole village runs on you could see the misery in his face
solar panels
no object /noʊ ˈɑbdʒɪkt/ Phrase
Pages 102–103 if you say that money or expense is no object,
vocational /voʊˈkeɪʃənəl/ Adjective you mean that you are willing to pay as much
vocational means relating to the skills and as is needed for something, even if it is a large
knowledge needed for a particular job or amount of money
profession choose whichever necklace you want – money
is no object | if expense is no object, there are
the college offers a range of vocational training
courses | a national system of vocational plenty of hotels to choose from
qualifications | an emphasis on practical and retch /rɛtʃ/ Verb
vocational skills
if you retch, you cough uncomfortably as if you
guidance /ˈgaɪdəns/ Noun uncount are about to be sick
if someone gives you guidance, they give you the smell made me retch | he retched, then ran
advice about something to open the window | I could hear him
coughing and retching in the bathroom | she contradiction /ˌkɑntrəˈdɪkʃən/ Noun
felt her stomach heave and retched again a contradiction is something that is the
vomit /ˈvɑmɪt/ Verb opposite of something else, leading you to
think that they cannot both be true at the
if you vomit, food that you have eaten come
same time
backs from your stomach and out through your
mouth there’s a contradiction in what he says about
money | an apparent contradiction | the article
I thought I was about to vomit and ran to the
was full of contradictions
bathroom | he began vomiting almost as soon
as he got outside | she vomited several times Verb: contradict
during the night
the writer contradicts himself twice in the first
faintest /ˈfeɪntɪst/ Adjective paragraph
you use faintest to emphasize something Page 104
negative. For example, if you say you haven’t
the faintest idea, or haven’t the faintest, you waterproof /ˈwɔtərˌpruf/ Adjective
are emphasizing that you really do not know clothing that is waterproof is specially made to
something. If someone hasn’t the faintest hope stop rain from getting through, so that you will
of succeeding at something, it’s almost stay dry when you are wearing it
impossible that they will succeed
a pair of waterproof pants | Is your jacket
I haven’t the faintest idea where he went | waterproof? | don’t forget to take waterproof
Have you the faintest idea how much that cost clothes if you go to Scotland | I need some
me? | she hasn’t the faintest hope of getting waterproof boots
into university | she hadn’t the faintest doubt
about what he really wanted windproof /ˈwɪndˌpruf/ Adjective
clothing that is windproof is specially made to
inspirational /ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃənəl/ Adjective stop the wind from getting through so that you
someone or something that is inspirational do not get too cold when you are wearing it on
gives you an idea or makes you believe more a windy day
strongly in yourself you need windproof clothing if you’re going up
an inspirational speech | she was an the mountain | my jacket isn’t windproof | a
inspirational teacher | her story was windproof cycling jacket | a strong, windproof
inspirational | she became an inspirational fabric
Page 171
Noun: inspiration | Verb: inspire | Adjective:
inspiring take up /teɪk ʌp/ Phrasal verb
if something takes up a certain amount of
an inspiration to someone space or time or energy, it uses up that amount
Beckham was an inspiration to me when I was of it
a child | I got inspiration from a visit to the footnotes took up as much space as the
Windsor Castle | my English teacher inspired stories | the wardrobe took up half the
me to become a writer | her example inspired bedroom | learning French was taking up all
lots of girls to start playing soccer | the my spare time
president gave an inspiring speech | the movie
was really inspiring

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