Module 4

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Behaviour Support Plan

Student: Johnny Brock

Grade: 3
School: Willow Elementary School
Teacher: Mrs. Bird

Student IEP/ Code Special Conditions Other (diagnosis, medication, assessment, etc.)
- Grade 2- Educational Assessment (KTEA)
8 years-old N/A N/A o Assessment indicated Johnny is working in the average
range in most areas
o Math Concepts and Applications- Below Average
o Oral Expression- Well Above Average

Legend: 0-59 60-69 69-79 80+

Term One
JR SR Level Mark Attitude to Mark Attitude to Mark Attitude to
Box Study Study Study
Accuracy Comprehension
Term Two
JR SR Level Mark Attitude to Mark Attitude to Mark Attitude to
Box Study Study Study
Accuracy Comprehension

Term Three
JR SR Level Mark Attitude to Mark Attitude to Mark Attitude to
Box Study Study Study
Accuracy Comprehension
Strengths (Academic and Behaviour) Challenges (Academic and Behaviour)

Academic  Academic 
- A good student - Often blurt out answers
- Working well above average in Oral Expression (according - Working below average in Math Concepts and
to KTEA assessment) Applications (according to KTEA assessment)
- Has skill set to perform academic tasks - Behaviours impacting Johnny’s ability to complete
Behaviour - Difficulties occur when Johnny is expected to work
- Enjoys art and music within a cooperative structure or independently
- Positive reaction to artistic outlets, i.e. Spring Concert
Behaviour 
- Demonstrating disruptive behaviours in and out of the
classroom- becoming more of a concern
- Aggressive
- Difficulty with peer interactions- resulting in isolation
- Fails to follow direction
- Has become violent towards other students
o Grabbing, hitting, yelling, punching kicking
- Displays attention-seeking behaviours
- Triggers are inconsistent
- Explosive in nature
- Refusal to cooperate when redirected

Strategies Currently Working (Inside The School’s Control) Barriers Outside the School’s Control (at Home)

- Responds well to direct instruction from the teacher - Johnny occasionally throws tantrums when he does not
get his way
- No aggressive behaviour displayed at home
- Family lives on a farm- limits social interactions with
other children
- Johnny’s brother displayed similar challenges
o Placed in program for academic and behavioural
o The boys have skipped school together on
several occasions

Action Plan (Moving forward)

- During math instruction, Johnny will listen to the lesson and then meet Ms. Bird at the large table for tier 2 intervention.
- Prior to math instruction, Ms. Bird will prompt Johnny for the day’s lesson.
- Resource support
- Johnny will be a part of a social/emotional group once a week with the Behaviour Tech.
- When behaviours of frustration arise:
o Energy break for 8 minutes
 Timer provided, teacher will pair Johnny with another student to encourage peer interactions
o Johnny will be encouraged to voice his frustrations to a trusted adult once he has time to calm down
- On Friday’s Johnny will have the choice to attend Ms. Lizard’s (grade 4 teacher) drama class
o Continuous communication between home and school regarding Johnny’s weekly successes
- First, then chart will be implemented for completion of work
o Example: First, Johnny will write two sentences about his weekend, then he can listen to music for 10 minutes.
- Self-monitoring approach implemented for outbursts & distractions
o Provide checklist and/or visuals for expected behaviour
o Provide praise and encouragement
- Expectations and consequences for violent behaviour will be clarified to Johnny
o Ensure parents are aware of consequences
o Consequences should be consistent at home
- Follow-up meeting with parents in a month

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