A2.1 P1 Socializationnn

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English – 2020

A2.1 Unit 1
Critical Thinking

Student’s name: Grade (Group): _________

Situation: Watching negative news on TV is something common in Colombia, due to the

high rate of violence, intolerance and low self-esteem, among others. But which
of these situations are caused by stress?

Activity 1. What are the consequences of stress in Colombia? –

write a short but critical text in which you identify what
are the consequences of stress in your family,
neighborhood, city or country. Include the reasons and

Example: unemployment and its negative results in the

family context.

Activity 2. Create a campaign to help the reader find tips for daily hygiene habits. Show how
important it is to keep clean, and what are its advantages.

*you can design a poster, presentation, comic, drawing . . . (be creative)

This may be useful

Campus Santa Rosa de Osos: Carrera 21 No 34B – 07
Medellín: Calle 52 No. 47 – 42 Edificio Coltejer Piso 5
PBX (057) (4) 605 15 35 - FAX (057) (4) 605 42 20
Antioquia – Colombia
English – 2020
A2.1 Unit 1
Critical Thinking

Social problems are affecting Colombians, which lead to make bad decisions based on stress.

Activity 3. Create a video, comic or infographic (an audio-visual resource) to convince your family
or community to avoid stress by following daily healthy habits: physical, mental,
spiritual. Give some tips.

*Include your voice (pronunciation + intonation)

Example: For a healthy life, follow these instructions:

• Every time you feel something negative is happening at school, contact your teachers
and ask for help. Being calm helps you avoid stress.
• For improving your mental health, read books about personal growth or listen to music,
buy avoid choosing rock, reggaeton or this type of music, since the messages do not
help you think positively.

Drawings by Jose David Carvajal (2018)

Campus Santa Rosa de Osos: Carrera 21 No 34B – 07
Medellín: Calle 52 No. 47 – 42 Edificio Coltejer Piso 5
PBX (057) (4) 605 15 35 - FAX (057) (4) 605 42 20
Antioquia – Colombia

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