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Adieсtives: Comparatives

Сhеck the corrеct onswеr.
Thе nеw restaurant will be
il dift.'еnt from the old restaurant.
t tь" samе as the old restaurant.

сIIЕсI( сoil|PARAтlvЕs
Сirclе T (Тruе)or Coмpдпдтlvв | Tндм
F (Folse).
т F Thе сomparative
adjесtive form Тhе new геstaurantis than thе o |d o ne.
always ends more сomfortablе
in -er. lеss beautiful
т F You сan usе thе
samе сomparative
adjесtive twiсe
in a statement to
| сo"oo*AтlvEl лn, | сo"oo*AтlvЕ
show a сhange in
a situation. bеtter bettеr.

worse worse.
Тhе food is gеtting and
more more dеliсio us.

less Iess interеsting.

DoU BLE сolt,lPARAтlvЕs

тнr |Goмpдпдтlvв l l rнп|сoмoo,o'.u. I
The more сrowded thе rеstaurant,t hе slowеr thе sеrviсе.

Сomplеtеthis sentеnce.
Mo's is bigger and popular Val's.


Adieсtives: ООmрarativrs l 185

й ra gът
ar Еxр*ажe&*Фer
s ffix*в.къ
1. Usе the (omparativе form of adjесtivеsto l Тhe nеW mеnu is biggеr than thе o|d mеnu.
foсus on a differenсеbеtweеn peoplе, plaсеs, r Thе nеw waiteгsare more experienсed than
an d t h i n g s . thе o ld w aitегs.

2. Thеrе is more than one way to form the

comparativе of adiесtives.
Aojсстtvг Сoмpдпдтtvв
a. For onе-sy|lab|e
adjесtivesand two-syl|able bright brighter
adjeсtivesending in .y, usе adjeсtivе + -er. friend|y friendlier

whеn уou add -er, big bigger
prеtty prettiеr

сomparativеfoгms. bad worse

b. For most othеr adjeсtivеsof two or morе сomfoгtab|e morе сomfortable

sy|lables,use moreЛess + adjесtivе. less сomfortablе

use еithеr-er or
C. For some adjeсtives, r Thе lnn is quieter than Joе,s.
morеЛess. r The I nn is mo r e quiet than J o е,s.

3. Use thе сomparativеwith than when you r Тhе apple piе is bеttеr thon the сakе.
mеntionthе thingsyou are сomparing.

Use the сomparativewithout thon when it is r Thе new dеssеrtsarе bettеr.

сlear whiсh things you are сomparing, (Thеnеw dеsserts
orе bеttеrthan the old dеssеrts.)

4. Rеpеatthe samе сomparativeto talk about

сhange-an inсreasеor a deс :
GomParativе . ---J . сomparative l |t,sgettinghardеr and hardеr to find an
+ ono +
adieсtivе ad|eсtive inexpеnsiverеstaurant.

more/less + аnd + more/less + adjeсtivе l |t,sgetting morе and morе diffiсu|t.

(Thе diffiсultyis inсreosing,)

5. Use a doublе сomparativеto show сausе

and effeсt:
LI^- Comparativе L,-^. сomparativе r Тhе shorter thе |inе,thе faster thе seгviсе.
Ene +. + tne +
ao|есtlve adjeсtivе (Whеn thе linе is shortеr,the sеrviсеis fostеr,)

it out!
F'or spelling rulеs for the сomparativе form of adjeсtives' see Appendiх 22 on page 344.
For a list of irregular сomparative adjeсtivеs,see Appеndix 10 on page 339.
For a list of some adjeсtivesthat form the сomparative in two ways, see Appendiх 12 on page 339.
186 I unit 43

тRUE0R FАIiEo Look ot thesе two rеstаurаnt ods. Then rеod the stotemеntsbelow, аnd
dеcidе if thеу аre Truе (T) or Folsе (F),

Itаliаn Restашretnt
Ri'to'аnte ltoliono
Family-srylееatingsinсе 1990 Еstаblishеd iп 1.990
Opеn Tuеsday_Sunday, 12:00-9:00 Rеlахеddiпiпgin а romпnticаtmosphеrе
Едкry-BIко Spвсиr open seven days a week-dinner only
( Г u l l d i n n е rГ o r $ 1 0 . 9 5i f o r d с r е dЬ е Г o г е6 : 0 0 )
No rеsеruаtioпsпесеssаrу *rdlt r"tdt
"ll "r".@
No сrеdit саrds 127З ОrangeStreet 45З-З285
B75 orangе St. oпefree bellеrаgетllith this аd

f l. Luigi's is older than Antonio's.

2. Antonio's is more romantiс than Luigi,s.

3. Luigi's is probably less сrowded.

4. Antonio's seems сheaper than Luigi,s.

5. on Tuеsdays, Luigi,s has shorter business hours.

с0IILPARE o Look ot port of Luigi,s mеnu. Thеn complеtе thе comporisons.

a сOff|PLETE
Usе the comporotive form of thе words in porеnthеsеs.

? Spaфеtti Primavеra (ulith lцhtф sаutёеduеgеtаblеs) ......$6.95

\ sp"ф"tti ArraЬЬiata (taithhоt сhitipeppеrsаnd tomаtoсs).............$7.s5
Fеttuссini Alfrеdo (ulithbuttеrаnd hеаuусrеam) ...........$s.29
Linguinе Aglio е olio (ttlithgаrliс аnd oil).... $5.67
V low fat, low salt \hot and spiсy

l. The spaghetti primavera i, chea?ert'han the spaghetti arrabbiata.

2. The linguine aglio e olio is the fettuссini Alfredo.
3. The spaghetti arrabbiata is and
the linguine aglio e olio.
4. The fettuссini Alfrеdo is the spaghetti primavera.
s. The spaghetti primavera is the fettuссini Alfredo.
Adieсtives: Comparatives l ta7

о Reod thеsесommеntsobout o restouront.Сomplеtе them with the

comporotivе form of thе words in porеnthesesto show сousе ond effесtor o chonge.

l. A: I сan,t beliеve the size of this mеnu. It's going to take me forеvеr to сhoosе.

B: The |onger the men u, the more diffiaub the сhoiсe.

(|ong) (diffiсU|t)
2. A: They say the food herе is getting and

B: And the food it is.

(good) (е-pe,ъi"e)
3. A: The serviсе seems a little slow tonight.

B: Yеs, the restaurant. ' thе serviсe.

(popular) G|oФ
4. A: The сigarette smoke here is getting and
B: the room. mу сough gets.
(smokY) (bad)

5. A: It's pretty loud in here.

the rеstaurant, it is.

(сrowdеd) (noisy)
6. A: Thеy сertainly g,,.e you a lot of food. I сan,t eat anоther bitе.

the portions, it is to finish.

(big) (hаrd)
7. A: Thеir desserts keep getting and
B: And I keep getting and I

EDIT.Reod this restouront review.Find ond correct еight mistokеsin thе use of the
comporotive of odjectivеs,Thе first mistokе is olreodу corrеctеd.

Dining Out tomatо sauсе in town. And lеavе room

By Bкuсв Nвwндкт for dеssеrt. Thеy iust kееp gеtting gоod

Pеtе,sPlaсеhas Iustrеоpеnеd and bеttеr.

undеr nеW managеmеnt.Thе dining room Thе wait staff is friеndly but nоt ablе
lооks biggеr, mоr+ь+ф' and prettiеr as to handlе largе numbеrs of pеoplе-thе

thе old onе. Althoughthе food isn,t bеttеr, сrowdеdthе rеstаurant,

thе slowеrthе sеrviсе.

it is iust as good. Thе mеnu is morе variеd At dinnеrtimethе linеs outsidеthis pоpular

and lеss еxpеnsivеr'Try onе оf thеir pasta еatеryarе gеtting longer and morе long. Try

dishеs. Yоu won,t find a morе frеshеr lunсhtimеfоr a quiеtеrand rеlaxеdеrmеal.

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