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Abdullah Ali BCS_2D ROLL#146

Assignment 2
Q: Identify the traits and explain, how are they present in the brochure in the
light of traits of technical writing and Seven C’s of communication.

Ans: First of all , what are brochures? They are promotional documents often intended to target
prospective audience to commemorate some specified message to them either for
advertisement or awareness basis.

Technical writing:
The profession of technical writing demands simplicity, conciseness and
clarity of a given subject to have a better grasp on a particular topic
Seven C’s of communication:
 Complete
 Concise
 Clear
 Concrete
 Correct
 Courteous
 Considerate
Above are the so called 7 C’s of Communication and in the perspective of these
bullets lets discuss about the Brochure of Novel Corona virus.

The booklet covers all aspects of coronavirus answers all the queries about it
such as,
It answers all the necessary questions and talks about all the precautionary
measures anyone should take. So right from the root that where it stems from to
the end that how to handle any unfortunate situation.
Abdullah Ali BCS_2D ROLL#146

The brochure is impeccable / unblemished of any unnecessary sentence or even
word which prolong or make a document mundane for a reader. It saves time and
expense of both reader and writer . I.e

Using precise sentences and familiar words are the key of Clarity as further
clarity can be further divided into Four main categories.
i. Length
ii. Unity
iii. Coherence
iv. Emphasis
Abdullah Ali BCS_2D ROLL#146


Brochure passes the first test as its sentences are within the given ideal length
which is 17 to 20 words or utmost 30 .


As one can contemplate that every line in the pamphlet is united in such a way
that no argument or idea collides to eachother The very uniformity of each
sentence is maintained in a outstanding way.


As to notice there is one focal point in the whole leaflet which is novel coronavirus
and each idea ,argument and statement is interconnected to one another it’s hard

to distinguish between another idea the whole piece of writing


In the whole document especially in the section where precautionary measures

and the section in which apt behavior of an infected person is illustrated most
emphasis is concentrated there for the readers using words like “must , should ,
immediately ”
Abdullah Ali BCS_2D ROLL#146


This “C” is an integral part of 7 C’s it enable the document to use the
most authentic source available out there plus to use the level of
language as according to the audience so that no one have any
skeptical approach towards the piece of writing.

Facts and figures should be gathered from a reliable source each time
when graphs, relations or facts are being
jocked down as to observe in a brochure it
is evident that concreteness has been
prioritized by the writer .

As to mention there is also source given

for every infer that’s a good sign of a
document being authentic.

As to cross check all the given information in
the pamphlet comply with the international findings plus the level of language
and vivid nature communicate with the readers in the best possible of way which
is to aware public of hazards , precautions and solution of a deadly disease
On the other hand all the sources are accurate with their specified facts and
figures they stand with other international news agencies and laboratories
Abdullah Ali BCS_2D ROLL#146


In this brochure courtesy is well exhibited in a beautiful manner I think the

whole leaflet is a manifestation of courtesy and overwhelming concern of other
kins so that they can be saved from deadly disease any sign of discrimination is
not in the catalogue instead tactfulness and thoughtful writing is well in use in
entire booklet.

Abdullah Ali BCS_2D ROLL#146

In this very booklet the “you” attitude is preferred over “I” attitude that shows
respect ,consideration and well being of reader as in example writer is awaring
reader for the unfortunate instance by using “YOU” strategy.

Characteristics of Technical Writing:

Technical writing refers to two basic thing,

1. To aware
2. To inform

There are five basic traits inscribe below.

1. Clarity
2. Conciseness
3. Accessible Document Design
4. Audience Recognition
5. Accuracy

Several of above we have discussed prior we would only discussed that are not
previously discussed.

 Accessible Document Design

This attribute in specialized composing alludes to

the Format, utilization of Graphics, Different
Font Formatting choices, White Spaces and
Italics and APA style in your Brochure. So the
given Brochure is additionally in Accessible
Document Design.

 Audience Recognition

It is vital for accomplishing the fundamental

motivation behind handout. The Given leaflet is straight forward right now
(Recognition) since it is expressing the advantage straightforwardly.
Abdullah Ali BCS_2D ROLL#146

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