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Changing Security Dynamics for Pakistan: Challenges to National Security of


National Security- definition and overview

Challenges to Sovereignty

Q. what are the security concerns of Pakistan? Suggest measures by revisiting the foreign policy
of Pakistan?
Ans: Pakistan faces multi-pronged security concerns, but mostly these concerns emanate from India’s
Military might and its nefarious designs. There are many indigenous issues also that have become
security threats for Pakistan. A congruent and a well defined Foreign Policy can do away with almost
more than half of these threats. Lets have a look at salient security concerns of Pakistan and some
foreign policy measures that can help to tackle these issues.
Security Concerns:
1. India’s growing power in terms of economy and military might.
2. Threat to Pakistan’s Sovereignty due to attacks from Afghanistan.
3. India’s Growing Influence in Afghanistan and its perceived anti-Pakistan activities.
4. Indigenous acts of terrorism from Taliban.
5. The insurgency in Baluchistan.
6. The resurgent energy crisis resulting in destabilization of the country.
7. Sectarian issue and weak government.
8. Security of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)
9. Post-World War order in the Arab world; and situation of Middle East
10. terrorism is a threat to the internal security of Pakistan

Suggested Foreign Policy Measures:

The first duty of a government is to maintain law and order in the country.
1. Promote trade and commerce to keep hostilities at bay.
2. Foreign policy should not be India centric.
3. Relaxed Visa Regime.
4. Foreign Policy should be sole prerogative of the parliament.
5. Foreign Policy should depart from that of security state to welfare state.
6. Import of technology to tackle energy crisis.
 Pakistan already has a nuclear umbrella for its security, and by virtue of that the possibility of an all out
war with India is not a reality now. Pakistan’s paranoiac approach towards the threat from the East is a bit
miscalculated, and the situation calls for a review of that approach towards the foreign policy. Wanton
expenditure of resources in that direction will take us no where.
National Integration in Pakistan

There is a crisis of national integration in Pakistan since its birth. It is the

victim of poor national integration. Lack of integration in Pakistan is
fundamental problem and it has been subjected to comment by intellectuals
in the country.

What is National Integration?

National Integration is the feeling of togetherness or oneness towards one’s own country
irrespective of their individual differences with regard to religion, region, race, culture or caste.

Factors Affecting National Integration in Pakistan

1. Caste: Caste system in India has divided people more than anything.This has given rise to
several clashes and fights.

2. Religion: People from different religions live in our country and each one of them is
determined to prove that his religion and language is superior to the other. This is another
cause of disintegration.

3. Economic Disparity: There is huge economic disparity among the citizens of our
country. This is another cause of division among people and a hindrance to national

Promotion of National Integration in Pakistan/Strategies for Enhancing National


1. The relevant departments need to evolve a religious narrative against the sectarian and
extremist interpretations.
2. Religious Harmony Religious scholars should present Islam in true spirit and discourage sectarian
3. Economic development eventually creates all sorts of prosperity for the nation.
4. Media should play more enhanced and effective role in cultural amalgamation.

National integration plays a key role in building a nation. The need for the same is felt but the
attempts to encourage it haven’t been as successful in Pakistan. There is still a lot of disparity and
hatred among people of our country. The government must take some stringent steps to promote
national integration and people must support it to strengthen the nation and give a better future to
the coming generations.

Changing Security Dynamics for Pakistan: Challenges to National Security of


Rapid changes in contemporary international security environment are impacting on Pakistan’s national
security in diverse ways; creating challenges and opportunities.

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