Executive Summary 1

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Executive summary

The following report will include different aspect of Atos, since it is important

regarding the complexity of the industry Atos operates in to fully understand the

company’s different features. Atos is a company with h more than 120 000

employees are working across 72 countries (with many outsourcing, offshoring and

nearshoring) .

Moreover, we will look at the context in which I was working from a three-

dimensional approach (division, geographical Unit, Market approach…) to

measure the extent and the relevance of our analysis.

Since I had the privilege to perform with TTS Iberia financial and managerial team

in my first Internship month, but also with the global Business & Platforms

solutions department during the second, my report will cover two different

problematics (associated to task accomplishments within the company):

- The Activity and Inactivity Rate of the TTS Iberia employees ratios analysis

to align it with the target employees cost presented in the internal cost

reduction program (RACE program)

- The promotion of a new Atos product for their partners worldwide : personal

elevative speeh and updating of the promotional video

This Internship journey has been a wonderful experience both from a professional

and personal perspectives . I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to a

set of people who made me enhance both my knowledge and expertise about the

professional world of Business.

- Mr. Imad Jabbouri: My Internship supervisor at AL AKHAWAYN University

You have been very encouraging and helpful. You made me able to answer

my continuous questions about many different procedures and your

feedback towards my work made my performance more relevant to the


- Mr. Nourdine Bihmane: Head of Global Business & Platforms Solutions. I am

sincerely grateful for this opportunity in a company such prestigious as Atos

is. You made me understand the features of the Information Technology

service world.

- Mr. Yann Serrand : My Internship supervisor at the company . You insisted

in making me work in different departments within the company. I am very

thankful for this particular opportunity because it was very interesting to

figure out and understand the different points of coordination between all t

- he departments.
- Mr. Jesus Fernandez Lozano: The CFO of TTS Iberia ( Technology

Transformation service): I spent the most of my Internship time at your

financial department of TTS. You helped me managing the software

financial reporting tools as SAP (Software & Applications Program) .

- Mr. Sigfrid Escobar Thrilla : The CEO of TTS Iberia Operations. I would like to

thank you for receiving me one entire week at your offices in Barcelona.

You helped me developing my business problematic and making it

beneficiate to the company.

Table of contents

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