Competitors Context

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Competitors context:

The agro-business industry in promising sector in Morocco, so the Elite harvest has two direct

competitors which are Arbor group, and Exting. Arbor operates in 6 regions in Morocco and has

three farms for the production of fruits; the company in considered one of the leaders in this

field. Arbor has 350 hectares that make it produce 12000 tons annually. Besides, Exiting is our

second competitor which operates in 2 regions in Morocco; the company has 570 hectares that

make it produce 35000 tons annually.

Arbor group is committed to sustainable development through the integration of economic,

environmental, and social aspects. The reasonable farming techniques, the integration of pest

control action to reduce the phytosanitary products, and the installation of equipment to

rationalize and reduce water consumption are the illustration of those commitments. Exiting

reputation is built on a relationship of trust with the customer and a reinforcement of the quality

of the products.

Competitors Strengths and weaknesses:

Exting strengths are mainly within their production, the company produce an amount 35000 tons

annually in a 570 hectares, which means that they generate 15.35tons per hectare in one season

in the realistic view. Which is similar production compared to Elite Harvest which each crop “1

hectare” produce 19.5 tons per season.

Exting weakness would be in the waste management, since their production is higher, this would

mean that the company will have an important amount of waste. Since the company has no

strategy to deal with its waste, it will not have any possibility to make profit from it.
Exting, has 570 hectares to make it produce 35000 tons of crops annually. Based on our

estimation since the company has approximately similar number of production per hectares as

our company so they will probably have similar waste percentage.

So for Exting the realistic view the percentage of waste is 5%. The total waste of Exting is

35000x 0.05= 1925 tons of waste.

Since Exting has an important amount of waist. they will not get an opportunity to transform it

into profit since it has no strategy to deal and manage this quantity of waist. Our company will

have advantage by implementing and adopting a B2B market that enhance its revenues by

generating profits from the waist management.

Arbor strength is the free trade and exportation of its products to more than 55 countries, so the

company is focusing in delivering high quality product that will meet the sanitary and norms of

each country it trades with. Furthermore, since Arbor is well determined to deliver a high quality

product, it is concerned to make perfect production that has few amount of waste to deliver the

intended production and keep its partnership with these countries to be sustainable.

Arbor has many constraints, but the major one is related to the tariffs or customs duties. This is

one of the weaknesses of the company. Arbor is faced with a fluctuated tariffs imposed by the

Moroccan custom house, which make it struggle to generate the projected income and revenues.

Positioning map:
Change in management approach:

Elite Harvest is the leader in the ago-business especially in the fruit production, the

implementation of a B2B market palace for ugly produce will allows it to make profits and

advance the its competitors. Therefore, we should follow a determined model, so that we could

analyze the outcomes and results in order to make the implementation of the innovation sustain.

Moreover, the model will help us find out the various holes and gapes in the process of change

management which will help us allocate the right budget for each process.

Primarily the country is taking an initiative toward becoming environmentally sustainable, but

the constraint is the huge number of waste produced each year which is 50 million tons, so the

waste management is required to achieve the governmental goals. Moreover, the ugly products

will minimize the costs for the agro-food industry which will make them buy the raw material

they need with a discounted price. Therefore, our company will seek to implement this strategy

and make tremendous change within its operations in order to satisfy the governmental and

industrial needs.

Secondly, Elite harvest has cash on hand and does not need for any outside fund to implement a

B2B market for the ugly produce. Through our financial analysis we are convinced that our

innovation will generates profit in the short-run, therefore the implementation of such strategy

will enhance the company reputation. Besides, we will be part of a new industry were the firm

could allocate new opportunities to expand its knowledge and expertise.

Elite harvest is the leader in the field of fruit production, and the company driving force is the

enduring and passion of management toward agro industry. Hence, the company could face all

the changes that could occur within its processes to make the application of B2B market for ugly

produce be part of their activities and operations.

The implementation of an innovation such as waste management will make the company follow

the change on regular basis. The collaboration of all department will provide us with exact

statistics, so the board of management could make the adequate decision in order to incorporate

any unexpected change that could happen during operations related to our strategy.

Elite harvest will make the other firms of the same industry find ways to make profit from their

waste. The idea is through the application of our innovation we could be the first company to

allocate new job opportunities in the agro industry, which has a positive impact on the

sustainability of the innovation. Moreover, the government will encourage our incentive and will

encourage the other enterprises the find solutions to deal with their waste and create new

opportunities. This way we will be the example to pursuit for other entities, the first

environmental, and economical friendly company.

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