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Project Management

Projects and Operations

Submitted by: Muhammad Bilal Masoud (01-222182-029)

Submitted to: Sir Khalid Chohan

Projects are temporary and unique initiatives created to achieve a specific objective for an
organization. Time is short, defined and definite. Projects generally tread unknown waters
and thus involve a lot of risks. Projects are objective-focused. If it’s not unique, for instance,
if you are producing the same product in an assembly line, then you are not working on a


 Construction of a bridge

 Metro Bus

 Building a dam

These are all projects because they are unique in nature and have temporary time period.
Operation on the other hand ensure a business or an entity continues to operate
as expected and continue to provide its services without discontinuity or issues.
Time being very long, in fact never ending and continuous. Operations work is
not unique. Operations are created with the intention of being there forever.
Operations deal with things that have been dealt with in the past and thus have
an operational procedure. Thus the amount of risk associated with operations is
relatively less. Operations are metrics-focused, the focus is to meet key-
performance indicator targets.

 Sending password renewal e-mails every 3 months

 Paying bills every month

 Turning On/Off the machines in Factory

These all are operations because these are ongoing routine activities.

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