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A plant pathogen is an organism that causes a disease on a plant.

Although relatives of some plant pathogens are human or animal pathogens, most plant
pathogens only harm plants.
Some plant pathogens can make immune-depressed people sick, however.
These are called “trans-kingdom” pathogens.
Unlike human, plants are rarely cured of disease.
Instead, plant pathologists try to prevent plants from getting sick in the first place, and work to
control the symptoms and spread of diseases.
Organisms that cause plant diseases reduce our ability to produce food, fiber, and biofuels, and harm
the economy.

All plants, from citrus and grains to ornamental shrubs and forest trees, are susceptible to plant

Plant diseases cause many billions of dollars worth of direct and indirect losses every year, threaten food
security and have the potential to hamper tourism.

Responding to emerging plant pathogens requires preparation and planned scientific-based procedures
to lessen the impact on farmers, their communities and the economy.

Huanglongbing , more commonly known as citrus greening, is a disease that was identified in Asia
during the early 20th century.

It was not detected in the United States until August 2005, however, in Miami-Dade County.

This disease has seriously impacted citrus production all over the globe.

Citrus greening is a major threat to the U.S citrus industry.

UF researchers are studying many potential novel treatments and control measures for this disease.

Tourists, travelers and commercial plant imports from around the world have the potential to
unwittingly carry pathogens to Florida from other states and countries.

Hurricanes can also bring wind-borne pathogens from the Caribbean and Latin America.
A plant disease is defined as “anything that prevents a plant from performing to its maximum potential.”
This definition is broad and includes abiotic and biotic plant diseases.

Abiotic or non-infectious disease:

These diseases are caused by conditions external to the plant, not living agents. They cannot spread
from plant to plant, but are very common and should be considered when assessing the health of any
plant. Examples of abiotic diseases include nutritional deficiencies, soil compaction, salt injury, ice, and
sun scorch.

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